Thursday, 26 October 2017


Hey readers,
My word of the week is:
Because I am trying to adjust to my medication that makes me feel pretty lousy a,s it has a massive side effect of drowsiness. I am working on a system that works best for me and my body. It is still under working progress! I am just glad I have my husband as my registered carer or else I would be royally screwed.
One major additional pressure is that it is half term and there is constant noise, so many things to do and trying to juggle them all is an act in itself. Don't get me wrong I do love having the boys around, it is just they have so much energy that it is exhausting to watch, haha!
Hope you have had a fab week!
Cheers for reading X

Thursday, 19 October 2017


Hey readers,
my word of the week is:

this is because I have changed my medication for anxiety and adjusting to that takes time. I need to accept that miracles don't happen in a day and the side effects will go with time.
Let's not forget that beautiful red sun on Monday, now feels like a distance away, haha!
Also, this week I went to my eldest parent evening, he seems absolutely fine with no concerns. He is the type of child to get on with learning and he especially enjoys findings out the way things work.
He did some yoga this term for three days a week before school started. I think he is a little sad that it has ended but happy knowing that after half term he will be starting Street dance.
Hope your week has been good.

Cheers for reading X

Thursday, 12 October 2017

Hey readers,
My word of the week is:

Because I am drained, I am really tired and my eldest is really testing me. Even my hubby who is rather chilled himself it is slowly getting to him too.
My eldest is getting more violent (hitting, scratching, biting) and having meltdowns episodically after school. I am trying to deal with my own issues relating to my autism, so trying to find that winning combination is bloody hard work.
I get 'advice' but it is exhausted to implement the long list of new things to incorporate. I just get fed up with these professionals dumping this advice on to you. You then got to remember all these new rules. 

Along with having to go for PIP assessment next week, my anxiety is really pushed. I just want that time to not have to think about how I am meant to perform and just be brain dead for a bit.

Cheers for reading X

Monday, 9 October 2017


Hey readers,
Today I just want to talk about the fact that I am against children doing exams in primary school. I don't see the point of it to cause that added stress for children. I think it is unhealthy especially when tests start at the age of 7, I mean come on really we need this.

I think schools focus too much on meeting targets for whose benefit?! Of course, the government to try and see if we get children to a certain level. But this is added pressure and stress for children, they spend enough time at school to then have to go home and do more homework.

Can you actually believe now there are SATS for children aged 7, I mean come on let kids be kids? I am not surprised kids get more anxious when they are being judged on their ability.

 We should let kids play instead of trying to push information down their throat. I believe children learn more through play than sitting there trying to recite facts. Ok, some thrive of this don't get me wrong but as a whole, I think it is wrong to test children at such an early age.

I want my child to have happy memories of going to primary school instead of thinking I didn't do so very well with the tests I have to do.

 reaction disney sad crying upset GIF

There is so much more pressure on teachers with how well they are regarded as a direct outcome of the performance of children doing exams. Teachers are under a lot of stress and I believe that stress not only placed on teachers but also some parents.

Rodrigo Tello animation love art gif GIF

Since my son started school last year there is an assembly each week and each child gets a certificate for attending school, for being the best reader or for this and that. 

I think it is wrong because there are many other reasons why children aren't achieving or they are ill and they can come away feeling rubbish they didn't achieve what the other children did. My son didn't get a reward for sports day and he was really down. Ok, competitive good but I don't believe in social pressure to perform to a certain level.

I have, however, due to my autism felt the pressure to do certain tasks like reading. As there are no clear instructions I tend to try and get my child to read. There are times when he is not in a good place mentally to do this task. This type of pressure isn't good for the parent (me) or the child (my son). It can also cause friction in the relationship at such a young age.

Cheers for reading X

Saturday, 7 October 2017

Day 3 #blogtober17 - car

Hey readers,

Today is day 3 of #blogtober and it is all about the car. Now, what can I tell you about a car, well for some they are the centre of the universe and it is all about looking lovely with shiny wheels. Whereas others it is a mode of transport that gets you from A to B.

 I am luckily in the fact that my other half can drive, though I have attempted many times in the past to learn but due to my social anxiety/autism, I breakdown when it comes to the test sadly or not. I seem to get more and more anxious about driving cars. 

I think because there seem to be more drivers about and some right arseholes who clearly are questionable ability to drive or their whole attitude in thinking they own the road. 

I don't like confrontation and it frightens me because of the past experiences and I get scared as let's face it cars are machines that can kill you.

That being said I would say that it has been really beneficial when I have been in really stressful situations and don't have the skills at the time to get home safely, that my husband can come and rescue me instead of me from having a major meltdown at that moment.

Cars do make life easier when there are children involved as it is calmer. It is less stressful (more so when they are young) to get to places and not have to deal with the filthy looks of others while your child is so tired they want the whole world to know about it.

 Not to mention saving your arms from burning with all the heavy shopping, though now it is much easier to use delivery services.

So, I suppose what I am trying to say is that cars have the good and the bad like anything but in the grand scheme of things it really doesn't matter as long as you are healthy and happy.

Cheers for reading X

Slippy Mess.

Why do I always slip up,
Every step I take,
I gravitate back,
It's hard to get out,
Of this slippery mess,

One day I may overcome.

Thursday, 5 October 2017


Hey readers,

My word of the week is:

because I seem to be trying to remember so many dates/ appointments. Then I have to try to remember all these names that my eldest keeps telling me out. no ever tells you when you are pregnant that you have to have a good memory.
My diary is so valuable to be right night if I didn't have that I would've gone crazy.

If the letters for things aren't enough at school it is the constant party invites, jee weez it is none stop-go.

Why is the week so long by but seem to go really fast, I cannot believe we are in October already. I wish people would stop talking about Christmas, I am pooing myself thinking about how I am going to pay for it. I don't need this stress in October.

Hope you have had a good week!

Cheers for reading X

Sunday, 1 October 2017

Day 1 #Blogtober17 - All about you 

Hey readers,

Today is the 1st October which means Blogtober17. This is the first year where I have decided to participate. 

I am going to follow the #Blogtober17 linky run by hexmumblog. Each day there is a set prompt and today it is all about you. I thought this be good to challenge me and take me out of my comfort zone. 

my name is Sam I am in my 30s and I live in Coventry in the West Midlands. I am married and have two young boys.     

I am Sam autistic and try my best with the difficulties I face with it impacting on parenting. I also have anxiety which impacts me every day.
I write a blog for the past three years and find it really beneficial to get my thoughts and it helps motivate me when I have no energy to do anything. I am not always good at verbal communication so it is my little place to express myself. 

With regards to my blog, I am not sure what box you would fit me in as I get bored and very easily distracted easily, oh look something glitter (jokes). I don't like the idea of saying I am a mummy blogger or lifestyle because I don't see myself like that. I write about whatever floats my boat that day. I would call myself an electric blogger, 😂 

I am a lover of trees and being outdoors. when I am stressed or need time to think I am outside taking photos.

I met my husband on the bus (true story) though didn't get together for a few years as we were friends, life is strange.

I take medication because I have insomnia and I am a little bit addicted to lists/order. 

Cheers for reading X 

Thursday, 28 September 2017


Hey readers,
My word of the week is:

because it is now officially autumn and it really does feel like autumn. We even have rain and not just my order in but pour down rain which adds to the autumn feel.

I've been enjoying burning candles, getting cosy, drinking tea and watching crap on TV which literally is a perfect way to indulge on an Autumn evening.

I've also planned on some autumn activities for the boys because I enjoyed them but not too complicated because no one needs that stress do they!

I've also been loving taking photos of leaves falling, it's just so pretty with all the colours around.

Also, be dusting down my knitwear of course because of the temperature or lowering making it super-duper cosy. I love the fact that the air feels colder now I may be odd but I prefer the cold weather.

Cheers for reading X

Friday, 22 September 2017


Hey readers,

my word of the week is:


because I have had a right stinker of a cold. As I haven't had one for a while it really knocks you off your feet.

  I suppose it was bound to happen when your child returns to school and all them germs everywhere. It has been so hard to have the energy to do anything other than collapse on the sofa, which is extremely hard when you have two little children that have a lot of energy.

Still, you have to get up don't you because no one cares on you know if you have a cold and you feel rubbish. Early mornings are a killer! But at least it's Friday now and the weekend is here, so I can relax a little bit in between doing the washing and homework.

I've also lost my mojo for writing in my blog which happens now and again. Maybe because I've got no energy and you got to force yourself to do it just to keep it going otherwise you lose sight of wanting to succeed for yourself.

Cheers for reading X

Sunday, 17 September 2017


Hey readers,

My word of the week is:


this is because this week has been a proper full week and it is all about slipping into that routine.
Since the eldest has returned to year one he now gets homework,  making sure that is completed is a new thing to tick of my to-do- list. it is always a fight to motivate my boy to initially start the work but once he cracks on with it he is excellent at it.

My eldest went to his first Scouts group this week and he came home super excited. For the first time ever he roasting a marshmallow on fire. It totally blew his mind and he just loves learning through practical stuff rather than sitting down. So, this is right up his street. 

I am hoping this should be really good for him as he is learning loads of different skills rather than going to football.

Cheers for reading X

Friday, 8 September 2017

Blog therapy

Hey readers,

Some days are really crap, you wonder how you are going to get through them especially when it is only 9:30 in the morning.

I am so teary because I have reduced one set of medication. I know it is only a side effect and will be worth the pain in the long run. But right now it is a struggle especially when I am so needed during the summer holiday.

I am not very good when people demand me for long periods of time.  For me being autistic it is mentally draining and a real battle. I need to switch off and sometimes I just need to escape to my bedroom for some peace for five.

I feel a bit suffocated as well as being in a flat and the weather being rubbish. I just haven't got the motivation to anything when I am so tired.

I feel so guilty for feeling tired when I should be on the ball but sometimes I question My ability to parent such as today. I know this is just short-lived and because I am frustrated, that being said I have to battle with these thoughts.

I feel pulled into two ways to right my personal feelings as one side of me thinks I am being silly. The other side feels it is cathartic and may help someone.

It is amazing how powerful words on and just writing down your thoughts can really help even if there is no solution. It is a bit like therapy and that is one of the reasons why I love to blog. 

As in real life, I am rubbish at expressing myself to others. Words seem to get mangled up and I stutter and shut down. Again this is influenced by my autism.

So, that is why I turn to my blog as a place of comfort and release of emotions. I don't feel judged and it is a place where I can freely write without having to worry about all the other social aspects involved when speaking verbally.

Cheers for reading X

Thursday, 7 September 2017


Hey readers,

My word of the week is:


because it's a return of school for my oldest and he is now in year 1. He has been finding going back to school really hard these past couples of days. This is because of the change in teaching as it is more focused on learning overplay.

 He is not very good with change and he needs things explaining to him. So, as you can imagine he's not very happy. He has been complaining that he hates school, thinks it's stupid and wishes he was back in reception again.

I just hope that with the time that he can ease back into it and establish a routine.  I think this will help him feel happier about going to school.
Today my youngest has returned to nursery for one last year and then he will start school in September.

He, on the other hand, is super excited to be returning. I am looking forward to getting a better routine and quiet time. It has been lovely having them but it's nice to have a break from it all.

Cheers for reading X

Monday, 4 September 2017

ROXI Electric Jukebox Review **AD**

Hey readers,

I was lucky enough to be asked to review a ROXI Electric Jukebox. If you haven't heard of this product then think of a music streaming entertainment service enhanced with karaoke, a choice of live worldwide radio stations, a game of name that tunes with many genres to choose from and more.






What's in the box/ how it looks.

The packaging is a smart, well-designed affair with an outer card sleeve protecting 
an inner box that contains the well-protected kit.


Sliding a new box from a thick outer sleeve always makes me tingle with anticipation as there is normally something of good quality waiting to be revealed and the ROXI Electric Jukebox hub with its accompanying remote/microphone certainly looks the part as you pop the lid of the inner box open.


The ROXI Electric Jukebox hub and remote/mic are nestled into their own snug compartments in a strong card tray. Under that is another tray that holds three cables:

* Power Adapter - 240v, 3 pin transformer plug to 5v 5.5mm power jack.

* HDMI cable - 1m long, male both ends for video/audio connection to your TV.

* USB cable - short USB cable to charge the remote/microphone.

ROXI Electric Jukebox comes with a full year premium subscription membership to get you started (then £52 a year which I believe is about half the amount that some others charge).

 A nicely laid out paper guide is included to help get you into the fun as quickly and easily as possible.


The ROXI hub is 27mm high and about 130mm square but rounded more like a lozenge with a matt plastic concave top incorporating a shiny 'eJ' logo and a smart flush-fitted, soft-lit power button. The front face includes 'E L E C T R I C   J U K E B O X' in shiny block letters. 

The base of the Roxi hub is convexed down to a soft silicone ring that means wherever you place it, the ROXI hub shouldn't leave any marks. 

A really neat feature is a 'keyhole' inset into the base to allow you to hang the ROXI hub off a screw on the wall behind your TV. All the sockets are located in the back of the Hub and include:

 Power; HDMI; Ethernet; USB; Audio.
All in all the ROXI hub is very smart and whether you choose Charcoal, Blue or Coral, it will look good anywhere but is well enough designed to hide behind the TV should you wish.

The Remote/Microphone is wireless and created in the same smart style as the ROXI hub with the matt finish and an 'eJ' logo near the base. It is made from a soft feel plastic, is about 175mm long, 30mm square with rounded edges and feels really pleasant to hold and use. 

The top section of the remote/mic is cloth as it is a microphone but is still as smart and good quality as the rest it Down the front of the remote/mic is: 'OK' button, fast forward, pause and 'voice search' button.



Setting up ROXI takes less than two minutes using the supplied power lead to a 240v socket and then the supplied HDMI lead between the jukebox and your tv - easy as pie.

Internet connection is easy enough, you can either:

* Plugin an ethernet cable (not supplied) direct from your router into the jukebox and you have an instant internet connection.

* Switch the jukebox on with just power and TV connected- the jukebox immediately asks for your WIFI password so type it in and off you go.
If like us you use a 'Wireless Station Access List' for extra WIFI security then you will no doubt be looking for the MAC address of the jukebox - I gave up looking and it doesn't show in the list of available addresses on my router. 

 I turned the access list off, connected the jukebox using the WIFI password then refreshed the router page, hey presto, there was the MAC address for me to copy and paste into the Wireless Station Access List; switch the security feature back on the router and then sign the jukebox out and back into the WIFI network again. I can't help but think it would be much easier if the jukebox's MAC address was supplied printed on the machine.


The on-screen menus of the ROXI Electric Jukebox are easy to navigate around and the icons used are easy to understand so you don't get confused like I would normally.

 Whenever a text is needed, an onscreen keyboard pops up just like on a smartphone. To move your on-screen cursor all you have to do is point the remote at the screen and wave it about, pressing 'OK' when your cursor is in the right place. 

It feels a bit strange at first but then you realise it is just like moving a computer mouse about but in the air. To make life quicker and much easier you can use the 'mic' button on your remote and voice recognition does the rest for you with no problems recognising different accents.

I can not seem to get voice search to work in the 'Party: Karaoke' mode though which is a big shame - I shall email the ROXI team and update this when I find out more.


There are tens of millions of tracks at your fingertips for you to listen to and these can be searched individually or you can jump into different genres to inspire your choice.

 There are global radio stations and even a section specifically for children's stories (a perfect way for them to wind down before bed).

A good feature that we like is that once you start a song or playlist, you can still navigate through most of the menus with the music still playing in the background and the information of the current song a the bottom of the screen.

In addition to this, you can select the current song at the bottom of the screen and look at the tracklist or album/single detailed information which then provides a link to find more music from the same artist. As you are doing this there is always the option of a simple click to add a track, album or radio station to your favourite.


The home screen gives you a small settings 'cog' icon for WIFI connection, Family Protection, Visualiser on/off, auto TV wake when ROXI is switched on, and general product information. The main options on the home screen are:


* Sing With The Stars - karaoke to millions of songs with an individual song, artist or album search, classic karaoke suggestions, modern, top artists or browse by genre.

* Name That Tune - One of the worlds top music quizzes with a choice of 16 genres to guess as many songs in 30 seconds or less with the ability to record high scores for the family. The really fun game against the timer and a bit of friendly competition for the family and friends.


* Party Playlists - 10 genres of party mixes to keep you bouncing.




* My Playlists - make your own.

* Tastemakers - playlists by celebrity curators such as Sheryl Crow, Robbie Williams, Alexander Armstrong (Danger Mouse! my children shout when they hear Alexander's voice on the radio). In total, 6 celebrities with 33 playlists between them.

* Moods - many playlists categorised under 13 genres such as Romance, Workout, Zumba, Road Trippin' - plenty of choice to just press play and let the music work its magic.

* Genres - loads of playlists under classic genres such as Rock, Pop, Electronic.

* Featured - unusual Genres that are great to explore: Children's Stories, The Brits, Jacaranda, etc.

My Music: a place to find all your saved:
*Radio Stations.

Search: find the individual song title, album or artist:
* Voice Search
* Test Search
* Recent Searches
* Radio - find you're stored My Favourite radio station or search through Popular Radio, Radio by Genre or individual station search.

* Sound Machine - Relax, Meditate or Sleep - set the timer for auto-off and chill out to relaxing sounds.

* Photo Frame - turn your tv into a living photo album by linking to your Facebook photo albums.


My kids love the karaoke with ROXI Electric Jukebox and find it ace, my eldest is learning to read so the karaoke helps encourage him to learn new words in a fun way. You do not have to fear about young children hearing foul language as there is a 'Family Protect' feature that you can enable prevent the little ones hearing the things you may not want them to.

I find it easy to use and finding music is quick and fun. We can take it in turns with the microphone or share it.
 Independent research found that 66% of parents wish they could spend more family time together**. 

That is why this device is good as it offers an opportunity to share some time together as a family and create happy memories. 

The amount of ready to run playlists are great as it introduces us to new music. I enjoy beating my hubby's high score in 'Name That Tune'.


When it comes time to relax for bed the Sound Machine section under Extras is fantastic and also includes White Noise and the sound of Heart Beats which are great for soothing babies and getting them and the parents off to sleep. 

The company's ethos of, "Music at home should be for sharing not headphone-wearing" is true - we love sharing our old tunes, our parent's old tunes and also exploring new tunes with our children.

ROXI is great but I have a few criticisms:
In the karaoke the 'next lines to sing' are very dark and so hard to see, it would be great if they could be a little brighter or use a light blue and yellow mix so we can be better prepared for when the new line comes up. 

What happened to the little bouncing ball that helps us with the timing?

The microphone can be very echoey  but that might be us getting used to how to hold it correctly.

The volume really needs more control, we have to have the TV turned up loud because the music is so quiet and even with the microphone turned to low our voices through the TV are still deafening. 

I think having 3 volume sliders would improve the sound: one for the music in general; one for the mic and one to control the volume of the music while the mic is being sung into.

As the jukebox is only running on 5 volts and draws no more than 2 amps maximum (according to rating on the transformer plug) I don't understand why it doesn't use a USB power socket.

 As most modern tv's come with USB outlets for such things it would keep things tidier and would give us the opportunity to swap the lead to whatever length we need (the supplied power lead is only 1 metre long)

Overall, ROXI Electric Jukebox is a fantastic piece of kit, simple to set up, lots of choices and a slick design making it appealing to the modern person. 

It is a fantastic tool to add to family or group entertainment and will be great for Christmases or birthdays.

I have also done a video of going through the menus etc so you can get a better idea as exactly how the electric jukebox works

Cheers for reading X

**Research carried out July 2017 by censuswide for electric jukebox sample 2000 UK families with children under 14 years old. 

I was given an electric jukebox in exchange for a review. However, all opinions expressed are my own entirely. 

Thursday, 31 August 2017


Hey readers,

My word of the week is:


because we have been to London the week before for a holiday and I am exhausted. Taking kids there is solid, especially when you the parent has additional needs to add in the mix.

So, because we have been full in the week before I have been rested as I did not sleep very well because of sleeping with kids as you can imagine. there is nothing like getting into your own bed and have a foot or hand shoved in your face,  ðŸ˜‚ 

 I am physically and mentally exhausted and needed to rest my body. Holidays are really testing but there was a lot of fun as well.
It has been a bit of downtime and giving me the chance to catch up on all the watching and YouTube whilst living in a launderette 😉

Cheers for reading X


Tuesday, 29 August 2017

Keep writing.

Hey readers,

People say, 'just keep writing'  is the mantra to live by. I write my blog on all sorts of things that inspire me, from poetry to the food I love. I am not a niche kind of person, I just go with what inspires me within that moment and share it with the world.

There are days when I completely lost my motivation to continue to write or even log into blogger. As a suffer from anxiety and depression the simplest things can feel like climbing a mountain and sadly one of them is writing. 

Even though from a young age have found writing down the better way for me to communicate my emotions, the struggle is there.
But when I write it makes a huge difference to me. The hardest bit is to actually get started, as soon as I crack that then my thoughts just flow and I have so many thoughts believe me and you!

Sometimes, I think my writing is rubbish, though I believe that should not stop me from writing as it has a purpose.  I do believe it is a good mantra to keep writing, no matter what the length, one sentence or pages of words, it keeps your mind light up and can open up new ideas. 

 Not to mention the benefit of keeping constantly writing every day can build up your confidence and improve in the skill of writing. We can't be all-natural, but we can practice. 

Deep down that is ok because even if no one enjoys my content, I still am getting something out of it, no matter if it is big or small it is helping. 

There are many other worse things to do in life then ramble of some words (my interpretation of my work). Of course, I am my hardest critic. However, I am going to remain optimistic because I enjoy it and it helps deal with the shit in my life.

Cheers for reading X

Friday, 18 August 2017


Hey Readers,

my word of the week is:


because for most of the time this week the weather has been lovely so it has given us an opportunity to visit places outside, which is fantastic for me as it's much cheaper to go visit the park. Not to mention the fact that visiting the park is it's a free being and it is pleasant being in the open air.

The boys have a lot of energy in the summer holiday so it's been great to be outside to burn off for the energy playing outside. I also get some quiet time to read my book which isn't often at the moment.

Also went to a field to check out to see if our tents are still usable, which we haven't used for 7 years to see if it's still usable. Good news is that the tent is still usable and can fit us all. 

Therefore meaning we can go on holiday soon and use the tent. The boys are super excited as it is the first first time for my boys camping so that should be a fun experience.

Cheers for reading X

Friday, 11 August 2017

Hey readers,

My word of the week:


This is because about a month ago my son broke his three-wheel scooter and we have been promising to get him a two-wheel scooter because he's a big boy now. 

I was having a gander on Facebook the other night and I came across 2 two-wheeled scooters for a small price so I got them on a spur of the moment type thing.

So,  this week the boys have been enjoying going outside on their scooters. They adjusted really well with their new scooters with the whole balancing thing.

I am impressed with how well my 3-year-old is doing. We thought he would really struggle but he's managed it and absolutely loves it.

Therefore, I have been mainly watching them scooter about around the block and playing chase with one another, simple pleasures.

Cheers for reading X

Friday, 4 August 2017


Hey readers,

My word of the week is:


I always have this problem with feeling guilty attached to staying at home with my boys. There is so much pressure to do something and be on the go that we can almost forget to take things slowly.

It is hard when you really struggle but taking it the slow lane has really helped me to enjoy my time with the boys. Don't get me wrong there are moments when I won't tear my hair out with all the bickering over such insignificant things.

I have enjoyed the most cuddles and just chatting whilst playing hairdressers. The boys have been more relaxed and I think we all have appreciated it.

Of course, we didn't stop everything we fitting in trying out our new dinosaur tray and making some yummy, scrummy getting in my tummy chocolate cake. It was divine.

Cheers for reading X


Thursday, 27 July 2017


Hey readers,

My word of the week is:


Because today is the last day of my eldest being in reception, that is it he has now done a year of school and in September he will be year 1, whaaat!

I also got to experience my son's first sports day in the heat, fun but it was good to see him participate and cheer him on.

It has been a  manic week with everything ending all these 'social situations' that I am pooped and likewise with my son. I am so going to have a chill out weekend as it is much needed - I may even finally get round to watching Sing (you know singing pig, which youngest really desperately wants to see)!

Although, it may hit me then we have six weeks to get through and the panic may get to me a tiny bit.

Though have got some things planned and looking forward to taking a more leisurely pace.

Cheers for reading X

Hey readers,
My word of the week is:


because it is the start of six weeks off. Not sure if I should celebrate not having to do the school run etc or poop my pants at the bickering. All though technically it is five weeks now as one week has been done and dusted.

Well what had happened in that week, boys get quality time together mixed with the bickering.
The boys gave learnt the art of pillow frightening.

The first trip to the A&E hopefully the last, basically youngest fell off the sofa and caught his head on the TV corner. He has a small gash and he has got special glue but hopefully, it will teach them not to mess on the sofas.

All the routine has gone out of the window.
So as you can see a pretty epic week to kick the summer off.

Hope you're enjoying your first week off.

Cheers for reading X


Monday, 24 July 2017

Save some cash this Summer 

Hey Readers,

We are in the midst of sale season so what better time than now to grab a bargain. I have checked some of the hot deals that are currently available online. A brilliant site to check out is Love The Sales is the place to go to find the top bargains online. The site gathers over 600 UK retailers all under one site so it is easy and hassle-free to find a bargain that you want. There are so many items whether it be homeware, accessories or clothes the world is your oyster on this site!
In this post, I have selected five items that tickle my fancy. Check out on these corkers of a bargain down below.

1) How beautiful are these Fred Perry

mint Kingston twill Dusty trainers. They look so comfy and perfect for the autumn school run. I love the colour and something different to add to your wardrobe. Originally the trainers cost £50.00 but now you can grab them for £30.00.

2) The second item is a Vivienne Westwood  hali checked taffeta dress. Was €498.00 now you can get it for €249.00. I love the fit and it looks so floaty as well.

3) Look at this beautiful long, red jumpsuit from Dorothy Perkins.  It is a cracking bargain as you can still wear it during autumn/ winter by layering it up. It costs now £17.99 and the original price was £29.99.

4) Is this classic Fred Perry gingham shirt. I just love gingham and it looks really funky in a shirt. It did cost £59.99,  now cost £41.99.

5) Another top deal from the wonderful Dorothy Perkins is this lovely black cold shoulder top. Great fir casual wear and is very versatile. Was £26.00 now £10.80.

What I love about all these items is they will have plenty of wear and I can wear them throughout the year sbd wear them for a good few years, which makes this frugal person very happy indeed.

There are so many good finds in the sales could not possibly add them all. What kind of things have you found in the sale? Do you love a good sale?

Hope this has inspired you and thank you for reading X

This post was via LoveThe sales.

Thursday, 13 July 2017


Hey readers,

This week my word is:


This is because I am consciously aware of the fact that we are fastly approaching the summer holiday. I am not good at adapting to change due to my autism, so I need to plan a system in place with how I am going to get through it. 

Previous years I tend to get quite obsessed with it but this year I am trying to be general and just have options of things to do when I feel like tearing my hair out.

I have also been to the library and withdrew some books out. I have lost my mojo to read physical books recently so purposely took the time to find some good books to get my teeth stuck into.

My youngest gave me a scare this week, whilst at nursery, he fell on a balancing beam and the beam sprang up into his face. 

So, he has a gorgeous massive brush on his nose, close to his eye socket. Luckily his eyesight is ok and mainly superficial bruising rather than any damage.

Cheers for reading X

Thursday, 6 July 2017


Hey readers,

My word of the week is


Because my home is basically pretty much looks like a drugs den and I would not dare decorate when I have a hubby who's experienced in decorating (not to mention a perfectionist). The downside to this is he is lazy so for months we have walls with blobs of paint to see which we want.

Then suddenly, hubby decides to get his shit together and go ape in the space of three days sanding all the walls and buying paint and painting.

Everything is covered in dust and nothing is rightfully in order, OMG  I  hate it with a passion, why has he always got to be an extremist, grrrrr.
I suppose on a brighter note the walls do not look smother, haha.

Also, had both sets of grandparents different times during the week which instantly means the kids go loopy. But it was nice to have a chance for them and they were so excited telling them about every single thing in detail like we don't need to know about how much poo you have done today, lol!

Cheers for reading X

Boredom in ADHD adults