Showing posts with label blogtober 2017. Show all posts

Day 3 #blogtober17 - car

Hey readers,

Today is day 3 of #blogtober and it is all about the car. Now, what can I tell you about a car, well for some they are the centre of the universe and it is all about looking lovely with shiny wheels. Whereas others it is a mode of transport that gets you from A to B.

 I am luckily in the fact that my other half can drive, though I have attempted many times in the past to learn but due to my social anxiety/autism, I breakdown when it comes to the test sadly or not. I seem to get more and more anxious about driving cars. 

I think because there seem to be more drivers about and some right arseholes who clearly are questionable ability to drive or their whole attitude in thinking they own the road. 

I don't like confrontation and it frightens me because of the past experiences and I get scared as let's face it cars are machines that can kill you.

That being said I would say that it has been really beneficial when I have been in really stressful situations and don't have the skills at the time to get home safely, that my husband can come and rescue me instead of me from having a major meltdown at that moment.

Cars do make life easier when there are children involved as it is calmer. It is less stressful (more so when they are young) to get to places and not have to deal with the filthy looks of others while your child is so tired they want the whole world to know about it.

 Not to mention saving your arms from burning with all the heavy shopping, though now it is much easier to use delivery services.

So, I suppose what I am trying to say is that cars have the good and the bad like anything but in the grand scheme of things it really doesn't matter as long as you are healthy and happy.

Cheers for reading X

Day 1 #Blogtober17 - All about you 

Hey readers,

Today is the 1st October which means Blogtober17. This is the first year where I have decided to participate. 

I am going to follow the #Blogtober17 linky run by hexmumblog. Each day there is a set prompt and today it is all about you. I thought this be good to challenge me and take me out of my comfort zone. 

my name is Sam I am in my 30s and I live in Coventry in the West Midlands. I am married and have two young boys.     

I am Sam autistic and try my best with the difficulties I face with it impacting on parenting. I also have anxiety which impacts me every day.
I write a blog for the past three years and find it really beneficial to get my thoughts and it helps motivate me when I have no energy to do anything. I am not always good at verbal communication so it is my little place to express myself. 

With regards to my blog, I am not sure what box you would fit me in as I get bored and very easily distracted easily, oh look something glitter (jokes). I don't like the idea of saying I am a mummy blogger or lifestyle because I don't see myself like that. I write about whatever floats my boat that day. I would call myself an electric blogger, 😂 

I am a lover of trees and being outdoors. when I am stressed or need time to think I am outside taking photos.

I met my husband on the bus (true story) though didn't get together for a few years as we were friends, life is strange.

I take medication because I have insomnia and I am a little bit addicted to lists/order. 

Cheers for reading X