28 eggcellent Easter egg hunt clues for indoors and outdoors.

Hey readers,

Children can be kept busy during the Easter holidays by participating in an Easter egg search. Read the Easter egg hunt clues aloud to your children and watch them try to figure out where the tasty treats are hidden using amusing rhymes, hints, and a little imagination.

28 eggcellent Easter egg hunt clues for indoors and outdoors.

Easter egg search clues can vary in difficulty, while some may bring kids outside to switch up their play. This Easter Sunday (9 April 2023) why not host the best egg hunt and give your kids some delectable chocolate treats along the way. For assured enjoyment, follow our Easter egg hunt hints.

 Eater egg clues to use indoors.

There are many creative hiding spots throughout the house where you can hide Easter treats. The ten excellent rhyming clues that we've come up with are listed below for your kids to try and solve:

* It’s where you fill up your glass for a drink, go look inside the kitchen…’ (sink).

‘I’m hiding in a chest of drawers, take a look just to be sure’.

‘Clothes go in dirty and come out clean, I’m hiding in the …’ (washing machine).

‘I’m hiding with other eggs in boxes, but these eggs aren’t made out of chocolate’.

‘If you’re stuck then take a look, on the shelf where we keep our…’ (books).

‘This egg’s well-hidden – you might have passed it, It's hiding in the laundry…’ (basket).

‘Well done, now hurry, make haste – check where we keep the toothbrushes and toothpaste’.

‘It’s what we lie under when we go to sleep, this egg is hiding in the…’ (sheets).

Indoor clues for older kids.

You might want to include some more difficult riddles and puzzles for older kids to answer if you're hosting an Easter egg hunt. Here are a few clever Easter egg hunt hints that will keep kids guessing:

‘People take these in the morning or in the evening, but rarely in the afternoon’ (shower).

‘You hang things in me, but I’m not an art gallery’ (wardrobe).

‘You can lie down in me, but I’m not a bed’ (bathtub).

‘I have four legs, but I’m not an animal. I can be breakfast, coffee or dinner’ (table).

‘I’m full of ink and paper, but I’m not a book’ (printer).

‘I have steps, but I’m not a ladder’ (stairs).

Outdoor Easter egg clues.  

Your garden or outside area is plenty of excellent hiding sites if the weather is nice and you're ready to conduct your Easter egg search outside. You could bury Easter eggs for your kids under a tree, close to the fence, or inside a plant pot. Here are some entertaining hints to get you going:

There’s an egg inside a flower pot, but which one? You’ll have to search the lot!’.

‘I’m great for giving plants a drink, to find this egg you’ll have to think’ (watering can or garden hose).

‘Where birds like eating nuts and seeds, you’ll find a tasty Easter treat’ (bird feeder).

‘I’m hiding where the tools are kept – quick, check inside the…’ (garden shed).

‘Where we cook burgers in the summertime, a chocolate egg you’ll surely find’ (barbecue).

‘That last clue was easy, but this one’s better – it’s where the postie puts our letters’ (mailbox).

‘It has roots, branches and leaves, you’ll find an egg underneath a…’ (tree).

‘It’s where we hang up clothes to dry, you’ll find me on the…’ (washing line).

Older children outdoor Easter clues. 

For older kids, we've also included a few Easter egg hunt puzzles and riddles. Kids will be inspired to use their imaginations by these slightly more challenging clues to locate those delectable Easter eggs:

‘I’m made out of clay, and I come after flower, plant or chimney’ (pot).

‘I’m used for growing flowers, but I’m not for sleeping in’ (flower bed).

‘I have only one word, but many letters’ (mailbox).

‘I have a roof and four walls, but I’m not a house’ (shed).

‘I don’t move, but I run along the edges of your garden’ (fence).

‘I have a trunk, but I’m not an elephant’ (tree).

Cheers for reading X

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