Hey Lady,
Yes, I see you give me evils, I know what your thinking, how dare I bring my child to the restaurant and the check of it to let it scream blue murder.
I know your children are perfect sitting there ignoring each other with there electronics. I don't care normally, but when you judge me, I will judge you.
Your subtle involvement is merely rude and unhelpful. I am a parent of two young children and they are not perfect nor is my parenting. Yes, they make noise but that is there right and sometimes it can get out of hand.
However, us parents are trying to deal with the situation and stop the horrendous noises. Your judgement really is unhelpful, to say the least.
You see we were travelling back home from a long day visiting relatives and it was a bank holiday. My hubby really wanted an Indian and to be honest he is a bit of foodie.
I on the other hand much prefer McDonald's with children, at least no one judges you when your child if it decides to have a tantrum.
But why can't we eat in a restaurant, there is no law that says we can't. We are just left to feel rubbish because we are not performing seals.
I know you would love us to 'control' our child but I am too liberal for that carry-on. Why should I hide behind doors or feel ashamed my child is not perfect, he is three for God's sake and can sit no longer then five minutes if we are lucky.
But he needs to learn the rules of the game, needs to test his boundaries, more important mummy and daddy need to fucking eat and this is the only place to get food this time of the day.
The tuttering doesn't help anyone and you are not squeaky clean here either. You are four adults getting pissed further and further into the night and making your own ridiculous loud volume.
Now, this doesn't normally bother me but if you keep looking at me every other second, it bothers me. you made me feel shit and a bad parent.
I am no one near perfect but for I try, and nothing is worse for someone with social anxiety to feel that they are constantly being judged.
So next time please think about your actions, you may want instant action but it has left me feeling pretty crappy and desperate to escape, much to the annoyance of my husband.
Next time I am not asking you to be my friend, all I want is you to try to be a little more understanding, it would make a huge difference.
It would break down the whole judgement that seems to happen frequently when we go out to adult-type places.
Giving parents with little self-confidence the encourage to go out with the child. Even if it is just to a restaurant to eat without feeling judged.
Yours sincerely,
The mother with the screaming, overtired and not always have the vocabulary to express himself three years old.