The best in everyone is brought out by picnics, for some reason. It's challenging to beat the combination of delicious cuisine, clean air, and enjoyable company. You can have the ideal spring picnic if you prepare in advance and keep things straightforward.
1. Location.
The most crucial factor is where you will have your picnic. Both the outfit and the food will benefit from being informed. For example, if you have to walk to the venue, you can't serve an expensive spread or wear wedges and a sundress.
2. Time.
Plan the picnic so there will be adequate daylight for eating and engaging in activities. You can choose any time you like for the picnic to begin if it is on a Saturday.
Carefully select your equipment because a leaky cool box is the worst. Make sure your Tupperware is tightly closed before you leave, and place any particularly fragrant goods in a plastic bag.
For young children, plastic bottles or cups work best to prevent breakages. If you're bringing wine glasses for adults, think about getting a small tray so they can rest there while you pour and in between sips.
4. Plan for activities.
Make plans for your day. A picnic frequently involves more than just food. Check out the local events to determine what to bring.
Another option is to bring a board game that is enjoyable to play outside, like Twister.
Everyone attends a picnic solely for the food. Yet, your menu of delectable dishes needs to be filling and delicious.
In most situations, everyone pitches in to make the food available. Still, you should be aware of any vegetarians, vegans, or those with allergies or intolerances attending your picnic.
Sandwiches, munchies, and cake would make up the classic picnic meal; there is nothing wrong with this formula other than the fact that it has been used before. How to spruce up the typical picnic cuisine is as follows:
Choose sandwich fillings that won’t leave the bread soggy and cut sandwiches into tiny, delicate fingers.
Choose a quality bread or roll for your sandwiches, as the flavour will make all the difference. Whatever you choose, and no matter how you choose to serve them, ensure they are a picnic-friendly size.
Turkey with brie – serve cranberry sauce on the side.
Tuna with spring onion – a delectable combination; add a hint of mayonnaise for moistness.
Jackfruit and BBQ sauce – shred the jackfruit as you would pork and add BBQ sauce, a delicious vegan-friendly sandwich.
With sandwiches made and ready, the next thing you’ll need to think about is savoury snacks that complement the flavours of your sandwiches.
There are so many ideas it’s hard to know where to start:
Devilled eggs – these take the humble boiled egg to new heights.
Pulse salads – ditch the iceberg lettuce for a salad with a sturdier base, such as a vegetable of a grain.
Pastry parcels – fry off your favourite mix of veg, season well and pile into filo pastry cases.
There’s no reason why you can’t enjoy a sweet treat at a picnic. From cake to full-on desserts like cheesecake, there are ideas galore.
Cupcakes – a great idea for picnics; cupcakes can be stashed away in plastic containers and then passed around your assembled picnickers.
Victoria sponge – sometimes, the wheel doesn’t need re-inventing, and if there was ever a cake that looks at home at a picnic, it is a sumptuous Victoria sponge.
Scones – another old favourite that never goes out of fashion, the humble fruit scone with jam & cream (or is it cream & jam?) will also be welcome sweet fare at your picnic.