Hey readers,
Today is the 1st October which means Blogtober17. This is the first year where I have decided to participate.
I am going to follow the #Blogtober17 linky run by hexmumblog. Each day there is a set prompt and today it is all about you. I thought this be good to challenge me and take me out of my comfort zone.
my name is Sam I am in my 30s and I live in Coventry in the West Midlands. I am married and have two young boys.
I am Sam autistic and try my best with the difficulties I face with it impacting on parenting. I also have anxiety which impacts me every day.
I write a blog for the past three years and find it really beneficial to get my thoughts and it helps motivate me when I have no energy to do anything. I am not always good at verbal communication so it is my little place to express myself.
With regards to my blog, I am not sure what box you would fit me in as I get bored and very easily distracted easily, oh look something glitter (jokes). I don't like the idea of saying I am a mummy blogger or lifestyle because I don't see myself like that. I write about whatever floats my boat that day. I would call myself an electric blogger, 😂
I am a lover of trees and being outdoors. when I am stressed or need time to think I am outside taking photos.
I met my husband on the bus (true story) though didn't get together for a few years as we were friends, life is strange.
I take medication because I have insomnia and I am a little bit addicted to lists/order.
Cheers for reading X
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