Showing posts with label health. Show all posts
Showing posts with label health. Show all posts

Thursday 9 May 2019

16 thoughts whilst on my period

Hey readers,

Today I am going to talk about periods and that thought that occurs when I am going through the dreading menstruation. Some people may think this is a bit too much information but at the end of the day, it is so important to talk about periods to help period taboos.

So, what kind of thoughts do I have when I am on my period.....

1. Everything is annoying me, even the bloody kettle that leaks are getting right on my nerves right now. 

2. I hate my husband, absolutely 100% because he doesn't have the pleasure of having to deal with a period every sodding month.

3. I am hungry, from the moment I wake till I sleep I can not stop thinking about food and eating. 

4. I feel like someone is stabbing me in the stomach or kicking me as the cramps are taking over and I hate life. 

5. Why do they say periods last 5 days, this is a joke because mine don't and maybe Mother Nature hares so much she tortures me with a prolonged period time. 

6. Right now I am so full of emotions, one minute I am happy and then the next I am having a full-on breakdown because of the anxiety and fear that comes with having a period. 

7. I am definitely not wearing white because that is too dame risky.

8. Got to reach in the bottom of the draw for my 'period pants', all black, big and comfy around the waist.

9. I am out and randomly my period has arrived is it alright too makeshift and use toilet tissue for a pad? 

10. I think I am dying because there is no other way to explain this pain right now. 

11. If I sneeze whilst on my period that is a risk attached and probably best not to do in public unless you want it to look like a murder scene. 

12. I have eaten this tub of ice cream which is acceptable since I am on my period. I now have dealt and think I may become ever fattier and my life is destroyed by one single action. 

13. I wish I could live my bed for the next few days with my heated blanket on to deal with cramp pains and killing two birds with one stone by hiding away from the world because everyone annoys the hell out of me. 

14. Chocolate should be mandatory with sanitary wear just because it is helpful for when you are on your period, fact. 

15.  Why do men think they understand periods? you don't know the half of it so does all a favour with your advice f*ck off with it. 

16. When I start my period it comes to the realisation of why things happened recently and has enlightened me since being on my period. 

Have you experienced any of these period related thoughts? Love to hear your thoughts in the comment section below. 

Cheers for reading X 

Monday 11 March 2019

Reasons to have a Fitbit.

Hey readers,

You probably have heard of a Fitbit but if you haven't then a Fitbit is basically a digital step counter. 

However, there are more additions to the Fitbit such as tracking your sleep, encourage you do more exercise and on the app, you can keep a  record of how you have been doing over a long period of time.

Why should you have a Fitbit? 

1. Track.

Wearing a Fitbit all day means you can monitor how many steps you are doing and because you can visually see the number it is a great motivator to keep on stepping on. 

Since buying a Fitbit I have increased my step count each day because I can visually see it and it spurs me to keep ongoing.

2. Competition. 

A fun element of owning a Fitbit is that on the app you can invite friends to encourage you and compete with one another to be the one to have the most steps that day.

Alongside using the Fitbit as a step counter you can gain badges when you reach certain milestones. 

An example of this would be the urban boot badge where once you have reached the first 5000 steps you will be rewarded.

In total there are over 100 badges that you can achieve. The difficulty varies from the start where it is fairly easy right too the really difficult ones such as climbing the 700 stairs in a day. 

In psychology, it is said that it is much better to start off with goals that are small, measurable, achievable, realistic and have a target.

 If you start off small you grew in confidence and it will over longer period give you the stamina to stick out the exercise regularly.

You can also show the badges you have earned on social media for friends to see. 

Which again is a  great motivator to keep going as you can physically see the achievements have occurred whilst using a Fitbit. 

3. Customer Service. 

When reviewing Fitbit online and reading peoples experience of owning a Fitbit and dealing with customer service overall it has been positive. 

Fitbit is very responsive and helpful if you have a problem with your Fitbit.

4. Water-resistant. 

All Fitbits are water-resistant in the sense that they are rainproof and splash-proof and can deal with a sweaty workout if you so wish.

 Bear in mind though they don't recommend showering, swimming or washing up. But don't worry because it is easy to put the Fitbit on and off. 

5. Fun. 

I personally think Fitbit is fun with the graphs, the buzz when you have achieved 10,000 in the day and the badges.

 There are even realistic workouts that can easily do in 10 minutes to help build up your fitness level on the Fitbit app, and yes doing exercise does get recorded.

 Generally, you feel good when you see the results and it is tangible so it is much real to believe. 

I definitely would recommend a Fitbit if you want to get motivated and feel inspired to exercise. 

You don't even have to buy a brand spanking new, Fitbit. I picked up a fab Fitbit off eBay for less than 20 quid and was only used once. So, there is available depending on your budget. 

Do you use a Fitbit? Love to hear your thoughts in the comment section. 

Cheers for reading X 

Sunday 17 February 2019

How to deal with a cold

Hey readers,

This time of year there is a lot of coughs and colds knocking about. As a parent, they just feel a constant one after the other. So in this post, I am going to tell you some tricks and tips on how to beat that nasty cold.

what are the cold symptoms you may experience?

sore throat
 pressure in your ears and face 
 sore muscles 
sneezing loss of taste and smell

1. Sleep.

One of the best ways to get over a cold is to sleep it off. It allows your body the time to rest and fight of the germs that are in your body.

2. Vapour Rub. 

If you have a blocked nose from all the mucus built up it can be quite tricky to breathe. So using vapour rub can help tremendously to give you some comfort that helps clear the airways to make it more bearable to breathe through your nose.

3. Hydrate.

Keep on top of your fluid levels as it is important when you have a cold or a sore throat to keep make sure you are hydrated. When. your coughing, sneezing or have irritation from a cough at the back of your throat you can feel thirsty. That is why it is key to be mindful and stay on top form by continuing to drink to keep up with the loss of fluid caused by a cold.

4. Medication.

Of course, there is the trusted medication you can buy over the counter to help with pain relief. There is cough medicine to help soothe your throat. There is also medication to give relief like tablets with paracetamol. Lozenges are cough sweets that you can suck on to help relieve painful sore throats.

5. Gargle water.

Putting 1/4 to 1/2 teaspoon of salt dissolved in an 8oz glass of warm water and failing that water at the back of your throat can give temperature relief of a sore or scratchy throat.

6. Hot baths.

Having a hot bath can help relieve painful muscles that comes with having a cold. Also though uncomfortable at first climatizing to the heat can help raise your temperature and make you sweat. Therefore can help boost your immune system to fight the germs in your body.

7. Eat soup.

Eating soup can help a cold as it breaks down congestion that is linked to a cold. Plus soup is really comforting for when you are not feeling well.

9. Humidifiers.

Humidifiers are brilliant at helping you breathe more easier and with the cooling sensation of the steam. You can even now get humidifiers designed to have in your bedroom at night time to help you feel comfortable and get a good night sleep. Doing anything to help get sleep and rest makes all the difference when you are not feeling 100 per cent.

What things help you when you experience a cold? love to hear your thoughts in the comment section below.

Cheers for reading X

Sunday 10 February 2019

Let's stop period taboo.

Hey readers,

Today I would like to discuss periods and the fact that I think in this day and age that we should stop the taboo surrounding periods. 

I don't know why we have such funny attitudes around periods, it is a natural event for women and it happens every month because that is the way I bodies are designed. It has nothing to do with the person we are or to do with how pure we are. Every woman (other than ones with problems related to their period) has periods. 

I recall back when I first had my period at the age of 10 and no one talked to me about it. I remember this feeling in my pants and when I went to the toilet and looked down I was horrified. I literally thought I was dying.

 It was scary because no one told me about periods and what to expect. If I was told then I could be prepared and embrace it for what it was. 

I know a lot of people have similar experience and even now when someone mentions periods in the media they get a backlash of hatred and disgust.

 They view periods as the most disgusting thing in the world. But it is not, it is just nature doing what it was designed to do. 

What is a period?

The body releases tissue it no longer needs. This tissue is found in the uterus and it is designed to be removed from the body in order to make room for the baby to be grown in the uterus. Every month the uterus lining gets thicker so that is prepared for a fetus egg if the women become pregnant. If the egg does not get fertilised then what happens is that the lining gets released as blood from the vagina. This process is called menstruation or period as it is commonly known. 

It is nothing awful or deadly, it is just a process of life, which one of the main reasons us humans are alive is to reproduce. Yes, blood is not pleasant, it is not something I enjoy, I don't choose to have a period nor anyone I know would say they enjoy their period. It is just life and something that you have to manage every month. Not to mention it messes up your emotions. 

I am not ashamed of my periods. I have accidents where I am not expecting my period and there is blood everywhere. I get up and clean the mess which is fine. This does not make me dirty, it means I wasn't expected it and it happens you know. I can't know everything I am not Mystic Meg. 

One thing that bothers me with periods and peoples view is that somehow because I am a woman and have a period that I am somewhat below a man. I am disgusted and dirty but why? because blood comes out of my vagina once a month? It is just a ridiculous way of thinking which again stems back to religion and this idea of uncleanness. 

How can we improve the whole notion of breaking down period taboo? well, the key is to talk more especially when having children, though my sons are male and won't experience periods they know what happens to mummy.

 Why is mummy wearing sanitary towels? Why she is moody or a bit shouty at daddy? Kids like to explore from a young age and it is important to talk about these things.

 I think it is important for especially girls to understand what happens beforehand so they don't feel scared and that they can learn to embrace periods for what they are.

 We should celebrate when a girl starts periods as opposed to casting fear into them. We should see it as a practical element to being a woman and reducing the fear. Overall it is important to keep talking about periods. 

Cheers for reading X 

Thursday 24 January 2019

top 10 reasons to move your body more

Hey readers,

It's January which means we know all about the frequent messages about improving your health. So, why do we need to move more, well let me tell you the benefits of increased activity in your life?

1. Move. 

shallow focus photography of person walking on road between grass

When you move more you feel so much better physically and mentally to help enhance your quality overall. Hopefully being in better physical health can also have a knock-on effect with general life and the way you respond to it.

2. Doctors. 

Keeping fit can actually reduce the risk of needing to go and see the doctor for help. It produces lowering the risk of developing health conditions such as diabetes and high blood pressure.

3. Reminder. 

pink bell alarm clock showing 2:10

 If you set your alarm every 20-30 minutes as a reminder to get up and move more can help your spine and allow it to get stressed by just moving around can be a big help towards your posture.

4. Calories. 

 Of course, when you are moving about it helps speed up your metabolism which then means you are burning more calories which is all good in keeping fit and well.

5. Circulation.  

orange heart decor

 When you are moving about it helps you with circulation by working your heart and getting vital nutrients and oxygen to the cells. This then helps the body be more efficient and getting the body to work quicker.

6. Warmth. 

When you are moving more it means you are naturally getting more heat to your body and this is really important during the colder months.

 Using exercise is a great technique if you are struggling with the cold even if it is just moving from one room to the other you are working your body and getting warm by working your muscles. Not only is moving good for circulation but also when you walk more, you sweat more which is a natural way for the body to get rid of nasty toxins from the body meaning a more healthy you.

7. Hormones. 

woman holding blush emoticon during daytime

When you are walking the body is producing the feel-good chemical endorphins that help improve your mood but also it is a natural pain reliever which apparently can help reduce the risk of tiny tears in muscles and tendons. Being more active has helped severe suffer from arthritis as overtime keeping active help with reducing stiffness in the body.

8. Metabolism.

Not only does exercise help with your metabolism it also helps with your immune system making it stronger and reducing the risks of getting a cold or any other gem related illnesses.

9. Sleep. 

woman sleeping on bed under blankets

Exercise helps you get a better quality night sleep which will also work with again improving your immune system and metabolism making your body be even more efficient.


 Regularly excising can help improve your energy levels meaning you have the energy to do more stuff which will again it will make you feel better because you are getting stuff done and will enhance your mood.

Do you do exercise and does it help your health?  Love to hear your thoughts.

Cheers for reading X

Tuesday 22 January 2019

10 ways to reduce chronic pain.

Hey readers, 

As a person who suffers from chronic pain, I can totally relate to with wanting to find ways that can help manage my pain. Here are some ways that I have found beneficial in helping me manage pain day today. 

1. Distraction. 
Book, Reading, Read, Relaxation

Anything that can take your mind away from the pain can really help, because you can only focus on one thing at a time and if you are focusing on something else then you not putting the emphasis on the pain and that can help a great deal. 

2. Exercise. 

I have suffered during my period week with really bad back pain and the one thing that has helped me is to do exercise and move the muscles. Even if it is just walking and being active can really help over the long period. It is important to take your time and don't push yourself as it is something you can progress when the time is right for and your body. 

3. Counselling. 

Consulting, Mental Health, Health

If your chronic pain affects you emotionally whether it grieves or a loss or even the feelings of frustrating and not achieving because of your help, something you can consider is counselling to talk someone confidentially about your feelings and getting the emotions out there. 

4. Avoid alcohol. 

I know for some people drinking is a form of escapism and can make you numb the pain but in the long run, it really is not good for your health. Try reducing or avoiding it because though the pain is tough going it can help in the long run with not having the lasting effects after drinking and being in even more pain. 

5. Quit Smoking. 

Man in Hoodie Smoking Cigarette

Research has shown that people in chronic pain are more likely to smoke larger amounts than the general public. I think some people use smoking as a form of pain management but in actual fact can make it worse with circulation and breathing difficulties causing the pain to intensify. Opting to not smoke will help a great deal with making the heart work better and making you're breathing a lot more cleaner. 

6.  Relation techniques. 

Great pain management is taking up relaxation techniques such as progressive muscular relaxation when you work through the body and focus on one muscle at a time. Such as the back consciously letting your muscles relax because when your anxious one of the symptoms is your tense your muscles and that causes pain if it occurs during long periods of time. Allowing time to learn to relax every day can really help give your body time out and relax. 

7. Hot bath.

Woman's Face on White Liquid

Hot baths using Epsalt salt (which you can get cheap from Home Bargains) can help with the pain and help with allowing the body to relax and stimulate the blood flow with frozen or stiff joints.  it can also be a safe place to do stretching to help with the muscles that ache. 

What helps you with pain management? 

Cheers for reading X 

Saturday 12 January 2019

5 ways on how to eat mindfully.

Hey readers, 

I have had issues with my relationship for a long time and I have slowly been working hard to have a better grip on how I respond to food. One way in which I work on is a thing called mindfulness eating. 

What is mindfulness eating? 

In simple terms instead of rushing my food down me, I am consciously aware of my food and taking in all the feelings and sensations I great when I eat which means it makes me feel fuller for longer and I can enjoy eating instead of it being a chore. 

There are many different ways to do mindful eating and I am to explore them below.

1. Stop. 

I think because when I was growing up it was common practice to eat ALL your food of your plate because if you didn't it would be a waste and people seem more frugal when I was younger anyway. Even though I now know this is not a good practice to participate in. It is more important to listen to your body and stop when you feel full rather than just eating for the sake of eating. 

2. Listening. 

One of the techniques I have adapted with mindful eating is listening to your body and eating something when your stomach rumbles or your feeling faint because your blood sugar is low. It is ok to eat when you want, you don't have to eat junk food either it can be something small and satisfy like a piece of fruit or some yoghurt. Also, getting out of the bad habit of eating your emotions - this is something I have struggled with, whether it be good or bad times food is there as a way to deal with the emotions. Now I try other techniques such as going for a walk or buying a book I want when I want to celebrate something I want to achieve, 

3. Eating together. 

I am a binge eater though I am getting better it is working progress. A characteristic of binge eaters is eating alone, secretly and rushing the good down my gob without even thinking about it. Now, I try to eat with people or when I do have a binge do it outside with people - amazing how you don't rush around others. 

4. Diet.

At the end of the day food is fuel and getting the right nutrients is key in giving you that energy to feel better. It is better to eat a variety of food then just food that is comforting and being restricted. Eating meats, vegetables and some protein is all the way forward. 

5. Sit Down. 

I am guilty of rushing about, eating on the go and just doing something else whilst eating. A good habit is to sit down, take your time and focus on just at the moment eating the food, making sure it is chewed enough and enjoying the flavours. It is a lot more enjoyable eating food this way and adapting to a slower pace. You feel better for it after and if you take the time to eat slower you reduce the risks of getting indigestion.

Cheers for reading X 

Thursday 3 January 2019

10 reasons why sleep is important.

Hey readers,

Sleep is so important to your wellbeing and helps recharge your batteries. I have given more reasons below on why sleep is so important for you.

Helps with concentration and productivity.

woman in brown scoop neck long sleeved blouse painting

When you have a good night sleep you have more productive because you have more energy to do the things you want to do. Likewise, with concentration, you have more patience because you have more energy to focus on the things you want to do. Therefore you can spend more time doing a task and getting it right without making mistakes because you are sleep deprived.

Improves immune function.

With sleep it allows your body to respond to the requests needed instead of trying to manage with the lack of sleep. Sleep deprivation suppresses the immune system, therefore, more at risk of getting ill if your body is not working accordingly.

Boast memory.

When you have adequate sleep it allows your brain to be able to focus on information rather than trying to keep your body awake due to lack of sleep. It means less time needed to work on remembering the information which in turn means you can hold on to the information into your brain.

Stay alert.

When you have sleep it allows you to stay alert and on top of what you are doing be used again, you have more energy and not trying to fight the tiredness that you have lost due to not getting the right amount of sleep.

Better health.

animal cat face close up feline

With getting sleep allows the body to have the energy to make the body function correctly. An example of this would be heart circulation and getting the blood to follow correctly to the different parts of the body.

Reaction time.

A positive aspect of getting sleep is that you are more awake and can focus on what you are doing. Therefore your reaction time is better because you are not tired and have a quick to respond to the environment.

Weight loss.

For one you are sleep and less time means you don't need more food to compensate for energy. When you are tired and you are more likely to be tempted to go to sugar and high fats because it is faster to get quick energy to manage the tiredness. Consequently means you are using more calories than recommended, therefore, putting on weight.

Reduces stress.

Getting a good nights rest can help you control and regulate your emotions. If you're tired you don't have the time to rationalise which can cause you to get stressed.

Less pain.

It is proven that lack of sleep can cause more pain. If you on the go for long periods tour muscles need to rest however they are still working longer then needed causing pain for the person lacking in sleep.

Decision making.

portrait of beautiful young woman over white background

With having sleep you can have a rest and give your brain time to have a break from thinking and doing physical things with the brain. When you are sleep deprived you can't concentrate and therefore struggle to reason correctly.

Cheers for reading X