Wednesday 9 September 2020

Preventing burnout

Hey readers,

It is the end of the week, yet again I am pooped, my body is aching and I feel like I can do the bare minimum. I can only come to the conclusion that I am suffering from burnout. 

As an autistic person, I don't have as much energy as a neurotypical person because It takes a lot more energy to deal with the difficulties that I to face throughout the day. 

So, I am have been searching recently on ways to try and help ease the burnout and thought maybe others would like to hear on what has worked for me.

Make sure that during the day I have time out, where I don't have to think but just be. This is not a time where I learn anything or have to remember certain cues, it's a time to allow my brain to switch off and relax.

Being kind to myself - so easy to say but putting it into to practice is hard, especially if you are a perfectionist and give yourself a hard time. Looking at the small positive things that you have done during the day is a reminder that you’re doing ok.

Accepting that I cannot be superhuman and my energy is limited. The major thing that I struggle to do is ask for help or accept that it is ok for another person to do something, it does not mean you are a failure.

Being realistic with what you can achieve and focusing on sectioning out the important stuff and not so important. Learning the art of negotiating and leaving somethings for another time helps me make the day not so overwhelming.

Having a list and writing them in order of importance, plus giving those time frames helps me feel less overwhelmed and feel more comfortable about how my day is going to pan out.

What ways help you in dealing with burnout? Love to hear what you think in the comment section down below.

Cheers for reading X



  1. I think exercising regularly helps - even if it might seem counter intuitive. If you're not a big exerciser or short on time - do workouts off the internet or dance - hard energetic dancing. It's a quick boost and a mental shift.

  2. I find lists essential for keeping track of everything and getting my priorities sorted. It really helps to relieve extra worry about forgetting something in a panic. Thanks for linking up with #parentpower

  3. My youngest son is autistic (only 7 years old) and I do think that he must be exhausted by the end of the day. I think you mentioned that you find it difficult to ask for help but you really should. In my experience people love to help. #ParentPower

  4. I think selfcare and making sure you do look after you is the most important. Even if it is basics like some exercise, time out, sleep etc. It's very tricky. For me as a full time homeschool but still working mum it's making sure I get time alone for me, to do basics like exercise even if it's just once a week. Also things that make you happy. It's not selfish to look after ourselves.
