Sunday 5 May 2019

My Sunday photo 05/05/2019

Tuesday 30 April 2019

Me and sweat

Hey readers,

If you haven't noticed it is getting hotter and with someone who is fat, the problem with sweating makes an appearance.

I know this may be too much information for some people but this is my life and sometimes it isn't pretty, however, I think some people can relate to this topic.

So as we heading for more high temperatures now and the sun gets hotter there comes a time when your body wants to help you cool. How does it doe this? by sweating naturally. Therefore, sweating does have a purpose but still dame right annoying!

I like dresses and skirts and to wear them with bare legs **oo la la**. However, I can't be walking about in the sunshine for too long as I get this thing called chub rub. This is when my thighs sweat so much that it rubs and it is really bloody uncomfortable actually!

I hate the sensation of my palms sweating so much I am frequently having to wash the sweet of my hands. Of course, I always carry a handy sized bottle of antibacterial hand gel with me to help give my hands cool feel.

Another symptom is feeling exhausted because the heat is hard work to get motivation and worse still at night it is too hot to sleep. This makes me ratty and quite moody at times because I am miserable when I don't have enough sleep.

I hate feeling sweating especially when it so humid and sticky - you literally have to pull off your clothes. I have to multiple showers a day to clear that sticky hot feeling that comes across my body when I have been out in the sun. 

Not to mention that sweating gets on my nerves and makes me a moody bugger to be around. Yes, I do complain but I am British after all.

If I had to choose between sweating and freezing I definitely would opt for freezing my ass off to be perfectly honest with you. At least you can put more layers on but with the heat apart from standing in a cold shower hard shift that uncomfortable feeling.  

Do you hate sweating as much as I do? I would love to hear your thoughts in the comment section. 

Cheers for reading X 

Monday 29 April 2019

A to Z of autism

Hey readers,

As an autistic person and a lover of the A to Z post I thought I would combine the two and see what I would come up goes!

A - Autism obvs!
B - Biological family members are linked to autism as well associated with me. 
C - Communication is somewhat a struggle. 
D - you can still manage in life even with a diagnosis
E - Elopment where I just leave without telling anyone or letting my husband where I am going. 
F - Focus is strong when I am obsessed with a topic.
G - Girls have autism too!!!!
H - Hypoactivity occurs most nights.
I - More information needs to be made aware of adults who have autism.
J -  An autistic person likes things just so. 
K - Keep things consistent.
L - Language is difficult whether it is non - verbal or verbal it is hard to know how to get it to acceptable levels at times.
M - Meltdown because I have had a fair share of them.
N - Neurotypicals need to be said because we have to abide by there rules.
O - Overwhelmed in most cases. 
P - Patterns are comforting.
Q - Quiet helps calm me down.
R - Routine is worshipped. 
S - Sensory over or under it will be there somewhere.
T - Tired because it is hard work trying to remember all these rules. 
U - If I am not overwhelmed then I am underwhelmed and it is hard work trying to get the right balance of stimuli. 
V - Vocal in terms of speech where I don't know my volume, can either really loud or quiet as a mouse. 
W - Worry seems to make an appearance often in my autistic world.
X  - Fragile X is a close relative of autism. 
Y - You are not less with autism.
Z - Zoloft medication helps my obsessive nature.

Cheers for reading X  

Sunday 28 April 2019

10 tips on how to have an awesome picnic.

Hey readers, 

Nothing finer than getting outdoors and eating Al Fresco, it just makes the food taste so much fresher and enjoyable especially when you are with the family. Even since becoming a parent I have enjoyed as a family picnicking more so when it so warm and sunny. I thought I would put down my top tips to have an awesome picnic. 

1. List. 

We all know I love a good list and planning is key especially with children. Make sure you write down all the food and equipment you need so you don't forget it when you are in a blind panic. 

2. Drinks 

Make sure you bring plenty of drinks even more so when it is hot so you all keep hydrated. Another crucial thing is to bring open opener if you need for bottles that need to be open with an opener. 

3. Blanket. 

Having a blanket that you can throw on the ground with soft material makes picnicking a much more enjoyable affair. I know it is a nice to be one with nature sometimes the floor is dirty or still, quite a dame plus you don't want any grass marks on your bottom from where you have been sitting, haha. 

4. Mosquito repellent. 

Always handy during the summer when there are bugs about and you don't want to be eaten permanently. So make sure you have some mosquito repellent ready on hand to apply and make a barrier between bugs and you. 

5. Ice ice baby. 

Make sure you have ice boxes or ice packs to keep food cold and not melt such as ice-cream or drinks. This will help your food and drink stay cool and more enjoyable. Plus nothing worse than have a melted mess in your picnic box to have to contend with. 

6. Stay clean. 

Something to add to your list of items to pack is wet wipes because they make life so much easier to clean sticky fingers. Napkins as well help collect or the crumbs and keeps the area tidy where you are having your picnic. 

7. Delicate.

Probably best to leave delicate food at home as it is another stress to worry about especially if you have children to deal with as well. Simple is key when it comes to picnics. 

8. Check.

If you are planning on going to say a country park check beforehand that they are open and that picnics are welcome, always best to be safe then sorry. 

9. Activities. 

Bringing activities to keep you and your family amused is something to consider. Things like a football or frisbee are good because it is fairly simple to play and you don't have to carry a lot of items with you, which ideal if you are a long way from the car or bus say and you don't want to carry loads of stuff with you.

10. Sunshine.

Always stay protected in the sunshine, make sure you have sun cream, hats and shady places to eat when it sunny. Also, if you go at high noon during the summer it can be baking hot and you don't want to get sunstroke so be prepared and stay cool. 

Have I missed anything off my list that you think is a good thing to do when you go for a picnic? I would love to hear your thoughts in the comment section. 

Cheers for reading X 

My Sunday photo 28/04/2019

Wednesday 24 April 2019

Apps I use everyday

Hey readers, 

Today I thought I would share with you my top 10 apps that I use every day, if you are like me and love a noisy then this post is for. 

1. Pinterest

Kicking off with firstly with Pinterest, such a great place to share my content from my youtube and blog channels, not only that but great for finding inspiration on a whole host of ideas. I also am attracted to this app as it is a visual base.

2. Facebook. 

If I am honest with you I only use Facebook for finding details about blog opportunities and blog support otherwise I would delete this app as I don't algorithm and definitely not what it was when it was in its heyday. 

3. Twitter.

I love a bit of Twitter especially when I am watching a live programme and you can look under the hashtag and see other peoples thoughts, I think this is a really fun way of viewing programmes. I find it also helpful for me as an autistic to look and see other peoples experiences on their journey with autism. It makes me feel less isolated even though I don't know these people, to know that you don't feel alone is comforting, to say the least. 

4. Google. 

Let's face first port of call for asking questions from finding a certain come dine with me an episode to trying to find out when McDonald's sell milkshake from. Yes, I have done both these searches recently, lol. 

5. Youtube.

YouTube the hub of entertainment - well for me anyway it is mostly where I watch something. There are documentaries, vlogs, music, interviews, how-tos, it is quite frankly amazing what you can find nowadays on YouTube. 

6. Facebook.

I know niches are all the rage now and again like Facebook all about the algorithm. That being said I still enjoy Instagram, I just which it was in the right order plus so many great memes which let's be honest saves lives. 

7. Shopmium.

If you like free sh*t (hell yeah) then check this app out as you can buy items from the list of available products, scan the receipt in and get the money back, sometimes all of it and others it will be a percentage. One of the best frugal apps out there in my option. 

8. O2 Moments.

Again, another money-related app and I am on 02, therefore, can apply for the rewards such as a free hot drink on a Wednesday from Cafe Nero, yes, please. 

9. Gmail. 

Got to check out all the emails from pr companies emails of junk companies, else they do build up and that is a ball ache to sort out in the long term. So once a day check on emails and clear out the rubbish. 

10. Sarcasm Quotes. 

Finally a fun little app with memes and funny photos to put a smile on your face. 

What apps do you like using? Any on my list that you also enjoy? Love to hear your thoughts. 

Cheers for reading X 

Tuesday 23 April 2019

10 reasons why i love carbs

Hey readers,

Is it just me or over recent years carbohydrates are frowned upon. In some cases, some people even fear them due to this myth that carbs make you put on at least 3 stone if you dare eat a portion of mashed potato or a bowl of pasta.

So, instead of fearing carbs in this post I am going to tell you reasons why you need carbs in your life. I have selected my top 10 reasons why I love carbs.

1. Exercise

 Carbohydrates are good because they provide energy which is fantastic especially if you want to do exercise. 
Nothing is worse when you have a plummet in low energy. I for one have experienced this and it has led actually to me to binge eat which then turns into a cycle of self-sabotage.

2.  Delicious.

I eat carbohydrate because of the simple fact that they are delicious. I think is whenever it comes to food is moderation is must and it is ok to have carbs as part of a healthy diet.

3. Lose Weight. 

 It is funny because actually, carbs can help you lose weight if you eat the right carbs correctly such as brown bread, pasta, and bread along with vegetables and nuts.

4. Full up.

 Carbohydrates fill you up and leave you filling fuller for longer.

5. Type 2 Diabetes. 

Carbohydrates control your blood sugar level and help reduce the risk of getting type 2 diabetes therefore even more reason to tuck into them and enjoy. 

6. Diet. 

 I have in the past tried out the Atkins diet but in all honesty, it made me feel super miserable. I  just love carbs and what is even better is carbs makes me feel so good. So, now I am not going to sacrifice them to lose a few pounds. I would rather be fat and happy any day of the week. 

7. Versatile. 

 Carbs are so versatile that you can fry them, boil mash, grill and even oven cook them. This makes cooking with carbs so appealing to use them when adding to meals to make them interesting. 

8. Brain Fuel. 

Carbs provide fuel and brain power so key to helping if your studying and need help to working out information out.

9.  Full up. 

Carbs name your belly feel happy as they provide fibre which helps keep the bowels moving and lower the chances of constipation. The focus should be on using wholemeal grains as they have the best qualities in the food and better for your digestive health. 

10.  Vitamins. 

Wholegrain carbs provide vitamins such as vitamin B and iron which helps with keeping the blood flowing around in your body. Also, carbs help with keeping your immune system strong therefore fighting off any germs and keeping your body healthy.

Do you love carbs?  Or are you scared to even look at them? Love to hear your thoughts below.

Cheers for reading X