
Hey readers,

My word of the week is


Because my home is basically pretty much looks like a drugs den and I would not dare decorate when I have a hubby who's experienced in decorating (not to mention a perfectionist). The downside to this is he is lazy so for months we have walls with blobs of paint to see which we want.

Then suddenly, hubby decides to get his shit together and go ape in the space of three days sanding all the walls and buying paint and painting.

Everything is covered in dust and nothing is rightfully in order, OMG  I  hate it with a passion, why has he always got to be an extremist, grrrrr.
I suppose on a brighter note the walls do not look smother, haha.

Also, had both sets of grandparents different times during the week which instantly means the kids go loopy. But it was nice to have a chance for them and they were so excited telling them about every single thing in detail like we don't need to know about how much poo you have done today, lol!

Cheers for reading X

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