Monday 7 December 2015

FTMOB - 07/12/2015

Hey readers,
Well we are back to my own installment of Chat from my boys.

  1.  One morning when I was getting changed and my son was in the room he announced very matter of factly, "Mummy, you have biggggg nipples" (refering to my boobies, haha).
  2. This week my son has caught a cold after my DS2 had the germs. He has been telling everyone, "Louie made me ill" haha.
  3.  My son has learnt a new word and thinks it is the bestest and saying it all the time. That word would be TESTICLES! He asked me what they were and that was my reply and now he likes to inform everyone about it.
  4.  My son has got a brillant imagination at times when he informs me, "Mummy, your elbow is leaking?" I reply, "what is leaking from  my elbow?" He responds, "poo is dripping out of your elbow".  Yep he is one of those children that find poo/wee/sick noises hilariously funny!
  5. Another brilliant antitide from my DS1 said, " Monty (the cat) is in my tummy" laughing hysterically at the thought.
  6. My DS1 is really interested in how he was born and the whole process. Thank God for good old YouTube where he could understand about the egg and sperm etc. But one part he found difficult was how he got in mummy's tummy and for along time believed that I eat him up and that is how he was conceived. I just love the simplicity of my son's thinking at the moment. 
  7. My youngest is collecting words and sounds like the rate of knots. Currently he is pointing at most body parts waiting for your response and saying first syllables to that. Going to be fun when my other sona chatterbox.
  8. When I introduced my DS1 Ghostbusters I don't think he would be interested in it. How wrong was I. He adores the theme tune and even after a long period of time is constantly singing, "who you going call, GHOSTBUSTERS!".
  9. If you ask my youngest do you want mummy, daddy, milk, book etc he will shake his head and say clearly, " No".  But the other day I asked him does he want chocolate? And he looked at me and smiled the checkest grin and murbled yes. I just love his cheekiness.
  10. My eldest is mechanically minded and we live in a flat with a lift. He has seen several occasions engeriners fixing the lift and is obsessed with the way it works. Every single time when we get in the lift he states, "Mummy, the belt on the lift is pulling up and over going back down and is moving the lift".
Cheers for reading x


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