Friday 30 September 2022

Positivive benefits of video games for kids

Hey readers, 

Playing video games for kids gets a bad press but did you know that actually there are positive benefits to playing video games. Here are 10 benefits of video games for kids. 

Positive benefits of video games for kids

  1. Teach them problem-solving. 

Traditionally video games train problem-solving and strategy development skills by getting the player to solve increasingly complicated problems. In many cases, there is time pressure which develops speed and decision-making skills.  

2. Sparks creativity. 

Ample research has shown that video games can stimulate creative thinking and problem-solving. And they help to keep your cognitive abilities sharp as well. Gaming can also have other big benefits when it comes to creative problems and works. Video games can also help to set up perfect challenges that help gamers to expend energy. Engaging in an activity that is either stimulating or engaging leads to an increase in dopamine levels in the brain. 

3 Visual-spatial awareness.  

When we are talking about spatial awareness in games it refers to the spatial skills that we have and our ability to rotate and conceptualise 3-D objects and decipher maps, graphs and diagrams can help with spital awareness.

 Studies have found evidence that video games can increase processing speed, cognitive flexibility, working memory, social skills, and problem-solving skills. The bottom line: it's absolutely possible to develop important spatial awareness skills while playing games such as Minecraft, Roblox and The Sims.  

4. Social connections. 

Studies have found that playing video games, especially those that are social and collaborative, can lead to more prosocial behaviours (behaviour that is positive, helpful, and aimed toward social acceptance and friendship) among children. 

Video games have created a fun and engaging way of connecting with people and can act as an essential teaching tool in developing social skills. Video games can help build cooperation skills and supporting skills as players have the option to work together to form alliances and create teams working cooperatively.

5 Improve concentration.  

Video games help improve children's concentration. And it was the kids who played action video games which showed the biggest improvements. Not only did they perform better on attention tests. They also improved their reading speed without any loss of reading comprehension. 

6. Improve coordination.  

Managing a controller with their hands while watching a screen with their eyes improves kids' hand-eye coordination. In fact, research from the medical journal PLOS One found that surgeons who played video games improved their hand-eye coordination and precise muscle movement. 

7. Enhance memory. 

According to some research studies, video games improve problem-solving skills. These research studies reveal that some parts of our brains may grow as a consequence of playing. These parts are associated with strategic planning, memory and spatial navigation.

8. Reduces stress.

Specifically, video game play has been found to lead to improved mood, reduced emotional disturbance, improved emotion regulation, relaxation, and stress reduction. Importantly, the moderate play has been associated with better outcomes than either excessive play or a lack of play.

9. Improve self-esteem.  

Specifically, video game play has been found to lead to improved mood, reduced emotional disturbance, improved emotion regulation, relaxation, and stress reduction. Importantly, the moderate play has been associated with better outcomes than either excessive play or a lack of play.

10. Good learning tool. 

 Many modern education institutions incorporate video games as a teaching methodology. This helps these children improve their academic skills by providing video games that are specifically aimed at enhancing their cognitive and creative skills.

What do you think about kids' video games? Love to hear your thoughts in the comment section down below. 

Cheers for reading X  


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