Monday 5 September 2022

Why you should do a brain dump before bed.

 Hey readers,

As someone who struggles at times with sleep due to anxiety one technique that I have found that has helped me is called a brain dump.

Now that you have not heard of the term brain dump let me tell you what it means. 
A brain dump is where you get a piece of paper and you simply just write down all your thoughts that are swirling around in your mind. It is a great way to feel like they have been put away for you to deal with them tomorrow. 

Why you should do a brain dump before bed.

Writing down the thoughts gives a clearer picture instead of thinking over again making it murky and making it feel like there is a lot more on your mind. It can give you more peace to know there is a smaller amount which can be dealt with tomorrow because you can't do anything right here, right now and it is much better to get sleep and be able to function tomorrow to deal with your issues. 

Writing down your worries helps if you worry that you may forget about these things tomorrow, now you can feel pressured because they are written down in black and white on paper. 

It is recommended to give yourself extra time to do this task and also not do it in the bedroom as it is best to go to bed with a clear head and not keep your thoughts with you in the bed. 

Now to make brain dumping a thing it has to be a habit so you have to be consistent and keep doing this every night even though at first this feels like a chore it will outweigh the benefits later on in your journey. The more we keep at it, the more we become better at doing brain dumping to the point where it becomes second nature to you.  

So even if it doesn't feel right at first you stick at it because the benefits are worth it with getting a good night's sleep. Brain dumping also reduces stress and anxiety which also clears the mind. 

What do you think of brain dumping? have you tried it? Love to hear your thoughts in the comment section down below. 

Cheers for reading X 


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