10 signs of Spring.

Hey readers,

The first signs of spring are emerging so here are some signs to help tell if we are entering the season of spring....

10 signs of Spring.

When does spring officially start?

We officially enter in spring on the Spring Equinox that this year is on the 20th of March. That isn’t to say that nature waits until the Equinox to show off her spring signs.

 1. Clocks go forward.

That “Springing Forward” can be a little bit painful when your alarm goes off in the morning, but it does give us some longer days.  More light and sunshine is definitely a sign of spring.

2. Fresh, soft scents.

Ever notice that entrancing smell of spring? The Earth is awakening and it does indeed smell more, well, earthy. With warmer weather, misty mornings and soft wet smells fill the air.

3. Frogspawn/toad spawn.

Who, as a child, didn’t watch avidly as frogspawn became tadpoles and tadpoles became frogs? So go check out your nearest pond to see if there are an frogspawn has appeared. Frogspawn normally presents its self as clumps while toad spawn is in long chains.

4. Bees.

Blossoming trees are a sign that it’s time for bees! With the return of flowering plants and trees, bees emerge from their winter nests and get ready for a new year of nectar collecting.

5. Flowers blooming. 

This year, the first snowdrops were seen well in advance. The delicate flowers are now making their brief appearance and in some places daffodils are already out. Many of us can usually tell when spring has sprung when all these flowers start to bloom in parks, gardens and woods.

6. Dawn Chorus. 

Singing us into spring, the birds really get going with their morning melodies by early March as they seek to attract mates and defend their territories. The early-worm-catchers are the skylarks, song thrushes, robins and blackbirds whereas smaller birds such as wrens and warblers seem to stay in bed until it’s a bit warmer.

7. Longer and warmer days.

This is a pretty obvious sign of spring, but oh so pleasant! The days are getting longer and more and more often we wake up to beautiful sunshine. Staying outdoors in the evening becomes a pleasure as the temperature goes up and it’s lighter outside. 

It also means waking up in a good mood, longer walks with your children and more outdoor activities in general. It might still get chilly in the evening, so don’t forget to pack a warm jacket for you and your growing explorers.

8. Trees.

Similar to flowers and wild plants, there are also trees which blossom earlier on in the spring. So look out for the small buds on their branches that will appear before the flowers do. The trees you should look for are ash, beech, oak and rowan.

9. Nest building.

We don’t just hear birds more in springtime, we see them more too! Once they have claimed their territory and attracted a mate, we will start to see them zipping around our gardens with beaks full of grasses and twigs as they begin nest-building. 

10. Shorts and swimsuits. 

The next time you’re out grocery shopping, pay attention to the clothes for sale. If you see lots of shorts and swimsuits for sale, you know spring isn’t too far off.

What are your  signs of spring? Love to hear your thoughts in the comment section down below. 

Cheers for reading X 

1 comment

  1. I like Spring, it means warmer weather is coming and lighter nights. x
