
Hey readers,

My word of the week is:


because as a person I am anxious and neurotic at the best times, I am autistic and always self-conscious about how I communicate whether that be verbal or non-verbal. 

I have a lot of self-doubts and I am on edge a lot as a parent. But this week when I have had really high levels of anxiety, I have embraced and gone with it. 

This is something that I am not very good at because it is scary, generally, with my anxiety I get a LOT of intrusive thoughts. 

It has really been really effective, not all the time but a small-time. For me, that is progress because I am a firm believer in baby steps and anxiety is something I have to live with. 

But this week I felt quite proud of my work, it takes a lot of courage to change especially when you are not feeling 100%.

So, I am going to take this opportunity to big myself up because no one else will. You know what I can get stuck perfectionist ways so it is good to see the positive.

Cheers for reading X


Hey readers,

My word of the week is:


Blinking Nora it is hot, and the sweating is something else. I don't know how people can enjoy this weather *ahem, my husband* I don't like humid! 

It turns me into a moany cow, thank goodness for Twitter where I can just tweet my hatred for this weather. Don't get me wrong I like the sun but not with the stickiness.

Shall I discuss children? why not the struggle of bedtime, oh my word how hard is it to get children in bed in this heat.

Thank goodness for the sprinkler on my balcony because that is where they have been most of the week, along with tons of showers.

The nights are the worst in the heat, I'm exhausted and hot, such a fun times to get through the days.

Then there is heat stroke, we didn't even stay in the sun for a short while but they caught it and my this takes the grumpiness on to a new level.
Thank goodness that the weather is changing today, I am so very happy right now about this fact.

Cheers for reading X


Hey readers,

My word of the week is:


because I am really suffering badly with hayfever. My sinuses keep getting blocked and causing headaches and dizziness. 

I find it really hard to think or make decisions, I don't know it could potentially just being my odd self.

But I am enjoying the breeze this week (when it happens), it is really refreshing. I particularly one of those people who love watching washing dance about on the line, I don't why but I just find it really calming, simple pleasures and all that!

I am glad to be getting this week over with I have had to do a bit of wrapping, which I don't particularly enjoy and may at one point have hurdled the sellotape across the room because it was really annoying me getting caught up and twisted with the tape.

In other news been really glued to the news with regards to the election, I thought 2016 could not top it for an 'interesting' political time, but wooooo, it is getting fierce now.

Cheers for reading X


Hey readers,

My word of the week is:


Because the past two weeks have been really challenging mentally for me and it took its a toll on me.

It is a return to school and no anxiety-induced situations for me this week which makes me feel calm because I haven't used up all my emotions. Therefore allowing my home life to be a bit more calmer, which naturally has a direct impact on my son.

My son, however, returning back to school (who is autistic) has been having a fair few meltdowns, luckily we have purchased ear defenders and have found them to be really helpful.

 I think when my son gets home he is exhausted from all the noise and stimuli so to put them on and drown out everything for a while until he is calmer has been helpful.

I now can not wait to get some adult ones for me for similar reasons as they are quite comforting on the ears and for someone who has sensory issues is an added bonus.

Cheers for reading X