Hey readers,
I hate Facebook, don't get me wrong Facebook has a place, for instance, I like the selling pages and promoting my blog. However, there are some things on Facebook that really gets on my goat, so let me share them with.
1) the first one involves the selling pages when you're scrolling through what people are selling and the price is free and then you go into the description of the item and it says to make an offer. To me, this is misleading as you think it is one thing and it turns out it is something completely different. I would much prefer it to be free or have a price tag, know where you stand.

2) Facebook friends that promote pyramid schemes such as Younique beauty products. I don't want your spam on my timeline with the advertisement for this scheme nor do I want your request to buy a £23 mascara, enough said.
3) The need to portray a false perception of life where everything is Rose-tinted and perfect. This can make you feel crap when you're at home and your life is nowhere near as beautiful as their false perception. I believe that this is not healthy just to constantly see the positive, you got to have the Ying with the yang.

4) When people statues are cryptic with messages about having enough or can't coping anymore and then when someone asks why they say oh it's nothing don't worry about it. reeks of attention seeking behaviour so don't bother or if you want to talk to someone in private then direct message them.
5) The constant gamers requests, I do not want to help you harvest your field in FarmVille. I will not change my mind even on the 5000th time.

6) When you get friends to request from Rita, Sue and Bob who you haven't heard from for 20 years, suddenly decide to want to be your friends on Facebook, thank you but no keep your sticky beak out of it.
7) Over the years Facebook has changed. Facebook now appears to focus on commercial ads or sponsored content and it's just something that's not appealing to me. If I wanted to shop I would go and hunt for something, I don't need any recommendations.

8) Now I know there is Pinterest which is the modern time waster but Facebook still has a place in this role. You can lose valuable time getting lost in random stuff.
9) The fact that Facebook app uses so much RAM and kills your battery and you need another app for Facebook Messenger.
10) I have questions about how much power Facebook has over data and how they store in that information.
Cheers for reading X
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