Sunday 5 January 2020

my Sunday photo 05/01/2020

Friday 3 January 2020

How to wait patiently.

Hey readers,

Let's face it there will be many a time where we will have to face waiting patiently, whether we like it or not sometimes it has to be done. So, here are my tips to help manage the frustration of waiting and how you can get through the waiting process.

1. Distractions. 

Of course with modern technology, most people will have a smartphone on them in some form of the description. What better way to kill some time whether it be playing a game, checking your email or watching small youtube your smartphone is a great companion when waiting around for some time to kill. 

2. Others. 

Another great time killer is having someone you know to wait with you to keep you company and you can talk before you know it your time is up. 

3. Breathing.

If you're really feeling frustrated and unpaitient then try some deep breaths and focus on your breathing and using all your lungs is key whilst waiting. This can help calm your mind and reduce the tension from having to wait around. 

4. Imagination. 

Sometimes it is good to stop whatever you're doing and just let go. Allow your imagination to take hold and get lost in your thoughts you will be amazed at how fast time goes when you emerge your self in your own thoughts.

5. Mindfulness. 

Mindfulness is a great tool to master as it can help reduce stress by focusing on things other than the stress or frustration you are under such as waiting in a queue. By having that free time allows you to focus on your environment - whether it be listening to the noises, focusing on the colours or even paying attention to your feet how they feel against your footwear, are they tired do they feel heavy. Making sure you spend some time on each aspect can be rather relaxing and help reduce the frustration of having to wait in a queue. 

6. Acceptance. 

Sometimes accepting the situation for what it is and knowing that it will end with time is allowing the situation to happen and not get stressed about. Letting go of the anger or annoyance can actually be more beneficial and you can feel ready to stand in the queue because it has a purpose and that you are mentally ready to take on the challenge. By viewing the situation as something that you can control and seeing it a more positive light will mean attracting happier thoughts, therefore, in turn making the situation much more manageable. 

7. Delayed gratification. 

Whilst waiting in a queue is frustrating changing your thought patterns of thinking queuing is a pain in the bum to thinking off queuing in terms of delayed gratification and that with the time you will benefit the situation of frustration to be lead on to the positive reward. 

What are your thoughts of queuing? How do you manage to deal with queing? Love to hear your thoughts in the comment section below. 

Cheers for reading X

Monday 30 December 2019

102 blog ideas for your mum blog

Hey readers,

Sometimes it is hard to come up with ideas to write for your blog. So let me take away the pain and give you a 102 blog ideas to get your inspired today and start writing great content.  

1. Write about your birth story.

2. How to deal with potty training. 

3. Describe your best day as a mum. 

4. Describe your worst day as a mum. 

5. Write about a day in the life for 24 hours. 

6. How to deal with fussy eaters. 

7. Write a list of your favorite mum bloggers. 

8. Review a child's product of your own. 

9. Write about milestones. 

10. Write about how to encourage your baby to walk. 

11. Things you love about motherhood. 

12. Things you hate about motherhood. 

13. Exercise ideas for children. 

14. A day in the life of your child. 

15. Local fun days out. 

16. Your favorite things to do with your child. 

17. How do you discipline your child? What works for you.

18. A letter to your pregnant self. 

19. The benefits of breastfeeding.

20. The benefits of formula feeding. 

21. Easy recipes for families. 

22. Clothing wish list for a child. 

23. How to deal with siblings squabbling. 

24. How to get your toddler ready for nursery.

25. How to get your child ready for school. 

26. How to help your child read. 

27. How to help your child learn the time. 

28. How to help your child potty train.

29. How to help a child do up there shoelaces.

30. Ways to save money on days out. 

31. Road trip games to do in the car. 

32. Fun games for children. 

33. Self-care ideas for mums. 

34. How to tell if you are ready for another child.

35. A list of your best mummy hacks. 

36. How to organise your child's room. 

37. Write about your experience of postnatal depression/mental health surrounding parenting. 

38. How to deal with mummy guilt.

39. How not to compare yourself to other mums. 

40. Tasks you can accomplish when your baby is asleep. 

41. How to help your child be independent. 

42. How to talk about death with your child.

43. A list of chores that your child can help you with. 

44. Your views on pocket money.

45. How to introduce a new baby to your child. 

46. How to deal with a child with low self-esteem. 

47. How to deal with temper tantrums. 

48. Does time out really work?

49. How to deal with breastfeeding issues.

50. A list of items every new mum needs in their lives. 

51. Why I love my child but don't always like them. 

52. How do I know if my toddler/child has autism? 

53. Why motherhood is hard for introverts. 

54. The case for homeschooling.

55. The case against homeschooling. 

56. How motherhood has changed me as a person. 

57. How to avoid raising a  'snowflake'.

58. How to survive the summer holidays. 

59. The case for why homework is good.

60. The case for why homework is bad.

61. How to survive a miscarriage. 

62. Your views on abortion. 

63. Remedies for colic. 

64. Surviving the first week with a newborn.

65. Mess-free toddler activities. 

66. How to declutter the family room. 

67. How to store toys when they are not being used.

68. Tips on how to have a budget-friendly child's birthday party.

69. Stay at home mum jobs. 

70. How to keep a family budget.

71. Tips for finding a good babysitter. 

72. Ideas for having family fun nights. 

73. Why routines are good for children. 

74. What is your bedtime routine for your child? 

75. The best parenting books you have read. 

76. Ways to save money when shopping at the supermarket.

77. How to get your child to listen to you when they totally ignore you. 

78. Funny things your child has said. 

79. Why did you start writing a mum blog? 

80. Tips on how to deal with the terrible twos. 

81. Share a guest post. 

82. Write about something difficult you had to face as a mum.

83. Your best tricks for stain removal.

84. Write about the times that parenting can be overwhelming.

85.  The best kids audiobooks. 

86. How to make sure your child is not spoiled. 

87. Things you should never say to another mum. 

88. Halloween costume ideas.

89. What's in my changing bag.

90. The mum tag. 

91. What is in my hospital bag. 

92. A review of nappies. 

93. Baby-led weaning for beginners.

94. Sensory play ideas.

95. How to trust your instincts. 

96. 5 tips for using reusable nappies.

97. Best sites for medical advice. 

98. Benefits of reading to your child. 

99. What are your views on sports day?

100. Is my child being bullied?

101. When should a child get their first mobile?

102. How to teach a child to clean up their own room.

Cheers for reading X 

Sunday 29 December 2019

100 of the best free things in life.

Hey readers, 

Sometimes life can be and we can forget to see the positives in life. So here are my 100 of the best free things in life that will make you smile.  

  1. A roof over your head 
  2. My health.
  3. A movie that makes you laugh. 
  4. First coffee of the morning.
  5. When my children say, 'I love you'. 
  6. A great joke.
  7. The smell of fresh grass. 
  8. Sunsets.
  9. The feeling you get when you fix something. 
  10. Colouring in books. 
  11. The kindness of strangers who I have never had. 
  12. Being outdoors. 
  13. The first signs of a new season.
  14. Your favourite comfort food. 
  15. When a bus driver waits that 10 seconds for you to run and catch up. 
  16. The moment when you can't control your laughter.
  17. Finding lost change. 
  18. When someone sees your hands are full and opens the door for you. 
  19. A good nights rest. 
  20.  Sunny winter days. 
  21.  Winning a game. 
  22.  Receiving something in the post. 
  23. The moment food comes to you at a restaurant. 
  24. When your favourite song comes on the radio at the right moment. 
  25. Chocolate. 
  26. A lie-in. 
  27. Hearing some good news.
  28. The freedom to vote. 
  29. Cups of tea. 
  30. Cameras to capture amazing moments.
  31. Waking up to the warm sunshine on you. 
  32. Having a nana nap. 
  33. Getting lost in a good book. 
  34. Cosy blankets.
  35. Getting home after a long day and putting your PJs are. 
  36. A hot bath. 
  37. Being a parent.
  38. When you accidentally get something for free. 
  39. A new book. 
  40. Feeling of acceptance. 
  41. A nice hot shower. 
  42. Mistakes that helped you be a better person. 
  43. A sunrise.
  44. Taking a morning walk. 
  45. Fuzzy socks. 
  46. Having easy access to clean, freshwater. 
  47. The smell of fresh clean sheets. 
  48. Freedom of speech. 
  49. The honesty of a child. 
  50. Spellchecker. 
  51. Old photographs. 
  52. Home-cooked meals. 
  53. The first flower of spring. 
  54. Happy memories of childhood. 
  55. The sound and smell of the sea. 
  56. Good hair days. 
  57. Having a picnic. 
  58. Feeling hope. 
  59. The perfect playlist. 
  60. Money in the bank.
  61. Free wifi. 
  62. Quiet time. 
  63. The smell of fresh-baked bread. 
  64. The billions of stars on a clear night. 
  65. Flying a kite. 
  66. Hearing good news. 
  67. Pets. 
  68. Learning from your mistakes.
  69. Opportunity to get an education. 
  70. Breathing fresh air. 
  71. Safety and security.
  72. Sunshine.
  73. Tears. 
  74. The wisdom that comes with age. 
  75. Jazz.
  76. The moon. 
  77. Modern medicine. 
  78. Warm clothing. 
  79. Living pain-free.
  80. Your imagination. 
  81. Nature.
  82. Unconditional love.
  83. Access to medication. 
  84. Forgiveness.
  85. Senses.
  86. Music.
  87. Rainy days. 
  88. A burning candle smell. 
  89. The smell of newborns. 
  90. Baby giggles.
  91. Watching children play and have fun. 
  92. Understanding that you can't control everything.
  93. Eating dessert first. 
  94. Organised drawers. 
  95. Singing. 
  96. Being motivated.
  97. Keyboard shortcuts.
  98. The library.
  99. Setting the high score on a game.
  100. Being barefoot on the sand. 
What free things are you thankful for? Love to hear your thoughts in the comment section below. 

Cheers for reading X 

My Sunday Photo 29/12/2019

Sunday 22 December 2019

My Sunday Photo 22/12/2019

Monday 16 December 2019

Paperless Post Review **AD**

Hey readers,

As we fastly approaching Christmas you may be thinking of sending Christmas cards to loved ones. Well, there is a fabulous site called Paperless Post who has an amazing collection of holiday cards. 

With Paperless Post products the focus on using fewer trees to help the environment to make it more green which makes it much more attractive. 

Not only do you send a message to a loved one but you are also doing something positive for the environment you live in. 

If you are struggling with time or what to send someone an e-card doesn't worry as Paperless Post have it covered too as they have a fabulous selection of designs. 

Here are some examples of ecards you can feast your eyes on. 

In recent years personalised cards have come very popularly to send to people. You can upload any picture you want and write any message you desire. You can also change the colour and design to meet your needs for the perfect ecard.

Gold ConfettI - Paperless Post - Holiday cards

There are traditional designs if you like the classic look. 

Yule-tied - Paperless Post - Holiday cards

Or you might want something funky and bold so the choices are up to you. 

Warm and Cozy - Paperless Post - Holiday cards

With Paperless Post to purchase e-cards, you will need coins and how to get these coins is to create an account with Paperless Post.

 Another added bonus for new customers gets the first 25 coins free. 

To determine the total cost, take your design’s number of "Coins per recipient" and multiply it by the number of guests you plan to invite. For example, if a design requires 5 Coins per recipient and you are inviting 40 guests, you will need 200 Coins to send your invitation. Our 200 Coin package is $30.

Of course, holiday cards aren't the only item available on Paperless Post. There are many types of cards from birthdays to weddings. Plus there are more then traditional cards because if you're looking for flyers, invitations and even personalised stationary Paperless Post can meet your demands. 

Cheers for reading X

This is an ad for Paperless Post. I was gifted coins to use on the site for Paperless Post in exchange for a blog post. All opinions expressed are entirely my own.