why being married is good

Hey readers,

Sometimes married life can be mundane especially with kids involved, you can lose sight of the person. So, today I am going to celebrate why being married is good.

I can be myself, warts and all without feeling a numpty because I can be a numpty in my hubby's eyes and still be loved.

why being married is good

You don't have to do all the whole dating thing and put on this pretence idea of someone who you are not.

Provides safety and knowing that I have the support and someone else who helps with the childcare.
I can fart and it is acceptable.

I can be relaxed and have a laff now and again ;)
You have the company together and can watch something you both enjoy.

Having someone to make you tea.

Having someone help when you are too anxious to deal with a situation.

Having a different perspective to yours.

Learning things from them that you would never think of.

Feeling less lonely.

Having the option to say to the children, 'go and ask daddy' when you can't be arsed to answer the 2345 question that day.

Having deep and meaningful conversations.
Experiencing things with that person.

My hubby is someone I can rant, swear and let it all out.

Having a soundboard to listen to my whacky ideas.
Someone I can trust who is reliable.

Having a ying to your yang.

Being allowed to have a cheeky sleep now and again whilst they look after the kids makes a huge difference.

Someone who can help me understand forms and how to fill the fuckers out.

Someone to look after me when I am full of sickness.

Feel like a team that can handle the matter rather then just me tackling it and totally screwing it up.

Cheers for reading X

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