Hey readers,
I love a no-spend day and I try to fit one or two in twice a week to help save me some money. But if you may not have heard of this concept so let me explain what a no-spend day means down below.
In simple terms, it is a day (24 hours) where literally spend no money whether it be physical in a shop or online to help stop you from buying unnecessary items. It gives you a pause button to stop and reflect on your spending and notice if there are some areas where you think you need to improve on and you can work out ways to make changes.
Having a no-spend day is an excellent way of breaking a cycle of spending if it becomes addictive and it is a way to move forward with positive spending habits.
I have found them really beneficial to do and try to do one or two a week and really helps puts things into perspective. Definitely makes me think twice about what I am spending my money on.
Although it is probably best not to do a no-spend day when bills go out so make sure you time it around a day when no money is going out of the bank so you have a 0 money bank transaction.
Like all good no-spend days the key is planning and making sure that you have food that you need to eat, drinks, and anything that you need shower gel, etc. so you don't get tempted to go to the shop and may give you the urge to break the commitment of a no-spend day.
Why I love a no-spend day.
1. It is simple.
It is a simple rule you don't have to spend any money on that one day, there are other rules and complications that you have to stick to. At first, it is a bit weird to get into it but once you do it just gets easier to do. There is also no tracking involved so I don't have to constantly think about what money I have spent.
2. Get creative.
With a no-spend day, that means you have to use whatever resources you have at home such as rustling a lunch up with the food you have in the fridge or snacks in the cupboard. Or finding entertainment that is free locally to you so you don't have to spend any money. It helps get you more organised and plan your days out with how they are going to be structured, which isn't always a bad thing and can be more productive than days that just go with the flow.
3. Control.
Doing the no spend challenge leaves you feeling more in control of your finances because you are taking positive action with the no spend days. You are watching your habits and working out if there are any flaws in your spending and how can you adapt to make improvements this all gives you the power of control.
4. The buzz.
The buzz of completing a no-spend day is good as it makes you feel like you can work on improving your finances and that you are in control of money. It allows you to reflect on your habits and gives you the time to see what your relationship is like with money.
Have you tried no spend days? Do they work for you? Love to hear your thoughts in the comment section down below.
Cheers for reading X