Friday, 29 January 2016


Hey readers,

My word of the week is


This is because this week has been one of those weeks where everything seems to test me. Having panic attacks due to the dread of things that I don't feel too uncomfortable.  That I feel the situation is more unhelpful then helpful. Luckily now at the end of the week that problem has been addressed and I feel so relived and much much calmer in myself.
In other news the day I think Tuesday when we were blessed with the major wind which on 16th floor is somewhat incredible to be surrounded by. Hubby thought it would be a good idea to open our balcony door to do something outside and whosh the door fell off. So we have it boarded up as the hinge and have been informedthat it can take up to two weeks to resolve, what a ball ache!
At thr end of the week we had the doom of paying the car insurance leaving us a little tight for cash. But so looking forward to the weekend where I can relax a bit more.
However on a brighter note I got to see my eldest at nursery while he was having reading time and so lobvelky to see. Now he is that little bit older he will listen to books been read and really enjoy it! He absolutely loves books and it is one of my pleasures to read with him. He is delayed in his speech so have found reading to really help encourage his pronunciation and awareness for syllables.
Cheers for reading X

Friday, 22 January 2016


Hey readers,

My word of the week is:


It is this because I have finally got struck with the flu my son had a few days prior. I was hoping to get away with avoided in but no such luck.
The moment my sons get to nursery bang they get hit with illnesses. How frustrating is it especially when you need more energy for early wake up calls and rushing out fast, ha!
I have been aching so much and in so much bloody pain  that it has made me lack motivation to get going.
But on a brighter note we have  as a family enjoyed a couple of days out to local park, food and time together which is challenging for me but I'm doing it and getting out there.
I nearly forgot the highlight of the week with the short lived snow. It was an absolute blast walking to swimming on Sunday with the snow, yay! It was first time my youngest noticed and absolutely found it fascinating albeit a little cautious. My eldest had to make a snowball (cheers Ben and Holly). He also needed to take the snowball home but I did  explain to him what would happen. We also had a long discussion into the reason why snow is formed. Mtry eldest is very much into asking questions and knowing why things happen (takes after his daddy). I do struggle through at times as I forget he is four and fir me anyways it is surprisingly  hard to simplify your answers.

Hope you have had a good week.
Cheers for reading X

Monday, 18 January 2016

Ftmob - 18/01/201

Hey readers,
Well it has been mentally busy in my household since the return of normality and nursery. So doing my bestest to keep on track of the commentary of my boys. So here goes:
1) My eldest loves poo (I know  lovely yeah) and loves talking about it (double yeah). He has even got his own catchphrase of, "poo poo in my brain, brain in my bottom". Yes very interesting, very social approiate and loves telling everyone about it!
2) Since my youngest started nursery he has been so good at copying sounds and words. He can do most alphabet letters and saying 'please' for anything. 
3) My eldest has informed me of what he wants to be when he is older. " I want to be an Astronaut, fireman, policeman, hairdresser, builder and a pulmer". Son you haven't mentioned superman ;)
4) In the lift talking to one of my neighbours my eldest very protectively said, " this is my little brother, we go to nursery and we both love it". Which is ever so cute and protective of him, makes up for the times when they are at each others throats. 
5) I was talking to my eldest the other day and he informed me that, "mummy I need black shoes for my new school (starting September) as these trainers are now old and boring". Haha he makes me laugh so much.
Thanks for reading X 


Friday, 8 January 2016


Hey readers,

Hope you had a great Christmas and new year.

My word of the week is:

It is back to normality to lovely routines and safety where I can thrive. Don't get me wrong it is lovelt to not run around like a headless chicken trying to fit everything in and getting the boys to nursery on time.
It is great ti have a break and not have pressure to do and be. Not have to try to think about changes and reflections. Though I do hope 2016 is better then one of the shittest years of my life. where I was tested and my trust broke. We are here in 2016 solid as ever as a family. I hope this year is less stressul and mire thriving. Slowly I am easing myself back to the reality of normality and looking to the future.
Happy new year readers and if there is one think I wish you all this year is happiness.

Thank you for reading X

Boredom in ADHD adults