The benefits of meal planning.

 Hey readers, 

The idea behind meal planning is to organise your meals in advance. 

Meal planning can be done for a variety of reasons, and it is becoming more popular with the cost of living and people trying to save money where they can. 

The benefits of meal planning.

What are the benefits  meal planning than? Well read more below to find out. 

1. Learn portion control.

You can monitor how much you actually consume if you plan your own meals. This also helps you avoid overeating at restaurants, which frequently provide portions that are far larger than you should be consuming.

2. Meal planning takes away indecisions.

Nothing is more annoying than checking everything in your kitchen cabinets while you wait for inspiration to strike over what to make, only to find that nothing jumps out.

Procrastination, which is never a good thing, and time wastage are both caused by indecision.

Instead of wasting time considering what to make, spend that time actually making the food so that you may spend more time later on doing something else you want to do.

When you have a meal plan, you may operate more automatically because the preparation and planning are already done, and you are likely to have the necessary time and ingredients. I'm sure you'll agree that it's lot simpler this way!

3. Saves money. 

It has been demonstrated that by scheduling your monthly meals at least a week in advance, you may significantly reduce your food expenses each month. Plan your meals and snacks in advance.

The cost of a takeaway dinner can often equal the cost of 4 home-cooked meals, which shows how expensive eating out has become. You can "repurpose" meals by using leftovers to make an entirely new dish when you learn how to cook at home. Double Discounts!

4. You will eat healthier.

Once you get the hang of meal planning, it will help you control your frequent hunger pangs and peckish feeling, which encourages you to buy canned and boxed foods that aren't the healthiest options. 

When you want to make the move to being healthier, it's important to eat nutritious foods. Making a meal plan in advance can help you decide what you will eat each day of the week and guarantee that the components are very nutritious.

5. Reduces stress.

You won't have to worry about what you will prepare or scramble to locate anything at the last minute if you write up a meal plan for the next week and stick it on your refrigerator. 

What to you think to meal planning? Is it something that you do? Love to hear your thoughts in the comment section down below. 
Cheers for reading X 

My Sunday photo 06/08/2023


My Sunday photo 06/08/2023

How to help your child start secondary school.

 Hey readers,

Starting secondary school can be an exciting but challenging time for children. 

How to help your child start secondary school.

As a parent, there are several ways you can help your child transition smoothly into this new phase of their education. Here are some tips:

1. Communication. 

Talk openly with your child about their feelings and concerns about starting secondary school.

 Please encourage them to share their thoughts and listen attentively to their worries.

 Assure them that it's normal to feel anxious and that you're there to support them.

2. Attend orientation events. 

Take advantage of any orientation programs or open days the school offers. 

These events allow your child to familiarise themselves with the school environment, meet teachers and staff, and connect with other students.

3. Visit the school beforehand. 

If possible, visit the school with your child before their first day.

 This will help them become familiar with the layout of the building, locate classrooms, and identify facilities like the cafeteria, library, and restrooms.

 It can also alleviate some of their anxiety about navigating a new environment.

4. Establish routines. 

Establish consistent practices and schedules to help your child feel organised and prepared.

 Plan regular bedtimes and wake-up times to ensure they get enough rest. 

Help them pack their school bag the night before and lay out their uniform or clothing for the next day.

5. Encourage independence. 

Secondary school often requires more freedom and responsibility from students. 

Please encourage your child to take ownership of their school-related tasks, such as organising their materials, completing homework, and managing their time.

 Teach them organisational skills and help them develop a system for keeping track of assignments and deadlines.

6. Foster social connections. 

Encourage your child to make new friends and build social relationships at their new school. 

Encourage participation in extracurricular activities or clubs that align with their interests. 

Remind them that many other students are also starting fresh and looking to make new friends.

7. Stay involved. 

Maintain open lines of communication with your child's teachers and stay engaged in their school life. 

Attend parent-teacher meetings, stay informed about their academic progress, and address any concerns or challenges that may arise. 

Showing interest and support will help your child feel more secure and motivated.

8. Monitor stress levels. 

Monitor your child's stress levels during the transition period. 

Please encourage them to talk about any difficulties they may be facing and offer guidance and reassurance. 

If you notice persistent stress or adjustment difficulties, consider contacting the school's counselling services or seeking professional support.

Remember, every child is different, and their needs may vary. Be patient, supportive, and understanding as your child navigates this significant transition. 

With your guidance and encouragement, they will gradually settle into their new school and thrive academically and socially.

Cheers for reading x 

How to make oobleak

Hey readers, 

Oobleck is a non-Newtonian fluid that is made from corn-starch and water. It is a fun and easy science experiment that kids of all ages can enjoy.

How to make oobleak

Here is how to make oobleck. 


* 1 cup corn-starch. 

3/4 cup water. 

Food colouring (optional). 


1. In a large bowl, combine the corn-starch and water.

2. If you are using food colouring, add a few drops to the water before adding it to the corn-starch.

3. Stir the mixture together until it is smooth.

4. The oobleck is ready to play with!


The amount of corn-starch and water you need may vary depending on the brand of corn-starch you use. Start with the measurements listed above and adjust as needed.

If the oobleck is too dry, add a few drops of water. If it is too runny, add a little more corn-starch.

You can add other ingredients to oobleck to change its properties. For example, you can add glitter, shaving cream, or soap bubbles.

Oobleck can be stored in an airtight container for up to a week.

Here are some fun things you can do with oobleck. 

Throw it at each other.

Make it into shapes.

Roll it around in your hands.

See how it reacts to different forces, such as gravity, pressure, and temperature.
Experiment with different colours and textures.

Oobleck is a great way to learn about the properties of fluids and have some fun at the same time. So what are you waiting for? Go make some oobleck today!

Cheers for reading X 

My Sunday photo 30/07/2023


My Sunday photo 30/07/2023

I was feeling a bit rubbish yesterday with my mental health. So I thought, you know what? Treat yourself and it was worth every penny. 

How to stop self gaslighting.

 Hey readers,

The manipulative technique known as gaslighting refers to someone who challenges your perception of reality. 

It often serves as a means of exerting control over a person or circumstance since the result confuses and destabilises you, making you question your abilities. 

Self-gaslighting is a closely comparable term and idea that may not be as widely known but has the same potential for harm.

Self-gaslighting occurs when you start to doubt your reality and discount your emotions due to internalised doubt and a critical external voice. Some famous self-gaslighting words are "Maybe it wasn't that bad," "Maybe she didn't mean to hurt me," and "I am being overly emotional." 

So why do we act in this manner?

Discover the reasons why self-gaslighting occurs, as well as a method to stop it and replace it with self-trust, below.

How to stop self gaslighting.

Why do we tend to self-gaslight?

The external "voice" that might direct your self-gaslighting behaviour could be from someone you repeatedly heard, such as a carer or an authority figure who was interested in keeping control over you.

 Because we depend on our parents and other authority figures to survive as children, it is not in our best interests to question them.

 We lack the ability or desire to criticise or hold them accountable. In such cases, rage must be channelled within.

To maintain reliance on our carers, we may grow a self-critical voice and focus unpleasant emotions towards ourselves.

 When a problem isn't caused by the environment or the people around us, the developing brain tells us that "the problem must be me." This causes us to doubt our knowledge.

Additionally, the voice of scepticism could come from social sources rather than just one individual. One term for this is "collective gaslighting."

 In this country, for instance, the idea that white people are more critical and valuable than people of colour has been perpetuated via messaging, deeds, and legislation. 

Consequently, a person of colour may assume as they age that they are lacking and undeserving of something.

But regardless of who you are or what your internal story is, you can regain control and stop any self-gaslighting that is taking place.

1. Consider whose viewpoint this is.

These contradicting beliefs frequently don't appear out of thin air. They have become embedded in your mind since you have heard them before. 

There's usually someone who persuades you to think this way about yourself.

It can have been a parent, boss, sibling, ex, or acquaintance. Even if the individual had good intentions at the time, you should discover the source of these beliefs to distance yourself from them.

2. Find out who has this opinion by digging deep.

Do some personal history digging to see if you have unwittingly become accustomed to gaslighting yourself?

Who has taught you that you shouldn't rely on your judgements, preferences, experiences, and memories?

Did it begin in infancy and feel "natural" in your marriage?

Did your parents discourage you from having confidence in yourself because they didn't like who you were or what you did?

Did your husband criticise your thoughts, actions, demands, and grievances? Or did he gradually reduce your feeling of self to serve his interests by chipping away at it?

Stop claiming ownership of things that are not yours!

3. You Hold Responsibility for Your Illness.

Another method you gaslight yourself is by blaming yourself.

 You blame yourself for your symptoms even if you know you have an invisible illness and have no control over it. 

You punish yourself if you get flare-ups. And you think unfavourable, destructive ideas.

Society is quite good at making someone responsible for their illness.

 It is your job to recover if you are ill; if you don't, you aren't working hard enough. 

For those of us with a chronic, invisible illness, however, this is not true. 

We often have no control over these ailments, and no matter what we do, they won't go away. Therefore, it is useless to blame yourself for a situation out of your control.

4. Remain rooted. 

Keep as much of your awareness in the present as possible because reality doesn't always feel stable. 

We have power over the present, but we cannot change the past. Take part in enjoyable and relaxing activities.

Remember that your past does not define who you are today, and validate your work that counts.

5. Combat Self-Negative Talk.

Have you ever made the mistake of criticising and calling yourself a failure after it? 

It's time to combat those instances of negative self-talk. Replace negative thoughts with positive and self-compassionate affirmations rather than allowing them to rule your mind.

 Remember that everyone makes mistakes, and they present chances for growth and learning.

What do you think about self-gaslighting? Have you ever experienced it? I love you. Hear your thoughts in the comment section below.

Cheers for reading X

How to save money on school uniform.

 Hey readers,

Even though it is the start of the summer holiday, you might already think about buying the next academic year's uniform. 

As let's face it, school uniform is not a cheap purchase, and if you cater for the fact that you have more than one child, it might be best to plan earlier rather than later to save money and less stress. 

How to save money on school uniform.

If your trying to save some pennies because of the cost of living, then you have come to the right place as I have some top tips on saving money on your child's school uniform. 

1. Buy second-hand.

Check if your school or PTA (Parent Teacher Association) has a second-hand selling group where you can pick up some pre-loved items. 

If this doesn't exist at your child's school, see if you can set one up on social media and invite other parents to join.

Alternatively, you could check out these social media sites and apps to buy uniforms and sell any old items: 

Facebook Marketplace: You can search for items and pick them up for free if the seller's local.

Facebook groups: Local community groups can help you connect with families in your neighbourhood and search for second-hand uniforms. 

Freecycle: This app allows people to gift or lend unwanted items to people living nearby. 

Olio: Like Freecycle, this app allows people to give away items they don't want to those in the local neighbourhood.

Vinted: There are over 500 results for school uniforms on the app, and you can filter it only to show the sizes you need. 

eBay: You can search for specific items and bid for them, which means you could get a great deal.

2. Audit the Old.

If you just shoved last year's uniform into a cupboard at the end of term, get it out and look at what you already have that might last a few more weeks.

 If your child wears summer dresses or shorts, it's worth holding out on buying warmer clothes until the weather turns, as they may already be too small for them by the time they need them. 

Wash and then lay everything out and persuade the kids to have a quick trying-on session before you make a list of the essentials you do need to buy.

3. Beware of multipacks.

But beware: multipacks are not always the most economical option. While a pack of four or five polo shirts might be good value, you may not need multiple skirts or trousers (knee slide dependent).

Working out the price per item and how much wear it will get could help cut unnecessary costs. 

That said, finding fellow parents in the market for new school wear and splitting the price of a multipack could also be a canny way of saving money.

4. Check for grants.

Some parents will be eligible for a school uniform grant worth £200, depending on their income and where they live. 

The grants are typically available for people receiving benefits such as Universal Credit and child tax credit.

You may also be eligible if your child receives free school meals. 

Not every council in England offers this, but you can check what’s on offer via the government website. Grant schemes also differ across the UK.

5. Buddy up.

Alternatively, if you spot an excellent multipack offer and you don't need all of the items, parents could buddy up with a fellow parent and split the costs.

Buddying up with families with children of different ages is also a great way to pass around clothes when they're outgrown.

6. Only buy what you need. 

Before buying a variety of new items for your kids, consider whether they are necessary because, trust me, you bet every school year there is a new trend meaning new backpacks, new pencil cases etc. 

But don’t fall into the trap of buying things just because your kids want them. It’s also important not to fall for the expensive fad school accessories, which are trendy at the time but won’t be in a few months. 

Stick to buying things that last and won’t go out of ‘fashion’.”

To give you a helping hand, KiddyCharts has this printable back-to-school checklist for parents to use. Check it out here.

7. Size up.

As most children experience growth spurts during puberty, you may feel you have wasted your money on a uniform that will soon be too small.

I recommend sizing up one or two sizes on blazers and trousers.

 Children get away with a little oversized blazer, especially when a shirt and jumper are layered underneath.

Long trousers can also be taken up to fit your child, and the hem can later be let down as they grow.

Some supermarkets have designed ranges with this in mind. 

Marks & Spencer sells trousers with a “grow-proof hem”, which are made with extra length. The hem can quickly be taken down by unpicking it and pressing it with an iron.

8. Shop around. 

Shop around;  the government have introduced legally binding guidance which requires schools to make uniforms affordable for all. 

This means you shouldn’t have to stump up extra cash or be limited to certain stores for items, and schools must remove unnecessary branded items.

Most supermarkets stock polo shirts, trousers, skirts and sweatshirts, often sold in multipacks – and snapshot Which? Analysis this month found them to be modestly priced.

 For a primary school pupil aged eight to nine, I found a pack of polo shirts from George by Asda for £3.50, while a group of two black trousers from the Morrisons Nutmeg range cost £9.

Cheers for reading X 

My Sunday photo 23/07/2023

My Sunday photo 23/07/2023

Aw, my son's leaving assembly for year 6!

He has come so far, oud of him. Looking forward to seeing what his next adventure will hold for him 😍

A to Z of self care.

Hey readers, 

Making the effort to look after your physical, mental, and emotional health can significantly improve both your short- and long-term wellbeing.

A to Z of self care.

It is crucial that you set aside some time for yourself, regardless of where you are in life or how busy things seem to be.

To get you started, here are 26 self-care suggestions from A to Z.

A - ask for help. 

B - books.

C - clean your room. 

D - speak to the doctor. 

E - exercise. 

F - use a face mask. 

G - write down what you are grateful for. 

H - hydrate. 

I - important life admin.
J - journal. 

K - know yourself.
L - let it out. 

M - make your bed. 

N - learn to say no!
O - organise.
P - pamper. 

Q - quiet time

R - relax. 

S - sleep. 

T - talk. 

U - unplug for 1 hour right now. 

V - volunteer. 

W - go out for a walk. 

X - exhale. 

Y - do some yoga.

Z - get some. Zzzs.

Cheers for reading X

The benefits of unplugging from technology

 Hey readers,

In our quick-paced, digital world, unplugging technology has become increasingly vital. 

With technology at our disposal constantly, it's simple to become overwhelmed by the constant barrage of messages and interruptions, which can lead to stress.

The benefits of unplugging from technology

 But stepping away from technology can benefit our mental and physical health.

Below are some of the benefits of taking a break from technology.

1. Sleep.

Receiving a constant stream of notifications and alerts on your devices can interfere with your sleep schedule. 

While we all appreciate the odd amusing joke or tweet, it's wise to step away from social media and business correspondence occasionally. 

Recent studies have shown that social media and cellphone usage hurt sleep quality. 

According to additional studies, the blue light emitted by the screens of our computers and smartphones makes it more difficult for us to fall asleep.

 This suggests that before going to bed, we should probably put the technology away.

2. Start Worrying About Yourself. 

It's simple to get sucked into the social media black hole. 

Being drawn into social media may significantly impact your well-being, whether you're worried about who your ex might be seeing or what your pals are up to. 

While your friends post pictures of themselves hanging out while you weren't invited, it's natural to feel worried. Here's what you can do: stop using social media!

Unplugging from your phone, particularly social media, enables you to realise that you should be concentrating on your overall well-being rather than what someone else is likely doing all the time.

 When we unplug, we start worrying about ourselves instead of other people.

3. Provide more time for simple pleasures.

Simple joys are made possible by taking a break from technology.

 You may use that time to read a book or engage in a stimulating activity like puzzle building instead of watching TV or browsing the internet. 

There won't be any interruptions whether you cook, send a note to a loved one, or play with your pet. Increased enjoyment of your favourite activities can greatly enhance your well-being and enable you to live fully.

4. Discover time.

What you can accomplish when you're not shackled to your phone or computer is incredible.

 Consider how much time you waste reading through social media on your phone or tablet, browsing the web, or watching TV. 

Now consider what else you could accomplish with all that free time! Take a lesson, get in touch with pals (in person), go for a walk, or spend time with your family. All those little time snatches pile up!

5. Increased creativity.

You can think more creatively if you unplug once a week. 

When you're always connected, it's challenging to come up with fresh ideas or refine existing ones because there are so many distractions. 

Productivity and creativity go hand in hand, and unplugging can help you access this mental region.

What do you think about unplugging from technology? Love to hear your thoughts in the comment section below.

Cheers for reading X

My Sunday photo 16/07/2023

My Sunday photo 16/07/2023

We got the youngest school report this week and so proud of his efforts and hard work. 

Asked what he wanted as a reward for all his efforts at a school this year and of course it had to be a can of Prime 😂

My Sunday photo 16/07/2023

My Sunday photo 16/07/2023

Aw my youngest went away for the night Thursday night with school. He was so excited. Love him 😘

Rosemary and garlic foccacila recipe.

Hey readers,
Discover how to create the ideal focaccia bread, which combines a crisp surface with a soft, chewy interior.

Rosemary and garlic foccacila recipe.
This easy-to-follow recipe for garlic focaccia is appropriate for both beginning and seasoned bread bakers.


500g strong bread flour, plus extra for dusting. 

7g dried fast action yeast. 

2 tsp fine sea salt. 

5 tbsp olive oil, plus extra for the tin and to serve. 

* 1 tsp flaky sea salt. 

¼ small bunch of rosemary, sprigs picked. 

Two big garlic gloves.


1. Fill a sizable mixing bowl with the flour. On one side of the flour, combine the yeast, and on the other, the fine salt. 

After that, combine everything; the initial separation stops the salt from killing the yeast.

2. Create a well in the centre of the flour, add 2 tablespoons of oil, and then slowly pour in 350–400 ml of tepid water until you have a little sticky dough (you might not need all the water).

 After flouring the work area, tip the dough onto it and scrape the dough off the bowl's sides. 

Knead the dough for 5 to 10 minutes, or until it is soft and less sticky. After placing the dough in a clean bowl and covering it with a tea towel, let it rise for an hour to double in size.

3. shallow rectangle (25 x 35 cm) of oil. Stretch the dough to fill the tin after tipping it onto the work surface. 

For a another 35–45 minutes, cover with a tea towel and let the proof sit.

4. Oven temperature set to 220°C/200°F fan/gas 7. Make ridges in the dough by pressing your fingers into it. 

Drizzle the bread with a mixture of 112 tbsp olive oil, 1 tbsp water, and the flaky salt. 

Insert rosemary sprigs and garlic slices into the dough's dimples.

5. Until browned, bake for 20 minutes. Drizzle 1-2 tablespoons of olive oil over the hot bread. 

If desired, add more olive oil and serve the squares warm or cold.

Rosemary and garlic foccacila recipe.


Cheers for reading X 

How to Overcome Writer's Block

Hey readers,
Writer's block is a common problem for bloggers. It can be frustrating and demoralising when you can't come up with anything to write about.

How to Overcome Writer's Block

There are a few things you can do to overcome writer's block:

1. Take a break.

 Sometimes the best way to get over writer's block is to take a break from writing.

 Go for a walk, read a book, or do something you enjoy. Sometimes all you need is a little time to clear your head and return to your writing with fresh eyes.

2. Brainstorm.

 If you're still stuck, brainstorm a list of topics you could write about. Don't worry about whether or not you will use any of these topics; get them down on paper. 

Once you have a list of topics, you can start to narrow it down and choose one that you're interested in writing about.

3. Talk to someone. 

Sometimes talking to someone else can help you to overcome writer's block. Talk to a friend, family member, or fellow blogger about your problem. They may be able to offer you some helpful advice or suggestions.

If you're struggling with writer's block, don't give up. Just keep trying, and eventually, you'll find a way to overcome it.

4. Write about a problem. 

When crafting a scene, fiction writers frequently use this tool. To better examine the issue and continue writing, write about your work in a notebook to yourself when you feel stuck. 

Write out what you're attempting to express in that specific section and the reason you're feeling stuck when you're feeling stuck in plain terms.

 This will ease the burden of coming up with a definitive statement and assist you in identifying the essence of your point.
5. Outline. 

For authors who want to prevent writer's block, preparation is key.

 Without a plan, you run the risk of being stuck in your work and being unable to move forward. 

You can follow a road plan to keep track of your plots and overall direction by creating an outline. With an outline, it's difficult to experience writer's block because you know where you're headed in the beginning, middle, and end of the document.

6. Free write.

 Free writing is a great way to get your creative juices flowing. Start writing whatever comes to mind without worrying about grammar or spelling. You can always go back and edit later.

What do you think of my tips on overcoming writer's block? Have I missed any good points to help with writer's block? Love to hear your thoughts in the comment section. 

Cheers for reading X 

My Sunday photo 09/07/2023


My Sunday photo 09/07/2023

My eldest son had an excellent school report, so I said I would get him a packet of blue Takis. Which he was beyond overjoyed about! 

5 tips to teach your kids to clean their room.

Hey readers, 

Does your youngster have trouble finding what they are looking for? Is your child's room a complete disaster? Has finding a layer of dust on their belongings become commonplace?

Instilling in your youngster the habit of cleaning up after themselves will solve all of these issues. 

Your child should understand how crucial it is to have a clean home, workspace, and surroundings to live a healthy, happy, and stress-free life.

5 tips to teach your kids to clean their room.
A child must be taught to clean and tidy up early, just like with all healthy habits, to prevent untidiness from becoming ingrained.

Now, this could be a little challenging, especially if your youngster is consistently messy. But if you work hard enough, you can teach your kid to clean up after themselves.

Top tips to teach your child to tidy up.
1. Don’t Clean Your Your Child’s Room for Them. 

 The next thing I want to say regarding rooms is this: if your child is old enough to tidy their room independently, don't do it for them. Not to be a martyr. Your child should tidy up their room.

Cleaning your child's room for them rather than letting them do it works against you. It demonstrates to your child that you don't have confidence in their independence. 

It also demonstrates to them that you will cave in and complete the task on their behalf if they put up enough of a fight.

Doing it for them also conveys that they are not obligated to follow your instructions and that your words do not reflect your intentions. And make no mistake; your authority is at risk if youngsters believe you don't mean what you say.

Although doing it yourself might initially seem more convenient, in the long term, this will discourage your child from wanting to complete the task. 

As a general rule, once children are in primary school, they should be able to complete the majority of the chores associated with cleaning their rooms on their own. All you have to do is hold them responsible.

2. Talk through the clean-up process. 

Telling the procedure to your child when they are initially learning the art of organising their rooms (also known as the skill of not stuffing everything under their bed). 

As you clean up, go over each step with them so they may learn. "Say, "I'm putting back all the trains in this container so we can locate them easily next time. " Then, "I'll put back all the play food in the play kitchen since that's where it belongs."

3. Keep the Mood Light; Avoid Yelling.

According to studies, the greatest method to communicate with kids is to keep your cool when speaking to them. 

We all know that screaming or raising your voice will only encourage rebellious behaviour, which is never a good thing. 

Therefore, even when your kids aren't acting appropriately, it's crucial to be patient when speaking to them. 

Therefore, the next time you ask or remind your children to clean their rooms, do so calmly to avoid upsetting them.

 It's up to you to remain composed and patient regardless of how they respond if you don't want to get into a fight. 

Additionally, there is no harm in a little guilt-tripping! Your kids will be more understanding and appreciative of you if you ask them if it's fair for you to clean their room on top of all the other work you have to do. This will encourage them to do the same for their room.

4. Speed clean. 

This is a fantastic tip for those energetic kids that never stop moving around! 

Determine how many toys you can put away before the timer goes off. 

Alternatively, start a timer and time how long it takes to collect every train piece.

 Older children can record their times, save them, and aim to beat them with a new clean-up record.

5. Leading a helping hand.

While we know that most of the time, it is the child's responsibility to clean up their filthy rooms, you should include assistance in your encouragement and motivational strategies.

 By helping out a few times, you can show them how to do it correctly. Kids enjoy cleaning more because of this, which encourages them to finish.

What do you think of my tips to help encourage your child to clean their bedroom? Have I missed any good tips that you think to work wonders?

Love to hear your comments in the comment section below. 

Cheers for reading x

How to deal with restlessness

Hey readers, 

A typical sign of numerous mental and physical health issues is restlessness. You might question why you're restless and what you can do to stop it.

How to deal with restlessness
It can frequently make you antsy, or it might only rarely bother you. In either case, this essay might be helpful if you're restless and want to know why.

You'll learn several things you can do in this article to fix it.

1. Audit your sleep.
For our mental, physical, and emotional health, sleep is essential. Examine your bedtime and wake-up routines, as well as your pre- and post-sleep rituals. 

Keeping your bedroom pleasant and turning off your electronics at least an hour before bed is essential for excellent sleep hygiene.

If you experience daytime fatigue and agitation, a sleep tracker might help you identify sleep abnormalities (such as sleep apnea).

2. Learn to relax.

While it's easier said than done, developing good relaxation techniques may help you feel less restless.
Mindful breathing, meditation, forest bathing, and yoga sessions are relaxing practices to master. 

Make time every night to unwind: take a bath, read a good book, put your phone away, stroll, or pick up a new activity, like knitting or sewing.

3. Exercise. 

The best remedy for restlessness is exercise. It is advised to engage in moderate to vigorous exercise for at least 30 minutes three times per week to significantly lower cortisol (the body's stress hormone).

4. Try progressive muscle relaxation.
Deep breathing and the tensing and relaxing of specific muscular areas, like your neck or shoulders, are all parts of progressive muscle relaxation. 

You squeeze the muscles as firmly as possible while not injuring yourself. It would help if you didn't ever experience shooting pain or discomfort when you performed this workout. 

As you breathe in, tense one muscle group; as you exhale, relax that muscle group. Usually, starting with one foot at a time, you work up to your head from your toes.

Before progressive muscle relaxation, check with your doctor whether you have broken bones or torn muscles.

5. Lack of confidence. 

You stopped feeling like you were good enough at some point throughout this trip we call life, which resulted in restlessness.

Think about something that makes you feel immensely confident as a quick remedy for this treatment. 

Your ability to ride a bike or do well in an interview could be all required.

Is it accurate to claim that you haven't always been confident in your interviewing abilities? 

Then, what altered?
The fact that you have obtained much employment over the years is what has changed.

 The same principle applies to your belief in your capacity to ride a bicycle.

Doubt leaves your consciousness once you reach a goal. You no longer need to prepare for a job interview or learn how to ride a bike over three days.

 You feel assured because you have already answered many interview questions with success. 

What do you think about my ideas? Have I missed any good ones out to help conquer restlessness?  

Love to hear your thoughts in the comment section.

Cheers for reading X

My Sunday photo 02/07/2023


My Sunday photo 02/07/2023