
Hey readers,
Well my word of the week is


Because the children have returned to nursery and normality returns once again. I know this is so cliché but I don't know where the week has gone. It has happened though and that is that.
I won't complain mind as I have been thinning out the boys toys, amazing how much crap they culminate over time. The good thing is that it feels lighter and tider. Psychologically I feel so better for it and OMG we can now see some of the floor, haha!
Sadly the one downside when the  children go to nursery is bang getting a full blown cold and cough. I actually have at night random coughing fits but it is slowly going.
Looking forward to taking the boys to the park at the weekend for a bit of a play and fresh air.
Hope  your having a good week.
Cheers for reading X

FTMOB 22/02/2016

Hey readers,
So here is a  list of quotes from my little darlings. Haven't had much time to sit and write as every time golden nuggets happen something else happens and before I know it I forget (the joys of motherhood).
1) My eldest son said to me yesterday when given bedtime kisses and cuddles, "Mummy your the bestest mummy in the world". Cue melted heart ♥.
2) My youngest son can now say "nanny" and it is lovely when he says it as he has such a lovely sweet smile to it.
3) Over the half term my DS1 has been so morbid recently and constantly asking questions about death. "what happens when you die mummy?" then his minds boggles when he tries to understand cremation and burial. I hope this is just a phase it is a bit depressing to constantly hear about it often.
4) My eldest said to his daddy,  "Daddy you need to lose some weight your tummy is getting big". Honestly had to go into another room and howl.
5) Finally it has happened my DS1 has finally found the dreaded "bored" or "boring". It is already irritating and he is only 4, grrrr!
Cheers for reading X


Hey readers,

Hope your enjoying the half term, it so lovely to have a break from the choas and not run around like a headless chicken all the time.

Therefore my word i have chosen to sum up my week is


It has been great to have calmness and some unstructured time with the boyd. It hasbeen great to not need to attend appointments and course stuff to do. Also been good to have a well earned rest without having to work my ass off socially.
Though to be honest I always get stressed at the end of the term with change but this happens everrytimr but some how manages to sort it out and then by the end of the week wonder where it has gone.
I have also enjoyed spending quality time with both my boys and on 1-2-1 as well. It was brillant to go out and to galleries and libraries. Not to mention getting out doors and soaking up the different environment. Tis lovely doing something different and getting out of the feeling of groundhog day.
My favourite part of the week is visiting the Dudley zoo as my eldest has been dying to see the different animals. It might have been influenced by my love of watching the funny videos of kids at the zoo on the old YouTube, haha!
We went to Dudley Zoo which is not far from home and was greater with an array of animals and was lovely to the beautiful snow leopards. 

Hope you have had a great week off.
Cheers for reading X

FTMOB - 01/02/2016

Hey readers,
My DS1 is really making me howl with his observations. Also I can report  me and my hubby have noticed how well my DS1 has come on leaps and bounds with his speech. He is getting so much clearer and we don't have to use sign language or try and second guess him. Which is really good as we want him to communicate better particularly for when he starts school in September. We are worried that if the other children can't understand whether in time he will hit out due to frustration.
Anyway here are some recent conversations:
  1. What with the weather beening so bitter particularly in the evening my boys have been wearing their snuggly onesie. One night whilst my son was getting up to go to the toilet he informed daddy, "daddy, the Fireman Sam line keeps going up my bottom'. Now what he means by this is he has a Fireman Sam onesie and there is a line behind on the onsie goes up his bottom when he wrigglings in bed at night. Now we have resolved it where he wears pants to protect his bottom, lol!
  2. My DS1 called daddy. 'Your just like old James Bond'. Haha, we were watching the other day one of the old 60's cheesy James Bond the other day. He is so checky though!
  3. Whilst leaving nursery DS1 was talking to one of his nursery friends. My DS1 said to his friend,"I like your coat, it's blue". Friend replies, "my mum got it but I don't where from". Goes ask mum and returns to DS1, " it's from Matalan so you have to go there and get one OK". Lol
  4. My youngest is infatuated with our cat, follows him and points/squeals, "cattttttttttt". Ever so cute!
  5. My eldest stood up in nursery and recited wheels on the bus excellently all by himself and now goes around home singing,"the wheels on the bus go round and round".
  6. My youngest has now found a way of letting me know that he needs a nappy change. He comes running into me and says, " pooooooooo" pointing to his bottom.
Cheers for reading X