Sunday 6 January 2019

my Sunday Photo 06/01/2019

Saturday 5 January 2019

The cheesiest of pick up lines.

Hey readers,

I thought for a laugh I would write a list of the worst pick up lines ever, enjoy!

8 Planets, 1 Universe, 1.735 billion people, and I end up with you.

Call me Shrek because I’m head ogre heels for you.

Do you have 11 protons? Because you’re sodium fine!

“Did you just fart? Because you blow me away!”

It’s handy that I have my library card because I’m totally checking you out.

Do you have a Band-Aid? ‘Cause I scraped my knee falling for you.

please call an ambulance your beauty I'd killing me.

I'm not a photographer, but I can picture me and you together.

If you were a vegetable you'd be a cute-cumber.

Are you an interior decorator? Because when I saw you, the entire room became beautiful.

Let me tie your shoes, cause I don't want you falling for anyone else.

Are you an omelette? Because you're making me egg-cited!

Did you sit in a pile of sugar? Cause you have a pretty sweet ass.

Do you have a pencil? Cause I want to erase your past and write our future.

Do you know what my shirt is made of? Boyfriend material.

"Do you have an ugly boyfriend? No? Want one?"

You must be a banana because I find you a peeling.

On a scale from 1 to 10, you're a 9 and I'm the 1 you need.

You can call me Nemo because I'm never afraid to touch the butt.

I might as well call you 'Google' because you're everything I've been searching for.
Did the sun just come out or did you just smile at me?

Can I have your picture so I can show Santa what I want for Christmas?

If you stood in front of a mirror and held up 11 roses, you would see 12 of the most beautiful things in the world.

Can I follow you? Cause my mom told me to follow my dreams.

I value my breath so it would be nice if you didn't take it away every time you walked past.

I without you is like a nerd without braces, A shoe without laces, aSentenceWithoutSpaces.

Do you want to play house with me?
You can be the front door, and I'll slam you until sunrise.

Hey girl, feel my sweater. Know what it's made of?
Boyfriend material.

You make me wanna go inside your wine cabinet and pull myself out a stiff one.

I want you to know something but I'm too scared to tell you in person. So I'll just let the first 3 words of this sentence say it for me.

Is your dad a military general? Because when you walked by, my privates snapped to attention.
If you were a triangle you'd be acute one!

Sorry, it took me so long to message, I was at Whole Foods trying to figure out what you like for breakfast.

What's a smart attractive man like myself doing without your phone number?

What is your favourite pick up line?

Cheers for reading X

Friday 4 January 2019

How to help your child do well at school.

Hey readers,

Now that my children are of school age one of the main goals as a parent is to try and help them do well at school. So, what do you do to achieve that, well the suggestions below are opinion and you can take them on board or not bother? I am no expert I just wanted to share my view on this subject matter.

Parents evening.

Going to parents evening is so important for you to build a relationship with your child's teacher. It is an opportunity to understand how your child is performing, how they get on at school and areas where you can help at home to improve your child's learning.


Now that your child is at school you will find that homework is sadly something that is now required. The best thing you can do is try to encourage your child to do their homework and follow the requirements.

close up of woman working

Positive attitude.

A way to help build confidence in children especially with helping them grow with their learning is to have a positive attitude to your child about their education. Making sure you praise your child when they have achieved something or done well in their learning.


Remember it is ok for your child to make mistakes because that is the way that we learn. Sometimes getting something wrong helps we understand the reasons behind the answers.

Study skills.

Encourage your child to study and reinforce why learning is good and the benefits of it in the long term for your child's future.

woman wearing blue jacket sitting on chair near table reading books

Homework routine.

I know as a parent when your child receives lots of different tasks for their homework it can be a daunting prospect of getting your child motivated and getting the homework done. That is why I think when looking at homework breaking it down so that it is achievable and not because added stress with the pressure to get it done all in one go. I think it is important to break down the homework so that the child can do small chunks every day so it is not daunting for your child. Routine is key in achieving a positive environment when it comes to homework.


I will be the first to admit it that when my eldest first started to bring homework home I wanted it done the second he got home and I got very stressed out about it when it didn’t go to plan. This was a hostile environment and not good for the whole family to be in. I have learnt however that not rushing to get the homework down is vital. Allowing your child time when they get home from school and the weekend to relax and unwind. It is much better for your child to be calm when under pressure to get the work done. The quality as well when relaxed vs stressed is a huge difference. Ironically you save time as the child will willingly just get on with the homework and not be argumentative.


cat sleeping

Sleep is so important to helping a child learn. Having the energy to listen and learn are key factors in achieving well in school.  Making sure that your child gets enough sleep and having a set time each night that goes to bed will help create a positive routine in a child’s life. Making sure the child is relaxed and doing calm activities before bed such as reading.

Cheers for reading X

Thursday 3 January 2019

10 reasons why sleep is important.

Hey readers,

Sleep is so important to your wellbeing and helps recharge your batteries. I have given more reasons below on why sleep is so important for you.

Helps with concentration and productivity.

woman in brown scoop neck long sleeved blouse painting

When you have a good night sleep you have more productive because you have more energy to do the things you want to do. Likewise, with concentration, you have more patience because you have more energy to focus on the things you want to do. Therefore you can spend more time doing a task and getting it right without making mistakes because you are sleep deprived.

Improves immune function.

With sleep it allows your body to respond to the requests needed instead of trying to manage with the lack of sleep. Sleep deprivation suppresses the immune system, therefore, more at risk of getting ill if your body is not working accordingly.

Boast memory.

When you have adequate sleep it allows your brain to be able to focus on information rather than trying to keep your body awake due to lack of sleep. It means less time needed to work on remembering the information which in turn means you can hold on to the information into your brain.

Stay alert.

When you have sleep it allows you to stay alert and on top of what you are doing be used again, you have more energy and not trying to fight the tiredness that you have lost due to not getting the right amount of sleep.

Better health.

animal cat face close up feline

With getting sleep allows the body to have the energy to make the body function correctly. An example of this would be heart circulation and getting the blood to follow correctly to the different parts of the body.

Reaction time.

A positive aspect of getting sleep is that you are more awake and can focus on what you are doing. Therefore your reaction time is better because you are not tired and have a quick to respond to the environment.

Weight loss.

For one you are sleep and less time means you don't need more food to compensate for energy. When you are tired and you are more likely to be tempted to go to sugar and high fats because it is faster to get quick energy to manage the tiredness. Consequently means you are using more calories than recommended, therefore, putting on weight.

Reduces stress.

Getting a good nights rest can help you control and regulate your emotions. If you're tired you don't have the time to rationalise which can cause you to get stressed.

Less pain.

It is proven that lack of sleep can cause more pain. If you on the go for long periods tour muscles need to rest however they are still working longer then needed causing pain for the person lacking in sleep.

Decision making.

portrait of beautiful young woman over white background

With having sleep you can have a rest and give your brain time to have a break from thinking and doing physical things with the brain. When you are sleep deprived you can't concentrate and therefore struggle to reason correctly.

Cheers for reading X

Wednesday 2 January 2019

How to motivate yourself in the winter mornings.

Hey readers,

It can be hard to get motivated during the colder months because all you want to do is hibernate especially when it is so dark and cold outside. How do you get motivated during the winter mornings?

Brace yourself.

I know for me I get so overwhelmed with how much I have to do that I then go on to procrastinate because it is easier to hide away than to deal with the endless things I have to do. One way overcoming this is to be ace myself and break down what I have to do.
I focus on what is essential and then do something that I dread. I know that if I can't complete it all I can do it next goal when I have some time. This helps me feel like I am in control and have a plan of action to calm down my thoughts.


The night before I go to bed I write down my schedule of things I have to do therefore I am ready and don't have to panic about everything. It is clearly written down and I know what I have to do.

photo of person holding black pen

Set alarm.

I find it better to set my alarm 10 minutes early as I can have quiet time to enjoy my hot drink and it sets me up for the day. Having that extra time means I don't have to rush around and get stressed about time. It makes a huge difference in being calm that it can make your day feel smoother.

photo of person holding alarm clock


I hate the thought of exercising in the morning but once I get a workout done I feel so much better. It really does me good mentally and physically. I feel much more energised and funny enough it helps get more stuff done because of my energy levels being heightened through exercise.

Early night.

Making sure you get plenty of sleep is important. Being conscious of getting to bed early will really beneficial with how productive you are in the morning.


Establishing a routine where you go to bed and get up early will soon become second nature if you are consisting of your routine. The more you keep at keeping up with your routine will, in the end, pay off as your body will turn it into a habit and in turn will make it easy for you to continue doing what you are doing.


As they say, breakfast is the most important meal of the day, it sets you and provides energy after you have had a long sleep at night. Food is great in providing energy to concentrate on the work that needs to be done.
food coffee breakfast


When trying to complete your work that needs to be done in the morning focus first on the task that is most important to you. Getting that job done straightaway means you can relax a bit after and it will a lot easier to do the other tasks once the bigger one has been completed.

What strategies help you kick-start productivity in the morning?

Cheers for reading X

Tuesday 1 January 2019

how to deal with Impostor Syndrome

Hey readers,

Do you feel a fraud by your achievements? that you somehow you are not worthy of the work that you have achieved? Well, this phenomenon is called Impostor syndrome and it is very common indeed. But how do you deal with this? well, let me give you some ways to help deal with imposter syndrome below.


Like everything I guess the starter point would be to acknowledge how you are feeling and that these feelings are a result of Impostor Syndrome. Awareness is a valuable skill in recognising the way you respond to your achievements, so the first step in dealing with Impostor Syndrome.

scenic view of forest during night time


Being open and upfront about how you feel towards your achievements with others can be valuable because you can connect with other people who feel similar. You can also seek out help and knowledge from others who have experienced Impostor syndrome and how they have overcome the feelings that they once felt.


One way of facing Impostor Syndrome is accepting the achievements you have achieved and appreciate the work that you have put in. Challenge the thoughts even writing down the original thought and replacing it with a positive can help change that faulty thinking pattern.

Focus on yourself.

With Impostor Syndrome comes low confidence in yourself and one of the worst things you can do is compare yourself to others. You need to let go of thinking why you couldn't reach the level of success that so and so has achieved. Acknowledging that your success is good enough, no one is perfect and you worked dame hard to get where you have reached. Let's face it we are all on our own journey.

brown wooden dock over body of water


One of the things that I have noticed through my own experience of Impostor Syndrome is that I downplay any positive praise that I receive. I instantly reply with a negative and the one way to help grow your confidence and kick Impostor Syndrome is to accept praise for what it is. You don't justify it but say thank you. You don't need to deny the feedback, own it, it is yours.


Mindfulness is a way to train your brain to appreciate the moment and not focus on what you do not have. It is kind of like focusing on the positives as it can be very easy to notice the negatives that have occurred.


Remember you have the power to choose what you want to listen to and take it on board. It is only relevant if you put that importance on to it. You can choose to take it or leave it, you are in control of your thoughts.

brown wooden dock over body of water


Get into the habit of praising yourself - be your own personal supporter, write down the positives. Be kind to yourself and allow yourself to feel good about your achievements. It is ok to feel good about the work you have achieved it doesn't make you big headed because at the end of the day you worked hard to achieve your success so why not celebrate it.

Cheers for reading X

Monday 31 December 2018

6 places to find cheap books.

Hey readers,

I love reading and I'm always looking for cheap ways of getting books or buying them. It can be a struggle but there's no need to spend a fortune on buying books if you look in the right places you will find cheap ways of getting your hands on books. Let me tell you some of the places you can try that have been successful for me in finding cheap books below.

1. Local library.

The most obvious place to start for looking for books is the local library, as they have a wide selection of different types of books you can take out on loan and are free. I have taking out loads of books on loan so you have to return them in the past from for my library. It has been so helpful in saving me money going to my library as there is so much choice for instance recipe books, craft books for kids and fiction books to lose myself in.

books on bookshelves

2. Second-hand shops.

As good as the library is for a wide selection of books sometimes the library does not have the title in. That is why it's good to check out the local charity shop to see if there are pre-loved books that you want but you can't find anywhere else. The books from charity shops are cheap and cheerful and normally absolutely fine to read at a low cost. Also after I finished a book that I bought from the charity shop I normally give it to my local library so that someone else can enjoy it and share the love through that way.

3. eBay / Amazon.

Online there are plenty of places that sell cheap books compared to say Waterstones and two of the most popular sites are eBay and Amazon. I'm not sure if you are aware but not only does Amazon sell brand spanking new books they also sell used books, so do check that option out as well because you can get somebody else with that way. Likewise, with eBay, they sell cheaper books especially ones that are a bit rarer at a reasonable cost.

Image result for amazon logo

4. E-reader.

Another option is to download an e-reader app so you don't have to spend loads on an e-reader and you can find cheap eBooks through the e-reader app itself.

5. Comparison sites.

To find the best book deal price check out this brilliant website called Best Book Price which compares the cheapest place to get a book. Some of the types compared are eBay, Amazon WHSmith and various other book internet sites that you can buy books from.
person holding cup of coffee and open book

6. The Works.

The Works is another good shop where you can buy books from, whether it be fiction or nonfiction. They also do regular book deals such as 6 fiction books for £10 or 10 children books for £10. Another great feature is that you can order books online or pick them up in a store. Which I prefer to look in the shop as you can physically touch them and see all the books together to choose from.

Cheers for reading X