My word of the week is
This is because this week has been one of those weeks where everything seems to test me. Having panic attacks due to the dread of things that I don't feel too uncomfortable. That I feel the situation is more unhelpful then helpful. Luckily now at the end of the week that problem has been addressed and I feel so relived and much much calmer in myself.
In other news the day I think Tuesday when we were blessed with the major wind which on 16th floor is somewhat incredible to be surrounded by. Hubby thought it would be a good idea to open our balcony door to do something outside and whosh the door fell off. So we have it boarded up as the hinge and have been informedthat it can take up to two weeks to resolve, what a ball ache!
At thr end of the week we had the doom of paying the car insurance leaving us a little tight for cash. But so looking forward to the weekend where I can relax a bit more.
However on a brighter note I got to see my eldest at nursery while he was having reading time and so lobvelky to see. Now he is that little bit older he will listen to books been read and really enjoy it! He absolutely loves books and it is one of my pleasures to read with him. He is delayed in his speech so have found reading to really help encourage his pronunciation and awareness for syllables.
Cheers for reading X