Showing posts with label mental health. Show all posts
Showing posts with label mental health. Show all posts

Friday 2 December 2022

Self care activities for December.

Hey readers,

December can be a busy time of year for us all. We can be swept away by everything else that is happening that we forget to look after ourselves or give ourselves some time out to take self-care. 

So, here are some practical self-care activities you can do this December to help reduce the stress of the Christmas period.

self care activities for December


Practice some mindfulness - look around and see the lights twinkling from the decorations in the Christmas tree.


Have a long soak in the bath and unwind. Let your muscles relax and give your body that time to rest.


Have an early night and switch off the technology, even take a book to bed to read and escape with a story.


Go for an evening walk and get some fresh air. Enjoy not having to rush about but just soak up the scenery.


Make a yummy hot chocolate and drink it whilst watching your favourite programme. Just focus on the moment and forget about that to-do list.

 There is something lovely about holding a hot cup of your favourite drink in your hands and feeling all cosy.

Being realistic.

If you are feeling overwhelmed by the business of the festive season create limits to stick to. Instead of doing wrapping in one go do it over two days.

 There is no point rushing about when it will tip you over the edge. It makes you feel stressed and causes tension in the home. It is important to break down goals that are manageable and realistic to achieve.

Ask for help.

If you are struggling then ask for help - it is not a crime and you are not a failure in doing this. 

In actual fact, it takes more courage and strength to know when to stop and give someone else the responsibility. It is better productivity that way.


Remind yourself that it is ok to stop and not be busy. It is ok to time out for yourself and your wellbeing. 

It is ok to do nothing even though you feel that the festive period is about constantly being on the go. It is ok to have time out for yourself to rejuvenate and charge your batteries. 


During this period I find that decluttering helps my mind. Sorting out through unwanted toys that boys don't use and passing them on to someone else ready for Christmas when they get tons more to replace the space that once was.

I find it relaxing just putting music on and pottering about. I like to get things in order and get areas tidy. It is a calming and I love the feeling after when you get a sense of satisfaction.


I find writing relaxing (hence why I blog) though you don't necessarily have to do that if you don't want to. 

You could write a gratitude diary where you write the number of positive things that have happened to you that day. It doesn't have too big it could be simply having a shower, getting out of bed.

 It is the small things and getting into this pattern can really help enhance a more positive mindset over time.

What self care activities do you go to during December to help you relax? Love to hear your thoughts in the comment section down below. 

Cheers for reading X

Monday 7 November 2022

8 signs you are a introvert.

 Hey readers,

You may ask  yourself if you are a introvert and what are the signs or perhaps you are pondering whether someone in your life fits this description.

Although an introvert may be thought of as a shy wallflower who prefers to stay at home alone rather than socialize, there are many different types of introverts with a wide range of characteristics. 

8 signs you are a introvert.

The three categories are as follows: This kind of introvert prefers small groups to large ones. They would rather spend the night in peace at home than go out.

Introverts as thinkers: This group of introverts typically spends a lot of time thinking. They are imaginative and reflective.
Introverts and we anxious: During social interactions, anxious introverts frequently feel uneasy or nervous around other people.

Introverts with inhibitions: This type of introvert has a propensity to overthink, considering a decision for a significant amount of time before acting.   

However, you might discover that many introverts combine characteristics from all four types. Additionally, a lot of introverts exhibit traits that you might not think are typical of their personality type.  

For instance, there are a lot of introverts who enjoy getting together with others. You might even be surprised to find out that many people you think are "social butterflies" are actually quite introverted. 

A few of the signs that you, or someone you know, might be an introvert include the ones listed below.

1. Energy.

Your energy is drained by being around a lot of people Do you ever feel drained after being around a lot of people? 

Do you frequently need to retreat to a quiet location and spend more time alone after a day of interacting with others? In contrast to extroverts, who gain energy from such interactions, introverts must expend energy in social situations.

Which is one of the major traits of this personality type. However, introverts should not completely avoid social interactions. Even though many introverts enjoy spending time with others, they typically prefer to be with close friends.

An extrovert might go to a party with the intention of meeting new people, whereas an introvert might go to talk to friends.

2. Alone time.

Because you are an introvert, your idea of a good time is spending a quiet afternoon with yourself to indulge in your interests and hobbies.

You can feel refreshed and reenergized by engaging in activities like time alone with a good book, a tranquil nature walk, or watching your favourite television show.

This does not imply that introverts desire constant solitude. Socialising with familiar faces and spending time with friends is a favourite pastime for many introverts.

The most important thing to keep in mind is that an introvert will probably want to go to a quiet place to think, reflect, and recharge after a long day of socialising. You might be an introvert if spending a few hours by yourself sounds like a good time.

3. Group of close friends.

One of the most common misconceptions about introverts is that they dislike people. You only have a small group of close friends. Introverts enjoy having a small group of friends with whom they are particularly close, despite the fact that they typically enjoy little social interaction.

Introverts prefer to stick to deep, long-lasting relationships marked by a great deal of closeness and intimacy rather than having a large social circle of people they only know on a superficial level.
People with this trait tend to have fewer friends, according to researchers. 

One of introverts' many advantages is their propensity to forge deep and significant relationships with those who are closest to them. Additionally, they prefer to interact with individuals one-on-one rather than in large groups. If your social circle is usually small but very close, you might be an introvert.

Introverts typically select their friends with much greater care, whereas extroverts typically have a larger circle of friends and acquaintances.

4. Personality.

It may be hard for people to get to know you introverts are often mistaken for shy because they are described as quiet, reserved, and mellow.

People shouldn't mistake an introvert's reserve for timidity, even though some introverts are definitely shy. People with this personality type frequently simply choose their words carefully and prefer not to waste time or energy on unnecessary conversation.
You are probably an introvert if you tend to be quiet and reserved.

5. Overwhelmed.

When introverts have to spend time in activities or environments that are very busy, they may end up feeling disoriented and overwhelmed.
 Too much stimulation causes you to feel distracted. On the other hand, people who are extroverts tend to do best in situations where there is a lot of activity and few chances to get bored.

Researchers have discovered that introverts are more likely to be distracted than extroverts, which may explain why introverts prefer environments that are quieter and less frantic. You might be an introvert if you frequently feel overwhelmed in crowded social situations.

6. Analysing.

You Spend a lot of time analysing your own internal experiences because introverts tend to turn inward and are very self-aware. You might be more of an introvert if you think you know a lot about who you are, what drives you, and how you feel.

Thinking about and analysing things in their own minds is a favourite pastime for introverts. Introverts place a high value on self-awareness and self-understanding, so they frequently devote a significant amount of time to learning more about themselves.

You might be more of an introvert if you think you are self-aware and enjoy learning more about yourself.

One of the many strengths of introverts is self-awareness. They frequently engage in engaging hobbies, reflect on their lives, and read books that examine themes and subjects that are significant to them.

7. People watching.

You like to learn by watching introverts typically prefer to learn by watching, whereas extroverts typically prefer to jump right in and learn through hands-on experience. 

Introverts prefer to observe before attempting something new, whereas extroverts learn through trial and error.

Introverts enjoy repeatedly observing others perform a task until they believe they can do it themselves. When introverts do learn from personal experience, they prefer to work on their skills in a private setting where they don't have to perform in front of an audience.
You may have a more introverted personality if you prefer to learn more by watching than by doing.

8. Independence.

You are attracted to jobs that require independence as you might expect, jobs that require a lot of interaction with other people typically do not appeal to introverts.

 However, for introverts, careers that require independent work often make excellent choices. For instance, a writer, accountant, computer programmer, graphic designer, pharmacist, or artist might enjoy their jobs.

So, are you a introvert or not and what do you think to the signs do you relate to any of them? Love to hear your thoughts in the comment section down below.  

Cheers for reading X

Monday 10 October 2022

Benefits of being alone.

 Hey readers,  
In today's life, we are constantly bombarded with messages from social media and life that we should always be busy and doing things with others or else we are at risk of missing out.

 It is almost like we have lost the ability to be by ourselves at times, of course, it is good to spend time with people but also it is good to have times when you are alone. Many positive benefits of solitary can do you the world of good and sometimes it is just switching off and being by yourself. 

Benefits of being alone

1. Know Yourself.

One of the greatest benefits of spending time alone is how it helps you develop a better understanding of who you are. The more you know and understand yourself the more likely you are to do things that you love, learn things that interest you and spend time with people who make you feel good. Knowing yourself also builds confidence to help you navigate all types of situations. The more you get to know yourself the more you’ll like and accept yourself. When you know and like you, others are more inclined to like you too!

2. Being Alone Allows Our Brains to Recharge.

Our brains need balance. While social interactions are crucial to certain areas of brain activity, time alone is necessary for our brains to unwind and recharge. Constantly being ‘on’ doesn’t give your brain a chance to rest and replenish itself. Being by yourself with no distractions gives you the chance to clear your mind, focus, and think more clearly. It’s an opportunity to revitalise your mind and body at the same time.

 3. Doing things you enjoy.

When you’re constantly in the company of other people, you’re always making compromises to find solutions that the entire group can enjoy. And unfortunately, the things you want most, may not always line up with what the group wants.
So it’s easy to enjoy being alone once you realize that doing so gives you more freedom to do the things you want to do.

4. Quality of your relationships. 

Solitude can enhance the quality of your relationships with others. By spending time with yourself and gaining a better understanding of who you are and what you desire in life, you're more likely to make better choices about who you want to be around. You also may come to appreciate your relationships more after you've spent some time alone.
Despite knowing these benefits, it can be a challenge to find time alone in a world that seems to never sleep. Here are a few ideas to help you find more time to spend with yourself.

5. Solitude sparks creativity.

There’s a reason a lot of authors or artists want to go to a cabin in the woods or a private studio to work. Being alone with your thoughts gives your brain a chance to wander, which can help you become more creative.

 What do you think about being alone? Do you enjoy it? Love to hear your thoughts in the comment section down below.

Cheers for reading X 


Friday 9 September 2022


Hey readers,

I have depression, however, I can still function fairly well most of the time. This week though I have suffered a knockback which has been hard to even get out of bed to function. 

I wanted to hide because I just didn't have the energy to fight. The only time I got up was for my children; otherwise, I felt numb and worthless.

Everything feels like a chore, having to find the motivation to continue was so hard it felt like a mental workout. 

My body aches because it has taken a battering from my mental torture inside my mind. I am frustrated because I fool myself that I am better when all I do is mask and try to continue.

I suppose with uncertainty my anxiety flares up making me hyper-alert to emotions and always on the lookout because I am not in control. I feel powerless and scared. I hate to think about my future because it saddens me.

My anxiety seeps into my dreams and I relive some painful memories. I don't like it, I smashed all my stuff on my bedside cabinet not realising until I was awake to find the destruction.

People don't realise how hard work it is. I know to change the record but it is true, you can't escape your own mind, there is nowhere to run and feel safe. You have to get through it.

 It is one of the toughest things I have to do, living is hard work when you feel like a pile of crap. I am consciously aware of how I feel. It is exhausting because I am battling my inner monologue.

Sometimes I want to give up a bit I don't because I would never dream of doing that to my children. They are the only things keeping me going at the moment. 

I know it's just an episode where I feel this crap and I know it will pass. it is just getting through this lousy storm to see the other side. During this dark time, it is hard to believe that light will appear because it feels like it will never end.

I think one of the triggers is feeling threatened and not being heard. I feel the injustice and the accusation that has been flowing around.

 It sucks and hurts. Fear that what I need won't be there and the fight forgetting what I deserve is tough going. It wouldn't have been so bad had it not been the situation encouraging the event to then turn the other way.

It is hard trying to fight and price something when really the person should open their eyes, but of course, money talks and who cares about being honest when really it all boils down to the number game, f*uck the individual.

I just feel so angered by life and just trying to prove my point. I just got to keep reminding myself it will pass and take one day at a time.

Cheers for reading. X

Monday 5 September 2022

Why you should do a brain dump before bed.

 Hey readers,

As someone who struggles at times with sleep due to anxiety one technique that I have found that has helped me is called a brain dump.

Now that you have not heard of the term brain dump let me tell you what it means. 
A brain dump is where you get a piece of paper and you simply just write down all your thoughts that are swirling around in your mind. It is a great way to feel like they have been put away for you to deal with them tomorrow. 

Why you should do a brain dump before bed.

Writing down the thoughts gives a clearer picture instead of thinking over again making it murky and making it feel like there is a lot more on your mind. It can give you more peace to know there is a smaller amount which can be dealt with tomorrow because you can't do anything right here, right now and it is much better to get sleep and be able to function tomorrow to deal with your issues. 

Writing down your worries helps if you worry that you may forget about these things tomorrow, now you can feel pressured because they are written down in black and white on paper. 

It is recommended to give yourself extra time to do this task and also not do it in the bedroom as it is best to go to bed with a clear head and not keep your thoughts with you in the bed. 

Now to make brain dumping a thing it has to be a habit so you have to be consistent and keep doing this every night even though at first this feels like a chore it will outweigh the benefits later on in your journey. The more we keep at it, the more we become better at doing brain dumping to the point where it becomes second nature to you.  

So even if it doesn't feel right at first you stick at it because the benefits are worth it with getting a good night's sleep. Brain dumping also reduces stress and anxiety which also clears the mind. 

What do you think of brain dumping? have you tried it? Love to hear your thoughts in the comment section down below. 

Cheers for reading X 

Monday 29 August 2022

5 things to stop apologising for.

Hey readers,

I know it is a British thing to just constantly go I'm sorry and as I person with low self-confidence I am guilty too off over apologising especially for things where I don't actually need to say I am sorry. Some of the things that I think but people don't need to say sorry for are:

5 things to stop apologising for.

1. Crying. 

I don't know but I know I do this all the time and say sorry for crying like it is a bad thing. But it isn't it is a natural emotion and it is good to cry. We need to cry or else there will come a time when we will explode, it helps us regulate our emotions. Lives are not pretty 24/7 sometimes tough, and having a good cry helps us to heal, release the pain, and move forward. You should never feel ashamed for crying it is natural and everyone does it whatever they say, it is human instinct.

2. Wearing what we want.

When we think we don’t fit in, we apologize for being underdressed, overdressed, or mismatched. Except for rare circumstances, no one really notices what we are wearing. We can stop apologizing for what we wear.

3. For not being okay. 

This one really has to stop. People have feelings, some days are good and some days are just bad. If it was something a human could control, I bet you they would because we are control freaks.

 How else do you explain borders and countries? Anyway, it’s perfectly normal to feel a wave of emotions and not understand where they’ve come from or how to respond to them. The best way to deal with this is to sit with your emotions and take time to yourself. When you take this time you don’t need to apologise for pulling a disappearing act. Let’s normalise that one already.

4. Saying no!

Society seems to make it seem like saying "no" is rude. So whenever we say "no to something, we may feel guilty and want to say sorry. But saying "no" is a way to set boundaries for yourself. Just as you don't have to apologise for having boundaries, you don't have to apologise for saying "no". 

You're not obliged to be there for everyone. You have the right to reject or decline something that you have no time for, no interest in, or just because, You don't need to explain yourself As long as you not doing it in a hurtful way, there's no need to apologise. 

5. For being opinionated. 

Fight, fight, fight for what you believe in. Don't give up, don't give in. It's necessary to be open to ideas, that's obvious, but women are penalised for expressing themselves strongly. This is funny because men are out there one step away from grabbing each other by the throats and no one seems to care. You say what you got to. They'll adjust. 

What do you think about my list of things to stop over apologising for? do you agree? Have I missed anything that you think people should stop over apologising for? Love to hear your thoughts in the comment section down below. 

Cheers for reading X 

Friday 12 August 2022

How to take your mind of things

Hey readers,

We can all be caught up in our thoughts that can drag us down but sometimes the best thing to do is stop and do something else to distract ourselves. I have some ideas that I think are good when you need inspiration for how to take your mind off things. Check the list out down below.  

How to take your mind of things

1. Read a good book.

A good way to take your mind off things is to distract yourself is to read a good book because you can focus on the story and it can take you away, it gets you to focus on using your imagination on focusing on the words. It is a great way to transport yourself away from the here and now and an overall way to just relax. 

2. Exercise.

Sitting around and focusing on your thoughts won't do you any good, so one way to take your mind off things is exercise. It is well known that exercise is really beneficial to help relieve stress, and anxiety and ward off depression. There are many different types of exercise so you can choose the ones which you prefer whether that be aerobics to the gym there are many different forms of exercise you can choose from. 

3. Volunteer your time.     

Sometimes giving back to others can boost your own self-confidence because you're giving something back to other people.  You are not focusing on your problems but working on helping manage other people's problems.

There are many organisations that require volunteers from food bank assistants, homeless shelters, dog walkers, keep old people company etc. 

4. Brain game. 

A good way to distract your focus on something else is to try out a brain game such as a puzzle because your whole focus is on trying to work out how to solve the problem so that you can't have the space to focus on anything else. It is one thing that I have started doing myself and really enjoy I can put my whole focus on one activity and it helps relax me as I am a person that likes doing something physical to help keep me occupied when I am stressed or need distracting. 

5. Talk to a friend or family member. 

Seeing other people gets us out of our thoughts for a bit and it can help take out minds off things. Listening to other people's problems or talking about something completely different can help break obsessive thinking. 

6.  Try a new recipe. 

Trying a new recipe gives you lots to focus on from getting something new to think about, to getting the ingredients, following the recipe, and using your sense of smell. The whole progress of making something with your hands is very engaging with the mind so takes time away from your thoughts and when you have completed the recipe you feel good because you have received something.
5. Make something. 

Instead of focusing on the thoughts that give you doubt do something productive with your time like making something. There are many easy to complicated ideas you can do that keeps the mind and hands busy such as following a Bob Ross drawing tutorial (watch on Iplayer) or making simple origami items following youtube videos, writing a story with a one-word prompt or even doing a collage using paper and newspaper cuttings, fabrics lying around for example. 

What do you think of my list of things to take your mind off things? Have I missed out on anything that you think would be a good idea? Love to hear your thoughts in the comment section down below. 

Cheers for reading X 

Friday 8 July 2022

Abortion and me

Hey readers,

 I'm lucky. I live in England and have the right to have an abortion if I want to. Many years ago before having children there was this one time when I chose to have an abortion. I was with my husband at the time, we weren’t married then but I was in my first year at university, dealing with crippling depression and had already attempted suicide. 

Then during the summer term, I was constantly sick and didn’t feel right, my period was late so did want most women would do in their 20s took a pregnancy came back positive at that point I absolutely shit myself.

 I was terrified, I really didn’t think about children at this point and when I did I knew it was not the right time. It was just not right for me, I knew I was not mentally capable of looking after a child.

Abortion and me

I did talk to my husband (boyfriend at the time) and we talked for a long time and he agree with me. He was a saint and supported me right through. We booked an appointment with BPAS and they did a scan and then talked me through the process. They then booked me in about a week later to go to the clinic to get an abortion.

It was a clinic not in the city I lived so had to travel to another city to get to the clinic. It was all very professional and didn’t feel judged by the staff. It was done within the afternoon, it felt odd after because literally, all the pregnancy symptoms cleared within the hours of that day – such as tiredness and sickness.

Although at the clinic I was not alone there were many other women like myself going for abortion and also I like to add that a lot travelled from Northern Ireland as it is illegal to have an abortion – so that just goes to show the lengths women will go to have a safe abortion.

One of the saddest parts for me of that day is when leaving the clinic there were prolifers protesting and calling us women all sorts of nasty names such as murders and that shit cuts deep.

Emotional though it took time to register the whole situation it felt a bit like limbo until it dawned on me that it did happen and then it hit me hard. I felt bad, it didn’t help that people that I thought I could trust that I told turned on me and called me a murder, a bad know all the shitty comments people call you. It hurts because they know before the ordeal you went through and used that to get to you and they know it will.

Years later when I got pregnant again and went to the regular first scan I go to for 12 weeks to check everything I had a miscarriage. Because it was my first and no one really talks about miscarriage and I have crippling anxiety I had really intrusive thoughts like it is my thought it happened and it is a result of me having an abortion because I am a murderer.

Reflecting back I know this is just the anxiety getting me when I am in a vulnerable state, now being more aware and know actually miscarriage is more common than you may think.

Regardless of some of the negative aspects of my journey, I am grateful for the fact that living in England I can have the free choice to have a child or not. It is my choice and if I ever chose again to have an abortion I can do it safely without worrying that anything terrible will happen.

I believe women should have that choice and that is sad to see in America that it has gone backwards in time with 26 states making it illegal to ban abortion and now the changes are them women will still have an abortion but not in a safe environment. Like always it is mostly down to the white middle-class male telling us women how to live which is deeply sad.

Cheers for reading X 


Friday 29 April 2022

70 ways to distract yourself from anxiety.

Hey readers, 

Now sometimes using distractions as a tool to help reduce anxiety can be of benefit because you are not focusing on anxiety. The fewer thoughts you give to anxiety the less change of the anxiety manifesting and getting which could lead to a bad place. 

70 ways to distract yourself from anxiety.

Distractions are a great way to not only reduce anxiety but also give back the sense of control over the thoughts. I have been in these situations as anxiety suffers I know firsthand that they can work and be of real benefit in times of need when anxiety feels like it is taking over.

Of course, it must be noted that distractions are only a temporary solution nevertheless can be of benefit because it gives you a break from being in that constant anxiety state. It allows you to pause and it can make the anxiety when it returns a lot less intense so much more manageable. 

Below I have a list of 70 distraction techniques that you can take away and practice when needed.

1. Watch a tv show.

2. Watch a movie.
3. Sing your heart out.

4. Watch a Youtube video.

5. watch TikTok videos. 

6. Grab a snack.

7. Mindful doodling.

8. Play a game.

9. Clean.

10. Listen to music.

11. Wash your face or hands. 

12. Gratitude list.

13. Exercise.
14. go out for a walk 

15. Listen to a podcast.

16. Listen to an audiobook.
17. Untangle the necklaces or leads you to have to lie in the drawn. 

18. Sell stuff on eBay. 

19. Take photographs. 

20. Do some cooking. 

21. Play with a fidget tool. 

22. Name all the colours in the room. 

23. Create a mantra if you don't have one and repeat it to yourself, e.g. "I can do this", "This too shall pass". Literally, spell it out if repeating is not enough. 

24.  Think of a common task and go through it step-by-step. Imagine you're explaining the process to someone else. 

25. Mow the lawn. 

26. Make a budget. 

27. Meal plan. 

28. Create an emergency fund. 

29. Unsubscribe to any unwanted emails. 

30. Clean out your emails. 

31. Watch a Ted Talk.

32. Observe something and describe it in extreme detail. Notice how it looks, its pattern, texture, and how it feels. For example, you could say it is a green apple with two small bruises.

33. Practice mindfulness.

34. Journal. 

35. Colour in. 

36. Make a video. 

37. Make lists (to read, to watch, to do, to listen, to play...).

38.  Do the laundry. 

39. Rank things (top 1o movies, best cuisines, top 5 musical artists...).

40. Make music playlists for different occasions (songs to dance to, relaxing music, music to listen to whilst reading...).

41.  Discuss what you watched, read, or played with someone. 

42. Browse social media. 

43. Look at memes.

44. Dance.

45. Start a collection (stickers, memes, leaves...).

46. Make memes. 

47. Write a positive review for something you enjoyed. 

48. Learn about a culture. 

49. Explore Wikipedia. 

50. Warch a foreign film or drama. 

51. Read a graphic novel or comics. 

52. Make a bucket list. 

53. Create a game. 

54. Make a bucket list. 

55. Observe wildlife. 

56. Take a virtual tour. 

57. Attend a virtual concert. 

58. Travel the world using Goggle Earth. 

59. Read some jokes. 

60. Read articles on things you're interested in. 

61. Take silly quizzes online. 

62. Do a jigsaw puzzle.

63. Play scrabble. 

64. Volunteer.

65. Make a gift or care package for someone. 

66. Do nail art. 

67. Redecocrate something. 

68. Plant something. 

69. Try a new recipe. 

70. Make a stop motion animation. 

What do you think of my list of distractions to help when feeling anxious? Have I missed any good ones that work for you? Love to hear your thoughts in the comment section down below. 

Cheers for reading X


Monday 18 April 2022

why I blog.

Hey readers,

I love blogging and there are so many reasons why you should try it. Check out my reasons why I blog down below.  

why I blog

1. Share my thoughts.

I started my blog as a way to share my thoughts, they were personal to me, and sometimes they were light and fluffy. Depending on my mood and what I wanted to write the posts would reflect that.

 I write about life, which isn't perfect, sometimes I write a matter of fairness, and other times I write like my heart is on my sleeve. My blog is a place that is mine, and I write whatever tickles my tastes buds. 

2. Improve my writing ability.

I am not the best with grammar but being a blogger for a number of years has definitely helped me improve my writing abilities. I am nowhere near perfect but I have learned a lot over the years. 

I find writing has helped me channel my thoughts and write them down on my blog. As a regular blogger who writes twice a week the consistency and keeping in a routine has helped. Like anything the more you practice the better you get. 

3. Learn a skill

Blogging is learning a new skill from coming up with ideas on how to design your blog to work out how to share blog posts, how to write blog posts, and how to join in with blog links. All these things I never knew about before joining the blogging world. Obviously, I still have a lot to learn but looking back it is amazing how much I have developed over the years during my blogging journey. 

4.  Overcome trauma. 

Originally when I first started blogging the aim was for me to use blogging as a tool to distract me because I was going through some personal trauma. I needed something to take my mind off some heartache and blogging was just what I needed.

It really gave me something to focus on, learn and write. It was definitely a cathartic process for me when I first started blogging. Even now when I am going through difficult times I turn to my blog as a way of escapism to distract me from what is going on in life for a bit, really does help a lot.  

5.  Inspire others.

When writing personal stuff using my first-hand account of what it is like to have autism has helped people to understand or relate. It has made awareness to help understand which is positive all around because often voices aren't always heard because barriers get in the way such as not being from a middle-class background or male or whatever barrier.

 With the internet, this erases such blockages as blogging is accessible to anyone regardless of background etc. It is free to do so anyone can set up a blog and write authentically and without being influenced.  

6. Increases your confidence.

With time doing blogging helps increase your confidence because you get into a routine with writing and this forms your personal voice. With writing, you can share your thoughts with what you believe in and the thoughts you want to share

Blogging can give you a voice when as mentioned in the previous point at times barriers get in the way blogging is a place where you can write out your stresses and feel a lot lighter. As a blog is a documentation of your thoughts you can look back over past posts and can see the changes that you have made and the growth that you have done. 

Have you tried blogging? Are you a blogger? What do you think about blogging? Love to hear your thoughts in the comment section down below. 

Cheers for reading X