Hey readers,
I am sitting here by myself because it is half-term and my eldest has been a terror to put it politely. Sometimes I end of the day feeling so frustrated that I just wished to be let free in a room full of China.
I am not sure how I am going to cope through the two weeks without the break, I am sure we get through it but at the beginning of the holiday, I dread it.
Why is it I try my best to do something with the sprog and then all he does is pushes mine and hubby's buttons. It fucks me off, I try and it results in fights and mayhem.
He encourages the youngest to throw pens and then the youngest get boisterous and rips the paper.
Then pulls of as many Christmas decorations as possible from the Christmas tree on purpose and the eldest thinks the most hilarious thing to do is pull his trousers and pants down, he is laughing his head off and no one is laughing, fml!
Today just feels like my eldest is in a destructive mood and will go out of his way to be a pain in the arse. No matter how much time I give him or get things to do, he is having none of it.
I don't know whether he is not getting warn out like the days he is at school where he can get overstimulated. Almost like an uneven balance of stimulation.
Right now I am so pissed off with it all. I am pissed off with myself for getting so emotional about such stuff.
I know it is a cliche but you do the worst thing and compare yourself to all the perfect parents on the internet. Why can't my children be so chilled like other people's children without turning it into a scene and making me feel totally deflated and a crap parent?
I am sat here writing this close to tears with rage. I have come on adult time out if you will because if I don't then I will literally blow my top off.
Seriously, today I am just struggling with parenting and knowing where to reach that balance. It doesn't matter how many threats or putting on time out, my son is in that 'mood' where he is just not playing ball.
This may make me sound an awful parent but that the thoughts that cross my mind are why do I bother with all this stress when I may be as well not bother.
It could so simpler for me to not care, not to be engaging and just stick the TV on 24/7 and be done with it. At least I wouldn't have to deal with the challenging behaviour.
All I can say is some days being a parent is shit, I know awful but true. I am not perfect and sometimes dread it and can't wake till the end of the day when I have break and my brain gets given a chance to think about anything.
Cheers for reading X