My Sunday photo 28/01/2021

Reasons to blog

Hey readers,

I have been blogging for over three years now and feel that I have some experience of this whole blogging malarky. 

If you have never blogged let me enlighten you as to why you should consider starting a blog.


Firstly, blogging can allow you to be creative. You don't have to focus on a niche. However, if you wanted to then that is fine because at the end of the day you can write whatever you want to. 

 That is the beauty about blogging, you can literally write about anything from domestic abuse to reasons to eat baked beans. 

It is a great tool for creativity and a way to express yourself to the world.


When I started blogging it was a distraction as I was going through some personal trauma. 

Blogging also helped me write down my feelings and express myself.

 I have autism and really struggle with verbal communication so blogged helped me look at how I was feeling and understand myself a bit better.

 With blogging, I can take my time and ponder.

 Blogging has helped me express myself when I maybe wouldn't have. 

Writing has helped me grow in confidence in working out how I feel and exploring reasons why I respond in the way that I do.

Spread awareness.

One positive about blogging is it can help raise awareness of a message you want to spread.

 Blog posts are fantastic as they are from the individual rather than an organisation. 

They are personal and tend to be raw, making it feel more real in a sense.

 Blogging is a platform to get your voice out there, anyone can read it and it isn't edited like professionals. I think that is one of the best things about blogs is that they tend to be first-hand accounts.

You learn about yourself.

I think exploring yourself can be quite hard but when you write it allows you to think about things.

 It makes your analysis and sees things maybe you might not instantly think of.

 Over time I have learned more about me through blogging and expanding areas of myself when I write.

Built an engagement.

Now, I am no great communicator but I will say that it has helped me get engaged with people.

 You may stumble across people that in normal life you would never have the opportunity to meet. 

Some bloggers make long-term friendship and think that is beautiful that something positive can come out of blogging.

Opens up to opportunities.

Blogging opens up to opportunities such as reviewing items or attending events.

 I am not the most successful blogger in this aspect but reading a lot of blogs if you are good at the social side of things then there are many doors that can be opened.

Make money.

Now, I have made the odd bit of money here and there which is fab as it has helped me when I really needed it.

 Some people can make a career out of blogging which I think is such an amazing opportunity to do something that you love.

Better writer.

As I have been blogging for a long period of time I feel that it has helped me be a better writer. I can write more words and can express myself better, which is always positive.

Cheers for reading X

Quick pitta pizza recipe

 Hey readers, 

A quick recipe to do with kids is pitta bread pizza, it takes less than 15 minutes that the kids will love it. 

quick pitta pizza recipe

What you will need.

* Passata or tomato puree.

*Cheddar cheese -  whatever strength you want. I opted for medium.
* Sweetcorn.

* Red onion.

quick pitta pizza recipe

How to make. 

1. Preheat oven at temperature 200C/fan 180C.

2. Spread tomato puree or passata onto the pitta bread. I had passata and used the back of the spoon to spread onto the pitta to make an even spread.

3. Then sprinkle the cheese, onion, sweetcorn or whatever your tastes.

Quick pitta pizza recipe

Quick pitta pizza recipe
4. Place the pitta bread pizzas in the centre of the oven and cook for 10 minutes. 

5. Take the pitta bread pizzas out of the oven and place onto a plate.
There you have a quick and easy activity to do with kids and it is a perfect lunch idea as well for something a bit different. 

Quick pitta pizza recipe

I forgot to say at the end the boys added peoormi but you don't have to. You can use any ingredients whatever tickles your taste buds or what you have available at your home. 

Cheers for reading X

Spring homeware ideas 2021

Hey readers,

Good news next month spring arrives and you might be thinking of changes in your home to give it a fresh feel.

Spring homeware ideas 2021

 I have selected some spring homeware interior that might be inspiring for you. 

 1. spring painting canvas - Wayfair.

Spring homeware ideas 2021First up with have this beautiful painting of wildflowers, It is an oil painting on a canvas and would look perfect in the living room as it is a relaxing image with the flowers and calming sky. It comes from Wayfair for £76.99. 

2. Olive small sideboard -  Dunelm. 

Spring homeware ideas 2021
A beautiful and simple design but the subtle colours will add character to any room. Not to mention that there is plenty of storage in the drawers. You can buy this sideboard from Dunelm for £199.00. 

    3. Yellow stripey throw - M&S. 

    Spring homeware ideas 2021

    This lightweight throw is perfect for springtime. Lovely design with the woven monochrome stripes with a splash of yellow. If you want this throw you can buy it from M & S for £29.50. 

    4 Harley Hare dinner set - Next.

    Spring homeware ideas 2021

    This adorable dinner set form Next is perfect to add a b of fun to the dinner table with the rabbit illustration with the hand-painted finish. The dinnerware set cost £35.00 includes 4 dinner plates, 4 side plates and 4 bowls. 

    5. Diffuser - Bobolyn.

    Spring homeware ideas 2021
    This air diffuser will bring a calm ambience to the room when you add aromeopthepy ails to the diffuser creating a mist to enter the room.

    Comes with the amazing visual of the firework. which is really relaxing to look at in the evening. You can buy this diffuser from Amazon for £31.00. 

    6. Foilage - Ali Express. 

    Spring homeware ideas 2021

    Add a bit of greenery to your room with this 2m of green leave ivy wall. It is a good way to get the outdoor feel inside, you can purchase from Aliexpress for. $1.16 - 1.18.

    7. Cotton Bedding - French Bedroom Company.  

    Spring homeware ideas 2021

    This bedding has a watercolour print with pink, blue and grey soft colours making it something a bit different from the norm. It is also 300 thread and 100% cotton making it feel soft to the touch. The bedding comes from the French Bedroom Company from £89.00.

    What do you think to my homeware spring ideas for 2021? Love to hear your thoughts in the comment section down below.

    Cheers for reading X

    My Sunday photo 21/02/2021

    How bloggers can get freebies and samples.

    We are working with MegaFreeStuff and have come up with a list of how Bloggers can get freebies, samples and generally free full-sized products from brands. Bloggers tend to search for "how to get freebies" when they start blogging. This is why the title of this article is what it is, but there's nothing wrong with wanting to be compensated or want to create a different kind of content by reviewing items. However, there are various ways to go about getting freebies and samples. 

    First, let's just say that not all bloggers want free things and nothing is free in life. If you want an item for free, then be prepared to promote it in an effective way. If all you want is free stuff, then sooner or later, your blog will just fade away. With that said, here are ways that are not effective, what you should do and other useful information.

    How bloggers can get freebies and samples.

    What Not To Do

    There are a few things you don't want to do. These ways are not effective at all. Below are non-effective ways of trying to get freebies. 

    1. Sending out a bunch of emails don't work. You need to figure out how you're going to send brands emails and let them know you have something in return. If you have nothing to offer, then good luck. 

    2. Tweeting brands don't work because they are making money as it is, so unless you have a bunch of followers, they won't care. Plus, if you do this for a lot of other brands, then you won't have any luck. Unless you have over 15K Twitter followers, you'll be wasting your time doing this. 

    3. Targeting the major names is not a smart idea unless you have a large following. The chances are you won't be receiving free handbags or items from Chanel in the near future. Big-name brands tend to stick with bloggers who have a large viewership, produce high-quality content and images.

    What You Should Do

    Don't let the above discourage you. There are numerous things you can do. Let's discuss them below. 

    1. Creating a great blog is the first thing you want to do. Your blog needs to have a nice looking theme, awesome photos and high-quality content. Make sure you spend time on social media building up your followers because this can help.  

    2. Media kits are great. Think of them as a CV, but for bloggers. If you create a media kit, you'll be doing yourself a huge favour. 

    3. You need a good pitch, so treat it like you're trying to land a job. Tell the brand why you love them and if they plan on releasing any campaigns anytime soon. Let them know you'd love to be part of it. 

    4. Tweet subtly. You can share the brands you love with your followers. Don't forget to tag the brands. 

    5. Campaign sites are great too. There are many sites that offer free stuff. Check out a few campaign sites and join a few of them. 

    6. Don't be unrealistic because brands will reject your offer and you are not entitled to free stuff, even if you're a blogger. Many bloggers have established themselves and have put a lot of time and effort. Just remember, you are just one of the many bloggers out there, so work hard and do what you can to stand out of the crowd. 

    When Brands Send You Freebies

    When you get your freebies, make sure you thank the company. After that, you have to be prepared to promote the heck out of the items you received. Make sure to use all the big-name social media sites and always mention the company whose products you're promoting.  

    After you post about the item, let the company know. Don't forget to tag the company and things of that nature. However, always send the final link to the company. 

    The above info should help you. Implement what you've just learnt and before you know it, you'll receive freebies and samples. Just keep working hard at it and you'll be successful.

    This is a sponsored post. All opinions expressed are entirely my own.

    Why I hate periods, FACT!!!

    Hey readers,

     You can never bitch enough about periods as women (probably men love good bitch about how it impacts them too I imagine). 

    I think my hubby is a bit sick of me mentioning the cruel fate that us women have to go through each month.

    Why I hate periods, FACT!!!

    So, that is what a blog is good for a bitch and hell I am in the mood to rib mother natures head off!

    Why do I hate periods, let me give you my reasons:
    It is a bloody mess for a start. Sometimes you wake in the middle of the night and there is blood absolutely everywhere. 

    It can come on unexpectedly as my periods are always late now since having children so can never probably time it.

    The pain is excruciating and ever since I have had children my lower back pain is a killer every few days of the month. 

    I have real pain in my abdominal and can interfere with getting things during the day.

    I suffer every single month with a horrific migraine because of my period and the changes in hormones. I literally can not function probably as my vision gets blurred and feeling sick.

    Having to cope with the spectrum of emotions. It is not just crying and then happy it is all the milder emotions in between suck has feeling fed up and emptiness.

    It cost money for the products each move and you need extra space to store them.

    The day before my period I am so bloated and feel like I am six months pregnant.

    The first day of my period I am exhausted and just finding it difficult to get motivated and to find that get-go.

    What is your take on periods? Do you suffer from them? Love to hear your thoughts in the comment section down below.

    Cheers for reading X

    Skittles rainbow experiment for kids!

     Hey readers,

    What a fun and quick science experiment then you need to try this skittle rainbow experiment. Only needs four items and takes less than five minutes. It will totally blow your child's mind, perfect to do indoors and during the half-term holiday. 

    Skittles rainbow experiment for kids.

    what you will need

    * Some Skittles.
    * Some warm water.
    * Funnel.
    * White plate.

    What to do.

       1. First place skittles in a circle on the edge of the plate.

    2. I put the funnel in the middle of the plate, stops young kids who overexcited spilling it all over the place. The funnel helps keep water in the middle. Pour the water slowly on to the plate.

    3. Remove the funnel and watch the magic happen. 

    Behind the experiment.

    Skittles are coated in sugar and food colouring. When you add warm water to the skittles the sugar and food colouring starts to dissolve. 

    Now here is the thing because the skittles are pretty much similar in the amount of sugar and food colour on them they will dissolve and move at similar speeds and stay in their lanes. 

    Skittles rainbow experiment for kids.

    Skittles rainbow experiment for kids.

    Cheers for reading X

    My Sunday photo 14/02/2021

    5 gifts for someone with depression

    Hey readers,

    It can be hard to know what to do for someone that you care about who is suffering from depression. I wish there was a magic cure to snap fingers and it would vanish however sadly this is not a readily available option. 

    That is why sometimes a gift can show you care and that you are thinking of them. 

    5 gifts for someone with depression

    Here are my top 5 gift ideas that would be perfect for someone who is dealing with depression. 

    1. Bracelet.

    5 gifts for someone with depression
    I love this bracelet with the comforting quote of 'storms don't last forever'.  It is a positive quote of encouragement to keep you going and you can wear it times for when you need that comfort. 

    2. Weighed blanket.

    5 gifts for someone with depression
    I can personally tell you as someone who suffers from depression and has a weighted blanket they are amazing and so comforting. They are especially helpful, for when you are feeling scared and in a dark place.

    I find the weight gives me comfort and helps me relax my body. Definitely recommend in having one.

    3. Sad lamp.

    5 gifts for someone with depression

    A sad lamp is particularly good during the dark and grey days of winter when it can really impact your mood.

     Basically, if you haven't heard of a sad lamp it replicas natural sunlight and triggers the feel-good hormone serotonin.

     Studies have shown that sad lamps during short dark days have been able to adjust the circadian system (which regulates sleep and distinguishes day and night) giving you much more needed energy within the day.

    4.  The 6-minute journal.

    5 gifts for someone with depression


    This is an excellent idea if you are short of time but still what to paricipate in journalling then this 6-minute journal is the one. 

    The idea is that it gives the person the opportunity to think of positive things in their lives and things to be thankful for. 

    The page for the day is split up to 3 minutes morning when it can get you into a motivated mindset for the day. 

    In the evening there is a 3 minutes section where the focus is on positive things that have happened to the person during the day. 

     There are also other features in the journal throughout that cover weekly reflections.

     It is a great technique to help you think more positive about yourself and what you have achieved. It doesn't have to big occurrences but small achievements should be celebrated. 

    5. Fun organisation pills.

    This is for the pill takers out there (I am one too so no shame). Let's make it fun to take the pills with these fun bright pill dispensers. 

    They are great because they have a section so if you take medication the day it is easy then to separate the pills so they don't get muddled up. 

    What do you think of my gift guide for someone who is dealing with depression? Love to hear your thoughts in the comment section down below.

    Cheers for reading X

    Virtual dates for long-distance relationships.

    Hey readers,

    It can be difficult if you're in a relationship but are socially distancing from one another. 

    However, that does not mean you can't go on dates... virtual dates will be your friend and help stay connected with a loved one during the lockdown.

     I have some amazing virtual date ideas to get your inspired. 

    Virtual dates for long distance relationships.

    1. Games. 

    A fun way to spend time together is playing games online and there are many available that are really effective on platforms like Whatsapp. An example of this would be Pictionary and using the Pictionary dictionary play out the word and the other person tries to guess what that word is. 

    2. Watch something together. 

    There are many extension that allows you to watch something together and have a chat box is you can chat with one another. 

    It is a great way to connect with someone and it means less lonely as you doing something with another through technology which is brilliant during the lockdown. 

    There are a few on the block now obviously there is Teleparty but not fear if you do not have Netflix then there are many alternatives such as Uptime which is designed to watch youtube videos together. 

    3. Order each other takeaway.

    A cute thing to do as a virtual date is to buy each other a meal and be delivered to the person's home.

     There are plenty of delivery services that can deliver some amazing food such as Just Eat or Uber  Eats. 

    4. Pancakes vs Waffles.

    This a fun game to get to know someone better. Pancakes and Waffles is a game is where you answer questions on your preference between two similar items. 

    It starts of questions such as pancakes and waffles? You have to choose one however that means the other option is gone from existence. 

    Then it carries on with similar such as waffles vs chips. It can be lighthearted or deep as it gets you to discuss your reasons why you want something.

    5. Walk outdoors.

    Now when I say walk outdoors I mean separately but together through WhatsApp or whatever platform you find best to video call one another. It is a fun way to walk with some virtually. 

    6. Video games.

    Of course one of the most obvious ideas of a virtual date would be video games. If you have a Nintendo switch you could play animal crossing or Mario Kart.

     Alternatively, you can download a game app that you both enjoy and can play together via the app. 

    7. Write letters. 

    A traditional take on a virtual thing to do for your partner is to write a letter and send it to each other. 

    There is nothing quite like getting a handwritten letter from someone in the post. 

    8. Work out together.

    Why not do a workout class together. There are plenty of personal fitness trainers streaming their workout online during the lockdown.

     There are so many different things from dancing to 80s music to doing aerobic classes, the world is your oyster on the internet. 

    An additional benefit of doing exercise together it keeps you motivated and can encourage you to keep going. 

    What do you think about these virtual dates? Have you tried any or done anything differently that I haven't mentioned? 

    Love to hear your thoughts in the comment section down below.

    Cheers for reading X

    How to stay happy during lockdown

    Hey readers,

    Lockdown and the whole coronavirus can make you feel like you are on an emotional rollercoaster with anxiety and uncertainty. 

    It can be hard to be positive so here are some of my tips to help feel happier during the lockdown.

     I am no ray of sunshine, I have depression/anxiety and autism so that can impact me and know first hand it is important to look after your physical and mental health.

     These tips that I am going to suggest today are things that I personally incorporate in my life. Not saying it is a walk in the park but small steps have a make a difference.

    How to stay happy during lockdown

    1. Take one day at a time. 

    This is a big learning curve during lockdown with all the uncertainty and not having control over a situation. 

    It can be hard to know how to feel especially when you feel so powerless in such a serious situation that everyone is impacted with. 

    It is key to take one day at a time because that is realistic during uncertain times. Focus on getting through one day at a time and it may not get easier but to focus on one day at a time can make you feel less anxiety. 

    The more you practice this idea the easier it gets with time as you are consciously doing it and training your mind to rethink differently. 

    2. News.

    This next recommendation was a biggy for me. I for one was addicted to watching the news channel for hours at a time and searching the internet about the coronavirus. 

    However, for me reducing the amount especially at night I just what the headlines at 6 pm and don't like at the news after. 

    Otherwise, this effects my evening and how I sleep. You're not being ignorant just sensible in looking after your mental health, like everything it is all about moderation.

    3.  Routine. 

    Establishing a routine to breakdown the feeling of the overwhelmingness of the day ahead. It gives you a structure to manage your time and something to focus on. 

    4. Talk.

    A problem shared is a problem halved. It is important to not dwell on the negativity and let it eat up inside of you. 

    Talking to someone even though it might not come with a solution can be a relief to get feelings out in the open. Just getting them feelings out in the open and not letting them just circulate in your head can really help. 

    5. Phase. 

    I know right now it feels weird to think of this lockdown as a phase but it is temporarily and one day life will be different. Hold on to the mantra and remind yourself often that it is just a phase.

    6. You are doing well. 

    I know it can be hard to think that you are doing well, but you are as your already managing the lockdown. 

    You can do this and have the belief that you can. You have done two lockdowns before and now you are going through this current lockdown, which is tough but so are you. 

    What things have helped you manage your mood in a positive way during the lockdown. Love to hear your thoughts in the comment section down below. 

    Cheers for reading X

    My Sunday Photo 07/02/2021

    How to make banana bread.

     Hey readers, 

    Looking for something to do during lockdown then you have come to the right place.

     I have a simple banana cake you can make at home and use up unwanted bananas. 

    how to make banana bread


    • * 250g self-raising flour.

    • * 1 tsp ground cinnamon.

    • * 100g caster sugar.

    • * 4 bananas.

    • * 1 egg.

    • * 75g butter.

    • * 1 vanilla pod.

    • * 2 tsp demerara sugar.

    * pinch of salt.

    • Method. 

    • 1. Preheat the oven to gas 4, 180°C, fan 160°C. Grease and baseline a loaf tin.

    2. Peel the bananas and mash up with a fork in a bowl.

    3. Sieve the flour, add the pinch of salt, cinnamon and caster sugar in a separate bowl. 

    4. Make a hole in the centre of the bowl with the flour in and add the banana, egg, butter, vanilla pod (make sure that is chopped up first). Then you need to mix these ingredients so that the texture is of a cake mixture. 

    5. Spoon the mixture into the bread tin and then sprinkle some demerara sugar on top. 

    6. Bake for an hour to an hour and 10 minutes in the oven. 

    7. When taking out the tin leave in on the side to cool down for 10 - 15 minutes before transferring the cake on to a wire rack. 

    how to make banana bread


    Cheers for reading X