Showing posts with label mum life. Show all posts
Showing posts with label mum life. Show all posts

Wednesday 20 January 2021

Why I hate being a woman.

Hey readers,

Sometimes as a female it is hard, it sucks and frustrating. Here are my top 10 reasons why I hate being a woman (sometimes).

1. Period.

Of course, the period is the first thought when it comes to being a woman. 

You have to have a period every month and not only is physical matter but it messes you up mentally as well. 

Then when you are pregnant you think you can miss this oh no wait until after you are cursed with a period for 28 days,  full-on heavy with a newborn, joy!

It is absolutely knackering and your emotions are all over the place from being ecstatic one minute to being really sad the next. Periods are a lot of work for us, women, to have to manage every. single. month. 

2. Social pressure.

I find in this modern world with so many noisy messages whether on tv or social media a lot of pressure to be a certain way. 

If that wasn't bad enough then there is a lot of judgement from the outside about the way we are as women and how we behave. 

3. Bitchiness. 

Being around women is definitely not all smelling of roses and the idea that you are part of sisterhood is something that I don't believe in. 

It can be brutal and women can go behind your back and be very bitchy. You have to have your wits on you and be careful who you trust.

4. Bras. 

Bras are a pain. Yes, they provide support for your boobies but they are uncomfortable after a period of time. 

One of the best feelings I think for a woman is after being out all day and that feeling of relief after taking your bra off!

5. Childbirth.

Childbirth is hell and painful. Just image a watermelon coming out of your fufu.

6. Hot weather.

Can't take your top off in the hot weather, unlike the other species.

7. Hormones.

Hormones are hard to deal with especially after childbirth and definitely I feel my hormones are worse during my time of the month.

8. Mood.

 If you kick off or in a bad mood people put it straight down to 'time of the month'. People instantly think it is your period that effects your mood. 

Actually, there could be something else other than periods that have triggered your bad mood. 

9. Stereotypes. 

Social stereotypical pressures, just because I am female does not make me automatically good at something like parenting or cooking. 

Let's be radical maybe see the person rather than the gender that plays out what they are good at. 

10. Running.

Running with a bigger chest is annoying especially if your late for a bus and need to run to catch it. It is annoying when your bangers bouncing about. Seriously, if I could chop them off I would they are merely an inconvenience.

Can you relate to any of these observations about being a woman? What do you think about being a woman love to hear your thoughts in the comment section down below? 

Cheers for reading X

Sunday 3 January 2021

My Sunday photo 03/01/2021

Monday 28 December 2020

Barbie is a k**b!

Hey readers,

I will be honest with you here I think Barbie is a k**b and she is not a very good role model for youngsters. I have stated my reasons below  
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Barbie is a k**b!

1. She is so vain, all she seems to care about is what she looks like. Given girls, this warped up the sense that to get anywhere in life in order to be popular you have to be pretty.

2. Barbie has unrealistic expectations around body image. She makes out that you can be or do anything you want as long as you are blonde, tall and skinny.  To me, this sends out a negative message and can cause anxiety. Let's not forget the dodgy ratio which us so ridiculous it is laughable.

3. She is so sexualised and it is about looking sexy with the short clothing, heals and tits out, come on let girls be girls, childhood is short-lived so let them just have fun and be innocent.

 4. Barbie does not look her age, she is 57 years old people and in real life properly would have some serious surgery to keep her youthful looks.

5. Her feet are not designed for heels 👠 which is a bit weird anyway. Let's face it flat shoes rule, fuck you beauty standards.

6. Barbie dolls make out they are thick and have little intelligence. Let's look at an example; Mattel brought out a book which features Barbie in it called I Can Be A Computer Engineer. Which portrayed Barbie as lacking the skills to know what the hell is happening and a need to constantly rely on male classmates for help.

7. She thinks she is perfect in everything but this bollocks as we all know that perfection is NEVER going to happen as it does not exist!

8. She is materialistic and all she cares about is buying clothes, cars and having a good time. Shouldn't we be teaching kids deeper stuff instead of money makes the world go round?

9. She has weird body ratios that are mind-boggling. Her neck is super long. Her legs are longer than her arms by 50% compared to normal average women only being 20%.  Her 16-inch waist would leave only room for the liver and a few inches of intestines. You get the idea of just a few examples I provided.

So yeah, Barbie sucks and OK dolls are for imaginary play so, therefore, some leeway. But there is a Barbie programme now sadly which I have sat through. 

All I get from this programme is how pretty I am and look at me. This clearer is being televised for young viewers to watch which as they are clearly venerable at that cage with getting sucked in the message of these stupid ideas. 

It can have psychological effects with anxiety and self-consciousness with who you. So, even though Barbie may come across as an innocent toy be very careful of the subtle messages she sends out.

What do you think about Barbie? Love to hear your thoughts in the comment section down below.

Cheers for reading X

Thursday 24 December 2020

5 things I have learnt about motherhood

Hey readers,

This mother role is hard work, don't get me wrong sometimes it can be fun, lovely, honourable. On the flip side, you can feel anxious, scared or even dread at times.
It is so hard to get it right but sometimes just going along and being there in that you learn a lot more then any manual will tell you. Here are some of the things I have learnt going through the journey of motherhood.

5 things I have learnt about motherhood

1. Sometimes being a mum feels like a constant treadmill that you have to keep running to keep the balance right. It feels constant and repetitive. Sometimes I get this feeling of restlessness that will never end. 

For example the never-ending pile of washing. Just when you think you have completed all the washing within half an hour there is another load appeared.  But you know what it is OK to stop, have a break from it and do something different. Have a day off because you know what you deserve it regardless of what the media say!

2. Sometimes you mess up spectacular and you know what I have learnt that it is OK. Nobody provides that perfect parenting book.  Sometimes you just winging and learning as you go. Knowledge may be powerful but the experience is also up there with understanding in my opinion.

3. You know sometimes your child may act aggressively towards you. At that moment you just want to shout, "WILL YOU JUST STOP". What really they need is your attention and affection even if they are being little shits, sometimes there may be an underlying reason. 

This was one of my biggest challenges as I have Asperger syndrome which makes it really, really difficult to understand body language etc so I really had to work my butt off to understand and put myself in someone elses shoes. 

I don't always get it right because saying and doing ate two different things. But practice and working at it all you can do and remembering that no one is perfect.

4. Learn the art of negotiation and you will find that both child and parent will win. It is tough but gives it time and it gets better and your relationship changes. 

I definitely notice a change between me and my children's relationships. Sometimes it is hard to listen to your child especially if you have a million and one things to do. 

You just instant behaviours sadly we won't always get it. Listening is a valuable skill that will help strengthen your relationship. It does take time however I can verify that it has rewards in the long term. When I take a step back and listen my child is more willing and responsive. 

Over time it gets easier, not always of course because life is not like that. I can confirm though that there are significant changes in a  more harmonious environment. Which makes parenting a hell of a lot easier.

5. One of the major things I have learnt through raising my children is patience and dedication. I sometimes have to hold back/ put on a mask or stay quiet. 

I have found this helps as I can't always deal with immediate emotional responses due to my disability. I need time to digest and reflect before decisions. 

I have learnt to wait before I react as I am better mentally prepared to deal with that situation. Sometimes us parents just need to have five minutes away from the child to cool down the situation. It helps to break down the negativity and coming back to the situation at a later date with fresher eyes to deal with it.

Cheers for reading X

Monday 21 December 2020

49 things you say as a parent.

Hey readers,
Pre-children I made a conscious vow not to say certain catchphrases or be a certain type of mum.
Bur moving forward in time to me being a mummy I can't help but say certain sentences, several times a day.

49 things you say as a parent.

1. Please be nice to each other.

2. Please be quiet, mummy is trying to talk. 

3. It's not the end of the world.

4. You should be lucky not living in Africa or whatever equally depressing place inspires you to try to make the little sods eat their dinner.

5. If you don't do X then I am going to tell your daddy and you are going to be in serious trouble.

6. Go and play with your toys and give mummy some headspace.
7. What was his poo like, soft/wet)firm etc 💩 

8. Put your willy away no one wants to see it.

9. When I was your age I..... 

10. Because I said so, end of!

11. Just you wait and see. 

12. No pudding unless you eat your dinner. 

13. If someone asked you to jump off the cliff would you?

14. I've told you a thousand times.

15. Say pardon, not what!

16. What did your last slave die off?

17. It will all end in tears.

18. You will take someone's eye out with that.

19. I want, never gets. 

20. Don't sit that close to the tv, you will get square eyes. 

21. What part of no do you not understand. 

22. Your hands are not broke. 

23. No one said life was fair. 

24. Naked is not an outfit. 

25. When I was young we never had...

26. Who is the parent you or me?

27. Money doesn't grow on trees.

28. If you don't pick up your toys, I'm going throw them away. 

29. Go and ask your dad (or mum). 

30. I've had it up to here with you. 

31. If you want to act like a child, I will treat you like one. 

32. Ask a stupid question, get a stupid answer. 

33. One day you will thank me.

34. Quiet down, I can't even hear myself think. 

35. Are your legs broken?

36. Let's play the quiet game.

37. I'm not asking, I'm telling.

38. When you have kids, I hope they are just like you.

39. Don't you use that tone with me, mister.

40. Stop crying or ill give you something to cry about. 

41. You better wipe that look of your face. 

42. Youll understand when you are a parent. 

43. I wasn't born yesterday you know. 

44. You kids will be the death of me. 

45. I'll wash out your mouth with soap. 

46. You've brought this on your self.

47. Youll live. 

48. Talking to you is like talking to a brick wall. 

49. I am going to count to three...

Do you recognise any of these phrases that you say now that you are a parent? Love to hear your thoughts in the comment section down below. 

Cheers for reading X

Sunday 29 November 2020

My Sunday photo 29/11/2020

Sunday 1 November 2020

My Sunday photo 01/11/2020

Sunday 25 October 2020

My Sunday photo 25/10/2020

Wednesday 21 October 2020

10 things to do during october half term 2020

 Hey readers, 

This year is a funny old year where a lot has happened coronavirus and you may be dreading half term as it is not like other times when there is a lot more available and socially you could do more i.e. stay over at grandparents house. 

It is all different this year and you may want to find some activities that you can do safely this half term holiday. so, here are 10 ideas that won't break the bank but keep you sane.

1. Slime. 

Kids love slime and my boys especially love slime and baths, So this is perfect. I picked up these pots of slime in Poundland for a quid and it is going to be an afternoon/rainy situation where it will come out and keep them amused for a little bit. 

poundland slime

2. Scavenger hunt.

There is a million and one on Pinterest and similar search engines that you pick one that suits you and your family. It is a great way to hunt for items out in the wild while keeping kids entertained.

3. Colour in.

A lovely activity to do with children is doing some colouring - is not only for children but for adults as well. There are loads of printouts and if your feeling seasonal there are Halloween wants to choose from.

4. Zoom calls.

If you cant see someone in person to keep contact with friends and family good old zoom meeting will safe the day. 
5. Carve a pumpkin.

Had to be including with Halloween falling in half term grabbing a pumpkin (doesn't have to be expensive you can pick up big ones from Aldi for a couple of quid. Carving a pumpkin is a fun and sensory activity and looks really effective when you light it with tea lights in the evening giving you that spooky ambience.

6. Film afternoon.

There is a good range of films on the telly during the half-term holiday for kids or you could stream, I like Hotel Transylvania and Scoob perfect for the family. 

7. Baking. 

Kids love baking in the kitchen and you can do some simple recipes so you don't have to feel overwhelmed in your confident like me. A good recipe is chocolate chip cookies not too complicated but always a hit.

8. Science experiment.

If you are feeling adventurous you could try a science experiment such as making slime or a bath bomb. 

 9. Go for a bike ride. 

A free activity you can do is go on your bike for a ride, you don't have to go far it could be local but at least you get out of seeing the four walls. 

10. Check out the local park.

Parks are an excellent way of burning kids energy off and if it is mild you could even take a picnic with you. 

Have I missed anything off the list that you think would make a great idea for entertaining kids during this coming half term? Love to hear your thoughts in the comment section down below. 

Cheers for reading X 

Wednesday 14 October 2020

Anti- Homework

Hey readers,

One of the things that pisses me off about school is sending children home with homework.

 Firstly, I believe we should stop homework because kids have a long day at school learning, why then come home to do even more work. 

Let's give children a break and allow them to play and let them wind down. I think if the child has to constantly be meeting deadlines to get work completed then it could lead to loss of enthusiasm to learn. 

I know that people are more willing to learn when they are less under pressure.

There is the risk of cheating by copying each other work in order to get the work done. Therefore getting rewarded for falsework which really doesn't help anyone in the long term.

How many arguments are met through parents having to deal with the additional responsibility of getting the kids motivated to complete their work? 

There is not enough time in the evening and it can cause potential friction between child and parent. Homework reduces the amount of family time spent together, it is important to have quality time with the family and to socialise.

A different reason for being against homework is the child for a large. A portion of the school day is sedentary. So, to come home and then be made to sit down for even more time is not really good when instead they could be having fun and doing some physical exercise.

There is no real link that homework increases learning or grades*. Causing unnecessary pressure and frustration for child and parent. There is no real cleat link to say that homework increases the chances of a child gaining better grades.

My child is exhausted from coming home from school as he uses all his energy to learn, concentrate and listen to instructions. To then try to get him to complete his homework is pretty pointless. 

He is halfhearted and not really concentrating because of being so tired. I feel it is important that when he is at home that there is that time to relax. So, there is a clear and definite break from education. 

Children need to have time to wind down and relax. It helps them sleep and not be overactive with keeping their brain wired for long periods. Not to mention the fact that if they are calmer in the evening they will sleep better and feeling fresh in the morning to be more motivated to work on education at school.

I am all about learning but I think there should be a balance between learning and play. I think with homework included in the mix of a school day it is unevenly balanced. I don't really feel it is healthy nor necessarily to include homework in the curriculum.

 Sometimes you get the feeling that it is more about meeting targets then the actual child's development and health.

What do you think about homework? Do you like it or not? Love to hear your thoughts in the comment section down below.

Cheers for reading X

*"What research says about the value of homework: Research review." The Center for Public Education, web. 17th February 2007.