Sunday 24 February 2019

Companies that reward you for recycling

Hey readers,

Do you want to get some cash for old items that you do not use then one way to do this is to exchange your old items for new? Not only do you get some cash but also recycling will help the environment win-win.  

There are many companies that now offer money for the exchange of old items and below are a list of some companies that offer this service. 


So H & M offer a point service where you drop a bag of old clothing and doesn't matter about the condition you can still get rewarded. Every bag you hand into H&M you can get a £5  voucher off your next £30 shopping in H&M. 


Lush are very good with reducing packaging on their items. With your empty tubs, you can return 5 empty containers and you can get a free Lush fash mask. 

Mac Cosmetics.

Mac is promoting ways to reduce waste and you can be part of the Mac recycling programmes (which has been running for many years). What you have to do to receive a reward is to return six empty man containers and Mac also collect 'primary packaging'  that material that encases the product. You can return the recycled items to a Mac store or online. For your reward in returning the item, you get a MAC lipstick for free. 


Windows offers you a Microsoft reward card when you return computers or games and then you can buy something new in store. 


Colgate since last year has started doing a recycle reward scheme in conjunction with Terracycle.  For each shipment of waste over 200 grams, the sender will receive TerraCycle points, which can then be redeemed to the charity, non-profit or school of the sender’s choice. One kilogramme of waste will earn 100 points, worth £1 – so the larger the shipment, the greater the reward, making it beneficial for large organisations and councils to sign up and create community collection points.


Costa coffee gives 25p off your coffee when you bring in your own reusable cup instead of using a Costa disposable one. 


If you have any old ink cartridges knocking about then take them to Tesco as they will reward you in points for recycling old ink cartridges. The points vary from 25-100 Clubcard points. There is also a minimal of 100 cartridges each year for Tesco card holder. 

M & S. 

M & S have teamed up with Oxfam where if you donate branding clothing or soft furnishing you can get £5 off voucher a £35 M & S shop.

Monki offer when you hand in your old clothes and textile items a 10% off voucher in one purchase. Bear in mind that the voucher lasts up to 6 months as a way of saying thank you. 

Do you do recyling? Is there a place that offers rewards that I havent mentiuoned. Love yo hear tour comments in the comment secition. 

Cheers for reafing X 

My Sunday snapshot 24/02/2019

Friday 22 February 2019

Half term

Hey readers,

My word of the week is 

because we have just had a week off school for half term holiday. My eldest really enjoys the break and rest from school as he has told me. 

Both boys have had some extra swimming lessons so that has helped burn up some energy. 

But let's not forget the homework, which I feel is relentless but we cracked on with it to get it done. 

We have also been to the dreaded dentist
 I had really bad intrusive thoughts over the fear of all my teeth falling out.

 I had a new dentist and he was really understanding. He understand and talked me through what was happening which helped my anxiety a lot. 

The boys loved the dentist and the novelty of the dentist chair lol plus they even got free balloon, simple pleasures and all that hey. 

Hope you have had a good week. 

Cheers for reading X 

Thursday 21 February 2019

Chocolate Rice Krispie cakes recipe

Hey readers, 

 Looking for a fairly easy recipe to do with kids then check this one out - chocolate Rice Krispies cakes. On a side note, it would be perfect for Eater time as well. 


❉ 120g /4 oz unsalted butter. 
❉ 6 tablespoons of golden syrup. 
❉ 1 bar of 100g of dark chocolate. 
❉1 bar of 100g fo milk chocolate. 
❉ 180g/6oz of Rice Krispies. 
❉ A handful of cacao nips. 
❉ A bag of chocolate micro eggs. 


1) melt the chocolate in small bursts in the microwave or over a Bain Marie (in a bowl over a saucepan of simmering water).


2) Add the butter, cut in to small pieces, stir until melted. 

3) Add the syrup, stir. 

4)  Add a handful of cacao nips into the mix. 

5) Add the Rice Krispies and stir into the chocolate mix, gently. 

6) Spoon into 24 bun cases. 

7) Add the micro chocolate eggs on top of the mixture. 

8) Leave to cool. 

9) Eat!!!

Cheers for reading X 

Wednesday 20 February 2019


I see the light, 
you thought 
you owned me,
turns out
I am smarter than you 
You forget 
I have a brain,
you try,
twist it around, 
not now, 
I have seen the light 
for what you are. 

Tuesday 19 February 2019

I am not worthy

I feel I am not worthy, 

I ask myself how,
I ended up here,
Doing this,
When I am clearly 
I am not enough. 
I am a fake!
I am a fraud!
Hide me,
I am not worthy.

Monday 18 February 2019

6 ways your cat says I love you.

Hey readers,

We all know cats rule ;) (Ok that is just my opinion) but so many people assume cats are cold therefore I thought I would share how a cat shows there love to their owner with 6 signs below.

1. Head-butts.

You know where your cat likes you by the way they come over and rub against your leg, clearly very happy to have you in their presence and like to be close to their owners.  Also, when cats are rubbing up against your legs they are rubbing their scent onto you as a way to say you are accepted to them and they are happy to have you in their home.

2. Sleep.

One of the lovely things about owning a cat is when the cats come and sleep on you or close by in your bed when you’re sleeping. They clearly want your company and feel safe with you around them. They can be vulnerable when they are asleep and they are happy and contented to sleep in your presence.

3. Cattail.

Though there are many different meanings to a cats tail and how the cat is feeling. A positive sign is when your cat's tail is twitching at the tip of the tail that is an indication that the cat is happy and feeling blissful around you.

4. Blink.

A cat that slow blinks at you can be interpreted that the cat is showing you affection and that they like you in their company. Cats don't willingly like to give eye contact to everyone so you’re really lucky if they do slow type blink at you as this is their way to show that they love you.

5. Kneading.

 Do you notice when your cat moves their paws up and down whilst purring on you, well this is called kneading? When a cat was a kitten they would knead against their mothers to stimulate milk production. These habits don't die out when they get older and this is their way of giving you affection.

6. Greetings.

When I come home from a long day out my cat greets me with his tail up and this is another positive sign that they are happy to see you. It also shows that they have missed you and want some love form you as well.

Do you have cats? What ways do they like to show their love for you?

Cheers for reading x

Sunday 17 February 2019

How to deal with a cold

Hey readers,

This time of year there is a lot of coughs and colds knocking about. As a parent, they just feel a constant one after the other. So in this post, I am going to tell you some tricks and tips on how to beat that nasty cold.

what are the cold symptoms you may experience?

sore throat
 pressure in your ears and face 
 sore muscles 
sneezing loss of taste and smell

1. Sleep.

One of the best ways to get over a cold is to sleep it off. It allows your body the time to rest and fight of the germs that are in your body.

2. Vapour Rub. 

If you have a blocked nose from all the mucus built up it can be quite tricky to breathe. So using vapour rub can help tremendously to give you some comfort that helps clear the airways to make it more bearable to breathe through your nose.

3. Hydrate.

Keep on top of your fluid levels as it is important when you have a cold or a sore throat to keep make sure you are hydrated. When. your coughing, sneezing or have irritation from a cough at the back of your throat you can feel thirsty. That is why it is key to be mindful and stay on top form by continuing to drink to keep up with the loss of fluid caused by a cold.

4. Medication.

Of course, there is the trusted medication you can buy over the counter to help with pain relief. There is cough medicine to help soothe your throat. There is also medication to give relief like tablets with paracetamol. Lozenges are cough sweets that you can suck on to help relieve painful sore throats.

5. Gargle water.

Putting 1/4 to 1/2 teaspoon of salt dissolved in an 8oz glass of warm water and failing that water at the back of your throat can give temperature relief of a sore or scratchy throat.

6. Hot baths.

Having a hot bath can help relieve painful muscles that comes with having a cold. Also though uncomfortable at first climatizing to the heat can help raise your temperature and make you sweat. Therefore can help boost your immune system to fight the germs in your body.

7. Eat soup.

Eating soup can help a cold as it breaks down congestion that is linked to a cold. Plus soup is really comforting for when you are not feeling well.

9. Humidifiers.

Humidifiers are brilliant at helping you breathe more easier and with the cooling sensation of the steam. You can even now get humidifiers designed to have in your bedroom at night time to help you feel comfortable and get a good night sleep. Doing anything to help get sleep and rest makes all the difference when you are not feeling 100 per cent.

What things help you when you experience a cold? love to hear your thoughts in the comment section below.

Cheers for reading X

7 websites for free videos

Hey readers, 

You don't have to spend tons of money to access video entertainment, there is plenty online that is FREE. Here are my top 7 places where you can access free videos for your pleasure. 

1. Youtube. 

Image result for youtube image

Obviously, the top contender would have to be good old Youtube - it is so much you can view from vlogs, interviews, festival sets to even movies. Not to mention the topics are so varied so there really is something for everyone. 

2. DailyMotion. 

Image result for daily motion

A similar site to Youtube is DailyMotion. The site provides a daily Pulse that is tailored to give you the latest news so you are up to date in one place making easier for you to keep up with current affairs. There is also music and sports as well. You can even use the DailyMotion when you are offline if you have stored your data of videos on your own library that you like. 

3. Metacafe.

Image result for metacafe

This video sharing site is focused on short videos so you don't have to waste hours watching one video. The videos are a variety of music, entertainment, sports, tv and even comedy to keep you entertained. 

4. Veoh. 

Image result for veoh logo

This is a free movie and tv site that stream a variety of popular content in many different languages so accessible for a variety of different places in the world. What is even better is that the videos come with subtitles. 

5. UKTV. 

Image result for uktv

UKTV is an online platform that showcases programmes from popular Freeview / Freesat channels such as Challenge TV and Dave. Most of the channels are free so you can watch the programmes however don't forget that channels like Gold are part of a separate subscription package that you have to pay for,

7. LiveLeaks. 

Liveleak logo

This is an interesting site and could get lost down the rabbit hole. It provides videos that are unedited and polished and a lot of content that I would class as political. I like the fact it is unfiltered but before clicking be careful what you watch. 

What free video sites do you watch online? Love to hear your thoughts.

Cheers for reading X 

The fear

I hear it,
I feel it,
It's coming
To get me,
The fear,
So real,
Haunting my every move. 
I awake with that 
Familiar feeling,
It creeps up, 
Till I am 
Scared to death. 

My Sunday snapshot 17/02/2018

You snooze, you lose!

Friday 15 February 2019


Hey readers,

My word of the week is

oh my gosh I had a horrible cold that which left me with really painful sinuses and none stop snot and total exhaustion. 

So, it was a lazy weekend for me and the boys as we all feeling pretty bleugh.  But it was kind of nice to just do nothing and my body clearly needed it.

Anyhow, I had parents evening for both boys this week. My youngest is settling well in reception and loves playing outdoors.

My eldest has improved with his handwriting, we have had lots of problems since school began with pen control. He also had his mock sats and has done really well.

So we are very proud parent of both my boys and happy thlookey are doing OK at school as it is a worry.

I had an oopsie moment this week, I kept thinking Tuesday was pancake day. Turns out it is next month. Oh well we still had pancakes on Tuesday lol!

Hope you have a great week.

Cheers for reading X

Tuesday 12 February 2019

10 reasons why I love Spring.

Hey readers,

Finally, we have reached the light and next month is March which means it will be spring. I can't wait to have a much warmer temperature for one. So, below I have listed 10  reasons why I love spring. 

1. Blossom.

You got to admit blossom is so pretty especially when it fills up a tree that has been so bare over winter. Then when the blossom gets blow away and makes the pavements much more aesthetically pleasing to the eye.

2. Mild weather. 
Spring brings with it warmer weather to enjoy which is bliss because I actually hate having to wear coats and find them quite suffocating. When you go outside and shock horror your not freezing your t*ts off that is awesome as well. 

3. Birds.

Now that I am older I love the early mornings when you get to have your first hot drink and you can open the windows and listen to the beautiful birds singing.

3. Flowers.

During winter everything feels flat and dead. Spring feels all most like a new year, when new flowers grow and come into full bloom, making the area so much brighter and cheerfuller. 

4. Longer days.

As the clocks go back the day's getter longer, brighter and other all your mood lifts with more sunshine shiny brightly in the sky. 

4. Cute baby animals. 

In the spring baby animals are born and so cure seeing them all fluffy. You can see baby swans and fluffy ducks at your local farm. Like I said before spring is all about the new and fresh feel to the environment. 

5. Fresh breeze.

As the weather will become warmer in spring that means it is not too cold to have the windows open. I just love that fresh breeze that enters the room. My home with the freshness doesn't feel stuffy like the colder months not where rooms don't get much fresh air because of the coldness. 

6. Nature walks.

Again another positive with the warm weather and growth in flowers means that nature walks are a great time to particulate in and see nature grows during spring.

7. Easter.

Though I don't believe in God or anything like that I do like Easter because quite frankly I just bloody love chocolate, I have no shame in that. plus I love a good old lamb roast. 

8. Pastel colours.

I love a bit fashion and I just love light, pastel colours to add to an outfit. I find delicate and pastel colours is another extension to the notion that spring is here. 

9. Lighter evenings.

A couple of nights during the week I get home late and presently have to walk in the dark. Well not for long as with spring means lighter evenings which is a lot safer for me in my mindset and I like that golden hour to just take time out and walk home.

10. Wind.

I just love that sound of the wind going through the trees and making then dance. 

what things do you like about spring? love to hear your thoughts in the comments.

Cheers for reading X

Sunday 10 February 2019

Let's stop period taboo.

Hey readers,

Today I would like to discuss periods and the fact that I think in this day and age that we should stop the taboo surrounding periods. 

I don't know why we have such funny attitudes around periods, it is a natural event for women and it happens every month because that is the way I bodies are designed. It has nothing to do with the person we are or to do with how pure we are. Every woman (other than ones with problems related to their period) has periods. 

I recall back when I first had my period at the age of 10 and no one talked to me about it. I remember this feeling in my pants and when I went to the toilet and looked down I was horrified. I literally thought I was dying.

 It was scary because no one told me about periods and what to expect. If I was told then I could be prepared and embrace it for what it was. 

I know a lot of people have similar experience and even now when someone mentions periods in the media they get a backlash of hatred and disgust.

 They view periods as the most disgusting thing in the world. But it is not, it is just nature doing what it was designed to do. 

What is a period?

The body releases tissue it no longer needs. This tissue is found in the uterus and it is designed to be removed from the body in order to make room for the baby to be grown in the uterus. Every month the uterus lining gets thicker so that is prepared for a fetus egg if the women become pregnant. If the egg does not get fertilised then what happens is that the lining gets released as blood from the vagina. This process is called menstruation or period as it is commonly known. 

It is nothing awful or deadly, it is just a process of life, which one of the main reasons us humans are alive is to reproduce. Yes, blood is not pleasant, it is not something I enjoy, I don't choose to have a period nor anyone I know would say they enjoy their period. It is just life and something that you have to manage every month. Not to mention it messes up your emotions. 

I am not ashamed of my periods. I have accidents where I am not expecting my period and there is blood everywhere. I get up and clean the mess which is fine. This does not make me dirty, it means I wasn't expected it and it happens you know. I can't know everything I am not Mystic Meg. 

One thing that bothers me with periods and peoples view is that somehow because I am a woman and have a period that I am somewhat below a man. I am disgusted and dirty but why? because blood comes out of my vagina once a month? It is just a ridiculous way of thinking which again stems back to religion and this idea of uncleanness. 

How can we improve the whole notion of breaking down period taboo? well, the key is to talk more especially when having children, though my sons are male and won't experience periods they know what happens to mummy.

 Why is mummy wearing sanitary towels? Why she is moody or a bit shouty at daddy? Kids like to explore from a young age and it is important to talk about these things.

 I think it is important for especially girls to understand what happens beforehand so they don't feel scared and that they can learn to embrace periods for what they are.

 We should celebrate when a girl starts periods as opposed to casting fear into them. We should see it as a practical element to being a woman and reducing the fear. Overall it is important to keep talking about periods. 

Cheers for reading X 

My Sunday Snapshot 10/02/2019

My son went to Pizza Express this week with the school and made his own pizza. He was delighted with the results as you can see in the picture.

Friday 8 February 2019


Hey readers, 

My word of the week is:

This is because we have been to do a couple things. On Saturday was a really busy day for us as a family. My youngest had his work displayed at a different school as it was an entry piece for the local young artist's competition. 

Later on in the afternoon, my eldest had free tickets to see Coventry City play at the stadium. My boys were desperate to go and watch a football match. I am not a fan of football, to be honest, but now my boys can say they have to a match and experienced it first hand. 

Also, this week we have started getting more SATS homework for my eldest as he is year 2 and the tests will be coming soon. It is a bit annoying as he has five different types of homework to complete and I think at his age is too much for him personally, but you what can you do.  

Anyhow hope you have had a good week. 

Cheers for reading X