Thursday 10 September 2020

What does depression look like.

Hey readers,

Below is a picture of myself taken today.
You could say I just look a normal everyday person minus her eyes being shut. You don't think oh my God she looks like she has depression because you know what I do.

People always assume that if you are smiley or cheery then somehow you can not possibly experience depression.

 Well, news flash you can and furthermore, it can strike at any age, background or social mobility status because depression doesn't pick who it wants to cause this nightmare mess inside your brain.

Anyone can experience it, at any time in their life. It can last weeks or years and definitely something that you can not physically measure, much to the disapproval of the government.

My point being is that some days I laugh, I cry, I hate and dread and all the other messy emotions that life has to bring. But also I have this mental battle, some days are OK and I manage. 

Other periods are short spells and then if there is too much stress in my life then can be several months where the black dog doesn't sod off. 

He creeps around like a stalker catching me every time I am venerable or exposed to stresses in life. It sucks and there is nothing I can do but plot on. 

For me, it is a chemical imbalance mixed with stress and managing with my autism. It sucks and yes I smile but please be aware that I can mask like the rest of them.

We need to stop presuming that depression only affects certain people and that it is more grey than black with how it is presenting to the outside world. 

So just be mindful that there may be someone smiling but deep down they are internally dying and hating everything that their life is.

what is your experience of depression? Does this resonate with you? Love to hear your thoughts in the comment section down below.

Cheers for reading X


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