Friday, 25 March 2016


Hey readers,
I would say that my word of the week is:

This is because I feel that at times that I have tested myself, pushed outside of my comfort zone. First would be going to a coffee shop by myself and ordering a drink.

 I have had really bad anxiety the past few weeks and regressed with my social anxiety. This has been a positive step forward and though some people may think that this is no biggie for me it is like running the marathon mentally.

I don't know whether it is just my kids or not but by the end of the term they are super tired and need a break. I really struggle to communicate with them when they go full meltdown and I did walk out the home as I just couldn't cope.

 Luckily my husband is also my carer whether that is a good thing or not I don't know. But I needed to escape. It is hard when dealing with children and tiredness at times. So it is nice to have some time along for me to get away from it. It had really helped me for the rest of the week being much more positive and manageable.

Hope you all have a good Easter and don't eat too much chocolate ;)

Cheers for reading X

Friday, 11 March 2016


Hey readers,
My word of the week is:


Hope you had a great mothers day. It ws lovely to just be treated to a lay in which was good as had a pants night sleep. My youngest had some sort of bug and was vomiting left, right and centre. Therefore meaning I spend a lot of time cleaning. I was a bit gutted as I had managed to sort out all the washing that day for once. Then on the evening bang three loads of sick. Why does sick linger or is it simply the fact that I am conscious of it and think I can smell it everywhere, I know lovely. Mums life!
I have been out and about experimenting with photos which is great distraction from thinking and I do enjoy getting creative or thinking about other stuff then my OCD and ritulising.
Now at it is the end of the week I feel so sad with grieve. I only found out that someone close to my heart has died. I feel all sorts of emotions. This is a death I have not experienced in my adulthood so the process is a new experience in my life.
Hope you all have a good week.
Thanks for reading X

Monday, 7 March 2016

FTMOB - 07/03/2016

Hey readers,

Here is my favourite bits of chat we have had this week.
1) My youngest on Saturday night had a tummy bug and was vomiting left, fight and centre. After asked him what happened he demonstrated with gagging and opening his mouth and dry pretend puking sound. I just love the way he is getting really good at descriptive communication.
2) Trying to tell my DS1 that toilet roll cost a lot of money he asked, "how much for a toilet roll? I think it cost £16". I sure hope not that is a bloody expensive toilet role.
3) My DS1 says to his nanny, "why do you have red hair and I have brown?" (I should mention here that nanny dyes her hair red). Nanny answered, "do you want red hair?" my son replies, "no! I like brown hair".
4) DS2 has let everyone know that he is there by saying, "and me, and me, and me!" jumping up and down like a manic!
5) DS1 is obsessed with Minions and constantly saying their catchphrases throughout the day. Onr of his favourite saying he repeats constantly, "back away, back away".
6) After my DS1 swimming lesson he told daddy, " daddy, I'm really sleepy, I think I have swam too much today".
That is this week's installment of the boys chat.
Thank yoy for reading X

Thursday, 3 March 2016

FTMOB - 28/03/201

Hey readers,
Hope your enjoying easter hols. Here is the latest installment of chat from the boys.
1. My youngest is using more and more two word sentences. Whilst we were at the park the other day and he was racing around and he asked, "where's Charles?!" searching high and low for his brother.
2. My eldest is using his knowledge skills in teaching his brother words. He is doing this by going through each shape from the shape sorter and telling him the colour. For example, "this is a purple triangle". I just love how my son loves chatting and sharing his knowledge on to his younger brother. Even though he unaware of it.
3. That goes nicely into my next observation of my DS2 who when asked what colour anything is he will reply by saying, "pink". I know that he knows the colours but I swear he just loves saying the word pink for fun, kids eh!
4. My DS1 has a love for all thinks 'poo' related as I have established in previous FTMOB posts. So it is no surprise when I introduced him to a children's book called Poo Bum that for awhile every response was, "poo bum". "are you OK?" He will reply, "poo bum". "What would you like to eat?" again he would say, "poo bum". Kids are funny in their obsessions!
5. The last week before Easter my DS1 has pestered me to search YouTube because, "I want to see where the Easter bunny lives". Really cute!
Cheers for reading X

Boredom in ADHD adults