Friday 7 July 2023

5 tips to teach your kids to clean their room.

Hey readers, 

Does your youngster have trouble finding what they are looking for? Is your child's room a complete disaster? Has finding a layer of dust on their belongings become commonplace?

Instilling in your youngster the habit of cleaning up after themselves will solve all of these issues. 

Your child should understand how crucial it is to have a clean home, workspace, and surroundings to live a healthy, happy, and stress-free life.

5 tips to teach your kids to clean their room.
A child must be taught to clean and tidy up early, just like with all healthy habits, to prevent untidiness from becoming ingrained.

Now, this could be a little challenging, especially if your youngster is consistently messy. But if you work hard enough, you can teach your kid to clean up after themselves.

Top tips to teach your child to tidy up.
1. Don’t Clean Your Your Child’s Room for Them. 

 The next thing I want to say regarding rooms is this: if your child is old enough to tidy their room independently, don't do it for them. Not to be a martyr. Your child should tidy up their room.

Cleaning your child's room for them rather than letting them do it works against you. It demonstrates to your child that you don't have confidence in their independence. 

It also demonstrates to them that you will cave in and complete the task on their behalf if they put up enough of a fight.

Doing it for them also conveys that they are not obligated to follow your instructions and that your words do not reflect your intentions. And make no mistake; your authority is at risk if youngsters believe you don't mean what you say.

Although doing it yourself might initially seem more convenient, in the long term, this will discourage your child from wanting to complete the task. 

As a general rule, once children are in primary school, they should be able to complete the majority of the chores associated with cleaning their rooms on their own. All you have to do is hold them responsible.

2. Talk through the clean-up process. 

Telling the procedure to your child when they are initially learning the art of organising their rooms (also known as the skill of not stuffing everything under their bed). 

As you clean up, go over each step with them so they may learn. "Say, "I'm putting back all the trains in this container so we can locate them easily next time. " Then, "I'll put back all the play food in the play kitchen since that's where it belongs."

3. Keep the Mood Light; Avoid Yelling.

According to studies, the greatest method to communicate with kids is to keep your cool when speaking to them. 

We all know that screaming or raising your voice will only encourage rebellious behaviour, which is never a good thing. 

Therefore, even when your kids aren't acting appropriately, it's crucial to be patient when speaking to them. 

Therefore, the next time you ask or remind your children to clean their rooms, do so calmly to avoid upsetting them.

 It's up to you to remain composed and patient regardless of how they respond if you don't want to get into a fight. 

Additionally, there is no harm in a little guilt-tripping! Your kids will be more understanding and appreciative of you if you ask them if it's fair for you to clean their room on top of all the other work you have to do. This will encourage them to do the same for their room.

4. Speed clean. 

This is a fantastic tip for those energetic kids that never stop moving around! 

Determine how many toys you can put away before the timer goes off. 

Alternatively, start a timer and time how long it takes to collect every train piece.

 Older children can record their times, save them, and aim to beat them with a new clean-up record.

5. Leading a helping hand.

While we know that most of the time, it is the child's responsibility to clean up their filthy rooms, you should include assistance in your encouragement and motivational strategies.

 By helping out a few times, you can show them how to do it correctly. Kids enjoy cleaning more because of this, which encourages them to finish.

What do you think of my tips to help encourage your child to clean their bedroom? Have I missed any good tips that you think to work wonders?

Love to hear your comments in the comment section below. 

Cheers for reading x


  1. This made me chuckle because I have a constant battle with my two, trying to get them to tidy their rooms. My youngest isn't too bad and will do her's with a lot of nagging but my eldest waits until she can't see the floor until she does her's.
