Friday 22 March 2024

Calming Strategies for Autistic Individuals During Meltdowns

Hey readers, 
Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD) is a neurodevelopmental condition with a wide range of symptoms, including meltdowns.

Calming Strategies for Autistic Individuals During Meltdowns 
Meltdowns can be overwhelming for both the individual with autism and those around them. It is critical to approach these situations with empathy and understanding. 
In this blog post, we will explore effective strategies for calming down an autistic person during a meltdown.
1. Stay calm.
One of the most crucial steps in calming an autistic individual during a meltdown is to remain calm. 
Meltdowns can be upsetting, but staying calm can help de-escalate the situation. 
Take deep breaths and remember that the person is dealing with strong emotions.
2. Create a safe environment.
Make sure the surroundings are safe. Remove any potential hazards or triggers from the area. 
Reducing sensory stimuli such as bright lights, loud noises, or overwhelming textures can also help.
3. Use gentle communication.
During a meltdown, it can be challenging for the individual to process information.
Use clear, simple, and gentle language. Offer reassurance by saying things like, "I'm here to help" or "I understand you're upset."
4. Respect personal space.
Give the person some space if they need it. Crowding them may increase their distress.
If they allow it, offer physical comforts such as a hug or reassuring touch, but keep in mind their sensory sensitivities.
5. Identify triggers.
If possible, try to identify the triggers that led to the meltdown. Understanding the cause can help prevent future meltdowns.
Keep a record of common triggers to better support the individual in the long term.
6. Offer sensory tools.
Many autistic individuals find comfort in sensory tools like fidget toys, weighted blankets, or noise-cancelling headphones. 
Offer these items to help them regulate their sensory experiences and emotions.
7. Allow time for recovery.
Meltdowns can be physically and emotionally exhausting.
After the meltdown subsides, give the person time to recover. Offer their preferred coping mechanisms, such as a favourite activity or a quiet space to decompress.
8. Develop a sensory toolkit.
Work together with the individual to create a sensory toolkit. This toolkit can include items and strategies that help them self-regulate during difficult moments. Encourage them to use it as needed.
9. Seek professional support.
If meltdowns are frequent and severe, it may be helpful to seek guidance from a healthcare professional or therapist who specialises in autism. 
They can provide personalised strategies and support.
10. Practice patience and empathy.
Above all, approach the situation with patience and empathy. 
Remember that meltdowns are not intentional behaviours but are the result of sensory overload or emotional distress. 
Your understanding and support can have a significant impact.
Calmly assisting an autistic person during a meltdown is a valuable skill that can significantly improve their well-being and strengthen their relationship with them. 
By staying composed, providing a safe environment, and using gentle communication, you can help them navigate these challenging moments. 
Additionally, collaborating to identify triggers and develop coping strategies can help with long-term emotional regulation and resilience.
Cheers for reading X 

Monday 18 March 2024

Why We Need Mental Health Education in Schools

Hey readers,
In recent years, the importance of mental health education in schools has become increasingly recognised.
With rising rates of anxiety, depression, and other mental health disorders among young people, there is a growing urgency to equip students with the knowledge and skills to navigate the complexities of their emotional well-being.
 Why We Need Mental Health Education in Schools
In this blog post, we'll explore the critical reasons why mental health education should be integrated into school curricula and how it can benefit students, teachers, and society as a whole.
1. Breaking the stigma.
One of the primary reasons for integrating mental health education into schools is to break down the stigma surrounding mental illness. 
By incorporating discussions about mental health into the curriculum, schools can create a safe and supportive environment where students feel comfortable talking about their emotions and seeking help when needed.
This can help reduce the feelings of shame and isolation that often accompany mental health issues and encourage students to prioritise their well-being.
2. Building resilience.
Mental health education equips students with the tools they need to build resilience and cope with life's challenges.
Through lessons on stress management, coping strategies, and mindfulness techniques, students learn how to navigate difficult emotions and setbacks healthily and productively. 
By fostering resilience at a young age, schools can empower students to overcome obstacles and thrive in both their academic and personal lives.
3. Improving Academic Performance.
Research has shown a clear link between mental health and academic performance. 
Students who struggle with mental health issues such as anxiety or depression may find it difficult to concentrate, participate in class, or complete assignments.
By addressing these issues through mental health education, schools can help students manage their symptoms more effectively and create a supportive learning environment where all students can succeed academically.
4. Preventing mental health crises.
Early intervention is key to preventing mental health crises later in life. 
By providing students with education and resources to support their mental well-being, schools can identify and address issues before they escalate into more serious problems.
This can help reduce the incidence of mental health disorders and prevent long-term negative outcomes such as substance abuse, self-harm, and suicide.
5. Promoting lifelong well-being.
The skills and knowledge gained through mental health education are not only valuable during the school years but also throughout life. 
By teaching students about topics such as self-care, healthy relationships, and emotional intelligence, schools can empower them to make informed choices and prioritise their well-being long after they graduate.
This lays the foundation for a healthier, happier, and more resilient society as a whole.
Implementing mental health education in schools.
Integrating mental health education into school curricula requires a multi-faceted approach that involves collaboration between educators, mental health professionals, parents, and policymakers. 
Here are some key strategies for implementing effective mental health education programmes in schools:
1. Curriculum Integration.
Mental health education should be integrated into existing subjects such as health education, physical education, and personal development. 
This ensures that students receive comprehensive instruction on mental health topics throughout their school years.
2. Teacher training.
Teachers play a crucial role in delivering mental health education to students. 
Providing training and professional development opportunities for educators can help them feel confident and competent in addressing mental health issues in the classroom.
3. Peer Support Programmes.
Peer support programmes, such as peer counselling or mentoring initiatives, can provide students with additional support and encouragement from their peers. 
These programmes help reduce feelings of isolation and create a sense of belonging within the school community.
4. Parental Involvement.
Engaging parents and carers in mental health education initiatives is essential for success. 
Schools can provide resources and information to parents on how to support their child's mental well-being and create a partnership between home and school.
5. Access to Resources.
Schools should ensure that students have access to mental health resources and support services, both within the school and in the community.
This includes access to school counsellors, mental health professionals, and crisis intervention services when needed.
In an increasingly complex and fast-paced world, prioritising mental health education in schools is more important than ever. 
By breaking down stigma, building resilience, improving academic performance, preventing crises, and promoting lifelong well-being, mental health education equips students with the tools they need to thrive in school and beyond. 
By working together to implement comprehensive mental health education programmes, we can create a brighter and healthier future for all.
Cheers for reading X 


Sunday 17 March 2024

My Sunday photo 17/03/2024


My Sunday photo 03/03/2024

Spring is in the air 🌸 

Friday 15 March 2024

Easter Carrot Cake with Cream Cheese Frosting

Hey readers, 

This is the perfect cake for Eater time which is this moist carrot cake packed with carrots and spices, then topping it with a rich cream cheese frosting.

Easter Carrot Cake with Cream Cheese Frosting

Cake Ingredients:

* 225g self-raising flour

* 1 teaspoon baking powder 

* 1 teaspoon ground cinnamon

*  1/4 teaspoon ground nutmeg

* 1/4 teaspoon ground ginger  

*  Pinch of salt

*  3 large eggs

*  200g light brown sugar

* 175ml sunflower oil 

* 2 teaspoons vanilla extract

* 300g carrots, grated 

* 100g sultanas or raisins

* 50g chopped walnuts

Frosting Ingredients:

*  250g full-fat soft cheese

*  100g unsalted butter, softened

*  300g icing sugar

* 1 teaspoon vanilla extract


1. Preheat the oven to 180C/350F. Grease a 20cm round cake tin and line with parchment.

2. In a bowl, stir together the flour, baking powder, cinnamon, nutmeg, ginger and salt. 

3. In another bowl, beat the eggs and sugar until pale and fluffy. Beat in the oil and vanilla. 

4. Fold in the dry ingredients until just combined. Stir in the carrots, sultanas and walnuts.

5. Pour the batter into the prepared tin and bake for 45-55 minutes until a skewer inserted comes out clean. Allow to cool completely. 

6. For the frosting, beat together the soft cheese, butter, icing sugar and vanilla until smooth and fluffy.

7. Once the cake is cool, spread the top with frosting. Garnish with toasted walnuts or coconut if desired. 

8. Chill the cake for 30 minutes before serving.


Cheers for reading X 

Monday 11 March 2024

10 Fun and Creative Ways to Repurpose Broken Crayons

Hey readers,

Crayons are a staple of childhood creativity, but what happens when they break or become too small to use comfortably?

 Instead of tossing them in the trash, why not turn those broken crayon bits into opportunities for fun and creativity? 

10 Fun and Creative Ways to Repurpose Broken Crayons

In this blog post, we'll explore 10 exciting ways to repurpose broken crayons and give them a new lease on life. Get ready to unleash your inner artist and make the most out of those
colourful crayon fragments!

1. Create Colourful Chunky Crayons.

Gather broken crayon pieces of similar colours and melt them down in silicone moulds to create chunky, multi-coloured crayons. These custom crayons are not only fun to make but also comfortable to hold and use.

2. Make Vibrant Crayon Art.

Break crayons into small pieces and arrange them on a canvas or wax paper.

 Then, use a hairdryer or heat gun to melt the crayon bits, creating stunning and abstract crayon art. 

Experiment with different colour combinations and techniques for unique results.

3. Craft Crayon Candles.
Transform broken crayons into eye-catching candles.

 Simply melt the crayon bits and mix them with candle wax to create colourful and fragrant candles. 

These make great gifts or decorations for special occasions.

4. Decorate Picture Frames.

Enhance plain picture frames by gluing crayon bits around the edges. 
Heat the crayon pieces to let the wax drip down, creating a beautiful, vibrant design that adds character to your photos.

5. Design Custom Crayon Jewellery.

Melt crayon pieces into small moulds to create unique and colourful jewellery pieces.

Add some creativity to your style with crayon earrings, pendants, or bracelets.

6. Craft Colourful Keychains.

Melt crayon bits in keychain moulds to create personalised and colourful keychains. 

These make excellent gifts or accessories to brighten up your keys or bags.

7. Create Colourful Wax Seals.

For an artistic touch to envelopes or crafts, melt crayon wax and pour it into a sealed mould.

 Once it cools and hardens, you'll have colourful and customised wax seals to adorn your letters and projects.

8. Craft Colourful Wax Resist Art.

Use broken crayons for wax-resist art techniques. Draw with crayons on paper, then paint over them with watercolours

The wax will repel the paint, creating beautiful, vibrant patterns.

9. Decorate Plant Pots.

Enhance plain plant pots by melting crayon wax and dripping it down the sides. 

The colourful wax creates a unique and eye-catching design that will brighten up your indoor or outdoor space.

10. Make Colourful Playdough.

Add some crayon shavings to homemade playdough to give it a pop of colour and an extra element of fun. 

Children will enjoy creating colourful shapes and sculptures with this DIY playdough.

Don't let broken crayons go to waste! 

Instead, use them as an opportunity for creativity and fun with these 10 inventive ideas. 

From colourful candles to personalised jewellery and vibrant art projects, there are endless possibilities to explore with your broken crayons. 

Get ready to unleash your imagination and turn those broken bits into something beautiful and exciting!

Cheers for reading X 

Sunday 10 March 2024

My Sunday photo 10/03/2024


My Sunday photo 10/03/2024

My youngest doing World Book Day 2024!

Friday 8 March 2024

A Parents’ Guide to SAT Exams.

Hey readers, 

As a parent, navigating your child's educational journey can sometimes feel like traversing uncharted waters. 

From homework assignments to extracurricular activities activities, there's always something new to learn and understand.

A Parents’ Guide to SAT Exams
One milestone that often comes with its own set of challenges is the SAT exams.

 These standardised tests are administered to primary school students in the UK, typically in Year 2 and Year 6. 

In this comprehensive guide, we'll explore everything parents need to know about SAT exams, from understanding the purpose of the tests to supporting your child through the preparation process.

Understanding SAT Exams: What Are They and Why Are They Important?

SATs, or Statutory Assessment Tests, are standardized assessments administered to primary school students in England. 

These exams are designed to assess students' progress and attainment in key areas of the National Curriculum, including English, mathematics, and science.

For Year 2 students, SATs exams primarily focus on English and mathematics, while Year 6 students are assessed in English reading, English grammar, punctuation, and spelling, as well as mathematics and science.

While SAT exams are just one measure of a child's academic progress, they play a significant role in assessing school performance and providing valuable data for educators and policymakers. 

Additionally, SAT results can influence secondary school placement, as they may be used by secondary schools to set streaming or determine which sets students are placed in.

Preparing Your Child for SAT Exams: Tips for Success. 

As a parent, you play a crucial role in supporting your child through the SAT preparation process. Here are some tips to help your child succeed:

1. Establish a Routine. 

Establishing a consistent study routine can help your child feel prepared and confident on exam day. 

Set aside dedicated time each day for SATs revision, but also ensure that your child has time for relaxation and other activities.

2. Provide Resources. 

Ensure that your child has access to appropriate resources, such as practice SAT papers, revision guides, and educational websites. 

These materials can help familiarize your child with the format of the exams and reinforce key concepts.

3. Encourage Healthy Habits.

A healthy lifestyle is essential for optimal cognitive function. 

Encourage your child to eat nutritious meals, get plenty of sleep, and engage in regular physical activity leading up to the exams.

4. Manage Stress. 

SAT exams can be stressful for students, so it's important to help your child manage stress effectively.

 Encourage relaxation techniques such as deep breathing or mindfulness exercises, and remind your child that their worth is not defined by their exam results.

5. Celebrate Achievements. 

Throughout the preparation process, celebrate your child's achievements and milestones. 

Positive reinforcement can boost confidence and motivation, making it easier for your child to stay focused and engaged.

On Exam Day: What to Expect and How to Support Your Child. 

On the day of the SAT exams, it's natural for both parents and children to feel a mix of nerves and excitement.

 Here are some ways you can support your child on exam day:

1. Ensure a Good Night's Sleep. 

Make sure your child gets plenty of rest the night before the exams. 

A good night's sleep can help improve focus and concentration on test day.

2. Provide a Healthy Breakfast. 

Fuel your child's brain with a nutritious breakfast on the morning of the exams. 

Avoid heavy or sugary foods that could cause energy crashes later in the day.

3. Arrive Early. 

Plan to arrive at the testing location early to avoid any last-minute rushes or stress. 

Familiarise yourself and your child with the exam venue and procedures beforehand.

4. Offer Words of Encouragement. 

Before your child heads into the exam room, offer words of encouragement and support. 

Remind them that you're proud of their hard work and that you believe in their abilities. 

5. Stay Positive. 

As a parent, it's important to remain calm and positive throughout the exam day.

 Your attitude can have a significant impact on your child's mindset and confidence levels.

After the Exams: Reflecting and Moving Forward. 

Once the SAT exams are over, take some time to reflect on the experience with your child. 

Regardless of the outcome, commend your child for their efforts and perseverance. 

Use the opportunity to discuss what went well and identify areas for improvement.

It's also essential to maintain open communication with your child's teachers to stay informed about their progress and any areas of concern. 

Together, you can work collaboratively to address any challenges and set goals for future academic success.

Remember that SAT exams are just one aspect of your child's educational journey. 

While they provide valuable insights into academic attainment, they do not define your child's intelligence or potential.

 By offering support, encouragement, and guidance, you can help your child navigate the challenges of SAT exams and thrive academically.

Cheers for reading X

Monday 4 March 2024

The best Easter eggs in 2024.

Hey readers,

As spring breathes life into the air and flowers bloom, Easter heralds a time of celebration, reflection, and indulgence

Easter is a festive occasion marked not only by traditional customs but also by the delightful hunt for Easter eggs. 

The best Easter eggs in 2024.

From chocolate treasures to hidden gems, let's embark on a journey to discover the best Easter eggs in 2024.

1. Cadbury Crème Egg. 

The best Easter eggs in 2024.
No Easter egg list would be complete without the iconic Cadbury Crème Egg. 

Bursting with creamy fondant encased in a milk chocolate shell, this timeless treat continues to delight chocolate lovers of all ages. 

Keep an eye out for special editions and unique packaging designs that add an extra layer of excitement to the hunt.

2. Lindt Gold Bunny. 

The best Easter eggs in 2024.
A symbol of Easter elegance, the Lindt Gold Bunny is a must-have for chocolate connoisseurs.

 Crafted with the finest Swiss chocolate and adorned with a signature red ribbon, this beloved bunny makes for a luxurious addition to any Easter basket. 

Look for limited-edition flavours and collectable figurines to elevate your Easter festivities. 

3. Hotel Chocolat Egg Sandwich.

The best Easter eggs in 2024.
For a gourmet twist on the traditional Easter egg, indulge in the Hotel Chocolat Egg Sandwich. 

Combining two of Britain's favourite treats chocolate and sandwiches this delectable creation features layers of milk chocolate, caramel, and crispy cookies, all nestled between two chocolate egg shells. 

It's a whimsical yet delicious way to celebrate the holiday in style.

4. Thornton's Chocolate Extravaganza. 

The best Easter eggs in 2024.
When it comes to Easter extravagance, Thornton's Chocolate Extravaganza steals the show. 

This opulent egg is adorned with an array of tantalising toppings, from fudge chunks to chocolate curls, creating a feast for the eyes and the taste buds.

 With its stunning presentation and sumptuous flavours, it's sure to be the centrepiece of any Easter gathering.

5. Marks & Spencer Percy Pig Easter Egg. 

The best Easter eggs in 2024.

For a playful and nostalgic treat, look no further than the Marks & Spencer Percy Pig Easter Egg. 

Inspired by everyone's favourite pink piglet, this delightful egg is filled with creamy white chocolate and studded with chewy Percy Pig sweets.

 It's a whimsical nod to childhood memories and a guaranteed hit with both kids and adults alike.

6. Green & Black's Organic Easter Collection. 

The best Easter eggs in 2024.
Indulge in the rich and sophisticated flavours of Green & Black's Organic Easter Collection. 

From dark chocolate sea salt caramel eggs to milk chocolate praline truffles, each carefully crafted treat showcases the finest organic ingredients and ethically sourced cocoa. 

Elevate your Easter egg hunt with these luxurious and guilt-free delights.

7. Fortnum & Mason Hand-Painted Easter Eggs. 

The best Easter eggs in 2024.

For a touch of artisanal charm, explore Fortnum & Mason's hand-painted Easter eggs.

 Crafted by skilled chocolatiers and adorned with intricate designs, these exquisite eggs are a testament to craftsmanship and creativity.

 Whether you opt for classic milk chocolate or adventurous flavours like passion fruit and raspberry, each egg is a work of art to be savoured.

8. Waitrose Belgian Chocolate Scotch Egg. 

The best Easter eggs in 2024.

Break away from tradition with Waitrose's Belgian Chocolate Scotch Egg.

 This unconventional Easter treat combines creamy Belgian chocolate with a crunchy biscuit base, creating a delightful contrast of textures and flavours. 

It's a modern twist on a British classic that's sure to surprise and delight your taste buds.

9. Aldi's Luxury Single Origin Easter Eggs. 

The best Easter eggs in 2024.
Discover the unparalleled quality and richness of Aldi's Luxury Single Origin Easter Eggs. 

Sourced from the finest cocoa beans around the world, each egg offers a distinct flavour profile, from the intense bitterness of dark chocolate to the creamy sweetness of milk chocolate. 

With their elegant packaging and exceptional taste, they're a true testament to Aldi's commitment to excellence.

10. Harrods Bespoke Easter Eggs. 

The best Easter eggs in 2024.
Indulge in the ultimate Easter luxury with Harrods' bespoke Easter eggs. 

Handcrafted to perfection and personalised to your specifications, these exclusive eggs are a symbol of indulgence and refinement. 

Whether you prefer classic flavours or innovative combinations, Harrods' chocolatiers will create a masterpiece that surpasses all expectations.

In conclusion, Easter is a time of joy, tradition, and indulgence, and these delightful Easter eggs embody the spirit of the season. 

From classic favourites to innovative creations, there's something for everyone to enjoy as they embark on their Easter egg hunt.

 So, gather your loved ones, embrace the spirit of discovery, and treat yourself to the best Easter eggs on offer in 2024. Happy hunting!

Cheers for reading X 

Sunday 3 March 2024

My Sunday photo 03/03/2024


My youngest made a cute pompom this week ☺ 

Friday 1 March 2024

Why I hate phone calls

Hey readers, 

In a world buzzing with constant connectivity, the mere ring of a phone can send shivers down my spine.

 It's not an aversion to technology or a disdain for communication; rather, it's an unwavering dislike for that seemingly innocuous act—the phone call. 

Why I hate phone calls

As I navigate this digital era, my resistance to the traditional phone conversation has only strengthened, and here's why.

1. Invasion of Space.

The sudden jolt of a ringing phone disrupts the tranquil space I carve for myself in a world filled with noise. 

Whether engrossed in work or immersed in a good book, the shrill interruption is an unwelcome intrusion, shattering the sanctuary of solitude I cherish.

2. Communication Preferences.

In a world dominated by rapid-fire texting and instant messaging, phone calls feel like relics from a bygone era. 

The beauty of composing thoughtful responses at my own pace is lost when confined to the pressure of real-time conversations. 

The asynchronous nature of written communication aligns better with the rhythm of my thoughts.

3. Lack of Non-Verbal Cues.

The absence of visual cues in phone calls creates a communication vacuum. Facial expressions, body language, and the subtleties of emotion are lost in translation. 

Misunderstandings become inevitable, leading to a frustrating game of deciphering intentions through voice alone.

4. Social Anxiety and Phone Calls.

For many, phone calls induce a unique breed of anxiety. The immediacy of a conversation puts one on the spot, leaving little room for contemplation or filtering. 

It's a battle against the fear of saying the wrong thing, an experience that can be paralyzing for those who grapple with social anxiety.

5. Multitasking Challenges.

Efficient multitasking becomes a Herculean task during phone calls. Unlike text-based communication that allows for seamless toggling between tasks, a phone call demands undivided attention. 

The struggle to balance work or chores while engaged in conversation adds an extra layer of inconvenience.

6. The Rise of Digital Nomads and Remote Work.

The paradigm shift towards remote work has emphasized the need for flexible communication.

 Digital nomads, tethered to laptops and scattered across time zones, find solace in the written word a mode that transcends temporal boundaries and aligns with the nomadic lifestyle.

7. Technological Advances and Alternatives.

In an era where technological innovation propels us forward, alternatives to traditional phone calls abound.

 Voice messages, video calls, and collaborative platforms offer a spectrum of choices that cater to diverse communication preferences. 

The static nature of a voice call pales in comparison to the dynamic possibilities offered by modern technology.

8. Cultural Shifts in Communication.

As societal attitudes toward communication evolve, my aversion to phone calls finds resonance with others. 

The shared sentiment that phone calls are becoming an antiquated means of interaction reflects a broader cultural shift towards embracing diverse modes of expression.

In conclusion, my disdain for phone calls is not a dismissal of connection but rather a plea for a more harmonious coexistence with the technology that governs our lives. 

As I navigate this cacophony of communication channels, I find solace in the silence between the rings a space where my thoughts can breathe and my words can resonate with intention, unencumbered by the constraints of a phone call.

Cheers for reading x

Monday 26 February 2024

A Comprehensive Guide on How to Effectively Deal with PMDD

 Hey readers, 

If you feel like your hormones hijack your moods, motivation, and basic functioning abilities for up to two weeks every month before your period, you could be dealing with a condition called Premenstrual Dysphoric Disorder (PMDD). 

A Comprehensive Guide on How to Effectively Deal with PMDD

PMDD goes beyond typical PMS and causes much more extreme emotional and physical symptoms that can disrupt home life, work life, and overall well-being. 

The good news is that you don’t have to suffer through PMDD quietly or alone. Several effective treatment options and lifestyle adjustments can help you regain control of your monthly cycle. 

Read on to understand what causes PMDD, who’s at risk, and most importantly what real steps you can take to ease PMDD symptoms and stop feeling so powerless against monthly mood swings. 
What Causes PMDD?

Researchers believe that women with PMDD react more severely to normal fluctuations in hormones like estragon and progesterone throughout their menstrual cycles. 

Key PMDD hormonal triggers include:

* Estragon levels drop dramatically just before your period starts.

Changes occur in brain chemicals like serotonin, a mood stabiliser
Doctors don’t fully understand why some women’s bodies react so intensely to normal hormonal shifts. 

But certain risk factors make some women more prone to PMDD including:  

Family history of mood disorders.

* Personal history of a mood disorder like depression or anxiety.

* History of postpartum depression after giving birth.
5 Key Solutions & Coping Strategies.

If PMDD is wreaking havoc with your menstrual cycles, know that you have options. Start finding what works for you from these effective PMDD treatment strategies:

Track to find triggers: Chart your cycles plus mood changes to identify PMDD timing and effective solutions. Tracking helps you feel empowered, not helpless.  

Therapy provides perspective: Talk therapy helps identify unhealthy thought patterns making PMDD feel worse. A professional’s outside perspective equips you with new coping skills.

 Lifestyle changes relieve stress: Reducing stress through rest, moderate exercise, healthy eating, and no alcohol/drugs can help stabilise mood swings.  

* Birth control regulates hormones: Hormonal IUDs or birth control pills provide the hormones your body lacks to balance moods.

SSRIs alleviate serotonin drops: Antidepressants like Sertraline used 2 weeks before your period counter the serotonin deficiency behind low moods.

You Don’t Have to Hide Your Struggles.

Half of all menstruating individuals deal with some form of PMS. Yet only around 5 per cent suffer from true, diagnosed PMDD.

 Recognising and owning the reality of PMDD brings the freedom to choose healthier thoughts, behaviours, and coping mechanisms. 

When you understand the hormonal shifts behind PMDD rather than believing the issue is your character, it’s easier to find compassion for yourself and solutions.  

The key is uncovering what combination of lifestyle changes, medications, therapy, tracking, openness, and education helps you thrive through every phase of your cycle, not just the “good weeks”.

 Take back your life from PMDD so you can function fully, freely, and consistently regardless of your menstrual phase.

 You deserve to live unleashed from disabling monthly mood disruptions. It’s possible!

Cheers for reading X