Showing posts with label health. Show all posts
Showing posts with label health. Show all posts

Monday 15 March 2021

How to get rid of a headache

Hey readers,

I suffer headaches a lot since being an adult and they are a royal pain in the bum. Now you can simply pop a pill to help ease the pain in your head. 

Sometimes pain relief doesn't always work so you might want to try an alternative treatment. 

Below I have some other suggestion that may be of use if you are suffering from a headache. 

How to get rid of a headache

1.  Turn down the lights. 

It can be of help to turn down the lights as this may be a trigger due to sensitivity to light. Of course, nothing beats lying in a dark room when you have a throbbing headache.

2. Cold compress.

Applying a cold compress where the pain is in your head can be a great relief. The idea that using a cold compress has a numbing effect that may dull the sensation of the pain. 

A cold compress can be as simple as putting some ice cubes in a tea towel on to the pain, a bag of frozen peas or even a cold shower.

 It is recommended to use the cold compress for 15 minutes and then have a break for 15 minutes. 

3. Get some caffeine. 

This is a strange one as some people benefit from using caffeine to help with the headache and others not. But it is worth a try to see if it helps you.

 With a headache blood vessels swell and tighten which results in an increase in blood flow. The blood flow puts pressure on the surrounding nerves which then, in turn, sends pain messages to the brain which then results in a headache.

 This is where caffeine comes into play with help in relieving a headache because Caffeine has vasoconstrictive properties.

 This basically means that blood vessels narrow to restrict blood flow, thereby alleviating the pain.

4. Hot bath or shower.

Have a hot bath or shower can help relax your tensed muscles which helps a lot with a tension headache.

5. Hydration. 

Being hydrated can contribute to a headache. It can be easily resolved with a glass of water to keep hydrated and think more clearly.

 Above I mentioned that some people have a positive effect on caffeine however some people having caffeine drinks such as coffee and fizzy pop can trigger a headache. So, if that is you it might be a good idea to reduce caffeinated drinks. 

6. Essential oils. 

The smell is a powerful tool to help with the pain. essential oils are extracts from plants to form a base of oil. 

Essential oils have properties attached to them such as peppermint oil as it has calming properties that can help ease the headache and help relax the muscles and help reduce the pain.

 You can use a few drops on a burner or in a bath and a diffuser are good ways to get peppermint oil in your environment. 

7. Sleep.

Having a nap can be worthwhile to help ease the headache as it gives your body time to relax and heal from the pain. 

Do you experience headaches? If so what methods have helped relief your headache? 

Love to hear your thoughts in the comment section down below. 

Cheers for reading X


Friday 12 March 2021

6 reasons why dark chocolate is good for you

Hey readers,

It is often thought that chocolate is bad for you but actually chocolate can be good for you. However, when I refer to chocolate is it is dark chocolate that reaps the rewards. 

This has to be the best news for any chocolate lover out there.  There has been many a study that confirms that having 25 grams of dark chocolate a day has positive effects on your health. Here are 6 reasons why dark chocolate is good for you.

6 reasons why dark chocolate is good for you

1. Mood enhancer.

Chocolate has been found to help lift your mood especially when you are dealing with a lot of stress.

 Obviously dark chocolate in moderate proportions however it is found chocolate can help increase the feel-good hormones endorphins and serotonin levels in the brain. 

2.  Skin.

Dark chocolate is good for your skin, in particular, being a natural moisturiser. Chocolate contains cocoa beans which are full of fatty acids which really good for nurturing your skin. 

The benefits are that it leaves your skin feeling pampered and soft. You can buy products such as a chocolate bar which is perfect to help deal with colder conditions that affect your hands drying out. 

3. Stroke/heart attack. 

Studies have shown that eating dark chocolate every day for 10 years can lower the risk of having a heart attack or stroke in patients that are classed as high-risk patients. 

Dark chocolate contains flavonoids which known to have antihypertensive and anti-inflammatory effects, which relieve pressures on the heart (British Medical Journal, 2013).

4. Blood flow to the brain.

Compounds in dark chocolate have been linked to boosting memory attention, reaction time and problem-solving by boosting the blood flow to the brain. Chocolate contains caffeine which helps a lot with improving your performance levels. 

5. Blood pressure.

If you eat dark chocolate every day you could lower your blood pressure this is particularly helpful for people who have hypertension in just one month. Chocolate is rich in powerful antioxidant flavanols.

What do you think about chocolate? have you thought it has helped your health? Love to hear your thoughts in the comment section down below. 

Cheers for reading X 

Wednesday 10 March 2021

Why money cant buy you happiness.

Hey readers,

A lot of people assume that to be happy you need money. Yes to some extent you need to survive but money isn't everything there many other factors that influence your happiness. Below I have outlined why money can't buy you happiness.  

Why money cant buy you happiness.

1. Free activities. 

Money can't buy some things such as cleaning or going on a walk can bring joy and that doesn't need to be brought to get the feeling of happiness. 

2. Memories.

spending time with someone or people can create happy memories and that doesn't have to be money-based. It could be simply watching the tv playing a game but something funny happens and can bring you joy.  The memories are what can bring happiness and that is based on time spent with people. 

3. Internal happiness.

True happiness comes from inside, it is that realisation that we have and can't buy that. It is contentment based on feelings and the way you feel about your self. Sure you can buy yourself something to get that buzz of happiness but that is short term. Happiness from within is long-lasting and can impact how you feel in the long term. 

4. Geniune relationships.

 You can't buy relationships that are genuine and real. There will be a time when you know who your real friends are and to have that special gift is priceless. You cant buy that authentic friendship, it is real and can give you so much happiness just to know someone has your back is so much better than having millions in the back in my opinion. 

5. Attitude.

I think attitude is a big player in bringing you happiness. The way you view your situation and being grateful for what you do have can really impact your happiness levels. I always remember my nanny saying to me when I was young that there are always people better off than you and there are other people that have less then what you have. 

I think it is important to not hold on to this idea that money can buy you happiness. sure money has a place such as proving food or a roof over your head but realising that there is a point that happiness comes within. 

It is important to not compare yourself to others, you on your own journey and even if you don't have the fancied things that jo blogs have got that is ok because there are things to be grateful for. Taking time to appreciate what you do have is key in helping you find happiness within. 

What are your views on happiness? love to hear your thoughts in the comment section down below. 

Cheers for reading X

Monday 1 March 2021

How to trick yourself into becoming a morning person

Hey readers,

It can be quiet hard to get motivated especially in the morning when you have just woken up. That doesn't mean you can become more of a morning person with practice. Here are some tricks below in practising to become a morning person. 

How to trick yourself into becoming a morning person

1. sleep schedule.

By following a sleep routine can help you get your body into order and get used to the concept of getting up early in the morning. It is important to be consistent and you don't have to go wild but shifting even just 15 minutes early can help train your body to cope with the mornings. 

2. Time. 

Don't expect results immediate change takes time and you need to take one step at a time. Keep practising what you are doing is vital. Even if it is not perfect the first go or even month that is ok. Allowing yourself to make mistakes or not getting the results you want can help you keep motivated and stick at the change.

3. Wind down. 

Make sure you leave electronics all devices behind and not bring them to bed. That means less distraction and giving your mind the change to wind down and get sleepy. Also, try to avoid programmes like the news that can potentially cause an emotional response especially during the current climate with all the uncertainty. I find a good book that can help you get tired and want to go to sleep. it also relaxes me and my mind.

4. Time. 

Get up every day at the same time as this helps train your body and mind to get used to the mornings. Another benefit with the time you feel less groggy because you have already prepared to get up at a certain you are ready to face the day ahead.

5. Alarm clock.

An alarm clock is always handy to have even though you may think you get up naturally at a certain time it is always better to be safe. That is why having an alarm clock is important because the blaring noise helps you get up in the morning. 

It is important however not to have the alarm clock to close to you as you may be tempted to constantly press snooze and that is not good for you. Make sure to put your alarm clock in a place not too far but enough to physically get you up in the morning. Just the fact that you have to get up out of bed is the start point in helping you wake up in the morning. 

6. Light up. 

Light, whether that be natural or artificial, can help you wake up in the morning as this helps reset the circadian rhythm (helps controls your daily schedule for sleep and wakefulness that is tided in with your 24-hour body clock) and make you more alert. 

You can do this by opening curtains or blinds to get as much natural light in as possible. Or during wintertime a lightbox to help create lightness in your room. 

Do you do mornings? and if you do how do you manage to get motivated for the day? Love to hear your thoughts in the comment section down below.

Cheers for reading X 

Monday 8 February 2021

How to stay happy during lockdown

Hey readers,

Lockdown and the whole coronavirus can make you feel like you are on an emotional rollercoaster with anxiety and uncertainty. 

It can be hard to be positive so here are some of my tips to help feel happier during the lockdown.

 I am no ray of sunshine, I have depression/anxiety and autism so that can impact me and know first hand it is important to look after your physical and mental health.

 These tips that I am going to suggest today are things that I personally incorporate in my life. Not saying it is a walk in the park but small steps have a make a difference.

How to stay happy during lockdown

1. Take one day at a time. 

This is a big learning curve during lockdown with all the uncertainty and not having control over a situation. 

It can be hard to know how to feel especially when you feel so powerless in such a serious situation that everyone is impacted with. 

It is key to take one day at a time because that is realistic during uncertain times. Focus on getting through one day at a time and it may not get easier but to focus on one day at a time can make you feel less anxiety. 

The more you practice this idea the easier it gets with time as you are consciously doing it and training your mind to rethink differently. 

2. News.

This next recommendation was a biggy for me. I for one was addicted to watching the news channel for hours at a time and searching the internet about the coronavirus. 

However, for me reducing the amount especially at night I just what the headlines at 6 pm and don't like at the news after. 

Otherwise, this effects my evening and how I sleep. You're not being ignorant just sensible in looking after your mental health, like everything it is all about moderation.

3.  Routine. 

Establishing a routine to breakdown the feeling of the overwhelmingness of the day ahead. It gives you a structure to manage your time and something to focus on. 

4. Talk.

A problem shared is a problem halved. It is important to not dwell on the negativity and let it eat up inside of you. 

Talking to someone even though it might not come with a solution can be a relief to get feelings out in the open. Just getting them feelings out in the open and not letting them just circulate in your head can really help. 

5. Phase. 

I know right now it feels weird to think of this lockdown as a phase but it is temporarily and one day life will be different. Hold on to the mantra and remind yourself often that it is just a phase.

6. You are doing well. 

I know it can be hard to think that you are doing well, but you are as your already managing the lockdown. 

You can do this and have the belief that you can. You have done two lockdowns before and now you are going through this current lockdown, which is tough but so are you. 

What things have helped you manage your mood in a positive way during the lockdown. Love to hear your thoughts in the comment section down below. 

Cheers for reading X

Monday 1 February 2021

7 amazing reasons why you should go for a walk.

Hey readers, 

I know currently during lockdown gyms closed and with no sign of reopening soon. 

I thought I would share the reasons why I think walking is really good for you as a form of excise. 
Plus why walking is beneficial especially during the lockdown period. 

7 amazing reasons why you should go for a walk.

 1. Burns calories.

The good think about walking is exercise and is a good way to burn unwanted calories. Obviously, you won't lose a lot if you walk to the shop around the corner. Aim for a mile or two helps a lot with your health. 

2. Strength heart rate. 

If you walk at a brisk pace this can help strengthen your heart rate by making it work more therefore increasing the heart rate. 

The more you walk over a period of time strengthens the heart as it is a big muscle. So using the heart through walking can make it more efficient bringing more nutrients and oxygen to your organs.

3. Eases back pain.

When you are walking the body produces hormones in particular one called endorphins. This hormone helps decrease your perception of pain. 

Walking is especially good with lower back pain so if you suffer then getting walking as it can work wonders. 

4. Lift your mood.

Going for a walk even if it is to your local park can have a huge influence on lifting your mood. 

Simple things such as getting off the chair, change of scenery, being in nature and getting sunlight can all help make you feel good. 

When you are walking for a length the brain produces feel-good hormones called endorphins which make you naturally make you feel good.

5. Alllivate joint pain.

Incorporating walking into your routine can really help with joint pain. Maintaining a regular exercise helps reduce strain on your body and reduces pressure on your back. 

6. Free.

Walking is fantastic as anyone can dom, you can do it anywhere. It is free and perfect if you want to do something during the lockdown.

 You don't have to walk for hours you could do it for 30-45 minutes but that in itself has a massive positive impact on your overall health. 

7. Low-risk injury.

Walking is a brilliant form of exercise because it carries a low risk of injury. 

Of course, no exercise is immune to injury however the research tends to show that injuries that occur during walking are low.
Some of the reasons why you might get injured during walking are because of distraction whether that be on your phone, not looking where you are walking or checking the road for traffic when crossing. 

Another injury resulting in walking is if you do too much in one go could cause ligament injury. The key is to build up your stamina and not go to an extreme.

 It is important to find a balance that is challenging but not overworked reducing the element of injury on your body.

Do you like walking? What is your experience of walking? Love to hear your thoughts in the comment section down below.

Cheers for reading X

Monday 25 January 2021

Why I love sleep.

Hey readers,

I won't lie but since becoming a parent I love to sleep and appreciate sleep more than ever. Here is why I heart sleep so much.

reasons why I love sleep

1. I love you sleep because you stop me from thinking about food and diet, therefore saving calorie intake.

2. Sleep gives me time to relax and gives my achy muscles time to heal.

3. Sleep is a place where I feel safe. Sleep is a lovely way to get lost in a dream which can take you away from reality.

4. Sleep gives me time to stop me listening and focus on attentively what needs to be done.

5. Sleep I appreciate you because I can stop cleaning after the kiddos for a while.

6. Sleep stops me dealing with emotions which quite frankly are up and down and around the corner.

7. I love you sleep and are my biggest fantasy.

8. Sleep you are free and that is all I need to say.

9. Sleep is a place where I can be myself.

10. Sleep helps clear my head and help me think clearer.

Do you love sleep? Have a missed a good reason to love sleep? Love to hear your comments down below. 

Cheers for reading X

Wednesday 7 October 2020

6 ways to deal with rejection.

Hey readers,

Sometimes I just want to throw the towel in because I feel like a pile of shit. I am particularly venerable in feeling down because my confidence is at rock bottom.

 It can be really mentally draining when you are rejected all the time, it can be so disheartened especially when you have so much hope in that one thing.  So, how do you overcome rejection, well here my tops to cope with such a horrible feeling?

1. Cry.

 First of it is ok to grieve in a sense and have a  good old cry. I feel it is good to mope for a short period as it gives you more time to come round to the decision.

2. It will pass.

Reminding yourself that this feeling will pass and it will get better.

3. Distraction.

 A great way to try not to pay all your attention to the feelings of rejection is to keep yourself distracted. This will make you not feed into the downward spiral of a downer instead you can do something practical and deal with the feelings at a later date when you are calmer.

4. Acceptance.

Accepting the rejection and moving on. It may help to acknowledge that you are not the only person in the world to have experienced rejection. At some point in life, everyone will experience rejection even the most successful people can't run away from it either.

5. Think of the positives.

 Rejection may be a good thing for you. For example, if you attended a job interview you could ask the interviewer the reasons behind their decision to not employ you. This could potentially help you learn and help make changes to improve if needed.

6. Appreciation.

 Finally, I feel it is important to praise yourself as it is an indication that you are living your life and taking that risk by putting yourself out there.  It takes courage to put yourself in a venerable situation so take time to appreciate the work you have achieved.

What ways help you deal with rejection? how do you deal with rejection? Love to hear your thoughts in the comments down below. 

Cheers for reading X

Monday 8 June 2020

7 ways to be happy everyday.

Hey readers,

Sometimes we can forget to find the joy in the simplest of things and life can drag us down.

 But we can do something about that and gain some control back. I have got seven ways that aren't difficult to help find happiness in ordinary stuff. I hope you find this helpful.

1. Time out.

Take the time out of your day to do something that you love doing, whether it be listening to music, reading whatever it is do it make some time to do it! Even if it is just for ten minutes a day it will be worth it in the long term for your wellbeing because you are doing something for you and giving you some time for self-care.

2. Write it down.

 A good habit to take up is to write down something that you are thankful for each day. It doesn't have too big it could be as simple as hearing the birds. This is a way to train your brain to look at the positives in your life and appreciate the small things in life that you have access too. 

3. Outdoors.

Take yourself outside and connect with nature. Go for a walk and just be, take time to notice the environment that you are, look at the different flowers or trees, look up at the sky because we live in a beautiful world and it has a lot to offer.

4. Laugh.

As the saying goes laughter is the best medicine. Laughing produces chemicals in the brain to make you feel good naturally and laughing is also brilliant at offering healing properties as well.

5. Time out.

Take some time out of your day to be mindful and present. All you need to do is it and be and just stop with the business of the world.

 The world goes by so fast that you may miss out and just sitting and slowing down can really be beneficial to your health.

6. Kindness.

Do something for someone else and spread happiness on. Some suggestions are making a hot drink, taking time to listen to the person and what they are saying.

7. Positives.

Write down your feelings and work out how you can help reduce the negative and increase the positive. This allows you to understand and think about how you feel. 

It also gives you some control because you're acting on how your feeling and finding solutions to some problems if you can. 

Have I missed any techniques to help make you feel happy every day? What do you do that helps you find happiness? Love to hear your thoughts in the comment section down below. 

Cheers for reading X

Friday 29 May 2020

Periods after pregnancy.

Hey readers,

I am on my period and it sucks physically and mentally every single month. It feels like hell! I know it is like this for a lot of women.

 However, since I gave birth something happened to my biology I think. I have noticed that post-postnatal changes have occurred and one thing that has happened is changing in my periods which has impacted me emotionally each month when I have my period.

I feel like it is a battle mentally. I am washed with dread a few days before my period arrives. I am terrified and on edge. I feel like I am literally on eggshells, I break down at the slightest thing. I feel fragile and terrified.

 My adrenalin is so high and I can't sleep which doesn't add to the mix because we all know lack of sleep can cause you to be irritable.

I am raging and want someone to give me concrete answers to such grey questions. I feel like I will always be like this and I get so angry because I want to run away from myself but I am stuck with me. 

I hate it and I get so jealous of the husband who is so carefree and relaxed. I hate anxiety, the way it torments me and makes my thoughts go into a fast racing mode. Why do I have to be like this, every fucking month?

 I hate it and I feel rubbish. I am non-stop shaking inside and out. I know the mood swings have gotten worse since I entered motherhood. Every month I am like this, there are times when I wish I could just rip out of my womb!

If the emotional side of having a period was enough to deal with there is the pain that comes along with it too and again it is considerably worse. Before my first pregnancy, I would suffer mild cramps that I could manage with some paracetamol.

 Now, I want to cry from the pain in my stomach. I feel like someone has punched me in the vagina and every time I have a poo it reminds me of being in labour and pushing out a baby. 

I can't lift my sons up as my back during the time of the month is so achy and feels like I have spent all day bending over when in reality I have done sod all.

I just needed to rant as I have had these for years and it sucks being female sometimes.

Have you experienced differences after giving birth in terms of changes associated with your period? Love to hear your thoughts in the comment section down below.

Cheers for reading X