
Hey readers,

My word of the week is:


This is because I have been spending so much money on shite. I want to cut back and monitor the money I spend.

The things that I have tried to adopt this week is to make meals at home on Sunday as before I would do the quick and easy and buy the meal deal from Sainsbury's after swimming because it was easy and I am lazy! I save £6 just by making that change.

Secondly, I  have downloaded two apps  Shopizze and topcashback, brilliant websites to help save money. I have already saved £5 so far this week!
Thirdly I have got a designated notepad just to write down all my outgoings. So over the next couple of weeks, I can see my pitfalls and areas where can adopt new changes.

Hopefully, this will help me feel a bit better around my finances because I seem to be panicking a lot which then entails random impulses because I have given up and felt defeated! We shall see but feeling much more positive about the situation.

Thanks for reading X 


Hey readers,

My word of the week is:


This is because I have found it hard with my son obsessing with questions about death. This triggers a lot of anxiety for me. My OCD has been learning its ugly head. It is not surprising as it likes to prey on me when I am venerable and scared.

Still, I have learnt to pay attention to other things in my life that has helped distract me.
I love my photography and getting creative. I didn't realise how much I love texture and shapes. But I can get totally get lost in it when I am free and not got a child hanging off me ;)

This week I have found the love of getting lost in books. Recently I have been trying out the different book but one thing or another I just couldn't get into them. I just find the writing styles so boring or the topic unappealing. 

Finally, I cracked it and just on my second book. It is one of the best things when you can get lost in the book and can't wait to get to bed in the evening and read.

I have completed all the Father's day stuff out For Sunday. It is also my mum's birthday and hubby's in the next seven days. Grrrrr, I really should have planned better but at least it is all sorted now.

One last note what the fuck is the whether about, oh my days. But it was lovely last Sunday to watch the thunderstorms. The boys loved watching the sky light up with the lightening.

Cheers for reading X


Hey readers,
my word of the week is:
As lovely as the sunshine is I am not the best for hot humid. I like it warm but with a breeze. I have also had a horrid cough and flu causing me to have a fever. It has been hell at night. One minute I am absolutely freezing then I am roasting. Still at least it is better conditions to diet with, haha. I have been loving drinking more and eating fresh salad. However, I know now at the later end of the week it is wet but still hot. I have enjoyed watching the thunderstorms. We are on 16th floor so have spectacular viewing of the sky.
On Thursday I went to my eldest sons first parenting meeting at his school that he will be starting September. We were told what the main routine is and the different forms etc. Also my son was super excited about having a uniform and a water bottle which to him is incredible. He is now super excited to start school.

cheers for reading X