Wednesday 17 March 2021

7 most useful websites

Hey readers,

The internet is a vessel of information from trivial to serious. I thought I would share n this post some really useful websites that are really helpful for me and they are of some help to you. 

7 most useful websites

1. Pixabay.

Now as a blogger I use Pixabay a lot to source royalty-free images that can incorporate into my blog posts. 

It is great they are free and there is a ton of images ranging from all sorts of pictures such as nature, people to buildings you name it probably find a picture at Pixabay.  

Also, you don't have to worry about crediting as anyone can use them in any setting and gives you confidence that you are doing legal and in the correct way.

2. Is it 

You know sometimes when you visit a site and it is not working is it your internet or is someone else have the same problem. Well on Is it lets you check a website address to see if any issues have been reported by anyone else.

 The website also does a check to see if it is working and how long does it take to load a page performed on their survey, not your machine. 

4. CopyChar.

If you like me have a chrome book and don't have the options of emoticons or some icons such as a pound coin sign check out

It is a simple website but does a fantastic job that displays a variety of icons that you can copy and paste on a device that doesn't the available icons. 

5. Adblockerplus.

Fed up with ads on youtube videos or websites then adblocker plus is a brilliant option to block out adverts. Adblockplus is an extension to add to your machine and blocks any ads. 

You won't regret this one as it has made my life so much better getting rid of the ads when clicking on a site.

6. Canva.

Canva is a free graphic design tool website (though the option of professional with a fee). You can create many designs from youtube thumbnails, pin designs even Instagram posts. 

There are many free items you can use to create visual delights for you to use. There are thoughts of pictures, fonts, and colour schemes. 

If you struggle there is plenty of templates to get you inspired and can be used for your own purpose. 

7. Documentary Heaven. 

Love a documentary? Documentary Heaven is a place you should start as it holds a catalogue of free documentaries in one place for you to explore. 

There are so many documentaries for you to watch free online from history to political the choice is yours. 

What do you think about my list of useful websites? Have a missed any good ones that you deem useful?

 Love to hear your thoughts in the comment section down below. 

Cheers for reading X

Tuesday 16 March 2021

Observations from having two children 

Hey readers,
I am lucky enough to be blessed with two boys. I remember in the earlier days of having my second child how completely different my world turned, compared to just having one bundle of joy.

Firstly, when having two children you need to have skills in multi-tasking and making sure each child has their own needs met. For example, when it comes to playing having suitable aged toys available to them. 

An example of this would be a playmat for the baby but for the toddler more advanced toys such as stacking blocks.
Online shopping or having the opportunity to take one child out is a blessing. 
I found it so hard trying to navigate a child and a pushchair. I am really lucky enough to get my hubby to look after one child whilst I went shopping with the other child.

 This situation really good for me right now as my eldest needs a lot of one-to-one attention when it comes to practicing writing. Therefore, I don't feel as guilty. But I am slowly learning for everyone's sanity is it is ok to ask for help.

Make sure if you have two children of close age to make sure that whenever you chose something for them make sure that the item is exactly the same. 

Even if it is the same colour beaker, trust me the arguments over silly minor things like having a different colour cup are shocking. It keeps things calm and it protects your hearing from all the squabbling, win-win!

If you have electronic devices make sure there are two. I will one day persuade hubby to get another tablet because really it gives us all peace. Currently, I dread when one child asks can they have the tablet, it is a nightmare. Sod the art of learning when it comes to technology, I opt for peace if I could. Until that day I am very much miffed at hubby, šŸ˜‰.

A good thing about having two children is that the second time around you kinda know generally what to expect. I felt more relaxed and confident as a parent with things like potty training and weaning.

Having a second child close in age is fantastic as my boys have such a strong bond and have a play partner. Not saying that they always get on as Pickering often happens but I know they care and love one another. I don't think you can ask for much more than that as a parent of two children.

Cheers for reading X

Monday 15 March 2021

How to get rid of a headache

Hey readers,

I suffer headaches a lot since being an adult and they are a royal pain in the bum. Now you can simply pop a pill to help ease the pain in your head. 

Sometimes pain relief doesn't always work so you might want to try an alternative treatment. 

Below I have some other suggestion that may be of use if you are suffering from a headache. 

How to get rid of a headache

1.  Turn down the lights. 

It can be of help to turn down the lights as this may be a trigger due to sensitivity to light. Of course, nothing beats lying in a dark room when you have a throbbing headache.

2. Cold compress.

Applying a cold compress where the pain is in your head can be a great relief. The idea that using a cold compress has a numbing effect that may dull the sensation of the pain. 

A cold compress can be as simple as putting some ice cubes in a tea towel on to the pain, a bag of frozen peas or even a cold shower.

 It is recommended to use the cold compress for 15 minutes and then have a break for 15 minutes. 

3. Get some caffeine. 

This is a strange one as some people benefit from using caffeine to help with the headache and others not. But it is worth a try to see if it helps you.

 With a headache blood vessels swell and tighten which results in an increase in blood flow. The blood flow puts pressure on the surrounding nerves which then, in turn, sends pain messages to the brain which then results in a headache.

 This is where caffeine comes into play with help in relieving a headache because Caffeine has vasoconstrictive properties.

 This basically means that blood vessels narrow to restrict blood flow, thereby alleviating the pain.

4. Hot bath or shower.

Have a hot bath or shower can help relax your tensed muscles which helps a lot with a tension headache.

5. Hydration. 

Being hydrated can contribute to a headache. It can be easily resolved with a glass of water to keep hydrated and think more clearly.

 Above I mentioned that some people have a positive effect on caffeine however some people having caffeine drinks such as coffee and fizzy pop can trigger a headache. So, if that is you it might be a good idea to reduce caffeinated drinks. 

6. Essential oils. 

The smell is a powerful tool to help with the pain. essential oils are extracts from plants to form a base of oil. 

Essential oils have properties attached to them such as peppermint oil as it has calming properties that can help ease the headache and help relax the muscles and help reduce the pain.

 You can use a few drops on a burner or in a bath and a diffuser are good ways to get peppermint oil in your environment. 

7. Sleep.

Having a nap can be worthwhile to help ease the headache as it gives your body time to relax and heal from the pain. 

Do you experience headaches? If so what methods have helped relief your headache? 

Love to hear your thoughts in the comment section down below. 

Cheers for reading X


Sunday 14 March 2021

My Sunday Photo 14/03/2021

Friday 12 March 2021

6 reasons why dark chocolate is good for you

Hey readers,

It is often thought that chocolate is bad for you but actually chocolate can be good for you. However, when I refer to chocolate is it is dark chocolate that reaps the rewards. 

This has to be the best news for any chocolate lover out there.  There has been many a study that confirms that having 25 grams of dark chocolate a day has positive effects on your health. Here are 6 reasons why dark chocolate is good for you.

6 reasons why dark chocolate is good for you

1. Mood enhancer.

Chocolate has been found to help lift your mood especially when you are dealing with a lot of stress.

 Obviously dark chocolate in moderate proportions however it is found chocolate can help increase the feel-good hormones endorphins and serotonin levels in the brain. 

2.  Skin.

Dark chocolate is good for your skin, in particular, being a natural moisturiser. Chocolate contains cocoa beans which are full of fatty acids which really good for nurturing your skin. 

The benefits are that it leaves your skin feeling pampered and soft. You can buy products such as a chocolate bar which is perfect to help deal with colder conditions that affect your hands drying out. 

3. Stroke/heart attack. 

Studies have shown that eating dark chocolate every day for 10 years can lower the risk of having a heart attack or stroke in patients that are classed as high-risk patients. 

Dark chocolate contains flavonoids which known to have antihypertensive and anti-inflammatory effects, which relieve pressures on the heart (British Medical Journal, 2013).

4. Blood flow to the brain.

Compounds in dark chocolate have been linked to boosting memory attention, reaction time and problem-solving by boosting the blood flow to the brain. Chocolate contains caffeine which helps a lot with improving your performance levels. 

5. Blood pressure.

If you eat dark chocolate every day you could lower your blood pressure this is particularly helpful for people who have hypertension in just one month. Chocolate is rich in powerful antioxidant flavanols.

What do you think about chocolate? have you thought it has helped your health? Love to hear your thoughts in the comment section down below. 

Cheers for reading X 

Wednesday 10 March 2021

Why money cant buy you happiness.

Hey readers,

A lot of people assume that to be happy you need money. Yes to some extent you need to survive but money isn't everything there many other factors that influence your happiness. Below I have outlined why money can't buy you happiness.  

Why money cant buy you happiness.

1. Free activities. 

Money can't buy some things such as cleaning or going on a walk can bring joy and that doesn't need to be brought to get the feeling of happiness. 

2. Memories.

spending time with someone or people can create happy memories and that doesn't have to be money-based. It could be simply watching the tv playing a game but something funny happens and can bring you joy.  The memories are what can bring happiness and that is based on time spent with people. 

3. Internal happiness.

True happiness comes from inside, it is that realisation that we have and can't buy that. It is contentment based on feelings and the way you feel about your self. Sure you can buy yourself something to get that buzz of happiness but that is short term. Happiness from within is long-lasting and can impact how you feel in the long term. 

4. Geniune relationships.

 You can't buy relationships that are genuine and real. There will be a time when you know who your real friends are and to have that special gift is priceless. You cant buy that authentic friendship, it is real and can give you so much happiness just to know someone has your back is so much better than having millions in the back in my opinion. 

5. Attitude.

I think attitude is a big player in bringing you happiness. The way you view your situation and being grateful for what you do have can really impact your happiness levels. I always remember my nanny saying to me when I was young that there are always people better off than you and there are other people that have less then what you have. 

I think it is important to not hold on to this idea that money can buy you happiness. sure money has a place such as proving food or a roof over your head but realising that there is a point that happiness comes within. 

It is important to not compare yourself to others, you on your own journey and even if you don't have the fancied things that jo blogs have got that is ok because there are things to be grateful for. Taking time to appreciate what you do have is key in helping you find happiness within. 

What are your views on happiness? love to hear your thoughts in the comment section down below. 

Cheers for reading X

Monday 8 March 2021

Constructive ways to manage parental burnout

Hey readers,

This week I have been really burnout and depressed. I feel alone and somewhat embarrassed even scared to talk to my partner about worries I constantly have failure at being a mother.

 It does not help that I am being judged by external services with being autistic that over time paranoia and anxiety have built up causing it to interference with my day to day life.

I will be honest it scares me to be open about this but one thing that I found helpful was reading other people's accounts and getting that sense of solidarity.

Constructive ways to manage parental burnout

 I have got social anxiety therefore naturally inclined to worry a lot about people's judgements and fear of failure in front of others. It does not help that we live in a society where mental illness is frowned upon. I've experienced it myself which makes you even more scared and you get caught in a trap. 

So all the blogs and information out there on the internet I am so glad that people are brave to talk about mental health issues.

Anyhow, I am concentrating on ways to help me and thought I would share some of the tools that have helped ease the pressure and reduce the risk. Not saying that it will cure but it might help reduce the 'burnout' that you're experiencing.
    1. Get in the mode of being good enough, setting a lower benchmark makes you feel more relaxed, less pressured and from my own personal experience, you then get to enjoy the experience rather than worry and get in a state about meeting this unrealistic ideal.
    2. Perfectionism is something I struggle with especially in terms of my image of parents. It is about being realistic and knowing what is achievable. Also learning about moderation and not going from one extreme to the next but being aware that it is OK for instance if the telly is on. Plus the telly has actually helped with my son's speech development and made improvements.
    3. Learn to relax is one of the hardest things to do. I am one of those catastrophic thinkers and find anything to get anxious about. I have found that not reading newspapers, articles or the news relating to childhood. I found it hard as it is not black and white and so many variables that influence behaviour. That does not me from focusing on just one element rather than looking at the whole situation. It has resulted in me getting obsessive to an unnatural amount. Sometimes ignorance is bliss and if I am that worried I speak to the health visitor. I have found to focus my time on reading books or trashy magazines, colouring to grow up adult books (cause I'm cool) and focus on walking. All these distraction techniques have helped me relax and not be so obsessive ability my parental anxieties. It is good to have something other than parent-related activities in your life as it gives you a chance to think about others and reduce stress.
    4. Identify the positives as it just makes you feel good. It is so important to make sure you are aware of the good in life. It can be hard to do as you can get caught up in the spiral of negative thinking. I have brought a line a day diary that is kept next to my bed so that I can write something positive. Even if it is just one word that is a starting point.
    5. Know you're not alone, parenting can be very isolating especially with mental health issues. Just reading blogs or looking on specific websites knowing you're not alone and other people have experienced what you have gone through.
    6. Make time for you even if it is just 10 minutes a day, it will do you the world of good as you are doing something for yourself and not anyone We all need a break from time to time.

Thanks for reading X

Sunday 7 March 2021

My Sunday Photo 07/03/2021

Friday 5 March 2021

st Patrick's day instagram captions that will bring you all the luck!

Hey readers,

If you don't know on the 17th March is St Patrick's Day. 

This means that historically it is a day to observes the death of StPatrick, the patron saint of Ireland. 

The holiday has evolved into a celebration of Irish culture with parades, special foods, music, dancing, drinking and a whole lot of green. 

St Patrick's day normally is a very popular get-together but of course, due to pandemic, it is more of an opportunity to showcase celebrations at home. 

Below is some St Patrick's Day Instagram quotes to help capture the vibe that you want to display on Instagram. There is a wide range so plenty to get lucky with. 

st patrick day instagram captions that will bring you all the luck!
Cute captions.

 šŸ€  Irish kisses and shamrock wishes.

šŸ€  Feeling a little green.

šŸ€  Green beer & St. Paddy's cheer!

šŸ€ Lucky, blessed and all the rest.

šŸ€  I'm not Irish, but kiss me anyway.

šŸ€ Found my lucky charm!

šŸ€ May not have found the pot of gold, but I still got lucky.

šŸ€  Cutest clover in the patch.

šŸ€  You don't need luck when you have friends like these.

šŸ€  Making wishes on every four-leaf clover I find.

šŸ€  If you're lucky enough to be Irish, you're lucky enough.

šŸ€  You're my four-leaf clover.

šŸ€  Who needs luck? I have charm.

šŸ€  Lucky in love is lucky enough.

šŸ€  A best friend is like a four-leaf clover: hard to find and lucky to have.

šŸ€  Wishing you a pot o' gold and all the joy your heart can hold.

Funny captions. 

šŸ€  The leprechauns made me do it.

šŸ€  I'm not Irish, but my coffee is.

šŸ€  The paddy don't start 'til I walk in.

šŸ€  This is the only green shirt I have.

šŸ€  Don't worry, beer happy.

šŸ€  I pinch back.

šŸ€  We will, we will (sham) rock you!

šŸ€  What a brew-tiful day!

šŸ€  I'm not Irish, but kiss me anyway.

šŸ€ Shamrockin' and rollin'.

šŸ€  Forget luck, give me beer.

šŸ€  Magically delicious!

šŸ€  Take a pitcher it'll last longer.

šŸ€  Let the green beer flow.

šŸ€  Redheads unite!

šŸ€  Can't pinch this.

šŸ€  It's easy being green today.

šŸ€  Will pinch for beer.

šŸ€  Who needs luck when you have plenty of charm?

šŸ€  Oh my, Guinness!

šŸ€  Ginger hair, don't care.


šŸ€  "May your pocked be heavy and your heart be light. And good luck pursue you each morning and night."

šŸ€  "Why should you never iron a four-leaf clover? Because you don't want to press your luck." — Daryl Stout.

šŸ€  "Luck is believing you're lucky." — Tennessee Williams.

šŸ€  "May your blessings outnumber the shamrocks that grow, and may trouble avoid you wherever you go." — Unknown.

šŸ€  "You gotta try your luck at least once a day, because you could be going around lucky all day and not even know it." — Jimmy Dean.

šŸ€  "May your troubles be less and your blessing be more, and nothing but happiness come through your door." — Unknown.

šŸ€  "I've always thought you've got to believe in lucky to get it." — Victoria Holt.

šŸ€  "Is it me or did I just get lucky?" — Jake Hardin, Just My Luck.

šŸ€  "Well, I'm a leprechaun so don't be telling me about rainbows!" — Reilly O'Reilly, The Luck of The Irish.

Happy St Patrick's Day to you.

Cheers for reading X

Tuesday 2 March 2021

How brands can collaborate effectively with bloggers. **AD**

Hey readers,

I think as a brand it is really important to think about the way you work with other bloggers to promote your brand.

 Below I have some tips for brands on how to work with bloggers sucessfully.

How brands can collaborate effectively with bloggers.

Top tips on how brands can work with design bloggers and get the best out of the work arrangement. 

1. Selection process.

It is important to think about what your brand represents, you don't want to choose any blogger if they don't fit the brand or niche that they aim for.

The key is to take time your time in the selection process and consider bloggers that are appropriately matched to your brand.

 For example, there is no point in choosing a blogger who blogs about beauty to get to do a review of your restaurant. 

Another research method is to look for bloggers on Instagram. For example, an influencer who is already talking about your product or something similar that they tag in their pictures using.

 This indicates that the blogger is already got an interest in the product so comes across as more sincere than just choosing a blogger with no in the product beforehand. 

Look at the influencers past work and how they write, is it appealing to your brand. How is interacting with the blogger and their audience? These other elements consider when choosing the right candidate for your brand. 

2. Website.

Impressions count and making sure your website is optimised to the best of your ability is essential.

 Making sure that your website is clean and easy to navigate especially with quick load up is vital in getting visitors to your site. 

3.  Pitch perfect. 

Having a pitch ready before contacting a blogger is important. When you reach out to the blogger you want to be precise and clear about what you want.  

It is important, to be honest, as then that provides trust which is fundamental in making a good working relationship be successful. 

Layout what you want from the blogger and what you can offer the blogger in return. Be prepared in making a suitable pitch - be clear about what you want, set a budget and be honest. 

Remember though sometimes bloggers may want to negotiate if it doesn't feel right for them first off. Sometimes you have to work together to come to a suitable agreement so that everyone is happy with what they are doing. 

4. Goals.

Goals are something you should consider with where you want to improve with your brand. Things to consider are what you want to grow in terms of say growing your branded Instagram account, increasing sales of a product or bringing traffic to your website are just a few examples.

How brands can collaborate effectively with bloggers. 

 There are many ways in which a blogger can offer service when collaborating with your brand. Below are some examples.

1. Guest blogging.

Guest posts are similar to sponsored posts however they are not paid. They normally are written for the blogger to published on their site. 

This is attractive for the blogger as it is high-quality content published. The appeal to the brand is that it gets their name out there and helps increase their SEO along with not having to spend a penny on the advertising of the brand. 

2. Sponsored posts.

A sponsored post is where the blogger writes a blog post all about the product. 

There will be a discussion with the brand to decide on how long the blog post is and what kind of thing they would like the blogger to discuss. 

After the published post and everything is finalised the blogger will get paid a sum for doing the published post about their brand. 

3. Shoutouts.

This tends to be more suited for social media platforms such as Instagram and Facebook where the blogger takes a photo of the brand and mentioned them in the post. The incentive will be either the blogger getting a free brand product or get paid for it. 

4. Affiliate posts. 

This is where the blogger writes about the product, then leaves a unique code for that product. It means that if you click on and buy the product the blogger will get say 10% of commissions from the sales of the product if the visitor buys the product through the link.  

5. Interviews. 

This is a more personal type of collaboration as it is about either getting to know the blogger or brand and discussions motivations and the ideas behind the work that the brand/blogger does. 

There are however alternatives whereby you have someone in the middle to help brands connect with the right bloggers for projects in which you are looking for a suitable blogger. 

A brilliant site that is really beneficial for bloggers and brands is called Get Blogged Marketplace

I myself have used this platform for me to quickly get connected to brands and work with them. I find it easy to navigate and a great way to connect to brands without faffing with emails etc. 

Using the Get Blogged Marketplace is time-efficient for you the brand so quickly to get access to bloggers. 

The platform is ideal if you don't have a big budget but still want to get quality bloggers that provide good content. 

The good news is that you can get a variety of skills from different UK design bloggers. The fact that many design bloggers return frequently to the Get blogged marketplace site means have been their long term relationship which inturn shows trust and reliability. 

 Using the Get Blogged marketplace for your brand you can grow their backlink score and shareable content. 

Not to mention that using Get Blogged marketplace you grown your SEO meaning that your brand gets seen which is important in growing your business. 

The Get Blogged marketplace allows you to add a free listing to the marketplace with what you are looking for.  

As many design bloggers come to the blogger outreach services daily to check to see if they can apply for opportunities. This is beneficial because it potentially means sourcing a good blogger to help achieve your goal of getting a collaboration

How brands can collaborate effectively with bloggers.

Below are my top 5 design blogs that can give you a feel of what good quality bloggers can bring to the table to help enhance your brand promotion. 

1. I love Typothology.

This blog specialises in all things typology with detailed information about the history, to quizzes and new fonts that are on the block right now. 

I love typothology
2. Google Design.

This blog is from Google so there will be a lot of information about Google products and services. However, don't let that put you off as there is a wealth of articles on the world of design such as, 'Lessons From the Scariest Design Disaster in American History'. 

Google Design
3. Wix Creative. 

Now Wix Creative in its own right is a blog platform but it also offers some really useful information on design. The type of content you will be able to get is inspiration, tips and general information such as how to create an online profile. 

Wix Creative
4. It's Nice That. 

This blog hosts a variety of topics from art, illustration and graphic designs. It's Nice That is one of the best sites out there to keep up to date with design information. 

It;s Nice That
5. Creative Review.

This blog was established in 1980. It is a monthly magazine that covers art and design. You can expect high-quality journalism that offers reviews, news and features from the creative world. 

Creative Review

Hope this has been of help. 

Cheers for reading.

This is a collaboration post. All opinions expressed are entirely my own. 

Monday 1 March 2021

How to trick yourself into becoming a morning person

Hey readers,

It can be quiet hard to get motivated especially in the morning when you have just woken up. That doesn't mean you can become more of a morning person with practice. Here are some tricks below in practising to become a morning person. 

How to trick yourself into becoming a morning person

1. sleep schedule.

By following a sleep routine can help you get your body into order and get used to the concept of getting up early in the morning. It is important to be consistent and you don't have to go wild but shifting even just 15 minutes early can help train your body to cope with the mornings. 

2. Time. 

Don't expect results immediate change takes time and you need to take one step at a time. Keep practising what you are doing is vital. Even if it is not perfect the first go or even month that is ok. Allowing yourself to make mistakes or not getting the results you want can help you keep motivated and stick at the change.

3. Wind down. 

Make sure you leave electronics all devices behind and not bring them to bed. That means less distraction and giving your mind the change to wind down and get sleepy. Also, try to avoid programmes like the news that can potentially cause an emotional response especially during the current climate with all the uncertainty. I find a good book that can help you get tired and want to go to sleep. it also relaxes me and my mind.

4. Time. 

Get up every day at the same time as this helps train your body and mind to get used to the mornings. Another benefit with the time you feel less groggy because you have already prepared to get up at a certain you are ready to face the day ahead.

5. Alarm clock.

An alarm clock is always handy to have even though you may think you get up naturally at a certain time it is always better to be safe. That is why having an alarm clock is important because the blaring noise helps you get up in the morning. 

It is important however not to have the alarm clock to close to you as you may be tempted to constantly press snooze and that is not good for you. Make sure to put your alarm clock in a place not too far but enough to physically get you up in the morning. Just the fact that you have to get up out of bed is the start point in helping you wake up in the morning. 

6. Light up. 

Light, whether that be natural or artificial, can help you wake up in the morning as this helps reset the circadian rhythm (helps controls your daily schedule for sleep and wakefulness that is tided in with your 24-hour body clock) and make you more alert. 

You can do this by opening curtains or blinds to get as much natural light in as possible. Or during wintertime a lightbox to help create lightness in your room. 

Do you do mornings? and if you do how do you manage to get motivated for the day? Love to hear your thoughts in the comment section down below.

Cheers for reading X