Monday 7 August 2023

The benefits of meal planning.

 Hey readers, 

The idea behind meal planning is to organise your meals in advance. 

Meal planning can be done for a variety of reasons, and it is becoming more popular with the cost of living and people trying to save money where they can. 

The benefits of meal planning.

What are the benefits  meal planning than? Well read more below to find out. 

1. Learn portion control.

You can monitor how much you actually consume if you plan your own meals. This also helps you avoid overeating at restaurants, which frequently provide portions that are far larger than you should be consuming.

2. Meal planning takes away indecisions.

Nothing is more annoying than checking everything in your kitchen cabinets while you wait for inspiration to strike over what to make, only to find that nothing jumps out.

Procrastination, which is never a good thing, and time wastage are both caused by indecision.

Instead of wasting time considering what to make, spend that time actually making the food so that you may spend more time later on doing something else you want to do.

When you have a meal plan, you may operate more automatically because the preparation and planning are already done, and you are likely to have the necessary time and ingredients. I'm sure you'll agree that it's lot simpler this way!

3. Saves money. 

It has been demonstrated that by scheduling your monthly meals at least a week in advance, you may significantly reduce your food expenses each month. Plan your meals and snacks in advance.

The cost of a takeaway dinner can often equal the cost of 4 home-cooked meals, which shows how expensive eating out has become. You can "repurpose" meals by using leftovers to make an entirely new dish when you learn how to cook at home. Double Discounts!

4. You will eat healthier.

Once you get the hang of meal planning, it will help you control your frequent hunger pangs and peckish feeling, which encourages you to buy canned and boxed foods that aren't the healthiest options. 

When you want to make the move to being healthier, it's important to eat nutritious foods. Making a meal plan in advance can help you decide what you will eat each day of the week and guarantee that the components are very nutritious.

5. Reduces stress.

You won't have to worry about what you will prepare or scramble to locate anything at the last minute if you write up a meal plan for the next week and stick it on your refrigerator. 

What to you think to meal planning? Is it something that you do? Love to hear your thoughts in the comment section down below. 
Cheers for reading X 


  1. I meal plan and it really works for my family. Over the years we save money and there is less wastage. The odd week that I don't meal plan we always spend a lot more and resort to takeaways.
