Monday 18 April 2022

why I blog.

Hey readers,

I love blogging and there are so many reasons why you should try it. Check out my reasons why I blog down below.  

why I blog

1. Share my thoughts.

I started my blog as a way to share my thoughts, they were personal to me, and sometimes they were light and fluffy. Depending on my mood and what I wanted to write the posts would reflect that.

 I write about life, which isn't perfect, sometimes I write a matter of fairness, and other times I write like my heart is on my sleeve. My blog is a place that is mine, and I write whatever tickles my tastes buds. 

2. Improve my writing ability.

I am not the best with grammar but being a blogger for a number of years has definitely helped me improve my writing abilities. I am nowhere near perfect but I have learned a lot over the years. 

I find writing has helped me channel my thoughts and write them down on my blog. As a regular blogger who writes twice a week the consistency and keeping in a routine has helped. Like anything the more you practice the better you get. 

3. Learn a skill

Blogging is learning a new skill from coming up with ideas on how to design your blog to work out how to share blog posts, how to write blog posts, and how to join in with blog links. All these things I never knew about before joining the blogging world. Obviously, I still have a lot to learn but looking back it is amazing how much I have developed over the years during my blogging journey. 

4.  Overcome trauma. 

Originally when I first started blogging the aim was for me to use blogging as a tool to distract me because I was going through some personal trauma. I needed something to take my mind off some heartache and blogging was just what I needed.

It really gave me something to focus on, learn and write. It was definitely a cathartic process for me when I first started blogging. Even now when I am going through difficult times I turn to my blog as a way of escapism to distract me from what is going on in life for a bit, really does help a lot.  

5.  Inspire others.

When writing personal stuff using my first-hand account of what it is like to have autism has helped people to understand or relate. It has made awareness to help understand which is positive all around because often voices aren't always heard because barriers get in the way such as not being from a middle-class background or male or whatever barrier.

 With the internet, this erases such blockages as blogging is accessible to anyone regardless of background etc. It is free to do so anyone can set up a blog and write authentically and without being influenced.  

6. Increases your confidence.

With time doing blogging helps increase your confidence because you get into a routine with writing and this forms your personal voice. With writing, you can share your thoughts with what you believe in and the thoughts you want to share

Blogging can give you a voice when as mentioned in the previous point at times barriers get in the way blogging is a place where you can write out your stresses and feel a lot lighter. As a blog is a documentation of your thoughts you can look back over past posts and can see the changes that you have made and the growth that you have done. 

Have you tried blogging? Are you a blogger? What do you think about blogging? Love to hear your thoughts in the comment section down below. 

Cheers for reading X 


  1. I love reading your blog, it a good mix of topics. I have been following you for years and really enjoy reading. I blog as a record of our family life x

  2. I also like to blog because it's such a warm and welcoming community (for the most part!) and I have "met" so many wonderful new people.

  3. I started blogging for the same reasons as you, now it has become an online journal. I also find it helps me when I blog about the difficult things in life, not just the good.

  4. I also started blogging for the same reason as you, and could not agree more about everything you said here. I also met many wonderful people, got great ideas and made friends.


  5. So glad to have met you through the blogging world! I love popping by here.
    I've been blogging for 9 years this year and I absolutely love it. xx
