Friday 23 December 2022

How to make Christmas Eve speical for the family.

Hey readers, 

Christmas is fastly approaching and you may wonder how can you make Christmas Eve special for the whole family. Well, I have a round-up of some fun Christmas Eve traditions for the whole family to enjoy.

How to make Christmas Eve speical for the family.

1. Gingerbread house. 

For a little more magic, you can even build a gingerbread house with your kids. You can go all out and build it from scratch, or buy an easy-to-assemble kit. Either way, it's a delicious Christmas Eve treat that will keep the kids busy for a while.

2. Santa Tracker.

Follow Santa's journey with the Santa Tracker. Google has created an app called "Santa Tracker" that allows you to track Santa's adventures online or on your smartphone. He "stops" around the world to give gifts to children and tells us a little bit about each place. Gather the kids on Christmas Eve and watch Santa progress together for a magical holiday experience. You can download this app from the Google Play store or use the browser version online.

3. Evening Christmas lights walk.

Wait until dark and take your family for a walk around the neighbourhood to see all the Christmas lights. The streets are always magically lit up and look ready for Christmas. When you get home, you can warm yourself up with a delicious hot chocolate.

4. Look up and see Santa fly by.

With NORAD, not only can you track Santa Claus online, but if you're lucky, you'll see him flying overhead by Christmas. That's thanks to the International Space Station, which usually flies over Britain in December and you can check here to find out more. 

5. Christmas film. 

Gather the family get dressed up in your snuggled PJs and pop on a Christmas film, The Snowman and Father Christmas by Raymond Briggs are lovely, shorter films for little ones that are perfect to watch before bedtime.

 Or maybe even check out Channel 4 as each Christmas Eve bring out a really cute animated short film for kids perfect to get them settled for the evening. 

6. Takeaway dinner. 

With all the cooking planned for Christmas, the last thing I want to worry about on Christmas Eve is dinner. Order your favourite snacks and take a break. Combined with Christmas dinner leftovers, it will last for days.

7. Leave out something for Santa and his crew. 

We all know that Santa needs food and drink to stay healthy on Christmas Eve. Place a plate of what he likes on the table and mince pies. Also, don't forget milk and carrots for Rudolph and the rest of the reindeers.

8. Christmas story. 

Light a Christmas-themed candle (out of reach of little hands), light a tree light, and share Christmas stories with your kids. Doing this after bathing and before removing your stockings will give you a calmer end to the day. Just kidding, they still bounce off walls, but hey, it's a great tradition!

9. Hanging stockings. 

Do not forget one of the most important traditions. How does Santa know where to put his presents when he's not wearing socks? Just go back to sleep and you'll be filled with goodies from Santa.

Whatever you do I hope you have a wonderful Christmas.

Cheers for reading X 

Monday 19 December 2022

Top 5 christmas movies.

Hey readers,

Can you believe we are in December already, in honour of Christmas I have picked my favourite Christmas movies to get you feeling all festive?

Top 5 christmas movies.

The Grinch.

Top 5 christmas movies.

What can a say it is an adept from Dr Seuss's class book The Grinch who is a green hairy fellow who hates Christmas. he hates it so much he goes to the town where he lives and nicks pretty much everyone's presents, decorations and food. 

Of course, when Christmas day arrives everyone appears unhappy because everything Christmas related has gone, however, they learn to still have a jolly good time together. 

So, what happens to the Grinch and all the presents? well, I let you watch and find out.

The nightmare before Christmas.

Top 5 christmas movies.

Another classic animation movie by Tim Burton. This one was my favourite one as a child and now it is my youngest favourite. 

It involves Jack Skellington bored and a bit meh with the whole Halloween scene decides to take on the role of Father Christmas.

 The problem is it all goes belly up as he is not Santa nor does he have the required skills to take on the role of the big guy. We soon learn about why it is important to be happy with what you have. 

Rather dark and not too sickly sweet either and I have to say the soundtrack to the film is top-notch as well.

The Snowman.

Top 5 christmas movies.

I had to include it, didn't I? Timeless classic! Involved a boy making a snowman in his backyard on Christmas Eve.

 Then when everyone is in bed he comes alive, of course, the boy wakes up to discover the magical process. Then the snowman takes the boy on a magical ride through the valleys and towns.

 Really beautiful illustrations and it doesn't involve words other than the song 'walking in the air. Another thing is that it is not long probably about half an hour max which is perfect for little 'uns who get itchy feet.

Bad Santa.

Top 5 christmas movies.

I love Bad Santa as it is really funny and a little bit cheeky as well. So the gist of the story is these two con men try robbing a store on Christmas Eve. 

They do this by posing as Father Christmas and his little helper the elf at the local shopping centre. Of course, Father Christmas is an alcoholic and it is fair to say he is not the best with children.

 A lot of events occur to keep you amused and the plan to rob a place doesn't go all that well.

Father Christmas.

Top 5 christmas movies.

The same author (Raymond Briggs) who wrote The Snowman turns another book into an adept called Father Christmas.

 This is a tale about Father Christmas what normally gets up to before and the lead-up to Christmas. 

He lives in a house on a normal street, just like a lot of people in England. He also is depicted as being a little grumpy and not the jolly good fellow that is depicted by adults, lol. 

Lighthearted and enjoyable for all the family to enjoy. A fun fact about this film Father Christmas says BLOOMING 72 times no less!

Cheers for reading X

Sunday 18 December 2022

My Sunday Photo 18/12/2022

My Sunday Photo 18/12/2022


Friday 16 December 2022

Autism and Christmas

Hey readers,

In this post I want to talk about how Christmas affects me in relation to my autism.

 I am not very good with changes and I always see Christmas as a massive change. It doesent matter whehter it is  good or bad it is still change and something that I have to deal with every year, well until I am dead of course.

Now don’t get me wrong some elements of Christmas I enjoy such as seeing how special Christmas is for chrildren.

 I do love seeing how my children are happy although my eldest as he is getting older and has autism is starting to struggles as well more and more. 

I like Christmas day when going for a walk when it is eerie dead I enjoy; it seems not real as where I live am a city. 

Living in a city means it is always busy but on Christmas day it is silent or very, very, very quiet. which I am not going to moan because I actually enjoy it.

One area of Christmas I struggle with is gift opening as I get sensory overload, after presents are handed out I feel sick because it is something that I am not used to. As it is new I have to look at things in great detail and that is mentally exhausting for me.

One thing that is difficult is change to my routine because everything seems unusual during the festive period. 

However, to help deal with sticking to some routine and change I use a diary to write down what is happening.  I also do a relaxed schedule on Christmas day just to help me keep calm. 

I struggle with having nothing happening so I make sure I schedule stuff in such as giving my boys a bath or going to the park/walk. The last one helps me because I get fresh air and clears my head of so much disruption with toys etc. everywhere.

Another thing I am not very good at is people coming round unannounced. As my husband just casual about these kind of things and says to people he knows just pop round. 

I don’t want to be a pain and appreciate he has social needs just as much as my own needs. So, he can have social gatherings, I do stay for a period but sometimes I need some time alone because it gets chaotic. 

This also helps my autistic son; he normally comes with me for some time out on the bed in the dark, which for me with fewer stimuli around gives my brain a break.

Over the years when it comes to Christmas decorations me and my husband has come to an agreement where my bedroom has no ceiling decorations.

 I don’t like ceiling decorations they make me feel  claustrophobic so as long as I have a safe space which is my bedroom where I go when I need a break that is what works for us in my home. 

My autistic son loves the ceiling decorations so just shows you that autism affects people in different ways. 

I always have vivid memories of being a child and hating those ceiling decorations and now it makes total sense for how I felt which at the time when I didn’t know about autism it was difficult to get my head around.

Cheers for reading X

Monday 12 December 2022

The best Christmas memes.

Hey readers 

Christmas is upon us and you know what puts you in a festive mood???? 

The best christmas memes.

Of course, good old Christmas meme to make a toy smirk or nod along.

Frosty the snowman.


This hilarious light heart carton is every but perfection. Although if frosty the snowman sows melt I am sure there would be some darkly funny about Santa tripping up in the pool and smashing his head. (Oops I have just leaked some of my dark thoughts, lol).

Haters going to hate.


what's better than a pug dressed up in a cute Christmas outfit... That's right a pug with a whole lotta sass!

Batman, you did what?!

Image result for batman christmas meme

Poor for years not ha have been the bits. of the joke that he needs some therapy to get over his anxiety about what people think of him.

Dwight Schrute.


Nothing brings me more happiness than a Dwight Schrute (The Office Us) meme he sums up society perfectly. the moment the hand hits midnight on the 1st of November it instantly turns to Christmas. Just look at the shop's bang goes pumpkins and it is all about the tinsel!

The Rock.


This has to be my all-time favourite meme. Of course, The Rock rocking around the Christmas tree. A meme + a pun= perfection.

The Grumpy Cat.


Oh, I have a special place for The Grumpy Cat he is the true grinds of Christmas. How can you not like a sweet-looking cat that is so grumpy he will claw your eyes out?



This meme sums up the aftermath of Christmas and when you put your tree down. That strange empty feeling and that bizarre thought of how your room looks so much bigger when a massive tree has vanished.

Rudolph the red nose reindeer!


You mock Rudolph he will show you what he is made of. Be warned and stop singing about his misfortune or much next time you will hear a bang!



Now I know what to put in Christmas cards to be people that p**s me off. Nothing is worse than glitter everywhere, ugh!

Mariah Carey.


Why is it that Mariah's Christmas hit permanently plays and is always on in shops, grrrrr?



because you know it is all about the family especially at Christmas when we all stick together.

Cheeky Santa.


He is a bad Santa and loves nothing better than smoking and leaving a special present for the families he delivers to.



You know since having children you need to be a shareholder in Durrell. I am sure most parents have learned the art of cheeky ripping out the batteries of the loudest toys ever. I would call this one of the most valuable parent lessons you need to learn during parenthood.

Would you like cream with that dear?


I do love a filthy meme that makes me laugh due to its rudeness. this is a cracking one and no more words are needed.

Judge McClaus.


Oh, the irony of Santa having the easy life of working one day a year and the rest he sits back and watches and makes a judgment.

Cheers for reading X

Sunday 11 December 2022

My Sunday Photo 11/12/2022

My Sunday Photo 11/12/2022

My Sunday Photo 11/12/2022

My Sunday Photo 11/12/2022

My sons went to art session and made their own Christmas wreath 🎅 

Friday 9 December 2022

Things you can get away with because it's Christmas.

 Hey readers,

 Christmas is a funny old time of year, everything that is 'normal' suddenly goes out of the window.

Then it is replaced with temporary social rules that are seen as acceptable, whereas in any other situation that behaviour could be potentially frowned upon.

 Take alcoholic beverages for example, when it is Christmas you can get away with drinking any old time.

 It doesn't matter whether it is morning, midday or evening although, ideally people expect you to be sozzled by the time the Queen's speech is on.

Things you can get away with because it's Christmas.

Any other time you of thinking of drinking alcohol during the day you would be labelled an alcoholic.


What is it with chocolate at Christmas? You start Christmas day morning opening chocolate and then you just carry on nibbling away. This then results in your children bouncing off the walls with relatives telling you how to manage your children.

That leads me nicely on to the next point of the fact, Christmas is all about stuffing your face with calorific food.

It is alright at Christmas to have four meals with snacks in between. We are so overindulging in gluttony during this festive time that we forget about moderation and all the other 'messages' about eating healthy.

Christmas time is all about what you can eat like a pig because no one bats an eyelid and in fact, those people are more likely to buy you some more chocolate as a present because you can not get enough sugar.

Christmas is the time when the only numbers you have to worry about is when EastEnders is on. Forget about the calories during Christmas as it is a free calorie zone for the foreseeable few hours.

No guilt what so ever about the telly being on all day long blasting out, it's socially acceptable during the Christmas period to watch TV for 10 hours if you please.

How else are you going to get through the afternoon with granddad snoring in the chair and your children of their tits on sugar?

Who needs routine when you can do as you please on this special day. Forget all about the rules and let's add disruption to the order of the day.

Sit on your arse, watch TV, eat the mountain of chocolate with the drink in the hand at two in the afternoon and do SOD ALL. Why, because it's Christmas, you can be lazy and do nothing during the Christmas period.

The main goal is to relax and make the most of it without the guilt, because who needs guilt on Christmas.

You can wear pj's all day long if you desire without anyone passing judgement or calling you a chav/jobless scum of the earth. Because IT'S CHRISTMAS and the lazier you are better!

For parents, you may secretly help the child with finishing the chocolate after boxing day as they can't live off the mountain of chocolate given from the grandparents.

I suppose the best bet for a parent, like myself, is that I don't have to feel guilty about the indulgent food or the telly being on or even the fact I am looking at my phone too much.

It is that one day that the rules can be broken and anything goes. Mummy guilt can fuck off for one day in the year, result!

Cheers for reading X

Monday 5 December 2022

Christmas pressure

Hey readers, 

Christmas can be tough especially when you see how good some people live their life on social media. 

But what you must remember is that it is only what you see in a picture, you don't know the whole story. Remember you are not alone and lots of other people feel similar to the pressure of Christmas and the high expectations you put on yourself.

I don't have all the money in the world but I have learnt that it does not matter. I don't need to be perfect nor do I need to put this big expectation on myself to be something that I can not achieve, it is ok too so what feels right for you. 

Everyone is different and the more I accept myself and my situation the better chance I will of enjoying Christmas without the stress.

I think one of the things about the Christmas stress is expectations to be perfect and provide everything for everyone. why put Yourself under that stress when you know it is not achievable if you haven't got the money. 

No point beating yourself up over it, it is ok to have a budget, it is ok not to buy everything in the Argos Catalogue. You do not have to worry as social services will not be knocking on the door because you have not brought your child enough toys for Christmas or the latest gadget.

However, it is also important to remember that Christmas should not be about the money but getting together and being nice to one other. you don't need a million pounds to have a good time. 

You could go for a walk together and that would be just as wonderful be sure you are doing something together as a family. 

Sometimes just being with the people you love is more important. I have been at times the loneliest with no one and I need to remind myself it is so much better now with having the opportunity to spend Christmas with the people I love and love me back.

You don't always to have money to be happy.. of course, it helps with paying the bill's and keeping a roof over your head. but for materialistic gifts, happiness is only short-lived anyway into you want the next thing.

 Anyone can go out and buy something but not everyone is as lucky as me to have a safe roof over their heads or having people in your life that accept you for who you are.

Who cares about all the stresses of Christmas? The only person is you, most kids really care and just hold on the memories.

Don't spend if you can't afford it is ok to do what is right for you and within your means.

No point getting stressed about money do what feels right for you and remember really it's the only day. Enjoy watching telly, eating too much chocolate and being with the ones you love.

Cheers for reading X

Sunday 4 December 2022

My Sunday Photo 04/12/2022


My Sunday Photo 04/12/2022

Friday 2 December 2022

Self care activities for December.

Hey readers,

December can be a busy time of year for us all. We can be swept away by everything else that is happening that we forget to look after ourselves or give ourselves some time out to take self-care. 

So, here are some practical self-care activities you can do this December to help reduce the stress of the Christmas period.

self care activities for December


Practice some mindfulness - look around and see the lights twinkling from the decorations in the Christmas tree.


Have a long soak in the bath and unwind. Let your muscles relax and give your body that time to rest.


Have an early night and switch off the technology, even take a book to bed to read and escape with a story.


Go for an evening walk and get some fresh air. Enjoy not having to rush about but just soak up the scenery.


Make a yummy hot chocolate and drink it whilst watching your favourite programme. Just focus on the moment and forget about that to-do list.

 There is something lovely about holding a hot cup of your favourite drink in your hands and feeling all cosy.

Being realistic.

If you are feeling overwhelmed by the business of the festive season create limits to stick to. Instead of doing wrapping in one go do it over two days.

 There is no point rushing about when it will tip you over the edge. It makes you feel stressed and causes tension in the home. It is important to break down goals that are manageable and realistic to achieve.

Ask for help.

If you are struggling then ask for help - it is not a crime and you are not a failure in doing this. 

In actual fact, it takes more courage and strength to know when to stop and give someone else the responsibility. It is better productivity that way.


Remind yourself that it is ok to stop and not be busy. It is ok to time out for yourself and your wellbeing. 

It is ok to do nothing even though you feel that the festive period is about constantly being on the go. It is ok to have time out for yourself to rejuvenate and charge your batteries. 


During this period I find that decluttering helps my mind. Sorting out through unwanted toys that boys don't use and passing them on to someone else ready for Christmas when they get tons more to replace the space that once was.

I find it relaxing just putting music on and pottering about. I like to get things in order and get areas tidy. It is a calming and I love the feeling after when you get a sense of satisfaction.


I find writing relaxing (hence why I blog) though you don't necessarily have to do that if you don't want to. 

You could write a gratitude diary where you write the number of positive things that have happened to you that day. It doesn't have too big it could be simply having a shower, getting out of bed.

 It is the small things and getting into this pattern can really help enhance a more positive mindset over time.

What self care activities do you go to during December to help you relax? Love to hear your thoughts in the comment section down below. 

Cheers for reading X