Monday 17 July 2023

The benefits of unplugging from technology

 Hey readers,

In our quick-paced, digital world, unplugging technology has become increasingly vital. 

With technology at our disposal constantly, it's simple to become overwhelmed by the constant barrage of messages and interruptions, which can lead to stress.

The benefits of unplugging from technology

 But stepping away from technology can benefit our mental and physical health.

Below are some of the benefits of taking a break from technology.

1. Sleep.

Receiving a constant stream of notifications and alerts on your devices can interfere with your sleep schedule. 

While we all appreciate the odd amusing joke or tweet, it's wise to step away from social media and business correspondence occasionally. 

Recent studies have shown that social media and cellphone usage hurt sleep quality. 

According to additional studies, the blue light emitted by the screens of our computers and smartphones makes it more difficult for us to fall asleep.

 This suggests that before going to bed, we should probably put the technology away.

2. Start Worrying About Yourself. 

It's simple to get sucked into the social media black hole. 

Being drawn into social media may significantly impact your well-being, whether you're worried about who your ex might be seeing or what your pals are up to. 

While your friends post pictures of themselves hanging out while you weren't invited, it's natural to feel worried. Here's what you can do: stop using social media!

Unplugging from your phone, particularly social media, enables you to realise that you should be concentrating on your overall well-being rather than what someone else is likely doing all the time.

 When we unplug, we start worrying about ourselves instead of other people.

3. Provide more time for simple pleasures.

Simple joys are made possible by taking a break from technology.

 You may use that time to read a book or engage in a stimulating activity like puzzle building instead of watching TV or browsing the internet. 

There won't be any interruptions whether you cook, send a note to a loved one, or play with your pet. Increased enjoyment of your favourite activities can greatly enhance your well-being and enable you to live fully.

4. Discover time.

What you can accomplish when you're not shackled to your phone or computer is incredible.

 Consider how much time you waste reading through social media on your phone or tablet, browsing the web, or watching TV. 

Now consider what else you could accomplish with all that free time! Take a lesson, get in touch with pals (in person), go for a walk, or spend time with your family. All those little time snatches pile up!

5. Increased creativity.

You can think more creatively if you unplug once a week. 

When you're always connected, it's challenging to come up with fresh ideas or refine existing ones because there are so many distractions. 

Productivity and creativity go hand in hand, and unplugging can help you access this mental region.

What do you think about unplugging from technology? Love to hear your thoughts in the comment section below.

Cheers for reading X


  1. I have been spending more time unplugged especially from social media. I feel happier for it. x
