How to make money from home

Hey readers,

Many people will look for ways to increase their income in 2023. Below I have devised seven ideas for making some extra money this year.

How to make money from home

1. Dog walking. 

A dog walking business can be the perfect side gig for someone who loves pets. It takes a few hours out of your day and is an excellent way to earn money while getting some extra exercise.

Even some well-known apps enable you to locate those looking for a dog walker rapidly. To find out what's available in your area, check out Rover and PawShake. Take a closer look at how to launch a dog walking service after researching and identifying demand in your neighbourhood.

2. Make money online with micro-jobs. 

If you don't have specialised skills, one of the finest ways to earn money online without investment in 2023 is through micro-jobs. You only need rudimentary internet knowledge and occasionally solid analytical skills for microtasks.

You can earn money by doing simple things like joining a newsletter, liking something on Facebook, or Tweeting at websites that provide Micro Jobs.

Additionally, several Micro Job websites list positions that need analytical abilities. You will be required to categorise products on various websites, find information online, assess the tone of tweets, gather data from a document or an invoice, etc.

Micro Jobs can be found on several websites. However, the two websites listed below are well-liked for finding micro-employment. Amazon Inc. Micro workers use Amazon Mechanical Turk or Mturk.
Because Amazon Inc. runs it, Amazon Mechanical Turk is regarded as the best of the websites above. For citizens of some nations, however, there may be restrictions on signing up with Amazon Mechanical Turk.

To increase your earning potential, you should register with Microworkers regardless of your ability.

3. Rent stuff. 

If you're not using it, rent it out. It might be your extra room or even your driveway. You might earn several thousand pounds more per year as a result.

Using websites like YourParkingSpace and, drivers can charge other road users for using their driveways. You should inform your mortgage provider if you own your house and want to rent a room. Make careful to seek your landlord's approval if you rent your home. With the Rent a Room program, you may make up to £7,500 per year tax-free by renting out your room.

4. Cashback. 

Cashback websites give you money back when you make purchases online, as you can guess from the name. Two of the most well-known are TopCashback and Quidco, where you can occasionally make hundreds.

Make sure to click through the websites while you shop to get extra money. You can get widgets for both, so you always remember. Although they are free, you may upgrade to a plus membership for £5 per year to receive a higher return.

5. Online surveys. 

Online surveys are a well-liked technique for people to earn money in their leisure time. To participate in surveys and test new products, research organisations are constantly looking for additional participants globally.

You can easily earn a couple of pounds for a few minutes of form filling, which is given as cash or prizes. For some surveys, you might earn up to £3 ($5).

OnePoll, i-Say, Opinion Outpost, YouGov, Prizerebel, Marketagent, InboxPounds, Valued Opinions, The Opinion Panel, Mingle, Opinion Bureau, Maru Voice, Panel Base, Y Live, and Survey Junkie are a few worthwhile options to consider.

6. Share your skills. 

Several online websites can help you earn money in your leisure time using your skills. For instance, if you're good at DIY, you could use Taskrabbit to become a "tasker." The website connects individuals with time and expertise to those who need help with odd jobs. You can also utilise websites like Fiverr to advertise an online service, such as graphic design expertise.

7. Review music for cash. 

If you love music, you might jump at the possibility of getting paid to write about undiscovered performers.
You can accomplish that, thanks to Slicethepie

There is no restriction on the number of artists you can review, and users get compensated according to the calibre of their ratings.

What do you think about my list of ways to make money from home? Is there anything I have missed on the list that you think is an excellent way to make money from home? Love to hear your thoughts in the comment section below. 

Cheers for reading X  

My Sunday photo 16/04/2023


My Sunday photo 16/04/2023

Finally enjoying some outdoor time now it is dry for a bit :) 

60 Positive affirmations for kids.

 Hey readers, 

Words are powerful, and how we speak about ourselves can influence our mood. 

That is why it is essential to help kids by teaching them the skill of positive affirmations and helping them think positive thoughts about themselves. 

These positive affirmations will help your child with confidence about how they view themselves and the voice inside their head in how it talks to them. 

Thinking positive thoughts allows believing in oneself. 

60 Positive  affirmations for kids.

Reading positive affirmations daily, printing them out, and sticking them on the kid's bedroom wall so they can see them will help encourage and reaffirm their positive commitments.  

 Below is a list of 60 kids' positive affirmations that you can use to help kids learn to think more positively in their lives. 

Positive Affirmations For Kids

1. Everything is fine.

2. My voice matters.

3. I accept myself for who I am.

4. I am building my future.

5. I choose to think positively.

6. My happiness is up to me.

7. I start with a positive mindset.

8. Anything is possible.

9. I radiate positive energy.

10. Wonderful things are going to happen to me.

11. I can take deep breaths.

12. With every breath, I feel stronger.

13. I only compare myself to myself.

14. I can do anything.

15. It is enough to do my best.

16. I can be anything I want to be.

17. I accept who I am.

18. I believe in myself.

19. I am proud of myself.

20. I deserve to be happy.

21. I can do anything if I put my mind to it.

22. I permit myself choices.

23. I can do better next time.

24. I have everything I need right now.

25. I am capable of so much.

26. Everything will be okay.

27. I believe in myself.

28. I am proud of myself.

29. I deserve to be happy.

30. I am free to make my own choices.

31. I deserve to be loved.

32. I can make a difference.

33. Today, I choose to be confident.

34. I am in charge of my life.

35. I have the power to make my dreams come true.

36. I believe in myself and my abilities.

37. Good things are going to come to me.

38. I matter.

39. My confidence grows when I step outside of my comfort zone.

40. My positive thoughts create positive feelings.

41. Today, I will walk through my fears.

42. I am open and ready to learn.

43. Every day is a fresh start.

44. If I fall, I will get back up again.

45. I am whole.

46. I only compare myself to myself.

47. I can do anything.

48. It is enough to do my best.

49. I can be anything I want to be.

50. I accept who I am.

51. Today is going to be a fantastic day.

52. In fact, I don’t need to be ashamed of anything.

53. I can choose to be around people who appreciate me for who I am.

54.  I can relax and be myself.

55. I am willing to learn from my friends and peers.

56. I love my body.

57. I don’t need to compare myself to others.

58. I take care of my physical health because I love myself.

59. I love to learn.

60. I will always do my best.

Cheers for reading X 

Why you should start a mummy blog in 2023

Hey readers, 

Are you contemplating creating a mum blog but unsure whether you should go for it?

Why you should start a mummy blog in 2023

Here are the top five reasons why you should start a mummy blog right away. Mummy blogs have recently become a powerful force on the internet.

1. Sharing your experiences. 

Mothers have unique ideas and methods of accomplishing things. As mothers of developing children, you gain new knowledge every day. 

What better platform than your blog to share the lessons you've picked up and your experiences as a blogger? You will expand your audience and pick up fans that care about you and the information you give. 

You can interact and connect with other mummy bloggers who are on the same path as you and share your struggles by blogging. It's not just a way to express yourself.

2. Provide a creative outlet for yourself. 

Each of us possesses a creative quality that sets us apart. We all have a creative side to us, whether it be through writing, drawing, painting, sewing, or making items

The chance to see all of the imaginative concepts other mothers come up with motivates me to keep writing and producing material.

3. To strengthen your writing skills.
Beginning a blog, you may have limited writing skills.

Beginning off can be unpleasant and even strange at first. Yet, you'll find that writing becomes easier as you get into the swing of things. You'll be able to speak more effectively, and you'll create a style that is entirely your own.

You'll gain a solid understanding of what people respond to if you write frequently. 

This challenges your creativity and encourages you to write about topics readers enjoy. Thus, there will be a larger audience.

4. Earn extra income. 

A blog can generate income in several ways, including through advertising, affiliate marketing, guest blogging on other sites, and paid newspaper columns. 

A deal with a book publisher may be achievable if your blog gains popularity among readers.

5. You don't need to leave home

A blog may be started without a Degree, an office, or a small business loan, which appeals mainly to women who are searching for additional income streams so they can stay at home with their kids. 

It's a job they can do during their children's naps or while they are away at school, and it enables women like me who have left the workforce to raise a family to feel like a part of the tech age always helpful when your days are filled with nappies, dishes, and drool.

Mum bloggers only need a little additional money to pay for football lessons or a family; they don't have to quit their day jobs or earn enough money to support themselves. 

Cheers for reading X 

My Sunday Photo 09/04/2023

My Sunday Photo 09/04/2023

Happy Easter 🐰🐇


Easter chocolate bark recipe.

 Hey readers, 

A perfect kid's activity to do during the Easter holidays is to make Easter chocolate bark, as it is so easy to do. 

The ingredients you will need. 

🐰4 bars of chocolate (I used three milk and one white). The fourth one was to cover the edges of the tray. 

🐰Malteser bunnies.

🐰Mini eggs. 


🐰Parchment paper. 


1. Cover the tray with Parchment paper.

2. Place the chocolate in the tray. I placed 3 bars in a line and used the four to cover the empty edges of the tray. 

3. Put the oven on a 45c fan and place the chocolate in the oven for 15 minutes; this allows the chocolate to go soft. 

4. Get the chocolate out of the oven. Use a stick and swirl the chocolate around gently so it looks like a marble effect. 

5. Place the Malteser bunnies onto the chocolate. 

6. Put the mini eggs and dot them on the chocolate. 

7. Sprinkle the sprinkles all over the chocolate. 

8. Place the chocolate in the fridge to set for 2 hours. 

9. Collect the chocolate from the fridge, and remove the chocolate from the parchment paper onto a board. 

10. Use your hands to break bits off; it doesn't have to be perfect, but random shapes and sizes. 

Easter chocolate bark recipe.

There you have your delicious chocolate Easter treat 🐰 🍫 

Cheers for reading X 

How to throw the perfect spring picnic.

Hey readers, 

The best in everyone is brought out by picnics, for some reason. It's challenging to beat the combination of delicious cuisine, clean air, and enjoyable company. You can have the ideal spring picnic if you prepare in advance and keep things straightforward.

How to throw the perfect spring picnic.

So below are things to consider to throw a perfect spring picnic. 

 1. Location.

 The most crucial factor is where you will have your picnic. Both the outfit and the food will benefit from being informed. For example, if you have to walk to the venue, you can't serve an expensive spread or wear wedges and a sundress.

2. Time. 

Plan the picnic so there will be adequate daylight for eating and engaging in activities. You can choose any time you like for the picnic to begin if it is on a Saturday. 

On Sundays, many individuals don't have to get up early for work, so none of your guests will feel rushed. 

If you choose to have the picnic on Sunday, I advise planning to have your guests arrive around 11 o'clock. This will give you the rest of the afternoon to eat and participate in outdoor activities.

3. Packing your hamper. 

Carefully select your equipment because a leaky cool box is the worst. Make sure your Tupperware is tightly closed before you leave, and place any particularly fragrant goods in a plastic bag. 

A cool box is  
 helpful for keeping your picnic supplies chilled on a hot summer day.

For young children, plastic bottles or cups work best to prevent breakages. If you're bringing wine glasses for adults, think about getting a small tray so they can rest there while you pour and in between sips. 

If you're tasting wine that has been cork-sealed, don't forget the bottle opener!

4. Plan for activities.

Make plans for your day. A picnic frequently involves more than just food. Check out the local events to determine what to bring. 

Bring fun athletic gear, such as a soccer ball or Frisbees, if the park lacks a playground.

Another option is to bring a board game that is enjoyable to play outside, like Twister.

If you're in a natural preserve, consider hiking to a picnic area!

5. The menu. 

Everyone attends a picnic solely for the food. Yet, your menu of delectable dishes needs to be filling and delicious. 

The fantastic company, fun, and games are just as welcome.

In most situations, everyone pitches in to make the food available. Still, you should be aware of any vegetarians, vegans, or those with allergies or intolerances attending your picnic. 

To avoid cross-contamination, you'll need to keep some items separate and use different utensils.

Sandwiches, munchies, and cake would make up the classic picnic meal; there is nothing wrong with this formula other than the fact that it has been used before. How to spruce up the typical picnic cuisine is as follows:


Choose sandwich fillings that won’t leave the bread soggy and cut sandwiches into tiny, delicate fingers. 

Arrange in separate containers to stop delicate flavours from being overshadowed by more robust ones.

Choose a quality bread or roll for your sandwiches, as the flavour will make all the difference. Whatever
 you choose, and no matter how you choose to serve them, ensure they are a picnic-friendly size.

Sumptuous sandwich fillings include:

Turkey with brie – serve cranberry sauce on the side.

Strong cheese – grate it and serve with artisan condiments such as chilli jam or pickle.

Tuna with spring onion – a delectable combination; add a hint of mayonnaise for moistness.

Jackfruit and BBQ sauce – shred the jackfruit as you would pork and add BBQ sauce, a delicious vegan-friendly sandwich.


With sandwiches made and ready, the next thing you’ll need to think about is savoury snacks that complement the flavours of your sandwiches.

There are so many ideas it’s hard to know where to start:

Devilled eggs – these take the humble boiled egg to new heights.

 Hard boil eggs, and when cold, halve them, scooping out the yoke.

 Mix the yolk with a teaspoon of mayonnaise and flavourings such as mustard, a hint of chilli or a dash of Tabasco. 

Load the yolk paste back into the white egg case and garnish with snipped chives or a dusting of paprika. 

Transport in a sealed container, placing each egg half in a paper bun case.

Crudites and hummus – A delicious dip with some healthy chopped veggies to dip in is fantastic for long summer days and takes seconds to make with this handy dicer (chop chop!)

Pulse salads – ditch the iceberg lettuce for a salad with a sturdier base, such as a vegetable of a grain. 

Couscous is simply crying out for flavour, and don’t forget the humble cooked pasta is excellent served with watercress, chopped tomatoes and other summer veggies and fruits. You can even chop and serve in the same bowl with this useful Nicer Dicer Set.

Pastry parcels – fry off your favourite mix of veg, season well and pile into filo pastry cases. 

Bake in a moderate oven and well excellent; slip into your picnic hamper. You can add chicken or turkey to these parcels too. 

In fact, you can get as inventive as you like with 
the fillings – why not try cooked beef with stilton, for example, or ham with peas in a light cheese sauce stuffed inside a pastry case.

Nuts – potato crisps are all well and good, but they can feel a bit samey after a while. Nuts (and seeds like pumpkin) make a great alternative when you need something savoury to nibble on.


There’s no reason why you can’t enjoy a sweet treat at a picnic. From cake to full-on desserts like cheesecake, there are ideas galore.

Cupcakes – a great idea for picnics; cupcakes can be stashed away in plastic containers and then passed around your assembled picnickers.

Victoria sponge – sometimes, the wheel doesn’t need re-inventing, and if there was ever a cake that looks at home at a picnic, it is a sumptuous Victoria sponge. 
Add extra decadence with a layer of whipped cream and jam.

Scones – another old favourite that never goes out of fashion, the humble fruit scone with jam & cream (or is it cream & jam?) will also be welcome sweet fare at your picnic.

Cheers for reading X 

My Sunday Photo 02/04/2023


My Sunday Photo 02/04/2023