
Hey readers,

My word of the week is:


because we have been to London the week before for a holiday and I am exhausted. Taking kids there is solid, especially when you the parent has additional needs to add in the mix.

So, because we have been full in the week before I have been rested as I did not sleep very well because of sleeping with kids as you can imagine. there is nothing like getting into your own bed and have a foot or hand shoved in your face,  😂 

 I am physically and mentally exhausted and needed to rest my body. Holidays are really testing but there was a lot of fun as well.
It has been a bit of downtime and giving me the chance to catch up on all the watching and YouTube whilst living in a launderette 😉

Cheers for reading X


Keep writing.

Hey readers,

People say, 'just keep writing'  is the mantra to live by. I write my blog on all sorts of things that inspire me, from poetry to the food I love. I am not a niche kind of person, I just go with what inspires me within that moment and share it with the world.

There are days when I completely lost my motivation to continue to write or even log into blogger. As a suffer from anxiety and depression the simplest things can feel like climbing a mountain and sadly one of them is writing. 

Even though from a young age have found writing down the better way for me to communicate my emotions, the struggle is there.
But when I write it makes a huge difference to me. The hardest bit is to actually get started, as soon as I crack that then my thoughts just flow and I have so many thoughts believe me and you!

Sometimes, I think my writing is rubbish, though I believe that should not stop me from writing as it has a purpose.  I do believe it is a good mantra to keep writing, no matter what the length, one sentence or pages of words, it keeps your mind light up and can open up new ideas. 

 Not to mention the benefit of keeping constantly writing every day can build up your confidence and improve in the skill of writing. We can't be all-natural, but we can practice. 

Deep down that is ok because even if no one enjoys my content, I still am getting something out of it, no matter if it is big or small it is helping. 

There are many other worse things to do in life then ramble of some words (my interpretation of my work). Of course, I am my hardest critic. However, I am going to remain optimistic because I enjoy it and it helps deal with the shit in my life.

Cheers for reading X


Hey Readers,

my word of the week is:


because for most of the time this week the weather has been lovely so it has given us an opportunity to visit places outside, which is fantastic for me as it's much cheaper to go visit the park. Not to mention the fact that visiting the park is it's a free being and it is pleasant being in the open air.

The boys have a lot of energy in the summer holiday so it's been great to be outside to burn off for the energy playing outside. I also get some quiet time to read my book which isn't often at the moment.

Also went to a field to check out to see if our tents are still usable, which we haven't used for 7 years to see if it's still usable. Good news is that the tent is still usable and can fit us all. 

Therefore meaning we can go on holiday soon and use the tent. The boys are super excited as it is the first first time for my boys camping so that should be a fun experience.

Cheers for reading X

Hey readers,

My word of the week:


This is because about a month ago my son broke his three-wheel scooter and we have been promising to get him a two-wheel scooter because he's a big boy now. 

I was having a gander on Facebook the other night and I came across 2 two-wheeled scooters for a small price so I got them on a spur of the moment type thing.

So,  this week the boys have been enjoying going outside on their scooters. They adjusted really well with their new scooters with the whole balancing thing.

I am impressed with how well my 3-year-old is doing. We thought he would really struggle but he's managed it and absolutely loves it.

Therefore, I have been mainly watching them scooter about around the block and playing chase with one another, simple pleasures.

Cheers for reading X


Hey readers,

My word of the week is:


I always have this problem with feeling guilty attached to staying at home with my boys. There is so much pressure to do something and be on the go that we can almost forget to take things slowly.

It is hard when you really struggle but taking it the slow lane has really helped me to enjoy my time with the boys. Don't get me wrong there are moments when I won't tear my hair out with all the bickering over such insignificant things.

I have enjoyed the most cuddles and just chatting whilst playing hairdressers. The boys have been more relaxed and I think we all have appreciated it.

Of course, we didn't stop everything we fitting in trying out our new dinosaur tray and making some yummy, scrummy getting in my tummy chocolate cake. It was divine.

Cheers for reading X