From the Mouth of Babes 21/12/2015

Hey Readers,

  1. My ds1 is obsessed about talking about winter and why it is dark so early. We have explained to him about the way the earth tilts and that it is further away from the sun at this time of year. But I love his sweet explanation of why it is dark, "because the satellite in space pushes the earth and that is why it is dark".
  2. My son keeps going around saying, " I'm electricity and I'm going kill you". This is because he is fascinated with the electrictry warning labels and loves to be active in his descriptions.
  3. My eldest has informed me, "we have a holiday home in Wales which is £10 and it has blue walls and orange carpet". Oh, son if life was only that cheap we would be living the high life ;)
  4.  I suppose a lot of children go through this phase but my eldest is constantly taking about poo. He loves declaring after he has been to the toilet, " I have done a really big smelly poo, I'm looking at the poo, you are a poo/I'm poo, poo, poo,poo". Which is all fine until your in a isle at the supermarket. Awks!
  5. My youngest is so sweet at the moment as he has learnt FAST that if he wants something he will smile at you very sweetly and say, "plea" his way of saying please!
  6. When my husband told my eldest in the supermarket that he had a really bad headache he emphasised and said, " daddy, I will cut your head open and take your brain out". Love the simplicity of this ideas.
  7. Recently when asking my DS1 a question, he replies by saying, "my brain needs time to think".
  8. My DS1 goes swimming with his friend and during  November the friend went to see relatives in India for 3 weeks. Then today my son said to to me, " mummy, I want to go to a normal house (as aposed to a holiday home) to India on Wednesday so we will need  the TomTom and need to go on a reallllllllllllllllly big aeroplane". 
Cheers for reading X


Hey readers,
My word of the week is:


We went over to visit my the inlaws in Wales and my boys two uncles that live there as well. Boy was it tiring and fun driving down with two excitable boys. But to be fair they were really good and patient waiting. When we got through to Wales is was non stop raining. My boys don't often see hubby's parents much so they were full of energy and mischief. They loved spending time with someone different had lots of fun just generally playing and just getting undivided attention.
We also went over to my hubby's brother in Cardiff which was mental but fun. With their uncle has five children plus my two boys meant a lot of noise and laughter. It was a late finish and has left me exhausted mentally for the week. There for I have been resting a lot over the week to make up for it. I made sure I had plenty of rest for yet more noise and fun woth my mum (who is a little bit on the eccentric side shall we say). We are venturing into the doom of soft play area. I decided to go during the week rather then a Saturday to protect my delicate little ears, haha.

Cheers for reading X


Hey readers,
I chose my word because we have been getting festive and on friday we headed to our local Christmas market. We don't often go out in the evening so was a pleasant change. Also we went on a ferris wheel which was rather fast which my eldest found hilarious. Don't kids have warped up sense of humour, or is it just mine because they mine and mummy does too, haha!
We also found our new christmas tree in TJhughes which is fuller and has glitter, very pretty! I will retract what I said last week about me and my husband planing on put up our tree on the 13th. That has changed due to finding this new christmas tree and my husband wanting to put it up straight away. Therefore we have put up our trese earlier then anticipated.
For about three years now in our home we put our Christmas tree in the hallway with a guard around the christmas tree to protect from little pinkies. This year husband decided to put it in the living room, which worried me as in wasn't sure how well behavioued my youngest would be. Well I am pleasantly surprised with only a handful of times with the boys pulling off the decorations they have been really excellent with it. Which is really good as it really is cosy especially at night in the living room.
Cheers for reading X

FTMOB - 07/12/2015

Hey readers,
Well we are back to my own installment of Chat from my boys.

  1.  One morning when I was getting changed and my son was in the room he announced very matter of factly, "Mummy, you have biggggg nipples" (refering to my boobies, haha).
  2. This week my son has caught a cold after my DS2 had the germs. He has been telling everyone, "Louie made me ill" haha.
  3.  My son has learnt a new word and thinks it is the bestest and saying it all the time. That word would be TESTICLES! He asked me what they were and that was my reply and now he likes to inform everyone about it.
  4.  My son has got a brillant imagination at times when he informs me, "Mummy, your elbow is leaking?" I reply, "what is leaking from  my elbow?" He responds, "poo is dripping out of your elbow".  Yep he is one of those children that find poo/wee/sick noises hilariously funny!
  5. Another brilliant antitide from my DS1 said, " Monty (the cat) is in my tummy" laughing hysterically at the thought.
  6. My DS1 is really interested in how he was born and the whole process. Thank God for good old YouTube where he could understand about the egg and sperm etc. But one part he found difficult was how he got in mummy's tummy and for along time believed that I eat him up and that is how he was conceived. I just love the simplicity of my son's thinking at the moment. 
  7. My youngest is collecting words and sounds like the rate of knots. Currently he is pointing at most body parts waiting for your response and saying first syllables to that. Going to be fun when my other sona chatterbox.
  8. When I introduced my DS1 Ghostbusters I don't think he would be interested in it. How wrong was I. He adores the theme tune and even after a long period of time is constantly singing, "who you going call, GHOSTBUSTERS!".
  9. If you ask my youngest do you want mummy, daddy, milk, book etc he will shake his head and say clearly, " No".  But the other day I asked him does he want chocolate? And he looked at me and smiled the checkest grin and murbled yes. I just love his cheekiness.
  10. My eldest is mechanically minded and we live in a flat with a lift. He has seen several occasions engeriners fixing the lift and is obsessed with the way it works. Every single time when we get in the lift he states, "Mummy, the belt on the lift is pulling up and over going back down and is moving the lift".
Cheers for reading x


Hey readers,

My word this week is:
I have been getting motivated this week (last few weeks I haven't been arsed as I would start to think about it and  lose interest).  However, soon as it is the first of December I gone bit mental. This is probably because I am hoping to get as much done as soon as possible due to seeing the cues and how busy shops are getting. I am starting to find thr choas difficult so I want to get it done and dusted then I can relax and try and stay away from the shops.
It definitely feels like Christmas is nearly here, we have our adverts up and even though my eldest is desperate to eat ALL his chocolate he has been really good at stucking to the rules!
I have put up some decorations up but need to buy a tree. Me and my husband agree to put up our tree on the 13th as my hubby used to put it up on the 24th and I used to put it up on the 1st. Therefore as we all know relationships are about compromise so we have met in the middle at 13th.
Cheers for reading X