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5 excellent reasons to start upcycling.

Hey readers, 

The practice of upcycling has gained popularity recently. It's an environmentally friendly way to breathe new life into dated furniture while giving any home a distinctive, personalised touch.

 Upcycling your furniture has various advantages in addition to being a responsible choice for the environment. 

Upcycling may be a terrific way to update your home, whether it's by saving money on pricey furniture or by developing a distinctive design. Let's look at some of the benefits of upcycling below.

5 excellent reasons to start upcycling.

1. It's on trend. 

Exposed brickwork, copper piping, and salvaged wood are all hallmarks of the trendy industrial style that ideally lend themselves to the upcycling movement.

2. Helps the environment. 

By repurposing something, you prevent it from ending up in a landfill. The inappropriate disposal of waste can pollute both the earth and the water. Debris can also contribute to air pollution.

For instance, the fashion sector constantly creates new trends, which results in obscene overconsumption. 

Rapid fashion encourages consumers to purchase clothing they hardly ever wear before discarding it. 

The art of upcycling allows you to reuse your old clothes to make new ones.

Of course, upcycling won't eliminate all waste from landfills. Yet it will undoubtedly lessen the amount of rubbish sent to a landfill. 

Thus, you may reduce waste by collecting your debris and discarded objects and upcycling them into something fun and creative.

3. Gets you off your phone. 

Sadly, it's effortless to stare at a screen for hours today. Many spend countless hours sitting still, frequently browsing Facebook, or watching four seasons of a Netflix show they don't even like.

Our most valuable resource is time, so we must use it properly. You'll use your time more effectively and efficiently if you invest it in a new pastime like upcycling. 

While everyone else is wasting what little time they have on memes and garbage TV, you’ll be doing something exciting and productive.

4. Saves money. 

By creating new goods out of things you already own, upcycling helps you save money. 

Instead of purchasing a new one, you might, for instance, upcycle an old aluminium can into a utensil holder.

Depending on what you are upcycling, certain material costs (such as paintbrushes and equipment) may be involved. Upcycling is easier and more effective if you've invested in the initial supplies. 

5. Make money. 

The potential for creating a profitable creative niche is a significant benefit of upcycling. Items that no one else in the world can find have a market.

 As everything can be made and sold on your own time, Etsy is a great location to launch a small business marketing your repurposed ideas.
What a winning combination: making money while preserving the environment!

What are your thoughts on upcycling?  Have you tried it?  Love to hear your thoughts in the comment section below. 

Cheers for reading X 

Why I love a no spend day.

Hey readers, 

I love a no-spend day and I try to fit one or two in twice a week to help save me some money. But if you may not have heard of this concept so let me explain what a no-spend day means down below. 

Why I love a no spend day.

What is a no-spend day?

In simple terms, it is a day (24 hours) where literally spend no money whether it be physical in a shop or online to help stop you from buying unnecessary items. It gives you a pause button to stop and reflect on your spending and notice if there are some areas where you think you need to improve on and you can work out ways to make changes.

Having a no-spend day is an excellent way of breaking a cycle of spending if it becomes addictive and it is a way to move forward with positive spending habits. 

I have found them really beneficial to do and try to do one or two a week and really helps puts things into perspective. Definitely makes me think twice about what I am spending my money on. 

Although it is probably best not to do a no-spend day when bills go out so make sure you time it around a day when no money is going out of the bank so you have a 0 money bank transaction. 

Like all good no-spend days the key is planning and making sure that you have food that you need to eat, drinks, and anything that you need shower gel, etc. so you don't get tempted to go to the shop and may give you the urge to break the commitment of a no-spend day. 

Why I love a no-spend day. 

1. It is simple. 

It is a simple rule you don't have to spend any money on that one day, there are other rules and complications that you have to stick to. At first, it is a bit weird to get into it but once you do it just gets easier to do. There is also no tracking involved so I don't have to constantly think about what money I have spent. 

2. Get creative. 

With a no-spend day, that means you have to use whatever resources you have at home such as rustling a lunch up with the food you have in the fridge or snacks in the cupboard. Or finding entertainment that is free locally to you so you don't have to spend any money. It helps get you more organised and plan your days out with how they are going to be structured, which isn't always a bad thing and can be more productive than days that just go with the flow. 

3. Control. 

Doing the no spend challenge leaves you feeling more in control of your finances because you are taking positive action with the no spend days. You are watching your habits and working out if there are any flaws in your spending and how can you adapt to make improvements this all gives you the power of control.

4. The buzz. 

The buzz of completing a no-spend day is good as it makes you feel like you can work on improving your finances and that you are in control of money. It allows you to reflect on your habits and gives you the time to see what your relationship is like with money. 

Have you tried no spend days? Do they work for you? Love to hear your thoughts in the comment section down below. 

Cheers for reading X 

Shopmium app review.

Hey readers,

I love to save money and a good way to do this is through your phone. There are different apps now on the market that can save you money. One of them that I am going to look at today is called Shopmium. 

Shopmium app review.

Shopmium is a free cashback app where that provides exclusive discounts or free food that you simply scan the food barcode and receipt. Once approved the money will then be returned to your Paypal account within 24-48 hours. 

Shopmium app review.

Shopmium often uploads different offers so be worth checking the app frequently to see if there are any new updates on the app.  

There is a thing called a Shopmium club where you can earn stars which can make you go up a level and there are 3 levels in total. What can help you earn stars are referrals and cashback requests. When you reach a gold level that means you get VIP extras such as getting requests looked at within 24 hours and seeing offers a few days before others on lower levels do. 

Also on your birthday, you will get free gifts such as a box of Lindt chocolate which I think is a nice touch. 

You can download the Shopmium app on android and apple store. You can not use Shopmium on a desktop site. One thing to note is that you can only download Shopmium on iPhone 5 and those models after that running ios 9 as a minimum and Android version 5 (Lollipop).

Generally, It should take Shopmium within 48 hours to get back to you (unless your gold level). You should receive a payment if no problems.

 Now and again I have had Shopmium email me with regards to difficulties reading the receipts that I have scanned in and they simply request for me to rescan the receipt. 

  So the second time made sure the receipt was straight and had good lighting and iv had no problems after that.

If you refer a friend, using your referral code, and they sign up and make their first cashback offer Shopmium will give you £3 of credit and your friend will receive a free can of Pringles.
If you so wish you can use my referral code: KYKFGYUL.  

 Navigating is really straightforward as there is a bar on the home page where you can either click through on all offers to see all the offers you can select a certain supermarket.

It is much easier if you are in a certain supermarket to find the relevant offers that the store you are in to click on that specific store. 

Where can I use Shopmium cashback app in-store? 

* Tesco.

* Sainsbury's 



Other stores.


*  Holland & Barratts.



When you click on the offer at the bottom there are their icons in the right-hand corner with a red heart which you can on to save for a later date. 

There is the blue pin which shoes were the locations that you can buy the product.

Finally, the green barcode which you scan before buying to make sure you have the correct product if you need that peace of mind.

Shopmium app review.

One thing I would like to mention with this app is where I can get caught out in regard to the deal. 

Below is a screenshot it says 50p off and sometimes in a rush I have been caught out with not thinking straight and misreading the information thinking the product was the amount off as opposed to just the amount of the product if that makes sense. 

If it says the rice is 25p off it doesn't mean that the rice is 25p it means that if the rice is £1.25 then it will cost you £1.00 and you will get the 25p cashback returned to you by Shopmium in your Paypal. 

So always be careful reading what the deal is as you may be short-changed and you may not necessarily get the deal you wanted. 

Shopmium app review.


My opinion of this app is it is brilliant,  I don't think it is good as Checkoutsmart (which is a similar cashback app to Shopmium). Then again there are some really good offers, and I have in the past saved some money so I can't complain especially when often there is a lot of free or reduced food. 
It can give you chance to try something new where you might not normally go and chose a product which I think is a great way of testing something out. 

What is your opinion of Shopmium? have you tried it? love to hear your thoughts in the comment section down below. 

Cheers for reading X

Ways to stay warm in winter.

Hey readers,

During the winter period, it can be very cold - in and outside of the home. Here are some ways that I have found it helpful to stay warm during the winter months.

Ways to stay warm in winter.

Firstly let's look at keeping yourself self-warm when you go outside. I think the key element is to focus on your laying of clothing and making sure you have the right garments for the temperature outside.

Maintaining Heat.

It is important to maintain your temperature so doing things to keep warm such as using a hot water bottle in bed. Make sure that you have at least one hot meal a day.  Having a hot drink is a quick way to keep warm at home.

Stay active.

Another way to stay warm is by moving about and being active. It is recommended that you get up every hour to move about and get the blood circulating which will, in turn, help keep you warm. Doing moderate exercise can also help keep warm, even if it is doing some situps or wall pushes this will help towards staying warm during winter.

The layering of clothes.

So this could be wearing long sleeves and trouser pajamas at night or even wearing a dressing gown and bed socks. Having cotton, silk or wool will be more warming as opposed to synthetic materials.  You can also have a top under a top and check out thermal clothing to give that extra layer of warmth.

When going outside have suitable footwear, socks, hats, gloves, and jumpers that will keep you cosy in the harsh winter weather outside. The good thing is if you are getting hot from walking you can remove the layer and vice versa putting back on the garment when you are getting cold.


A great tip for keeping warm in winter is making sure that you are on top of the weather forecast and knowing what the weather of the day will be like.

 This then prepares you for what the weather is like outside so you can wear suitable clothing and if the weather is bad to consider going out at all. Also if you drive you will be conscious of what the roads will be like and if you have the right tools to make sure that car is good enough to see out of when driving.


Blankets are a Godsend during the winter as they keep you warm - especially with a hot water bottle underneath when you are in the living room watching TV or reading a book. plus they keep you cosy when it is cold and dark outside.


A brilliant product you can purchase is hand and feet warmers. Feet warmers are designed to stick on your feet and once open can last up to 8 hours. With hand warmers, you hold them in your hands and they give off heat. Perfect if you are working outdoors or just being outside for a long time in the cold weather.

Insulate your home.

When at home making sure that your home is insulated by closing the doors and curtains and when the sunshine is out to open curtains to let the sunshine heat warm a room up. Seal gaps that let the cold air in it


If you are cold in your home try taking a hot bath or shower to warm your skin up and then get into some cosy pajamas.


Seal gaps that let cold air into the room with draft excluders or weatherstrip around the windows.

Cheers for reading X 

Keep Calm and Carry On Linking Sunday

My top 10 money saving tips.

Hey readers, 

Who doesn't love to save a bit of cash when? you can with my top money saving tips.

1. Supermarket closing. 

Check out your supermarket before closing time. Grab them yellow stickers, don't worry they won't hurt you. You can freeze them, did you know you can freeze bread and milk, amazing how much you save by just doing that.

Shopping Cart, Shopping, Supermarket

2. Online coupons.

Before buying anything that you need to check online for coupons and discounts. simply just type in the item and see where the cheapest price is if you say you want a specific TV you can save a couple hundred if you look around carefully. don't just go someone, it is always important to do your research beforehand.

3.  My supermarket app. 

Download my supermarket app it is amazing to compare food from leading supermarkets and see where the cheapest price is to get that item. 

4. Hotdeals Uk.

Another great app is Hot Deals UK. On the app, you can see each product and the different prices from the major retailers on one page You can also get notifications when new deals come in.

5. Electricity. 

To save money on your electricity bill one easy way is to simply turn off your tv from the socket to save money. Why have the TV  on when you are not using it? You will be amazed at just doing that one trick will save you money.

Light Bulb, Idea, Self Employed

6. Travel Mugs.

Invest in a travel mug so you can take your own hot drink when you are going out, saves so much instead of going to Starbucks. There are some really cool designs in travel mugs and you are not wasting it on cups so helping the environment too win-win. 

7. Cash. 

If you do plan to go to supermarket or shop then take a set amount of hard cash and leave your money card at home, therefore you are forced to budget and not be tempted to impulsive buy items that you may not need. 

Five Pound Note, Cash, Money, Pound

8. No Spend.

 Make it a habit to have one day a week where you do not spend anything, you will be amazed at how easy it is to once you start doing it. I have also found that I am more likely to do productivity things that I need to do that I normally put off as I have that free time to use up.

9. Emails.  

 How many emails have you got that you receive from companies trying to entice you to spend? They like to remind you of what they have to try to seduce you. Don't fall for it and unsubscribe then there less junk and you can get on with saving.

Email, Newsletter, Marketing, Online

10. Packed lunch.

Instead of eating out or buying lunch at work invest the time to make your own lunch, plus it is much healthier for your instead of eating high fat processed food. 

What is your favourite money saving tip, I would love to hear in the comments?

Cheers for reading X 


10 supermarket hacks

Hey readers,

Going shopping can be costly when you go with no plan and impulses kick in. We all want to save money so I have put together some tips on how to save money whilst going to do your supermarket shop.

1. List.

writing notes idea class

The first hack would probably be the most important one and that is to write a list prior to going shopping. It is important to stick to your list and do not buy extra things at the supermarket that you do not need. 

By writing down a list you already have a pre-understanding of what you want so you are prepared to get it and get out. You don't have to waste time looking for things and decided because you already have the plan in place.

2. Brands.

Instead of buying branded items swap to supermarkets own version because at the end of the day most of the time you are paying for the name. Don't be put off by supermarkets own food because it can be just as good but half the price.

3. Stomach.

Make sure when you do go shopping that you don't go on an empty stomach as this will make you want to buy something on an impulse which intern means wasting money.

4. Online.

Image result for my supermarket app

Check online for supermarket vouchers or offers, preparation is key. A really good app to download is my supermarket where you can search for a product and compare the prices of the different supermarkets to get the cheapest deal.

5. Supermarkets.

A brilliant way to reduce your supermarket shopping is a swap from the main supermarket to a more budget-friendly one such as Aldi or Lidl.
 You will be amazed at how much you save but do be careful when going down the middle aisle as we all know the delights there.

6. Supermarket deals.

You may think when it comes to a supermarket deal where you can buy 3 items for 2 or BOGOF (buy one get one free) you are saving money. Firstly you have to ask yourself do you really need this and if so work out the maths because sometimes it can cost more then actually buying the item singularly.

7. Vegetarian.

woman carrying basket of fruits and vegetables

Try having meals without meat a couple of times a week can save you money as meat is expensive. There are plenty of delicious recipes that don't need meat so don't be put off and give it a try you might be amazed.

8. Pre-made items.

Save money on buying pre-made items such as vegetables, buying it pre-chopped could cost you more. Also regarding ready meals can add to your budget, it is much better if you have the time and skill to cook from scratch to do it that.

9. Bulk meals.

A cheap way of saving money on the grocery shop is to up the amount of food so that you can batch cook and freeze meals for a later date not only does this method save you money but it also saves you time, win-win.

10. Yellow stickers.

Yellow stickers are where supermarkets knock down prices of food when they want to get rid of it because it is close by it's sold by date. It is ok to buy yellow stickers, people seem scared of buying yellow stickers.  I have done for many years and not been poorly. The date of the food is short-lived so a tip would be to freeze for the food and can use it at a later date.

Hope you have found these tips useful.

Cheers for reading X

10 ways to save money on your energy bills.

Hey readers,

It is January and we are all looking for ways to save money, One expense that costs a lost is electricity below, so let me tell you some tips on how to save money on your energy bills.

1. Thermostat.

Honeywell home wall appliance

A simple way to cut down the cost of your energy bill is to simply turn down your thermostat by 1c can save up to £75 per year.

2. Layers.

When you feel cold don't instantly whack the old heating up but put an extra layer on with jumpers, socks, dressing gown etc. Even having throws can help a great deal.

3. Warm drinks.

person holding cup of coffee
Another way to stay warm is to have a warm drink can help you feel instantly warm.

4. Appliances.

If your not using appliances turn it off and even turn the tv off at the mains. Don't have lights on if someone is not in the room it is a total waste and can save you a lot of energy.

5. Washing.

person using white front-load washing machine

When you are doing your clothes washing it is a good idea to change the temperature down 10 degrees for example from a 40 to a 30c can make a huge difference on your bill and could potentially save up to £52 per year.

6. Draught proof.

Did you know a cold draught can cause you to lose heat and money so it is important to get your home draught proof because it can be easy to just think to turn the temperature up especially in old homes? A thing that you can consider doing in your home is draught excluders and investing in draught proofing kits.

If you don't have double glazing them you can get plastic trimming to go around your window to stop the draught coming in and keep the warmth in the room.

Line your letterbox and if you have a chimney that is not in use then seal that up like that can easily save you £25 per year.

7. Hot food.

pasta dish on plate

Don't put hot food into the fridge or freezer straight away as it messes up with the temperature of the fridge, it is better to give the food time first to cool down and then store it in the fridge or freezer.

8. Shower.

Instead of hitting the bath first swap over to the shower and try to make your showers no longer than 10 minutes as this will reduce the amount of heated water that you use.

9. Hot water.

Check the boiler on the temperature that your hot water is at and think about trying to reduce it just by one degree will make a massive difference to reducing the energy you use.

10. Turn off.

Make sure that if you don't use a room regularly to turn down the radiator and make sure that doors are closed and curtains/blinds are drawn in the evenings to keep the heat in and room toasty.

What methods do you use to help with reducing your energy bill?

Cheers for reading X