Sunday 3 May 2020

My Sunday Photo 03/05/2020

Friday 1 May 2020

Silly things my mind has told me.

Hey readers,

I have anxiety and depression and one of the problems with these conditions is that I suffer from intrusive thoughts.

Intrusive thoughts are frightening, they are exhausting (for me).

They feel real and can potentially turn into a cycle where the thoughts can come quickly. They may be thoughts that are fear-induced or down to lack of control. Control is a big trigger for me and my anxiety.

So, now I am going to share with you some of the kind of silly things my brain tries to tell me and trick me into believing.

* Husband is going to call social services because I have the TV on therefore I am not a good parent.

* Such and such a teacher is watching my every move I make, see if I am capable. They are taking notes and discussing me in a negative light with their colleagues. 

* They are taking the piss out of me because I stutter, I am shaking and crying. 

*They are watching me and judging me because I am fat, I can't engage.

* They think I am not a good parent and I shouldn't look after my kids.

* My husband is going to die, he is out and won't come back. He hates me and blames me for everything.

* My husband when out shopping with the boys, I get fearful especially for long periods that they have died in the car. I am petrified and shaking. I am having very dark imagery thoughts about how the bodies are dismantled in the car, the process of imagining them dying in the car.

* A parent in the playground is looking at me, talking about how ugly I am. How rubbish parent I am. How socially awkward I am. How retarded my children are.
The examples I have given are just a handful of examples, that have happened in the last couple of days. 

I wanted to share how horrible the thoughts can be and they are so scary. People assume anxiety is something a bit mandy pandy but it is a struggle. It is a battle every day for me. 

Sometimes I have better days, sometimes I have worse days. But the anxiety is always there ready and waiting.

Cheers for reading X

Wednesday 29 April 2020

9 Kids films to watch during lockdown.

Hey readers,

Looking for some good quality films to watch with the family during the lockdown to kill some boredom? Well, I have selected some corkers that you won't regret checking out. Here are my top 9 movies to watch with the family.

1. Minuscule: Valley of the Lost Ants.

Minuscule: Valley of the Lost Ants (2013) - IMDb

You might not have come across this French animation before as it is not mainstream but seriously it is a funny and amazing production that you must check out.

 It is basically an animation of the adventures of one ladybird and ants competing to get some sugar cubes.

2. Shaun the Sheep Movie.

Shaun the Sheep Movie (2015) - IMDb

From the creators of Wallace and Gromit bring you, Shaun, the sheep (also has his own animated show on CBBC and naturally called Shaun the Sheep). 

The film takes us on Shaun's adventures going in the big city and getting lost with his best pal Bitzer.

3. Magnificent.

Maleficent (film) - Wikipedia

Now I am not a huge Disney film however I do like the odd one or two. Magnificent is one of the Disney films I do like probably because it has a dark twist which I enjoy.

 Both my 6 and 8 year old also enjoyed watching this and they didn't get scared just for the record. 

It is basically inspired by Snow White where we follow the life of a lady called Magnificent in the fairyland gets disturbed by the greedy human who once was best friends as a child with Magnificent. 

The consequences of messing with Magnificent unravel. It is dark but I don't think to see as a problem because you have darkness before seeing sunshine sometimes.

4. The Simpsons Movie.

My family really enjoy The Simpsons cartoon so naturally wanted to check out The Simpsons movie. You won't be disappointed it is just an extended version of the funny life of Homer and his family in Springfield. 

5. A Town Called Panic.

 Panique au village (2009) - IMDb

I notice French are really good at animated films and this one is no exception. It is one of my favourite films and suitable not only for kids but adult too.

  It is a stop motion film involving plastic toys such as Indians and horses and it follows the lives in a paper mache town. I like it because it is really funny as well. 

6. Baby's Day Out.

Now I know this is an ancient film but still a golden oldie and it is just funny and just a good wholesome family film.

The film takes you on the journey of the baby's adventures whilst three crocks try to steal the baby of a millionaire but it all goes bear-shaped but in a comedy way.  

7. Despicable Me. 

This is a hit with young children and has a really good story to it. It is all about the baddie Gru and how his life is turned upside down when he gets involved with looking after three foster children. Also features Grus minions which are delightful to see appear. 

8. Minions. Watch Minions | Prime Video
Following on from the success of Despicable Me film the minions have there own feature film and both the first and second are top-notch quality that doesn't let you down. 

It heavily follows the lives of Kevin, Bob and Stewart with the film going through the history of where the Minions were originated from and how they met Gru in the 60s when he was a young child. 

9. The Witches.

The Witches Movie Review

This film is an adaption from the book The Witches by Roald Dhal. It is a dark fantasy comedy all about a boy who stumbles onto a group witches convention and tries to stop them as they prepare to abolish all children of the world, even after they turn him into a mouse. 

Have I missed any good family movies on the list? Love to hear what you think in the comment section down below. 

Cheers for reading X 

Monday 27 April 2020

23 signs your a fully fledged adult.

Hey readers,

Do you ever wonder whether you are a fully-fledged adult? 

Before we start exploring let's take a look at what the definition of daunting is:

Adulting (noun) defined by the practice of behaving in a way characteristic of a responsible adult, especially the accomplishment of mundane but necessary tasks. 

So now you know what an adult means check out my list of 23 signs that predict that you have reached adulthood?

1. You pay your bills on time and know what is coming out every month of your bank account. 

2. You learn that being an adult isn't all that it is cracked up to be and responsibilities suck.

3. You know how to manage money and don't end up skint after a couple of days of getting payment into your bank.

4. You save up for different things that are important such as a new washing machine as opposed to some new shoes which you deem as the least important. 

5. You learn how to tightly manage your money at the end of the month.

6. You daydream about the times when you were young and carefree with no responsibilities, they seem like a distant memory now. 

7. You don't give a s**t what is in the music chart and you look at your children baffled to what the hell they are listening too. 

8. You haven't the foggiest idea who is number one in the music chart and you do not own any modern albums and you know what? that is absolutely fine.

9. You listen to podcasts and enjoy listening to adults have conversations. Sometimes even enjoy discussions on deep stuff such as morals. 

10. You have a backache.

11. You don't mind having nothing to do, in fact, it is something you enjoy.

12. You go to bed at a reasonable time without being asked and sometimes you go to bed early because it is now pleasurable for you.

13. You have to google new trend terms because you have no idea of what this language the yoof speak in. 

14. You can successfully do the laundry all by yourself and keep up with it without letting the laundry container overflow. 

15. You stand up for what you believe in and more confident in yourself and your believes. 

16. You can't be arsed to do all-nighters anymore, who has the time for that? surely sleep is a much better prioritisation?

17. You love your bed, at times even fantasy about it during the day.

18. You don't care really what is cool anymore because you have become accepting of who you are. That is ok to like whatever tickles your pickle rather then like what is popular at the moment. 

19. You enjoy choosing things for your enjoyment such as music, fashion, movies rather than whether everyone else likes them. You do you not what the majority thinks. 

20. Your life didn't turn out the way you wanted it to but that is ok because you learn life is actually not linear but dame right messy.

21. You enjoy the mornings because you get stuff done. Note when I say mornings I mean 4AM with no kids about, haha!

22. You accept feedback without wanting to rip someones head off because they dare to think differently to you.

23. You learn to express yourself clearly.

Do you identify with these 23 characteristics of being an adult? Love to hear your thoughts in the comment section down below.

Cheers for reading X

Sunday 26 April 2020

My Sunday Photo 26/04/2020

Friday 24 April 2020

Ways to deal with anger.

Hey readers,

Life can be tough and at times you can feel angry and lash out. In this post, I have written about ways to use that angry in a constructive manner so that people don't get hurt but you can deal with the angry positively.

Sometimes having a distraction can help you stop from focusing on the anger. One good tip would be is to count up to 10 or down or if you are super angry 100. This will allow time to cool down as such and give you that break to think.

Do something to use up the rage, maybe go for a run, rip paper or like me clean kitchen floor and get that frustration out of your system. I always better after cleaning up and I have the added bonus of a tidy kitchen, whoop!

I know this can be hard but if you are in a situation that is causing that angry it is better to hold your tongue and walk away in the long term.

 We all have said things in the heat of the moment and when you are angry you can't think straight. That is why it is better to walk away and postpone what you want to say at a later date when you are thinking rational and calm. 

This also reduces the risk of saying something harmful just because at the time you wanted to hurt someone because you yourself were actually hurting. 

Speak to someone
 about how you are feeling. This can help if it is anger that is a long-term problem. I problem shared is a problem halved, especially if is someone that you can trust and may be able to offer some answers to your problems.

 However, sometimes or we want to do is vent and that is ok too because it is better to let it out then keep it bubbling away inside.

Find a solution - maybe not instantly but read on the internet or ask someone for advice on how to deal with your situation that you are in.

When I am angry I am just not in the mood for anything. I simply need to do is go to bed and sleep before making a big decision. 

I feel much calmer after having a rest and it gives me a better think more clearly.

Sometimes, I can not always express myself verbally so I grab a pen and pad and write it down. It feels fantastic after because it is much clearer to see the problem rather than going over and over things in my head.

You know what I love? a good cry and that is all you need to do sometimes is to have that moment to breakdown in my room and get it out of my system. After a cry, I feel tons better and I love calming feeling after.

Hope this helps.

Thank you for reading X

Wednesday 22 April 2020

An open letter to my TV.

Dear TV,

I am writing this open letter to tell you how much I am forever grateful to you and the service you provide for me and my family.

You are the backbone of our home, no joke of a lie especially during these hard times at staying at home during the Corona Virus. 

I don't think I needed anyone quite like you in my life especially now that I am a mother, you are basically another member of my family right now. You bring me so much joy along with my husband and children. 

You are central to our family, I class you as a helping hand. When I am in need you are always around to be available in my hour of need and help keep me calm before I lose my rag.

TV you're so important because without you we would feel lost. You allow me to have that break to do things without the need to think about how I am going to entertain children. 

If I feel my kids need education you still provide with having the subtitles on the box for my little darlings to read, that means they are learning right?!

I can get s**t done such as doing my cleaning like the washing or do the vacuuming without interruption from the kids. 

This may seem like a bad thing for a parent to do but you know what things need to be done or else the Social Services will come knocking on our door asking me why my home such a pigsty.

Not only do you help me in my hour of need but you bring us together as a family. When we watch movies when it's cold outside and we're cuddling on the sofa munching on popcorn. 

During this hard time with the broken world we live in with the Coronavirus, therefore, you have been a useful tool to help escape when life seems pretty stressful. I can wind down, close the curtains forget life for a while, which is much needed right now. 

What is really good about your TV is the variety of shows so that means everyone gets to enjoy your services at some point in time. Your variety is what makes you glorious from serious news updates right through to silly videos on You Been Framed, you got it covered for all of us to enjoy you at some point.

At times life can feel lonely but watching TV and talking to others about shows gives us connectivity where common ground can be met. It can be challenging or funny but the most important thing is it makes us think about the ideas your project which can only be a good thing. 

The TV gives us time as a family to bond which we enjoy watching Dr Who and being together as a family. This is a simple pleasure and probably may end up being a cherished one years later for my sons. 

Therefore, from the bottom of my heart, I love you my little 42-inch tv you will always have a spot in the middle of my living room and be part of my family.

Cheers for reading  x

Monday 20 April 2020

59 things to do after lockdown ends.

Hey readers,

I know it is hard to imagine a time when the lockdown will end but we can all dream right?! So, in this post, I am going to reminisce on the good old days before Coronavirus and without restrictions. Here are 60 on the things I will enjoy once this lockdown will end.

1. Going out for a walk more than once a day.

2. Going to the pub.

3. Sitting in McDonald's.

4. Grabbing a coffee.

5. Going for a picnic.

6. Going for a long drive.

7. Checking out a theme park.

8. Visiting family.

9. Enjoying the sunshine outside.

10. Not feeling paranoid.

11. Not having to check regularly government guidelines.

12. Going to the beach.

13. Staying at a hotel.

14. Go on holiday for a few days and getting away from the day to day life.

15. Hearing the ice cream van reminds me of summer.

16. Buying ice cream from the ice cream van.

17. Buying a pic n mix.

18. I know a lot of Chinese takeaways are open but my favourite one where I live is closed during the lockdown so I enjoy a good old takeaway when lockdown ends.

19. Visiting a museum and taking your time to explore the exhibitions available.

20. Pass within two metres of someone.

21. Impulsively go to the shop without thinking about it.

22. Get a haircut.

23. Watch the Labour Party tear each other to pieces.

24. Visit Primark for a bit of retail therapy.

25. Taking my kids to school 😉

26. Grateful for the work teachers do.

27. Being thankful for not having to homeschool anymore.

28. Enjoying the peace to have an adult conversation.

29. Going to see a film at the cinema.

30. Being able to get food supplies without struggling.

31. Seeing a Doctor.

32. Not have stress about my long term medication running out.

33. Not feeling frustrated being trapped.

34. Visiting the garden centre.

35. Going for a swim.

36. Using the outdoor gym in the park.

37. Sitting down when out for a park.

38. Seeing the economy grown again.

39. Not constantly think about snacks.

40. Grabbing a sausage roll from Greggs.

41. Asking the taxi driver, 'so is it busy tonight?'

42. Cloud spotting in the park.

43. Go to another city and being a tourist.

44. Just freedom to have a choice.

45. Just sitting and watching the world go by.

46. Go watch a live concert.

47. The feeling of your teeth clean when visiting the dentist.

48. Not being terrified if you need to go to A & E.

49. Checking out charity shops and finding a bargain.

50. Petting random animals in the street.

51. Going window shopping with actual shops.

52. Having a barbecue.

53.  Remember to check your child's bag after school.

54. Remember to fill out school letters.

55. Being more thankful for what you have.

56. Enjoying doing the small stuff.

57. Having a good night sleep again.

58. When the government says it is all over.

59. Sunbathing in the park.

What are you most looking forward to when lockdown ends? Love to hear your thoughts in the comment section below.

Cheers for reading X

Sunday 19 April 2020

My Sunday Photo 19/04/2020

Bubble Beard!

Friday 17 April 2020

Quick and easy chocolate sponge cake recipe

Hey readers,

Looking for a simple effect chocolate sponge cake. Then check out my recipe below.


* 150g milk chocolate.

* 6oz self-raising flour.

* 6oz sugar.

* 6oz butter.

* 3 eggs.

* 7-inch cake tin.


1) Preheat the oven 170c and grease the sandwich tin and line with parchment paper.

2) Put all the sugar and butter into a bowl and mix together with an electrical whisk.

3) Crack all the eggs into a jug, then slowly pour a little egg into the mix and whisk. The consistency should be creamy.

4) Next, gradually add the flour and mix into the mixture until the flour is all mixed in.

5) Melt the chocolate in the microwave for a minute and then mix into the mixture.

6) Pour the mixture into the cake tin.

7) Place in the centre of the oven. Cook for 25 minutes then checks the cake with a toothpick to check if the cake is cooked. I had to constantly check it a fair few times (5-minute intervals) until the stick was clear.

8) Take the cake out of the tin and place it on to a cooling rack to cool down.

9) Enjoy.

Cheers for reading X

Wednesday 15 April 2020


Everything is falling apart,

I want to hide, 

But reflections of reality 

Are at every corner I turn. 

Positives about lockdown and autism.

Hey readers, 

So I was thinking about the Coronavirus and the whole situation of lockdown in terms of the benefits of the restrictions we currently have to face regarding being autistic like myself.

 Of course, there are lots of elements that heighten my anxiety regarding lockdown. However, this post is focusing on the positive aspects of the lockdown and autism. 

Whilst walking on my daily walk (for mental health cause I need that fresh air) how lovely it was that there was fewer cars and people about.

There feels like a relaxed atmosphere whereby people aren't rushing around in a chaotic manner like pre-Corona times.

 It feels calm even though yes it is totally uncertain and it sucks being told to stay at home under certain conditions. However, I believe there is always good and bad elements in any situation. 

So, I think lockdown can be helpful for people who are autistic like myself. For one reason fewer people are going out meaning quieter times, less noise and more ability to think without loads of busyness occurring around me. 

Going shopping (because there is no chance of getting a shopping slot where I live) therefore I have to go out. However,  I do aim to go out in quieter times so that means fewer people in the shop anyway, therefore, meaning I can focus more on what I need to do. 

Let's not forget the 2-meter rule in the shop which means that people are keeping their distance. It is much better for me as there is a space between people which pleases me because I like my space.

 I don't get as anxious because there are fewer people about in the shop which makes it is so much easier to handle doing the task of getting food when needed. 

If I have to get a bus it is often empty and my God is it something I hardly ever before experienced especially during the day. 

It is so much more relaxing because people don't get in your personal space or try and sit next to you on the bus. With the social distancing makes me feel less dread going on public transport because I get my personal space and people keep their distance. 

Therefore, I don't need to worry about social distancing as I don't like closeness like that anyway so for me I don't need to change my behaviour in regards to that. 

I feel more relaxed going out and when I come home I don't feel as tired because there is fewer things in the outside environment that are triggering for me. 

Before the current situation we are living in at the moment I would have to have some time alone after going out to bring back my anxiety levels down.

I am not as anxious going out because I know it is a lot quieter with fewer people around. I don't have to feel so paranoid when it comes to catching someone's expression because no one is around or people don't like making eye contact during this Corona period I have noticed.  

As I am more relaxed, I am able to do shopping correctly without forgetful or dropping items on the floor because of my shaking hands.
I can focus without my mind chattering 90 miles an hour to the dozen because of the heightened anxiety. 

So as you can see due to the quietness of the impact of the Coronavirus lockdown this means in some situations it can actually help me with my autism. 

Thanks for reading X 

Monday 13 April 2020

7 ways to find blogging motivation

Hey readers,

I think after a while of blogging you may stumble and find yourself struggling with ideas to write about and have no motivation. 

One of the reasons in my personal experience as a blogger when I struggle is with finding my mojo, which made me feel so demotivated. Every now again I just lose motivation and all interest to simply just write.

So, in this post, I am going to explore ways to overcome the feeling of demotivation and how to motivate yourself to get that sparkle back to continue to write. I hope then this will be useful for when you need to co


This may not be for everyone but having a routine can be helpful for some. I find having time set aside each day to do all blogging stuff really helpful. 

If I do it every day have that time set aside then it can create a positive habit to get into the mood and know that at that time is when I am going to do blogging.

 I like order and structure, I find forcing myself sometimes can trigger a response to get sh*t done.

Go out in public.

Sometimes, there are just too many distractions at home when you are trying to find time to do some content writing. 

I find that staying at home can lead me to not do a lot and spend far too much looking at memes rather than blogging. 

That is why my next suggestion is to go outdoors in public, whether it be in the park on a sunny day or a coffee somewhere.

 You can take your electronics, pen, and pad and do the work away from home. Being in public there are fewer distractions.

 If your in a popular place where there are others working then that can motivate you to take action and do some work.

Take a blogging break.

I have written previously a blog post about the importance to have a break and not quit. 

I do think blogging breaks can be really beneficial if you are struggling to get motivated. It allows you to have that break and reconnect with creativity.

Read other blogs/articles etc. 

I find the idea of reading blogs, articles, newspapers etc a great way to explore topics that you find interesting and can really inspire or make you come with other ideas to write about. Knowledge is power and it is a brilliant technique to come up with new ideas.


I love mindmapping where you use colour and visuals to create ideas that connect to the main theme in the centre of the map.

 I find colouring and doing something therapeutic with my hands instead of hitting the laptop first can inspire me greatly. 

Just focusing on a theme such as relationships and exploring the subgroups that are associated with relationships such as sexual/personal/ work/ business/school. 

Then exploring deeper into the sub-categories to come up with further related issues can pull together ideas that can be brilliant content for your blog.

Just go out and live.

Most of the best ideas come from the experience of my life and what I have personally done, seen or heard. 

There are many different angles you can write a blog post on from your own experience whether that be a rant, a letter to someone who has touched you or even a review that you want to tell the world about what product or service that has been beneficial in your life.

I hope this has been useful to learn how to be better at getting that motivation back when you lose that get up and go.

How do you get motivated when you're uninspired?

What is your blog writing tips?

Cheers for reading X

Sunday 12 April 2020

Theme Planet is the perfect place for website designs. **AD**

Hey readers, 

One fun element of setting up your own website is the design element and there are so many sites where you can get a variety of different themes to use.

 One such site is which provides customers with affordable website themes with a variety of designs. 

Tech Apple has a brilliant clear review of why you should check out Theme Planet and the great offers that the site has to offer. 

Whilst browsing on Theme Planet looking at themes it is so easy to navigate around which makes the job so much easier in finding the perfect design. 

I looked at a variety of different themes that took my fancy so you could see the quality and variety that is available to you on Theme Planet. 

I have selected three of each in different categories - Wordpress, Shopify, html5 and Woocommernce so you get an idea of the varsity of services the Theme Planet can offer someone.  

WordPress themes.  

The website has a variety of different Wordpress themes from business to feminine to meet the taste of your needs. 

Each Wordpress theme package covers everything that you will need to set up the design of your webpage. 

The packages include such items like making your site SEO optimised, stylish widgets too customizable navigation menu with optional drop-downs to name a few.

 Therefore everything is all sorted so all you need to do is download and set up on your site making it pain-free and enjoyable experience getting the right design for your blog. 

Stylist blog Wordpress theme.

This Stylist theme is a clean and sleek look. It is e-commerce ready, easy to install and would be perfect for any fashion, beauty, travel, home decor or any other lifestyle themed blog.

Gabriela - crafted blog Wordpress theme.

This modern theme is brilliant for any blogger to share thoughts with the world.

It is easy to navigate with a variety of features such as widgets, header theme and all the other elements in creating the perfect Wordpress theme for you. 

Shopify themes.

Not only can you get Wordpress designs from Theme Planet but also from Shopify so check out of a couple of examples down below. 

Luxembourg Shopify theme.

This example is brilliant sophisticated designs for a shoewear site which is ideal to get people attracted to their online shoewear store. 

The stylish city design and catches your eye. The beauty fo this theme is that it will be easy to navigate with the menus and on the home page. 

Along with the option of added a blog making a more interesting connection with the customer. 

Istanbul Shopify Theme.

This design called Istanbul and it is a minimalistic feel to the theme. The large icons capture you instantly with easy sidebars to find what you are looking for. 

Perfect for any age to enjoy browsing. There is also a customise tool making it easier to find the right product for the searcher. 

HTML5 themes.

If you're looking for HTML5 themes then Theme Planet have a mix of choices to meet your needs.

Interiorvale - Interior Design HTML5 Template.


This HTML5 design is perfect for interior and furniture factory template. It has many pages you can add about different team members, services, projects and even blog posts.

 Not only that it is suitable for a variety of different platforms such as desktop and mobile. It is also easy to customise on your request should you need it. 

Albert - UX Designer Portfolio HTML5 Template.

Albert template is ideal for a personal website to showcase you around the world. The design allows others you, your portfolio and projects that you are doing. 

It is built in HTML5, CSS3, Bootstrap framework, and Jquery with well-structured code and clean design. 

Woocommerce themes.

WS Tech Store WooCommerce Wordpress theme. 

WS Tech is a Tech Store WordPress theme based on WooCommerce plugin that intended to Hi-tech Store websites. 

This modern theme is a great way to showcase the products that you offer with detailed information regarding them making it easier for the consumer to make the right decision for them.

 The theme is easy to set up and navigate around for the consumer. 

WS Sobafa Responsive Shoes Store WooCommerce Wordpress theme.

WS Sobafa is a  Responsive Shoes WordPress themes which are based on the WooCommerce plugin for Online shoe store to promote their best products/ service in this industry.

 This site helps the consumer to find products that are suited for them and making it time and cost-friendly, 

As you can see I only have a few selections. However, there are many more designs so do checkout Theme Planet if you're looking for templates for your website, you won't be sorry. 

Cheers for reading. 

This is an ad for Theme Planet. All opinions expressed in this post are entirely my own.