
Hey readers,

My word of the week is:


Because today is the last day of my eldest being in reception, that is it he has now done a year of school and in September he will be year 1, whaaat!

I also got to experience my son's first sports day in the heat, fun but it was good to see him participate and cheer him on.

It has been a  manic week with everything ending all these 'social situations' that I am pooped and likewise with my son. I am so going to have a chill out weekend as it is much needed - I may even finally get round to watching Sing (you know singing pig, which youngest really desperately wants to see)!

Although, it may hit me then we have six weeks to get through and the panic may get to me a tiny bit.

Though have got some things planned and looking forward to taking a more leisurely pace.

Cheers for reading X

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