Friday 2 December 2022

Self care activities for December.

Hey readers,

December can be a busy time of year for us all. We can be swept away by everything else that is happening that we forget to look after ourselves or give ourselves some time out to take self-care. 

So, here are some practical self-care activities you can do this December to help reduce the stress of the Christmas period.

self care activities for December


Practice some mindfulness - look around and see the lights twinkling from the decorations in the Christmas tree.


Have a long soak in the bath and unwind. Let your muscles relax and give your body that time to rest.


Have an early night and switch off the technology, even take a book to bed to read and escape with a story.


Go for an evening walk and get some fresh air. Enjoy not having to rush about but just soak up the scenery.


Make a yummy hot chocolate and drink it whilst watching your favourite programme. Just focus on the moment and forget about that to-do list.

 There is something lovely about holding a hot cup of your favourite drink in your hands and feeling all cosy.

Being realistic.

If you are feeling overwhelmed by the business of the festive season create limits to stick to. Instead of doing wrapping in one go do it over two days.

 There is no point rushing about when it will tip you over the edge. It makes you feel stressed and causes tension in the home. It is important to break down goals that are manageable and realistic to achieve.

Ask for help.

If you are struggling then ask for help - it is not a crime and you are not a failure in doing this. 

In actual fact, it takes more courage and strength to know when to stop and give someone else the responsibility. It is better productivity that way.


Remind yourself that it is ok to stop and not be busy. It is ok to time out for yourself and your wellbeing. 

It is ok to do nothing even though you feel that the festive period is about constantly being on the go. It is ok to have time out for yourself to rejuvenate and charge your batteries. 


During this period I find that decluttering helps my mind. Sorting out through unwanted toys that boys don't use and passing them on to someone else ready for Christmas when they get tons more to replace the space that once was.

I find it relaxing just putting music on and pottering about. I like to get things in order and get areas tidy. It is a calming and I love the feeling after when you get a sense of satisfaction.


I find writing relaxing (hence why I blog) though you don't necessarily have to do that if you don't want to. 

You could write a gratitude diary where you write the number of positive things that have happened to you that day. It doesn't have too big it could be simply having a shower, getting out of bed.

 It is the small things and getting into this pattern can really help enhance a more positive mindset over time.

What self care activities do you go to during December to help you relax? Love to hear your thoughts in the comment section down below. 

Cheers for reading X


  1. I am taking next week to have a bit of self care after being full of cold this week. I am planning on doing a bit of baking and watching plenty of Christmas films.
    What fantastic ideas. x

  2. I'm definitely having a bit of me time this weekend! It is much needed.
    Lovely ideas. xx
