
Hey readers,

My word of the week is

oh my gosh I had a horrible cold that which left me with really painful sinuses and none stop snot and total exhaustion. 

So, it was a lazy weekend for me and the boys as we all feeling pretty bleugh.  But it was kind of nice to just do nothing and my body clearly needed it.

Anyhow, I had parents evening for both boys this week. My youngest is settling well in reception and loves playing outdoors.

My eldest has improved with his handwriting, we have had lots of problems since school began with pen control. He also had his mock sats and has done really well.

So we are very proud parent of both my boys and happy thlookey are doing OK at school as it is a worry.

I had an oopsie moment this week, I kept thinking Tuesday was pancake day. Turns out it is next month. Oh well we still had pancakes on Tuesday lol!

Hope you have a great week.

Cheers for reading X

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