Thursday 5 May 2016


Hey readers,
My word of the week is


This weather qt the begining of the week has been poo. I am so cold and feel it on my bones. I have even had to put on the heating a couple of times this week. It doesn't feel like May. Though I won't feel defeated as I did plan a family walk in our local woodlands. I love trees to an obsessional level and I find being round so calming. Maybe because I have found memories of a child if getting lost in the beautiful settings. I want my boys to have similar memories. I want them to feel free and run around. I love it and they love it. I can't believe that this woodlands is situated in university of Warwick. It is absolutely stunning and easy to get to.
On to a different matter we have finally got a table for the first time ever! It makes a huge difference and feel that it is important to have meals with the family socially at the table. Plus it is so much easier to play board games and what not.
Cheers for reading X

Monday 2 May 2016

FTMOB 02/05/2016

Hey readers,
Happy bank holiday Monday.
Well let's get started with my boys conversations I have had recently.
1) My eldest son is loving informing me that, "girls grow into women.  boys grow up to be men".
2) My DS1 was helping me with self service checkout. He put the money into the machine to pay for the goods. I said to him he can keep the change but what did he want to do with it. He said, " I have 51p I want to put in my piggy bank and go to American to see minions". He is Minions obsessed and now knows from watching the film that minion live in America, haha.
3) My DS1 is currently fixated and asked constantly on body types, "Mummy why don't girls have wellies". Yep it has already started.
4) My DS2 is obsessed with wet wipes and constantly says, "wet wipes please mummy".
5) My DS1 at swimming asked, "why do people where swimming clothes?" We currently teaching him now about privacy etc.
6) My DS1 still on the topic of bodies asked, "why don't men produce milk and have just nibbles. Why do women have boobies".
Cheers for reading X

Monday 11 April 2016

FTMOB 11/04/2016

Hey readers,
Hope you enjoyed your Easter hols! We have had lots of chat and exploring the environment from the boys.
1) My eldest son has informed me, "Mummys have big boobies so they have milk for babies to feed and go in their tummy". My son is exploring his body at the moment and wondering why he has small nipples and adults have bigger ones, lol.
2) My DS2 has adopted his brother 's obsession of Minions and can spot Minion product a mile off. He loves saying, "Minion, banana".
3) DS1 informed me that, "when he grows into an adult he will be a man. He will go with me to Wales to a pub and he will drink wine". This made me howl!
4) When my DS1 saw some of my waspi tape he commenred and said, "aw, mummy your tape is really pretty".
5) On the train with DS1 which happens to be a cross-country slow train. He observes, "train wibble wobble maybe some of the train has come of the track". Just to clarify no train has come of the track. It is just a very wibbly wobbly train ;)
6) DS1 reminds me, "daddy got poorly knees because daddy has done a lot on his knees. That is why he has poorly knees". It is also because he has arthritis in his knees!
7) When DS2 eats jelly babies he says, "babyyyyyy" then he bites head off very
sinisterly haha!
Cheers for reading X

Friday 1 April 2016


Hey readers,
My word of the week is:

I know cliché but so true! It has been a lovely to have some time off. I feel we all needed a break from doing the nursery run and getting there on time. It has been great to take a slower pace. We have enjoyed seeing the  Easter Bunny on Friday which was a great family day out. In between the random rain showers we have enjoyed trips to the museum (mainly for my appreciation), the park and library. I am blessed that both my boys enjoy reading, I know how important it is. I was 10 when I started to learn to read so really know the benefits on a personal level. They love visiting our  local library with rythme time and the access to the books. I am a big fan of librarys and so hope they remain strong.
On a random note how much mucus can one child create. It is streaming out from both my boys noses. The amount of tissues we are using this week I need shares in Kleenex.
One final note to end with my ds1 is really struggling with the change of increase light due to the recent hour going forward on Sunday. He is now on the assumption that if it is still light we don't go to bed, sod!
Hope your enjoying your Easter break.
Cheers for reading X

Friday 25 March 2016


Hey readers,
I would say that my word of the week is:

This is because I feel that at times that I have tested myself, pushed outside of my comfort zone. First would be going to a coffee shop by myself and ordering a drink.

 I have had really bad anxiety the past few weeks and regressed with my social anxiety. This has been a positive step forward and though some people may think that this is no biggie for me it is like running the marathon mentally.

I don't know whether it is just my kids or not but by the end of the term they are super tired and need a break. I really struggle to communicate with them when they go full meltdown and I did walk out the home as I just couldn't cope.

 Luckily my husband is also my carer whether that is a good thing or not I don't know. But I needed to escape. It is hard when dealing with children and tiredness at times. So it is nice to have some time along for me to get away from it. It had really helped me for the rest of the week being much more positive and manageable.

Hope you all have a good Easter and don't eat too much chocolate ;)

Cheers for reading X

Friday 11 March 2016


Hey readers,
My word of the week is:


Hope you had a great mothers day. It ws lovely to just be treated to a lay in which was good as had a pants night sleep. My youngest had some sort of bug and was vomiting left, right and centre. Therefore meaning I spend a lot of time cleaning. I was a bit gutted as I had managed to sort out all the washing that day for once. Then on the evening bang three loads of sick. Why does sick linger or is it simply the fact that I am conscious of it and think I can smell it everywhere, I know lovely. Mums life!
I have been out and about experimenting with photos which is great distraction from thinking and I do enjoy getting creative or thinking about other stuff then my OCD and ritulising.
Now at it is the end of the week I feel so sad with grieve. I only found out that someone close to my heart has died. I feel all sorts of emotions. This is a death I have not experienced in my adulthood so the process is a new experience in my life.
Hope you all have a good week.
Thanks for reading X

Monday 7 March 2016

FTMOB - 07/03/2016

Hey readers,

Here is my favourite bits of chat we have had this week.
1) My youngest on Saturday night had a tummy bug and was vomiting left, fight and centre. After asked him what happened he demonstrated with gagging and opening his mouth and dry pretend puking sound. I just love the way he is getting really good at descriptive communication.
2) Trying to tell my DS1 that toilet roll cost a lot of money he asked, "how much for a toilet roll? I think it cost £16". I sure hope not that is a bloody expensive toilet role.
3) My DS1 says to his nanny, "why do you have red hair and I have brown?" (I should mention here that nanny dyes her hair red). Nanny answered, "do you want red hair?" my son replies, "no! I like brown hair".
4) DS2 has let everyone know that he is there by saying, "and me, and me, and me!" jumping up and down like a manic!
5) DS1 is obsessed with Minions and constantly saying their catchphrases throughout the day. Onr of his favourite saying he repeats constantly, "back away, back away".
6) After my DS1 swimming lesson he told daddy, " daddy, I'm really sleepy, I think I have swam too much today".
That is this week's installment of the boys chat.
Thank yoy for reading X

Thursday 3 March 2016

FTMOB - 28/03/201

Hey readers,
Hope your enjoying easter hols. Here is the latest installment of chat from the boys.
1. My youngest is using more and more two word sentences. Whilst we were at the park the other day and he was racing around and he asked, "where's Charles?!" searching high and low for his brother.
2. My eldest is using his knowledge skills in teaching his brother words. He is doing this by going through each shape from the shape sorter and telling him the colour. For example, "this is a purple triangle". I just love how my son loves chatting and sharing his knowledge on to his younger brother. Even though he unaware of it.
3. That goes nicely into my next observation of my DS2 who when asked what colour anything is he will reply by saying, "pink". I know that he knows the colours but I swear he just loves saying the word pink for fun, kids eh!
4. My DS1 has a love for all thinks 'poo' related as I have established in previous FTMOB posts. So it is no surprise when I introduced him to a children's book called Poo Bum that for awhile every response was, "poo bum". "are you OK?" He will reply, "poo bum". "What would you like to eat?" again he would say, "poo bum". Kids are funny in their obsessions!
5. The last week before Easter my DS1 has pestered me to search YouTube because, "I want to see where the Easter bunny lives". Really cute!
Cheers for reading X

Friday 26 February 2016


Hey readers,
Well my word of the week is


Because the children have returned to nursery and normality returns once again. I know this is so cliché but I don't know where the week has gone. It has happened though and that is that.
I won't complain mind as I have been thinning out the boys toys, amazing how much crap they culminate over time. The good thing is that it feels lighter and tider. Psychologically I feel so better for it and OMG we can now see some of the floor, haha!
Sadly the one downside when the  children go to nursery is bang getting a full blown cold and cough. I actually have at night random coughing fits but it is slowly going.
Looking forward to taking the boys to the park at the weekend for a bit of a play and fresh air.
Hope  your having a good week.
Cheers for reading X

Monday 22 February 2016

FTMOB 22/02/2016

Hey readers,
So here is a  list of quotes from my little darlings. Haven't had much time to sit and write as every time golden nuggets happen something else happens and before I know it I forget (the joys of motherhood).
1) My eldest son said to me yesterday when given bedtime kisses and cuddles, "Mummy your the bestest mummy in the world". Cue melted heart ♥.
2) My youngest son can now say "nanny" and it is lovely when he says it as he has such a lovely sweet smile to it.
3) Over the half term my DS1 has been so morbid recently and constantly asking questions about death. "what happens when you die mummy?" then his minds boggles when he tries to understand cremation and burial. I hope this is just a phase it is a bit depressing to constantly hear about it often.
4) My eldest said to his daddy,  "Daddy you need to lose some weight your tummy is getting big". Honestly had to go into another room and howl.
5) Finally it has happened my DS1 has finally found the dreaded "bored" or "boring". It is already irritating and he is only 4, grrrr!
Cheers for reading X

Friday 19 February 2016


Hey readers,

Hope your enjoying the half term, it so lovely to have a break from the choas and not run around like a headless chicken all the time.

Therefore my word i have chosen to sum up my week is


It has been great to have calmness and some unstructured time with the boyd. It hasbeen great to not need to attend appointments and course stuff to do. Also been good to have a well earned rest without having to work my ass off socially.
Though to be honest I always get stressed at the end of the term with change but this happens everrytimr but some how manages to sort it out and then by the end of the week wonder where it has gone.
I have also enjoyed spending quality time with both my boys and on 1-2-1 as well. It was brillant to go out and to galleries and libraries. Not to mention getting out doors and soaking up the different environment. Tis lovely doing something different and getting out of the feeling of groundhog day.
My favourite part of the week is visiting the Dudley zoo as my eldest has been dying to see the different animals. It might have been influenced by my love of watching the funny videos of kids at the zoo on the old YouTube, haha!
We went to Dudley Zoo which is not far from home and was greater with an array of animals and was lovely to the beautiful snow leopards. 

Hope you have had a great week off.
Cheers for reading X

Monday 1 February 2016

FTMOB - 01/02/2016

Hey readers,
My DS1 is really making me howl with his observations. Also I can report  me and my hubby have noticed how well my DS1 has come on leaps and bounds with his speech. He is getting so much clearer and we don't have to use sign language or try and second guess him. Which is really good as we want him to communicate better particularly for when he starts school in September. We are worried that if the other children can't understand whether in time he will hit out due to frustration.
Anyway here are some recent conversations:

  1. What with the weather beening so bitter particularly in the evening my boys have been wearing their snuggly onesie. One night whilst my son was getting up to go to the toilet he informed daddy, "daddy, the Fireman Sam line keeps going up my bottom'. Now what he means by this is he has a Fireman Sam onesie and there is a line behind on the onsie goes up his bottom when he wrigglings in bed at night. Now we have resolved it where he wears pants to protect his bottom, lol!
  2. My DS1 called daddy. 'Your just like old James Bond'. Haha, we were watching the other day one of the old 60's cheesy James Bond the other day. He is so checky though!
  3. Whilst leaving nursery DS1 was talking to one of his nursery friends. My DS1 said to his friend,"I like your coat, it's blue". Friend replies, "my mum got it but I don't where from". Goes ask mum and returns to DS1, " it's from Matalan so you have to go there and get one OK". Lol
  4. My youngest is infatuated with our cat, follows him and points/squeals, "cattttttttttt". Ever so cute!
  5. My eldest stood up in nursery and recited wheels on the bus excellently all by himself and now goes around home singing,"the wheels on the bus go round and round".
  6. My youngest has now found a way of letting me know that he needs a nappy change. He comes running into me and says, " pooooooooo" pointing to his bottom.
Cheers for reading X



Friday 29 January 2016


Hey readers,

My word of the week is


This is because this week has been one of those weeks where everything seems to test me. Having panic attacks due to the dread of things that I don't feel too uncomfortable.  That I feel the situation is more unhelpful then helpful. Luckily now at the end of the week that problem has been addressed and I feel so relived and much much calmer in myself.
In other news the day I think Tuesday when we were blessed with the major wind which on 16th floor is somewhat incredible to be surrounded by. Hubby thought it would be a good idea to open our balcony door to do something outside and whosh the door fell off. So we have it boarded up as the hinge and have been informedthat it can take up to two weeks to resolve, what a ball ache!
At thr end of the week we had the doom of paying the car insurance leaving us a little tight for cash. But so looking forward to the weekend where I can relax a bit more.
However on a brighter note I got to see my eldest at nursery while he was having reading time and so lobvelky to see. Now he is that little bit older he will listen to books been read and really enjoy it! He absolutely loves books and it is one of my pleasures to read with him. He is delayed in his speech so have found reading to really help encourage his pronunciation and awareness for syllables.
Cheers for reading X

Friday 22 January 2016


Hey readers,

My word of the week is:


It is this because I have finally got struck with the flu my son had a few days prior. I was hoping to get away with avoided in but no such luck.
The moment my sons get to nursery bang they get hit with illnesses. How frustrating is it especially when you need more energy for early wake up calls and rushing out fast, ha!
I have been aching so much and in so much bloody pain  that it has made me lack motivation to get going.
But on a brighter note we have  as a family enjoyed a couple of days out to local park, food and time together which is challenging for me but I'm doing it and getting out there.
I nearly forgot the highlight of the week with the short lived snow. It was an absolute blast walking to swimming on Sunday with the snow, yay! It was first time my youngest noticed and absolutely found it fascinating albeit a little cautious. My eldest had to make a snowball (cheers Ben and Holly). He also needed to take the snowball home but I did  explain to him what would happen. We also had a long discussion into the reason why snow is formed. Mtry eldest is very much into asking questions and knowing why things happen (takes after his daddy). I do struggle through at times as I forget he is four and fir me anyways it is surprisingly  hard to simplify your answers.

Hope you have had a good week.
Cheers for reading X

Monday 18 January 2016

Ftmob - 18/01/201

Hey readers,
Well it has been mentally busy in my household since the return of normality and nursery. So doing my bestest to keep on track of the commentary of my boys. So here goes:
1) My eldest loves poo (I know  lovely yeah) and loves talking about it (double yeah). He has even got his own catchphrase of, "poo poo in my brain, brain in my bottom". Yes very interesting, very social approiate and loves telling everyone about it!
2) Since my youngest started nursery he has been so good at copying sounds and words. He can do most alphabet letters and saying 'please' for anything. 
3) My eldest has informed me of what he wants to be when he is older. " I want to be an Astronaut, fireman, policeman, hairdresser, builder and a pulmer". Son you haven't mentioned superman ;)
4) In the lift talking to one of my neighbours my eldest very protectively said, " this is my little brother, we go to nursery and we both love it". Which is ever so cute and protective of him, makes up for the times when they are at each others throats. 
5) I was talking to my eldest the other day and he informed me that, "mummy I need black shoes for my new school (starting September) as these trainers are now old and boring". Haha he makes me laugh so much.
Thanks for reading X 


Friday 8 January 2016


Hey readers,

Hope you had a great Christmas and new year.

My word of the week is:

It is back to normality to lovely routines and safety where I can thrive. Don't get me wrong it is lovelt to not run around like a headless chicken trying to fit everything in and getting the boys to nursery on time.
It is great ti have a break and not have pressure to do and be. Not have to try to think about changes and reflections. Though I do hope 2016 is better then one of the shittest years of my life. where I was tested and my trust broke. We are here in 2016 solid as ever as a family. I hope this year is less stressul and mire thriving. Slowly I am easing myself back to the reality of normality and looking to the future.
Happy new year readers and if there is one think I wish you all this year is happiness.

Thank you for reading X

Monday 21 December 2015

From the Mouth of Babes 21/12/2015

Hey Readers,

  1. My ds1 is obsessed about talking about winter and why it is dark so early. We have explained to him about the way the earth tilts and that it is further away from the sun at this time of year. But I love his sweet explanation of why it is dark, "because the satellite in space pushes the earth and that is why it is dark".
  2. My son keeps going around saying, " I'm electricity and I'm going kill you". This is because he is fascinated with the electrictry warning labels and loves to be active in his descriptions.
  3. My eldest has informed me, "we have a holiday home in Wales which is £10 and it has blue walls and orange carpet". Oh, son if life was only that cheap we would be living the high life ;)
  4.  I suppose a lot of children go through this phase but my eldest is constantly taking about poo. He loves declaring after he has been to the toilet, " I have done a really big smelly poo, I'm looking at the poo, you are a poo/I'm poo, poo, poo,poo". Which is all fine until your in a isle at the supermarket. Awks!
  5. My youngest is so sweet at the moment as he has learnt FAST that if he wants something he will smile at you very sweetly and say, "plea" his way of saying please!
  6. When my husband told my eldest in the supermarket that he had a really bad headache he emphasised and said, " daddy, I will cut your head open and take your brain out". Love the simplicity of this ideas.
  7. Recently when asking my DS1 a question, he replies by saying, "my brain needs time to think".
  8. My DS1 goes swimming with his friend and during  November the friend went to see relatives in India for 3 weeks. Then today my son said to to me, " mummy, I want to go to a normal house (as aposed to a holiday home) to India on Wednesday so we will need  the TomTom and need to go on a reallllllllllllllllly big aeroplane". 
Cheers for reading X

Friday 18 December 2015


Hey readers,
My word of the week is:


We went over to visit my the inlaws in Wales and my boys two uncles that live there as well. Boy was it tiring and fun driving down with two excitable boys. But to be fair they were really good and patient waiting. When we got through to Wales is was non stop raining. My boys don't often see hubby's parents much so they were full of energy and mischief. They loved spending time with someone different had lots of fun just generally playing and just getting undivided attention.
We also went over to my hubby's brother in Cardiff which was mental but fun. With their uncle has five children plus my two boys meant a lot of noise and laughter. It was a late finish and has left me exhausted mentally for the week. There for I have been resting a lot over the week to make up for it. I made sure I had plenty of rest for yet more noise and fun woth my mum (who is a little bit on the eccentric side shall we say). We are venturing into the doom of soft play area. I decided to go during the week rather then a Saturday to protect my delicate little ears, haha.

Cheers for reading X

Friday 11 December 2015


Hey readers,
I chose my word because we have been getting festive and on friday we headed to our local Christmas market. We don't often go out in the evening so was a pleasant change. Also we went on a ferris wheel which was rather fast which my eldest found hilarious. Don't kids have warped up sense of humour, or is it just mine because they mine and mummy does too, haha!
We also found our new christmas tree in TJhughes which is fuller and has glitter, very pretty! I will retract what I said last week about me and my husband planing on put up our tree on the 13th. That has changed due to finding this new christmas tree and my husband wanting to put it up straight away. Therefore we have put up our trese earlier then anticipated.
For about three years now in our home we put our Christmas tree in the hallway with a guard around the christmas tree to protect from little pinkies. This year husband decided to put it in the living room, which worried me as in wasn't sure how well behavioued my youngest would be. Well I am pleasantly surprised with only a handful of times with the boys pulling off the decorations they have been really excellent with it. Which is really good as it really is cosy especially at night in the living room.
Cheers for reading X

Monday 7 December 2015

FTMOB - 07/12/2015

Hey readers,
Well we are back to my own installment of Chat from my boys.

  1.  One morning when I was getting changed and my son was in the room he announced very matter of factly, "Mummy, you have biggggg nipples" (refering to my boobies, haha).
  2. This week my son has caught a cold after my DS2 had the germs. He has been telling everyone, "Louie made me ill" haha.
  3.  My son has learnt a new word and thinks it is the bestest and saying it all the time. That word would be TESTICLES! He asked me what they were and that was my reply and now he likes to inform everyone about it.
  4.  My son has got a brillant imagination at times when he informs me, "Mummy, your elbow is leaking?" I reply, "what is leaking from  my elbow?" He responds, "poo is dripping out of your elbow".  Yep he is one of those children that find poo/wee/sick noises hilariously funny!
  5. Another brilliant antitide from my DS1 said, " Monty (the cat) is in my tummy" laughing hysterically at the thought.
  6. My DS1 is really interested in how he was born and the whole process. Thank God for good old YouTube where he could understand about the egg and sperm etc. But one part he found difficult was how he got in mummy's tummy and for along time believed that I eat him up and that is how he was conceived. I just love the simplicity of my son's thinking at the moment. 
  7. My youngest is collecting words and sounds like the rate of knots. Currently he is pointing at most body parts waiting for your response and saying first syllables to that. Going to be fun when my other sona chatterbox.
  8. When I introduced my DS1 Ghostbusters I don't think he would be interested in it. How wrong was I. He adores the theme tune and even after a long period of time is constantly singing, "who you going call, GHOSTBUSTERS!".
  9. If you ask my youngest do you want mummy, daddy, milk, book etc he will shake his head and say clearly, " No".  But the other day I asked him does he want chocolate? And he looked at me and smiled the checkest grin and murbled yes. I just love his cheekiness.
  10. My eldest is mechanically minded and we live in a flat with a lift. He has seen several occasions engeriners fixing the lift and is obsessed with the way it works. Every single time when we get in the lift he states, "Mummy, the belt on the lift is pulling up and over going back down and is moving the lift".
Cheers for reading x