Monday 11 May 2020

How to stop procastinating

Hey readers,

Sometimes I am guilty of procrastinating - where I want to put off things and makeup all the excuses under the sun just simple in order to not do the task. 

There may be many reasons why people procrastinate and it can be hard work to change that mindset. So, here is some of my tips that have helped me to get in touch with motivation and get stuff done.

Write it down.

Sometimes, I have so many things I want to do that I simply get overwhelmed and don't know what to do. 

Therefore, I have always found it good to start with writing down all the things I need to do. Then put them in order of importance and follow that list accordingly.

 It doesn't matter if I don't do all the things on the list, it is the starting of the tasks that are important. Once I have achieved this I can feel less dread and more inclination to carry on the next day and so on.

Smaller goals.

If you have one big goal a way to move forward is to break it down into more measurable chunks. 

Small steps lead to big things and knowing you have reached levels can spur you on to the end. Rather then simply seeing something big it can be better than to visualise and be inspired to get going on it.


Have a timetable that is split up into smaller times. For example, don't just think about doing all the work in a three-hour block but maybe do one hour in the morning, one hour in the afternoon and one in the evening so it is broken up giving you that break.

It is actually better to do work in smaller chunks throughout the day as your concentration will be better and then in turn production will be much better quality.


Sometimes, I go and change my environment to give me that fresh scenery to work in. 

I have worked in the library and been much more productive because of the people around and got more done when there are fewer distractions at home.

Buddy up.

working with someone else can be a real motivator as they kick you up the bum to get work done or the social pressure is much stronger therefore willing to do the work rather than doing on your own and you use all the excuses inside your head. At least with someone else they can encourage you to do the work and challenge you if you are feeling like you have an excuse to step away from it.


We all know rewards can be a great way of achieving a goal because it gives that incentive to do that work. 

So, maybe have a reward chart that you can treat yourself to something small such as a hot chocolate or an episode of your favourite programme.

What kind of thing helps you get out of procrastinating?

Cheers for reading X


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