Day in the life of a supermum.

Hey readers,

I am not a super mum more of the side to a slummy mummy but what does a super mum's day look like? I have found the answer below. 

My day!

4 am - wake up and iron children's uniform.

4.30 am - do all the washing, drying and making sure the kitchen is sparkling.

5 am - time for some yoga darlin'.

5.30 am - shower, get ready, full makeup, straight hair, make sure number one priority is to smell of roses.

6.30 am - make a smooth which involves spinach, apple, banana, water and a splash of lemon for ultimate yummy mummy treat.

6:46 am -  makes organic fresh homemade breakfast muffins for my cherubs. 

7.15 am - make organic fresh juice to serve with breakfast muffins. Whilst they eat that I get the shower ready for them. 

7:30 am - My little darlin's are showered, hair dry and dressed. Of course, put all homework in and on time along with all letters dealt with and paid for school actives. My motto is, "only the best will do, can't be going around being late or poor". 

8 am - Reading on the go whilst a little bit of Bach played in the background as I sip my freshly brewed coffee. This is the life, I love motherhood it is perfect, I am the best mummy in this town. 

8:15 am - say bye to husband, he is working from home so popped the fresh coffee and breakfast into bed for him as a nice surprise. One must keep her husband happy, it is the ultimate lesson in keeping marriages strong. 

8:30 am -  plenty of time to warm up my gorgeous Land Rover, you have to drive in style. Nobody wants to be a plan Susan, do we?

8:45 am -  Drop the children off to school, arranged the PTA meeting (of course I am head of it as a natural born leader and a real interest in my children's school environment). 

10 am - meal plan for the week. 

10:30 am - time for a catch up on Mumsnet, gotta love a good connection with like-minded people. 

11 am - get the lunch ready for husband and myself, a lovely smashed avocado on toast does the job.

1 pm - top to bottom clean of the house so it is spick and span. 

3 pm - collect the boys from school and I was ten minutes early so I could chat with all my yummy mummy friends at the gate. 

3:15 pm - snacks and drinks dished out and now they are changed, this mummy life is the easiest isn't it!

Now time to prep dinner from scratch - I don't do processed food or stuff from a packet, oh no not I must be organic, fresh and prepared with my own fair hands. 

4 pm - get children doing their homework, must do it before playtime as I like plenty of time to get it done. No one likes to be rushed or late in this household. 

6 pm - time for a wind down where I play with my boys, talk and relax into the evening. 

7.30 pm - settled children into bed, no problem, sound asleep, they are a dream because I love routine and like to have everything together. 

8 pm - Now time to plan a cake to bake for the school fete at the weekend. Also, got to share on my Facebook the children competition results for the black belt in karate. 

9 pm - got the table set for the night before, I like to be prepared. Remember if you want something done, you need to get up and do it, Beyonce can so can I as we both have 24 hours in our day. 

10 pm - skincare routine completed and now time to settle down with a green tea and read up on some crafts on Pinterest to do with the children at the weekend. 

11 pm - time for beddy byes.

Cheers for reading X

**Disclaimer** This is a work of fiction. characters and incidents either are products of the author’s imagination or are used fictitiously. Any resemblance to actual events or locales or persons, living or dead, is entirely coincidental.

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